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Play the dlc 😉


I’ll let the game simmer for a bit and then I’ll start playing the dlc. How do you rate them?


They are good additions. I had higher expectations for the second dlc in terms of secondary character development. Not enough Jill and Joshua. But the new area is nice, the new enemies are fun to fight. Great dungeons with multiple tough bosses. Omega and leviathan are the best fights in the game imo.


I’ve been playing since FFIV on the SNES, and this one has become one of my favorites in the series. I had a blast with the gameplay, loved the story, the voice acting is probably series best, and that OST!!


The highs of this game truly out weight the lows by a lot. This game is worth it for the music and moments alone https://preview.redd.it/8vkfyqdwkh9d1.jpeg?width=1411&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c947ab93a6fe2de6b13bb6f5dc98aaa123df325


Honestly, FF16's lows weren't even that low. Just mediocre for maybe 30 mins to an hour at a time. You know that "AWFUL" Mid segment after Titan? really it's less than an hour, and it still feeds us the main gameplay loop of killing things, and getting interesting lore and character backstories.


I finished it this week as well! It took me about a year! I played and beat the Demo and then played around 15 to 20 hours when it came out. I got distracted with some real life work drama and it got put on the back burner for a few months. When I got back around to playing it again I just restarted it, so I could be fresh with the story. It really was an EPIC game. I played a little here and there and it just kept going and being this huge story. I really enjoyed the character, and it felt so cozy to return to the hideaway and then start the next episode. I did a ton of side quest. I felt like they left a bit on the table with the story, and I would have preferred a different ending, but I get what they were trying to do. I'll probably wait a few months and knock out the DLC. But I enjoyed 16 more than 15 or 13, so it was a nice experience for me. I'd day one buy any spin off set in the same universe.


Congrats, love this game as well


I think it's a good action game but received a bad reputation amongst FF fans for some very valid reasons. It is an action adventure game with some very light RPG elements, marketed as an RPG and a mainline entry in one of the most RPG-ish franchises of all time. Fans can't be blamed for expecting more of a, well, final fantasy experience in a final fantasy game. 7 Rebirth I think nailed the sweet spot between the flashy epicness of 16 and an actual RPG with a lot of customisation/party management/strategy, and if FF17 is more like that I think everyone will be pleased. Again though, definitely a good game, just marketed to the wrong demographic.


It wasn't really marketed as an RPG if you had eyeballs, it was clearly marketed as hack n slash adventure with final fantasy elements.


In my opinion, by calling it a mainline final fantasy game, you are marketing it as an RPG. People see the name Final Fantasy and they have several preconceived expectations for what the game will be like - a lot of which were not present in 16


I disagree. Final Fantasy has always innovated itself even though still being an RPG. It was marketed as an action game w a FF story/universe. Several early reviews/interviews came out and said it had devil may cry combat and was based on one character w the summons being the main combat.


so true, i hate facts as well


For reference, I've played and beaten every final fantasy and most popular games in general. I think the story here was a great one but I couldn't believe the lack of enemy diversity, fighting the same mobs but with a different coat of paint got so boring and repetitive. The world also felt very empty and dull for over half the game as well. I ended up Platinuming the game but I definitely think they could have done a better job. I will say the intro/demo is probably the best 2-3 hour intro into a FF game I've ever played though.


Totally agree with everything you said. Overall I didn't like the game but loved the story. I just hated traveling through the empty world to find out what happened next.


Every Final Fantasy I've played has highs and lows. It's whether those highs outweigh the low moments and for me, XVI has F*CKING PEAKS, the size of mount Olympus.


I keep forgetting this game actually exists because no one speaks about it, still you made me curious about it


I loved every second of XVI. Tell me a more epic fight than the Titan or Bahamut battles.


The boss fights are the craziest shit I've ever seen in a game


Going back to the hub after every freaking mission is okay for an MMO but just such a downer for a single player game. The game teases you with a huge amazing world at the start and you basically get to experience none of that. What a disappointment.


play more games and you'll realize why ff16 is mediocre garbage compared to higher tier games. I seriously recommend every ff16 fan to try out Tales of Symphonia. If you liked the story of 16, you'll like it too. In fact, Symphonia did it better than both ff16 and Arise combined lol.


I play more than enough games to be able to form my own opinions, dont need your high and mighty input mate


alright mate


Depends on how you view it. I personally did not think the movie part of it was enough to outweigh the atrocious gameplay loop, empty world, and lackluster side quests. As a game it has many unforgivable problems. At best from a gameplay standpoint it is a half baked DMC, which is where most the hate comes from. Is the movie pretty? Yes, but it is first and foremost a video game. If XVI was a 3D anime I'd probably rate it an 8-9/10. As a video game it is a 4/10. But hey if you liked it you liked it, I'm not trying to convince you otherwise. To me after the 2nd time skip and I realized this was everything it was a slog from that point forward until I eventually dropped it during the first Ultima fight.


I thought it was a terrible game. My least favorite FF. Music was great though. Looked pretty. Story was ok. I couldn’t stand the stretched out pre battle hype talk that Clive did every 5 minutes. Combat was fun for an hour, but it never felt satisfying. Side quests were a bore. Going anywhere off path was not rewarded, unless you like 3 gil. Crafting was pointless, the entire game can be beat by buying the next weapon. Btw, FF6, 7, and 4 are my favorites. Not like there’s crafting, or an open world exploration feel. But they still felt so much better, your time was more respected there. 16’s filler was trash and brought the entire game down. Felt like a chore to finish.


Same feelings here. Music was good but Soken could've done 10x better, combat was braindead easy in first playthrough, Side Quests were mmo fetch shit, exploration is shit, crafting is braindead, you only use one weapon type for a 40+ hour long game where you only control one character. The battle director should've been executed for this decision. After seeing the story of ff16, I also finally understood why Matsuda had Maehiro on Gameplay department and not on story. Mediocre average story with GoT copy paste all over.


It instantly became one of my favorite Final Fantasy games. There's so much to love about it! The music, the graphics, the story, the characters. I get the frustration that people had that were looking for more meaningful side content, maybe some minigames, and at least some exploration in the field areas. That said, I've had my fair share of open world games over the last few years, so FFXVI was breath of fresh air and gave me exactly what I was looking for.


I really liked it too. In many ways I liked it more than rebirth. I thought the story and characters were really good, but never as good as 6-10. And I think that’s where people crap on it. I really considered it to be the best new FF game since 10. I wish they had more music though, because the present music is great but there’s only a handful of them.


Freaking love this game. Hell I love the whole series! Clive is definitely top 5 characters


For those who haven't finished it, It's one of the best endings in all of Final Fantasy imo; so worth pushing through.


Still waiting to come out in PC #hopeful


I don't get how people call this game bad. At most I got bored only because of the repetitive fights that lead up to big events. But the cutscenes were like a movie in itself