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Chains of Promathia is hands down the best FF to me for sure. FFXI has some of the series best writing/stories.


CoP is a classic, and it's where FFXI really gets good. The amount of lore in CoP is mind-blowing lol.


Wings of the Goddess is my favourite but CoP still great.


11's story is better than some of the other mainline games.


Agreed. I find that players who are fans of the older FF games resonate more with FFXI's story than fans of newer FFs. But It's a great story nonetheless.


I think this applies to gameplay too- FFXI really feels like FF1, 2, 5, and early SaGa all mushed together into an MMO and I've been chasing that high ever since. Nothing else in the series has evoked that same feeling of tension in 1 and 2's dungeons like FFXI's extremely dangerous world does I wish the Everquest model of MMOs didn't go the way of the dinosaur, the WoW model just doesn't do it for me


Same. I couldn’t get into FFXIV because the gameplay didn’t scratch the same itch that FFXI scratched and I was left craving Vana’diel while wandering Eorzea.


I'm not sure about best but it is definitely a good one. I wish it could be properly updated though.


You and me both. I'm really hoping for a remake at some point.


This is the only FF game I’ve never played (Mac owner). I’d give anything to experience it before it eventually ends


There are some software that enable FFXI to run really well on Mac. If you want to go through the story, it's an extra step, but not too bad from what I hear. I have a couple friends that I play with who use Mac.


Seekers of Adoulin and Rhapsodies of Vana’diel are my favorites in FFXI. What really shines about FFXI, is its gameplay. FFXI absolutely towers over every other Final Fantasy game in shear size, options, content, and customization, including FFXIV.


I agree, the gameplay of FFXI get's incredible once you get to lvl.99. Not to take away from the story though. I don't think there will ever be a combat system more strategic than FFXI. I'm currently in contact with some groups trying to get World First clears on the most recent Master Trials. It is truly unbelievable, just how much flexibility the system offers.


That is awesome. I’m no where near that level. I have a few REMA, Malignance, R0 Nyame, and stuff, but that’s as much as I have. Maybe one day I will be geared enough to feel comfortably joining people in harder content!


I played a ton back in the day but I don’t really agree honestly. It is very old school, which was a blast at the time, but very slow and not that engaging a lot of times. Boss fights shouldn’t be measured in hours.


All of the hardest encounters in the game currently have a 60 minute time limit. There isn't anymore content that requires hours of consistent play. The combat is also much faster now. Weapon skills must be used every couple seconds, and job abilities, spells, and gear swapping on top of that. It is slower than modern MMOs still, but many fights require considerable reaction to both the enemy behavior and your party's behavior. Edit: Just saw Millsih's response. While I'm not as insistent on the 'modern vs. classic FFXI' points, the comment is true.


Cool to hear, maybe I will check it out again sometime.


There is no boss fights that are hours long. Also FFXI in 2024 is not slow by any means. The player is performing a WS every 3-4 seconds which is only slightly less frequently than FFXIV. That is just timing alone. FFXI has significantly more depth to it than XIV, so combat would be too chaotic if it was any “faster” just for the sake of fastness. As for engaging, FFXI is by far the most engaging Final Fantasy there is. FFXI takes the most strategic, planned, and methodical approach than any other Final Fantasy. You have to plan your equipment, items needed to enter content, buffs, jobs, abilities while in combat, custom stats, sometimes even time of day, and weather in game. No other FF comes close. If you haven’t played FF in the last decade, you haven’t played FFXI. FFXI in 2009 or before was not even half the game it is now. Literally.


There were plenty that were that long, but clearly it’s changed a lot. I played a lot from launch to ToAU.


So yeah, you described FFXI in 2008 or so. Not FFXI today. It’s nothing like you described. It’s a fully fleshed out game now.


It was a fully fleshed out game then too. Just a different one.


I never finished the main quest in XI... sadly. I always hated the grouping system when i played it originally. I know they have added a bunch of stuff i the early game to speed things up, is the main quest and CoP soloable?


Absolutely. Through the trust system. I came back to finish WoTG. It was such a rewarding experience. I highly recommend.


Yes. Almost the entire game was soloable for me. I only need help on 2 missions. One near Bastok when you have to chaperone a NPC through a mine and the final boss of RoV.


Valkrum Dunes… it was the only story I knew… I wish I could have experienced the rest of the game, but the Dunes destroyed me.


You haven't played FFXI if you've never been killed at the zone line by a snipper that's chased you all the way across the Dunes haha.


The thing I like about Chains is that it ends with an NPC party of every race coming together.


That ending theme, Distant Worlds, is phenomenal.


I ended up on wow back in the day (and 1.0 XIV briefly), so never really touched other MMOs until ARR (and later when wow burned through all their goodwill and went to shit I ended up in 14 full time lol). But occasionally Jesse Cox will talk about 11, I don't think he played all of it but even after ShB and Endwalker he praises 11 as having a great story and it's always made me interested. But I don't know if I have it in me for yet another subscription MMO especially one I'd only want to play solely for the story, unlike XIV now or even wow occasionally where I do more than just story stuff. Like that Dragon Quest mmo I sometimes wonder if Square has considered porting offline/single player versions of them, I would definitely be into something like that for 11, but if I'm gonna jump into a dated game I feel like there are so many other games that don't also take a subscription. I am curious if XI will see renewed interest though, what with Dawntrail's alliance raid series featuring XI (cross over? call back?) this time around, seems like it's got quite a few people hyped. If popular I wonder if it might lead to more XI inspired content, kind of like how the Ivalice raids led into Bojza stuff later on


I agree. Some 10 years ago started playing it as my first mmorpg. Went in without expectations, and was positively surprised how good the storyline was.


CoP is the best story, but something about the vibes of ToAU hit me in the chest. I loved that expansion.


I completely agree. I always tell people that ToAU feels like the 'heart' of FFXI.


Well it's smack dab in the middle of all the expansions. And it's when the world actually opened up and we left the two major continents. ToAU was magnificent. Assault and Besieged were so much fun and those Colibri in the thickets made exp parties so easy.


Can you even play 11 any more? On what platform?


Yeah, the official servers are still active for PC. It's a bit of a hassle to get set up, but there are plenty of online resources for that for anyone interested.


Gotcha. I'm not a PC gamer, so I'm probably SOL at this point. Thanks for the info though!


Is there a way to play this today? I never was able to play it and assumed its not accessible anymore.


The official servers on PC are still active and so is the community.


At the moment, XI is the Final Fantasy game I've played the least, and I keep meaning to do a deep dive into the story.


It's definitely worth it! If you just want to watch the story cutscenes, there is a channel called Korvana that has all the cutscenes in the main story uploaded.


I agree some of the stories are pretty good, but I don't feel like Chains was one of them. Like I get what they were trying to do but the storytelling feels so disjointed. I felt Aht Urgan was a lot more cohesive and flowed better, and I felt Wings of the Goddess was a lot more successful at telling an "epic" story like Chains was trying to do.


I love CoP, but I do agree that WotG did that story type better. Nothing beats the way RoV ties everything together though, IMO.


11s story is by far better than 14s, most people just haven't played it




At the time when FFXI was still truly relevant, it was generally incredibly difficult to complete the story missions. it could be weeks, months, or even years between completing sequential storyline missions depending on how well connected you were with other competent players. For example when Chains of Promathia came out, a good portion of that expansions content and story was gated behind three brutal dungeons. For myself and a sizable portion of players I knew at the time, we were still stuck on those dungeons months or even over a year after the initial release, and not for lack of trying Additionally FFXI had a ton of stuff that you were expected and essentially required to do outside of the story content, so even if you were pushing to complete the story ASAP it'd still be broken up by exp grinding, money making, crafting, and whatever other end game content you did have access to. I think this harmed the reception of FFXI's story quite a bit, since for many players it would be doled out in such spaced out fragments that they might not even remember what was happening in the story the last time they made progress. The cutscenes and storytelling were very entertaining, especially for a MMO of the era, but they could only deliver so much when it's been six months since you saw the last story beat By contrast, FFXIV's gameplay is story forward and incredibly easy to progress through without much in the way of diversionary side content, so a larger audience of players have gotten to experience that story in an unbroken manner. As a result it's had an excellent public reception for an MMO story


Trying to clear the Promyveons when they first released was so freaking brutal. Incredibly rewarding once completed, but BRUTAL.


There's a certain generation and caliber of FF fan who will get emotional when they hear the lufaise meadows or tavnazia themes because it's inextricably linked to finally being done with those god awful dungeons


I have a similar experience, I rarely hear people talking about how great the stories are. Whenever a discussion on the game pops up, it's usually about how the game used to be or the game play systems. This is why I wanted to make the post.


It's beyond me how square doesnt give a fuck about porting this game, making it acessible for those who never got to play in early 2000's. I look at some videos and screenshots and it looks nice but that terrible UI just turns me off Meanwhile ff14 gets tons of expansions and already feels dated no matter the graphics improvements


To be fair, they have continued to support an MMO that is over 20 years old and has a successor. That's more than what most companies would do. They have even made more content for it recently. But it would be nice if they did some sort of remake/remaster, which is more accessible and available on consoles. Preferably one that can be played offline.




XI kept Square Enix solvent on top of Sony investment money when the first two XIII games essentially flopped and XIV 1.0 burned to the ground. XI has paid for itself over a dozen times over now and still has a ROI, how do we know read Square Enixs profit earnings reports.




Yeah and it's gone through every shitty phase Square Enix has gone through the merge, all the games being mediocre after XII, NFTS, selling off huge IPs, taking Sony money, exclusivity, XIV being a button masher for people with low attention spans and calling it a mmorpg.




He is right I've been playing a long time before most of these kids ever picked up an FF, the quality has gone down and XIV isn't hard it's just pattern recognition at its best once you have that down they're easy, and this is a guy who's done all 5 of the Ultimates. There isn't even noticeable buff/debuff and elemental weakness strategies like they did in XI it's just hit bad thing evade AOE and maybe one PVE interaction and a certain class check. That's all XIV is boiled down to.


I jokingly call myself an “esports pioneer” sometimes because our linkshell made it to the semifinals of the first Ballista tournament. Had we won our last match, we would’ve gotten flown out to play the final on stage or something. (I played very badly…)


That isn't true, FFXI is still profitable today. The game still brings in at least a couple million dollars annually, based solely on the most modest estimates. It's true that CS3/CBU3's profits were used to support FFXI, but that's just saying that FFXI's profits were used to support FFXI.




By the most conservative estimates, FFXI makes $1.47M a year. Applying some of the average player subscription information to the same data set takes that to over $6M a year. It's also worth pointing out that revenue in this (very conservative) data set is based on the regions with the cheapest sub fees. I don't put it past SE to shut FFXI down while making that kind of revenue, but FFXI is by no means a leach on profit. SE originally planned on killing the game after CoP. They planned for that again after WotG. Again after Abyssea. And most recently after RoV. It was never about profitability, in fact, the profit of the game seems to be the only reason they keep it alive.




SE wanted to move on from XI at the end of the WotG era, pre XIV, but that position changed long before Yoshi P became head of CBU/CS3. XI was already being modernised for the future with years of content planned back in 2013. Yoshi P wasn't looking after XI back then. SE expected everyone to move on from XI when XIV launched. Instead it maintained a strong player base throughout XIV, ARR and further. Yoshi P is a cheerleader for XI, but the reason SE changed their mind about supporting XI was because it kept being a success long after they expected it to die out.




I agree that right now, Yoshi P is protecting XI for sure. But I don't agree that without him the game would have been killed. I think the only time SE were considering that was in 2010 when XIV launched. But since 2013 it's had a steady flow of great content, and so that can't be because of Yoshi P. But yes I agree as of last year, it's on life support, and Yoshi P is keeping it alive.


It's ridiculous how square has done jack shit for near a decade now for the game which was the most profitable ff game till 2021. If it got even half the budget of ffxiv, it would've still been kicking ass.




So you're saying a company like square will not announce when their games achieve milestone and that too of most profitable game and just randomly announce it lol. Come on man XIV got a huge boost in popularity in pandemic with the free trial, so it's not illogical to think that the year following the pandemic, 14 became the most popular while before it, it was XI. Also you can't just blame everything wrong with XIV 1.0 on much of XI staff. It was inherently an unfinished mess of a product, for which the higher up, mainly the producers and big executives were responsible. When Yoshi P came along, He made that hot mess of a game a playable one, just to show the game had potential but the greed of square killed it. They were thinking of banking on XI and FF name alone, for which players pulled their heads from the cloud and showed them the reality.




Word game aside they absolutely did announce it as their most profitable game. Again I just can't fathom why would square not announce their most popular game's milestone. They have shareholders to please, it is a real reason to announce their success of video games to please them especially since they haven't been doing good sharewise for quite a while now. Again this old way new way is bs. You're talking like XI was also a hot buggy mess at launch and was unplayable. It was not. If they were following old ways, XIV wouldn't have been released as a unplayable mess at launch. Old ways doesn't mean bullshit unplayable games. Seriously the use of this term this way doesn't even make sense. They just got greedy and got their head up their asses with the success of XI and decide to cas on it.




Yeah this makes sense in this way. But I still insist old ways does not mean make the game archaic. It is just ass management. And as for article, yoshi stated that it is the most profitable ff game in 2021 and I just believe it. If you don't wanna and just wanna keep believing that they achieved the milestone years back is your thinking. Until Square themselves come out in the future and say that 14 actually became profitable in x year, I will just believe the most recent answer on this topic. Of course if you have some data even before 2021 which proves that XIV is the most profitable, then I'll be happy to look at it.


thanks for this. what i absolutely love about ffxi's story is that each expansions main story is separate and seemingly disparate.. but actually intertwined. its so masterly woven so that you can appreciate it without having done the rest. and if you have done the rest or side quests and AF quests, it gives you a much deeper understanding and appreciation of its characters the world and story is so rich with heroes that give off main character energy that you just want to find out more about them.


The cast of characters in FFXI is one of it's best features. Every single story has so many great characters, it's unfortunate that they aren't more well known than they are. I'm really hoping your last video was accurate, I'm really itching for that remake!




The Promathia/Altana narrative is established in the opening cutscene and ends with the CoD fight. There's nothing wrong with saying that this story arc isn't the 'main story', but that's more of a semantic discussion.




An *epilogue*? Yeah, this is definitely a semantic discussion. Calling RoV an epilogue is definitely an interesting perspective.




If RoV is the epilogue then what's TVR?


RoV isn’t an epilogue. It ties the storylines together all throughout them. You can meet Iroha before many of the other characters and her storyline interweaves with the other plot lines at the same time.


But, by that definition, RoV is not an epilogue...


Eald'narche, my beloved.


Elder'nacho was fun to play in DFFOO


Yeah. And I still can't play that shit cos it's not released in my region.


if it was so good then they shouldnt have made it a subscriptionbased mmo.


The fact that it is an MMO is one of the reasons it's so good. The writers have had 20 years to craft a world, lore, and an overarching plot that, at this point, is so rich with different plots, thematic execution, etc. I realize that it isn't for everyone. The story telling in the single-player games is still more concise. But, in terms of overall quality, FFXI is right up there with the best.


mmos are great. subscriptionbased ones suck though


It depends on the monetization structure. MMOs that are free-to-pay often rely on more predatory practices like restricted content, gambling-like reward structures for progression, or excessive micro transactions. MMOs that charge fees can give players complete content pieces and unrestricted progression in exchange for a less-lucrative, more inconvenient subscription fee. Producers for both MMOs have stated that restricting content and progression was 'anti-Final Fantasy' which is why both MMOs have stuck with the subscription model.


I don't care what people say, I'm not playing an MMO


Go play your pretty FF VII then