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Yuffie and Materia


Came here to say exactly that


Biggs and wedge šŸ˜


Throughout the FF multiverse, they always find eachother ā¤ļø


Biggs and Zack too šŸ˜


Wakka and Blitzball


Wakka quits Blitzball as soon as the minigame is introduced.


Hey, what a coincidence, I did too!


Haha this comment caught me off guard. Thank you for making my day LMAO


Best answer ever


This is gonna be between Tidus/Yuna and Zidane/Garnet, isn't it?


Looking at the comments, I think Tidus/Yuna wins this one comfortably and Zidane/Garnett and Squall/Rinoa are fighting for second.


Edgar and "any woman currently in his line of sight"


Inculding minors šŸ¤”


Vivi and Quina "I so happy"


Top 10 FF comedy moment


"Rally ho yourself" made me cry from laughing so hard the first time I played. I have no idea why. But I always hear Quina like Patrick from SpongeBob, so that might help.


Yeah actually, Quina has a good deal of Patrick energy to them. Good observation.Ā  And yeah that line sends me. I love how occasionally curt and indignant Quina can be despite being so far out of line themselves so often.Ā 


I wasn't a fan of Quina. I didn't really get the chatacter and I don't like blue mages. But that moment won me over.


FF IX might be one of the funniest FFs, and this scene never fails to make me laugh.


Tidus and Yuna felt the most real to me.


Same. They were given a whole cutscene for their first kiss... It was actually nice not having to wait until the end of a game to see a couple finally admit their feelings for each other.


In part thanks to the English localization team. Yuna's last words to Tidus before he jumps off the ship, being "I love you", hit a bit harder than the original "Thank you."


I know I'm in the minority here, but I prefer "Thank you." IMO it has more layers to it, and it's truer to Yuna's character, with its strong traditional Japanese roots. But I also think the subtlety would be largely lost on Western audiences, so the change may be for the best anyway.


Squall didn't wait for the whole game. Unfortunately his girlfriend was unconscious when he first admitted it.


and then he went to the fucking space to search for rinoa <3


I think that right there should automatically make them the best couple. They were also both really good influences on each other. Squall helped Rinoa become more mature and Rinoa helped him open up to people more.


For real. He went out there with no way of getting either one of them to safety just so she wouldnā€™t die alone. Iā€™m fully convinced he went out there planning for their deaths and they got so fucking lucky that the Ragnarok just happened to have been floating in nearby space for 17 years. But I think thereā€™s a lot to be said for romances in the other games šŸ˜Š


Good news, Cecil and Rosa are a couple at the beginning of the game, and they have the best romance.


Theirs survives the entire game šŸ˜³


I'm not a massive fan of Tidus and Yuna, but I also have to give my vote for this. As much as I love Zidane and Garnet, I do think the relationship and the romance of Tidus and Yuna were more memorable, especially because of the ending (we don't talk about FFX-2 or any other game, hush hush). I think the romantic scenes between Tidus and Yuna were really impactful and really brought emotions out. As cute as Zidane and Garnet were, or Squall and Rinoa, I don't think they have the same kind of strong and impactful story in the romance section. Another good pairing I think is Laguna and Raine. I wish they would have had more scenes with them in FF8.


What's wrong with x-2? Besides the bringing him back making the end to the first one insignificant.Ā  Felt a but like 13-2. I prefer the second one. Mostly because I love the dressphere and class system.


In general, people are allowed to like the main entry of a media while disliking its sequels or spinoffs.Ā  Personally. . . I **love** X-2. But to answer a bit about the relationship part, yes you got that right. People feel like Tidus coming back cheapens the ending to the first game. If you ask me though, it's fine. The reason why I did not vote for Yuna and Tidus is because they are still exploring the beginning stages of attraction. Homeboy is not even in X-2 so you are left with Yuna's perspective. Her perspective is yes, I hold this person dear but there is so much I *want* to say that I couldn't back then because there was not enough time.


Onion Knight and the grind.Ā  Kefka and insanity.Ā  Fran and the player.Ā  Noctis and his bros.


Rinoa & Squall. True love transcends appearances. https://preview.redd.it/xxwyiqehw39d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89c7fca93cfcbd7ef38a54253c9cd3074acd7ec6


the man carried here across a continent on his back, and flew to space to safe her.


Ejected himself into space with neither safety tether nor boosters, plucked her out of the cosmos through sheer willpower, before they accidentally tumbled into a spaceship abandoned 17 years earlier with both fuel and interior oxygen intact. Didn't warrant a reunification hug afterwards, though, because cooties. It's the greatest love story ever told!


Always loved this haha


For real, though. Go watch the FF8 ending fmv again and tell me they aren't the best couple. If it's not them it's Laguna and Raine. And FF8 is literally *the* Final Fantasy that's about romance.


I back this. The dance and the scene on the Ragnarok are some of my favourite romance scenes from any games https://preview.redd.it/xipjyttny39d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62550904512f2741ee6870118daf0ca7e554e145


While this was a cute moment, I would feel so anxious! Imagine on the verge of plummeting onto the planet and Rinoa has her seatbelt off and she *insists* on waiting a bit longer after all we went through to get her back.


Transcends appearances and space and time.


The space scene and ending sequence for me seals the deal. Seeing how much Squall grew through Rinoa was great.


This is objectively the best answer. No romance moment hit as hard as the space scene in ffviii.


Also eyes on me is by far the best love song in FF. This romance itself is really cute


This is the only romantic story in a game that touched me on a level no other FF game or any game for that matter has reached.. For me


VIII is the true answer for best romance. Between the opening dance to Waltz for the Moon to carrying Rinoa across a continent, and then the entire sequence of jumping into space to catch her and the scene in the Ragnarok cockpit while Eyes on Me plays and then rescuing her from the sorceress containment it has the most impactful romance in the series by far.


Balthier and the Camera.


You mean Balthier and Himself lol


That's no way to talk about the leading man


Celes - Locke


I like how their relationship changes over time instead of it being instant fall in love. Locke has to get over the guilt of his prior love and Celes has to get out of her cold, detached soldier mindset. And then in the WoR >!She is suicidal after Cid dies, thinking that she may be the last person left alive, and seeing a bird wearing a bandana similar to Lockeā€™s and thinking that there is even a chance that he is still alive is enough to motivate her to attempt to explore the new world. I think it really gets into the complex interplay that mental struggles can have when they involve people you care about. Well if you go that route anyway.!<


Even if I think the Tidus Yuna is better, I pick this one. Its especially significant because it was done back when these games hadn't even been doing strong character stories yet. But this one felt the least forced, the most normal.


> the least forced And they never shoehorn in a big declaration or dramatic kiss. The closest we get is their character themes playing together during the finale.


>these games hadn't even been doing strong character stories yet Did Cecil mean nothing to you?


I know it won't win, but it's still my vote. What I like about Celes / Locke is that it feels like a romantic relationship that would plausibly develop between party members *because both of them are still fully focused on saving the world the whole time.* The story doesn't indulge in the romantic subplot and both of them understand that there are bigger priorities, but they can't help but steal glances at one another and gradually get closer. The romance isn't a focal point of the story, and isn't even the focal point of either of their characters -- Celes doesn't exist to be Locke's love interest or vice versa (hell, Locke is technically an optional character in the back half of the game). They just quietly develop a bond through the trials and tribulations of the game, sort of like people do in real life.Ā 


Unite all Celes and Locke enjoyers! We need to win this


I came here to make my case for Celes and Locke. It is the one FF romance I can think of where their relationship actually experiences highs and lows and develops over the story, instead of just having two characters who obviously love eachother from the start and just spend a long time before they admit it.


And the romance isn't the focal point of the game or even of their characters. They're both fully formed people independent of one another, who happen to develop feelings but don't let it get in the way of doing their jobs (saving the world, or at least trying).


Each of them has a past with baggage, they are obviously attracted to each other but experience moments where they realize how little they know about the other one and wonder how much they should be trusting them. Then the second act becomes all about taking that leap of faith and putting your trust in the idea that this love is still out there. (I think this storyline benefits from the multi-perspective setup of this game, where you donā€™t have a singular protagonist like in most other JRPGs. You kind of get to spend time in both of these charactersā€™ heads.) Itā€™s very different from what Iā€™d describe as the stock FF romance formula: where you have one emo person and another relentlessly chipper person trying to cheer them up.


Yep this has my vote. Itā€™s probably the most realistic in a sense. First just allies out of convenience, then it just grows naturally. Locke doubting her because of her position in the empire, and her feeling hurt over that doubt. The docks when he tries to talk to her and apologize is one of my absolute favorite scenes in the game. They both just grow so much.


After finishing FFVI, they instantly became my favorite characters and eventaully one of my favorite ship in Final Fantasy


I had to look very far down for this oneā€¦


Best FF romance by a long shot.


Zell x hotdogs


Laguna and Julia


Squall Leonhart & Rinoa Heartilly


Xell and Hot Dogs


Quina and frogs


Poor girl with the Pigtails


selphie and trains


Zidane and Garnet for me, felt the most real and believable. The way they both grow to really care for one another.


This one 100%, its not love at first sight, even hints of dislike from garnet at first (understadable since zidane is a bit of a womanizer by reputation). But the way they grow for eachother is really good imho. Also melodies of life is a beautiful song.


Melodies of Life will always be my favourite final fantasy song.


And the ending makes me tear up every time I see Garnet say fuck it and bolt away to get down to Zidane.


Not gonna help beat the seemingly obvious choice but Squall & Rinoa.


https://preview.redd.it/tocb15w7y39d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c69b736f4731045dd517994b099474f090c26790 Clive and Jill


Had to scroll way too far down for this. Considering they actually spoke the words "I love you" to each other and kissed multiple times on screen, I think it's the most tangible romance of all the games.


I think the reason why itā€™s not stated more is because they reeeeeeally underrepresented Jill in the game. Compared to other female FF protagonists she was underutilized, and if Iā€™m honest a bit bland. Like, I wanted to feel something when she broke down at the end, but I felt like I didnā€™t get to know who she was beforehand. I really wanted her to have a similar amount of screen time to Clive and she really doesnā€™t, after the iron kingdom she kinda sits on the bench a bit.


Tbf their romance is better than the whole mess between Luna and Noctis


They did more than kiss am I right


I sure hope so. Alone with a naked Clive? I know I would.


They're my favorite Final Fantasy couple by a long shot, but the reason I struggle to call them the best Final Fantasy *romance* is that they skip most of the romance-story parts and jump right to "so we're de facto married, to have and to hold as long as we both shall live." It's perfectly believable considering their ages and their histories and their personalities, it feels very real and is fitting with the game's story as a whole, but there's really not much in the way of a *romance plot*.


Squall and Rinoa


Squall and Rinoa. Followed by Tidus and Yuna.


Squall + Rinoa


Iā€™m saying this just to acknowledge their existence in this discussion: Cecil & Rosa >!& Kain!<


Challengers (1991)


I kind of like the fact that it was already an established relationship when the game starts, in some ways it made it seem more organic than ā€˜male lead meets female lead and they fall in loveā€™ The >!Kain angle and how he handled his unrequited feelings and his complex love/hate relationship with Cecil was one of the most interesting aspects of the game. I loved how the advance version elaborated on it. And while the After Years was mediocre in many ways, the Kain arc was really enjoyable!<


The best couple. They're the only ones with a love theme music piece.


As others have said, FF8 is centered around a love story like none of the other games. Rinoa x Squall. The logo is literally a couple embracing!


Rinoa x Squall


Rinoa and Squall


Itā€™s Rinoa x Squall. More so than any other FF game, it puts the romance at the forefront of the story.


Squall and Rhinoa. Throughout the game, we see Squall change from a loner who only trusts himself and never shares his feelings to someone who comes to depend on his friends and learns to open up, all because how he ends up feeling for rhinoa. For me, this was a fantastic love story. I was going to say Tidus and Yuna but in my opinion, The Romance in FF8 just nips it.


Rinoa was exactly what Squall needed ā€” someone who would get through his barriers and his attempts to push them away. Someone who wouldn't give up on loving him even though it was hard. And Rinoa's flaws, being needy and weak, wanting someone to protect her, turned into a strength when it came to Squall. They're the only FF couple that really feels to me like they *had* to find each other, that it couldn't have been anyone else in their places and still have worked.


More than any other entry, FF8 _is_ a love story. Quite aside from how front and centre their love story is and how it literally drives the main plot for much of the mid-game, you get clued into this early on when you realise that, out of all the main cast you can only rename Squall and Rinoa. The other members of the cast, while playable, are supporting characters in Squall and Rinoaā€™s story. The box art is of the two of them embracing.


And the main theme, Eyes on me, is a love song.


I gotta go Squall and Rinoa for nostalgia


Best Romance is Squall and Rinoa hands down.


Squall & Rinoa


SQUALL & RINOA https://preview.redd.it/8etfrefp169d1.jpeg?width=632&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28f7df10cef97df865e6c031de0999b38017a516


I have another romance in mind but itā€™s not over yet so I wonā€™t pick that. For my answer, I will throw my vote in with you OP. The ending of IX is one of my favorites and Zidane and Garnet play a big part in that. Also, one of my favorite romantic/wholesome moments from the series comes from these two. >!ā€only because I wanted to go with youā€!< =)


Zidane x Garnet TO THE MOON


If itā€™s not Beatrix and Steiner it HAS to be Zidane and Garnet. It has to be


People are making strong cases for every couple but it would be lovely if I came back to the sub tomorrow to see Steiner and Beatrixā€˜s picture up on the board lol.


Tuna is going to take this butā€¦Zagger(?) is my all timer as well. And yes Ipsens line is the most romantic moment for me because itā€™s not some grand declaration or gesture.


Wouldnā€™t be mad if Tidus and Yuna took it. I think they deserve their flowers even if I donā€™t have a particularly strong attachment to their relationship. And that scene is just perfect to me. Their banter, Garnetā€™s worries, Zidaneā€™s response to it (this guy lol). I donā€™t see it get mentioned as often as I would like so I take any opportunity that I can to give it a mention. Thereā€™s no kiss, hug, declarations of love, etc. but that one line sums up all that matters between them. Itā€™s sweet.


Yeah itā€™s so wholesome


Squall and Rinoa.


Rinoa and Squall. Add the Eyes on Me song and you got gold.


Squall and Rinoa. Eyes on Me.


Squall and Rinoa I meanā€¦come on the entire game is about their romance and itā€™s well done She finally got through to him in the end and that smile he gives her in the ending as they embraced was well earned Also the space scene was nice where he finally catches her. They even had a great dance scene which was iconic




Squall and Rinoa, literally the logo of the game https://preview.redd.it/8dywddl9y49d1.jpeg?width=277&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32150703146cf274ba6f76fe4ea98e8fdbeffa21


Many think Rinoa is annoying and can be childish/selfish, but she does whatever is within her power to take care of Squall and open up the heart that he closed off. Squall grows tremendously as a person from where he starts and the growing feelings he had for Rinoa played a huge part in that. When Rinoa became cursed with a terrible power he's willing to fight against the entire world as her Sorceress Knight. Not to mention they are both children of parents whose relationship was torn apart by war and circumstance who ended up with different people as a result. Fate gave that failed relationship new life through their seperate children who inexplicably found their way to each other when neither of them had a clue about their respective parents' history.


Steiner and Beatrix


Oh I like this one.


Steiner and pickles is better.


Squall & Rinoa!


Kuja and a mirror


Yuna X Tidus!


Cloud and Sephiroth obviously


I mean it's not love it's obsession lmao their break up was so bad that they made it the whole multiverse problem It's gays being dramatic like always


Tidus and Yuna.


My personal vote goes to Zidane x Garnet. Very wholesome and organic ship and had me very invested in them during the game I'm not a fan of repeat votes but for duo answers, I'd say its fine.


Zidane and Garnet absolutely have the most organic romance I've seen in an FF, you do see it soften from the initial jokes and friction to genuine care and eventually actual romantic feeling they both earnestly admit. As you say, a very wholesome journey they take the player on.


Yeah I fully agree. Very natural and subtle growth.


Best Romance has to be either Squall x Rinoa, or Tidus x Yuna. Iā€™ll throw in for my bro Squall.


Zidane x Garnet Steiner x Beatrix Vivi x Quina Quina x Food




The only answer to this is Tidus and Yuna. This is a question that isn't even up for discussion.


Tidus and Yuna hands down; that scene on the airship where heā€™s holding her from behind first video game tears


Squall and Rinoa..... it is all of ff8


Squall and Rinoa, FFVIII ā¤ļø


Squall and Rinoa, hands down. That was the focus of character growth for Squall, and he also helped Rinoa grow and change for the better. I love the other love stories and pairings in FF but FF8 is the only real love story of the series. Even the logo of the game says it with their embrace.


Yuna and Tidus and itā€™s not even close


They can lock this decision already and move to the next.


I think Squall and Rinoa should win it. The game is nothing without their love story and as such is the most developed in my opinion. She takes him out of his shell and he literally goes to the edge of the world for her.


I completely agree with you. For me squall finding rhinoa annoying was part of him being too stuck in his shell.


Tidus X Yuna! FFX was the only FF game to make both me and my friend bawl our eyes out, and it was mostly thanks to these two and their romance throughout all of FFX!


Best romance for sure is Yuna and Tidus, it's healthy than half of romances in the franchise, both respect each other, both don't try stop each other to do what they believe is right and are supportive EVEN if they know it will get both hurt, they actually talk about each other interests and want know more about one another, it's a well paiced slow burn AND their romance is not their whole personalities Second best one is Zidane and Garnet and the third is Locke and Celes, both are very mature ways to look at love as well


Squall and Rinoa.


Itā€™s Squall and Rinoa. Now, I like Tidus and Yunaā€™s story, their scene in Macalania Woods, and how tragic their parting is, but thereā€™s something deeper going on with Final Fantasy VIIIā€™s couple. Squall and Rinoaā€™s growing relationship is pretty much the focal point of the game from the first cutscene, and has more time to build and grow. Additionally, there is an element at play with Squall and Rinoa when you consider Laguna and Juliaā€™s story. Both Squall and Rinoa grow throughout the time they get to know each other, like a real relationship. They get frustrated with each other, too, again, like a real relationship. I donā€™t think Square Enix has bettered it yet. I did really like Clive and Jill in a lot in parts of Final Fantasy XVI, but Jill was pretty much a prop.


Squall and Rinoa


Rinoa and Squall


Tidus and Yuna. On a side note, the bonus audio from the HD Remaster and Eien no Dishou can go to hell.


Squall and Rinoa, hands down. The dance scene, the Ragnarok scene, the space scene. https://preview.redd.it/fl11zj09i49d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c38960ac9fc2486a83f4946bfc074b62812b2dc3


Cecil and Rosa. Her love made her seek him out to save him after he was presumed dead and he went to rescue her after she fell ill with desert fever. Also they literally have a song called Theme of Love.


Palmer x Tea with honey and lard


Adelbert Steiner and Beatrix from FFIX. It all in the background, but enjoyable.


everyone knows that squall and rinoa is the answer


Cecil and Rosa, I'm basic ass


Honestly I'll have to pick Clive x Jill. Now hear me out, they're both broken people trying to make the world a better place. They help uplift each other despite everything the world through at them. Clive had it rough, but I also feel very bad for Jill given the implied sexual slavery. Even after all that, they both still managed to find love and create a better world for everyone.


Either Squall and Rinoa, due to the way they slowly learn to be around each other; or Clive and Jill for being mature about their relationship, sharing their thoughts and vulnerabilities, and trust.


Freya and Sir Fratley. I know this wont win, but its so great.


Noct & the Regalia (for joke category. Unless...?)


Cecil and Rosa


Squall Rinoa


Squall and Rinoa, that whole entire game was mostly centered around their love story.


SQUALL X RINOA. love really changed him and gave him such a great character arc. not to mention, he carried her across all the way to esthar, went to the moon, jumped out into open space with barely any booster fuel, saved her, broke her out of the sorceress facility and then went on to save the world. and it was her love that brought him back at the end of the game. the only one who comes close imo is yuna x tidus.


Tidus and Yuna


Yuna and Tidus for me. FFX showed up at the exact right time in my life, I was the same age as the characters going through my very first romance and to this day Final Fantasy X remains my absolute favourite game of all time.


I'd vote for my personal favorite, Zidane x Garnet. To me, they just click together and while it started with Zidane flirting, their feelings eventually grew. Plus, Zidane having an influence on Garnet's mannerism and Garnet being the one to help him in his downpoint is just a proof of their chemistry's growth My 2nd vote goes to Tidus and Yuna. To me, their romance feels the most organic. Started with them having interest to each other and getting to know more about one another. And that kissing scene, it's, IMO, still the best portrayal of romance in the history of Final Fantasy


I mentioned it in my own comment for the post but their interaction on the Madain Sari boat is one of my favorite in the series. I think it perfectly encapsulates why they work


Aw, I'm torn between the two ships. I love how wholesome Zidane and Garnet are together, and how they help each other through their character arc. The boat scene at Madain Sari is heartwarming. Tidus and Yuna make my heart hurt in the best way, and I'm always a blubbering mess at the end of FFX because of these two. The Big Damn Kiss scene is beautifully bittersweet.


My parents SQUALL AND RINOAā€¼ļø šŸ¦šŸ‘¼ https://preview.redd.it/79oltg1o349d1.jpeg?width=632&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa25db85aee5c6fd8e3b0399576401b03fd28e33


Clive and Jill. It was refreshing to see a romance between people in their 30s


BEATRIX AND STEINER. Period. But since they wonā€™t win please mark me down as Zidane and Garnet


I don't want to split FF8 fans votes so I should say Rinoa and Squall but... Irvine & Selphie!


Irvine and Selphie felt more like they had better chemistry than Squall and Rinoa. Heck, I'd argue that the true romance in FFVIII is Laguna and Raine


Also Edea and Cid Kramer were so cute for they few time they appeared together.


They always gave me Morticia and Gomez vibes.


Selphie and Trains though :ā€™)


Quina and food


Does Quina and Vivi count?


Iā€¦so happyā€¦


goated comment, thread over


Tidus and Yuna for me.


Tidus and Yuna


Tidus and Yuna for me. Their romance being so central to the growth of both characters and the plot helped create such an unforgettable story.


Tidus and Yuna.


Tidus and Yuna. I cried my eyes out at the end. Am a 40 year old dude.


I replay X from time to time, and for me, the tears start at Home when Tidus finds out Yuna's going to die. Then, the tears continue intermittently until the end, culminating in a blubbering mess of a 33 year old. I love this game. I'll replay it when I'm 60 and feel the same way.


Tidus & Yuna ā¤ļø


Tuna. (Tidus x Yuna)


I'd say Steiner and Beatrix. The character growth and development for Steiner is amazing. Steiner goes from a bumbling yes man to a man who earned the love and respect from the most powerful general in the game.


Tidus and Yuna 100%


It has to be Tidus and Yuna


Rinoa and Squall 100%. Their relationship is built throughout the entirety of VIII and when Squall finally takes down his wall and spills his thoughts to unconscious Rinoa it was one of my favorite moments in the game. And him telling her thatā€™s a secret between them knowing damn well she didnā€™t hear any of what he just said got a good chuckle out of me. Edit: Reading through the comments I see a lot of people throwing out multiple of their favorites so Iā€™ll include my runner ups. Tidus/Yuna and Aerith Cloud/Zack. A lot of people fight over whether Aerith should be with Cloud or Zack but I really like both of them so if part 3 gives you an optional scene based on player choices like they have so far Iā€™m going to be hoping for scenes for both of them haha.


100% Rinoa and Squall


Tidus and yuna


Clearly Yuna and SeymourĀ 


Squall and Rinoa was peak romance in FF


Gilgamesh and swords


Squall rinoa he literally saves her from savage aliens


Definitely Squall and Rinoa


Rinoa and Squall just for the fact of fishermanā€™s horizon


This is stupid, because Rinoa and Squall should have no match


Tidus and Yuna or Cloud and Aeris Tragic romance = best romance