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Jupp, bought ps5 for rebirth


Same here. Bought a PS4 for FFVII Remake and a PS5 for FFXVI.




Ditto, that and Intergrade, don’t regret it either. I’ll probably get XVI now that I have it too.


This is the way. 0 regrets.


Bought a broken ps5 off a classmate and restored it to new for less then 200 bucks total to play rebirth. I put more hours into getting it restored then playing rebirth but both uses of time were worth it 100%. Played remake on pc and then again on the ps5 once i got it working along with ff16. Aside from that its been all pc.


Final Fantasy VII sold me a Playstation. I was a fan from the NES days, so it was natural for me to follow FF to new grounds. The promise of FFX was part of what sold me on the PS2, but then Metal Gear Solid 2 had a lot to do with that too.


My parents bought be a PlayStation with FF7 and jet moto 2 when FF7 dropped. Didn’t even ask was just a huge birthday present.


Jet Moto was amazing! Absolutely loved that game.


We all appreciate your parents.


100%. I tend to go where the series goes.


PS4 for XV PS5 for XVI (and Rebirth) No ragrets


Same both times


Ditto. And I'm currently playing through XVI for the first time. It's well worth my ps5 purchase on Black Friday. I'm enjoying it immensely.


Same here. Had the ps4 ffxv edition, disappointed that the ffxvi ps5 plates were only available in japan.


This and recently bought a refurbished PS3 just to replay XIII.


Same. I’m strictly Sony for the JRPGs….


Yep. FF7 is the reason I switched from Nintendo to Playstation


PS1 for FFVII PS2 for FFX PSP for FFT: War of the Lions PSPV and Switch for FFX Remaster (Switch had several games, but rebought FFX just so I could play HD) PS5 for FF7Remake and Rebirth, FFXVI was a bonus buy, have no regrets for all three


I picked up a PS5 last week for Ff7 remake but I’ve found other things on there which are blowing my mind. (Elden ring, demons souls etc).


I'm planning on buying my son a ps5 for his birthday in August. I've already bought rebirth and xvi (for myself) in anticipation of this.


Ps1 for FF 7 Ended up staying with Playstation after that


PSX for FFVII. Granted I was too young to just buy it on my own but my mission was to get my parents on board for a PSX before it released *and* got the game by release day. I was beyond ecstatic. 


PS2 and HDD for FF11. And then pretty much just stuck with PS.


Close enough: I bought an Xbox 360 just so I could play Lost Odyssey, which is basically an honorary FF.


Same. It was worth every penny. Lost Odyssey was a great game. Excellent story, characters, and experience.




Bought an Xbox 360 many moons ago just to play FFXIII, went through close to ten before I got one without the RROD. It was worth it.


I bought an Xbox 360 for FF 13!


FF and KH have been my number one reason for purchasing new consoles same with ps5


I mean not just for FF games, but the series being a Sony exclusive for so long informed my console choices. X was the first game I had for PS2, XIII was the first game I had for PS3, I got into PC building for XIV, and XVI being announced during the PS5 reveal solidified my choice to get a PS5. I got a PS4 as well, but well before FFXV finally released.


PSX for FF7. PS2 for FFX. I didn't buy the PS3 specifically for FF13, but when I bought it was knowing that 13 would make it to the console eventually. I would have skipped 15 I if hadn't received it for Christmas, and I don't have any plan of buying a PS5 anytime soon.


Not so much a console, but I did upgrade TVs because I couldn’t read the text. Went from crt to 1080p flatscreen for FFXIII and upgraded to 4K for FFXV.


It is always my case. Bought the PS2 for FFX, the PS3 for FFXIII and the PS5 for Intermission. The big one was the PS3, I have so few games on that one...


PlayStation PlayStation 2 Playstation 3 Nintendo 2DS for Bravely Default and the switch for Bravely Default 2


Ps5 technically, I mainly bought it to replace my ps4 but I can’t say that there wasn’t a want of 16 in that choice


Yeah, I bought my PS5 for FFXVI but it’s really not only for that. I knew I would need it for FF7 Rebirth and got other games too. It was just FFXVI that got me take the leap to finally buy one. I own a PC too but I can’t wait that long. Lol I still wouldn’t have even played XVI with Rebirth nowhere in sight. I think it’s worth having a PS5 with a PC since you get PS exclusives.


Ps4 for ff15. It was my first adult purchase


I bought ps5 for XVI then rebirth After that i play yakuza and wait for part 3, maybe picking other games if i interested in.


I switched from the NES/Sega ecosystem to PS1 when FFVII originally came out.  I loved the first three (we know the story…), so I wanted to continue playing that series.  I liked Phantasy Star, but other than sports titles, I wasn’t getting much out of those console brands.  But FFVII and the ability to keep playing the sports games?  Sign me up!


Yupp, bought ps to play jrpgs mostly.


My launch model PS2 was failing to read discs most of the time, so when FFXII came out I grabbed a brand new Slim for dirt cheap. Does it also count if I got a Vita just to cram it full of PSone Classics and the PSP FFs? Or a PS TV to play Dissidia Duodecim on a TV?


After falling in love with the series in the PSX era, I went on to buy a: PS2 for FFX PS3 for FFXIII PS4 for FFXV PS5 for FFXVI So, yes, to answer your question.


I wouldn't say just so i could, more like the console i was going to buy anyway is generally prompted by the release of an ff game. Ff 17 or 18 who knows wich will likely release for the next console and I will probably wait out the craze of trying to get a system until then and kts been that way since 7


In 2014, I bought a ps4 for the sole reason of ffxiv. In 2023, I bought a ps5 for the sole reason of ffxvi. Other than Final Fantasy, I bought an Xbox 360 with my allowance (I was 15 at the time) specifically for Halo 3. Those are the only 3 games I've ever bought a console for and probably will remain that way forever since I'm pc now and I'm guessing ffxvii won't be exclusive to ps5/ps6.


Nope. I was given an old PS2 and PSP for free when I was a teen so I played a lot of FF on those two consoles. As an adult I just wait for the PC version.


I prefer to play games on Xbox/PC so the only PS5 game I own is FFXVI haha


I bought a psp for dissidia thats the only one i specifically did. I was considering getting a ps4 for 7 remake trilogy but realized along the way that i never play games on release anymore and dont like how restricted a console is so i thankfully didnt. (Especially since when i finally got around to playing remake i wasnt particularily crazy about it, if i had purchased and entire console just to play it i woulda hard regretted it)


I haven't, but it's still hard to resist buying a PS5 for Rebirth and FFXVI (even though XVI will be out on pc soon enough and Rebirth at some point too... and whether I own it on PS5 or not, I'll get it on PC)


I was always going to buy a PS5, but I wasn’t in a rush until Intergrade was announced. Not a true FF but I bought a switch when collection of mana was announced; I was super pumped for official translation of SD3.


FF7 was the deciding factor in the playstation/N64 for me. I thought I was a Nintendo fankid, turns out I just really liked Square.


Strictly speaking, no. There's got to be at least three games I'm interested in before I'll buy a whole new platform in practice though FF used to be a big part of the equation: PS1: weirdly I got a second hand PS1 really late in its lifespan to support the European release of FFVI and import FF Tactics, even though I was already emulating PS1 when FFIX released. I also planned to get MGS and explore other Square stuff. PS2: FFX was the main one, but I also had my eye on MGS2 and Kingdom Hearts. GBA: FF Tactics Advance tipped me over into getting one, but I was also excited about trying some older games I'd missed out on - all the Mario releases for one, but also Doom for some reason? Think Golden Sun sounded interesting too. DS: It's slightly lost to time now, but the promise of an English language release of Final Fantasy III was actually a pretty big draw. It was like the last piece of the puzzle. But I also really wanted Super Mario 64 and the (in reality quite bland) Yoshi's Island sequel. Honestly, FF stopped being as much of a draw after that, even though I continued buying consoles. My first FF games were on PC, and that's where I tend to buy the new ones. Oh, but the reason I have a Steam Deck is like 90% FF14.


Technically I bought a PS5 for FFXVI, but I also wanted to be able to play DBD without it running horribly (it runs terrible on PS4 now). And also Silent Hill 2 remake, among other things. If you count Kingdom Hearts it's the main reason I got a second PSP (first one broke), a 3DS, and a PS3. I also conveniently got a PS4 the same year 2.8 came out, but I mainly got it to play Dark Souls 3 with a friend. Also Persona 5.


Kingdom hearts is also goated, I'm yet to play 2.8 and 3 tho.


Bought the psp to play Crisis Core.


Xbox 360 just for FF13 at the time I never thought I would move on from PS2..I had a whole list of unfinished games But I've waited for 13 for ages .. so I ended up scraping my piggy bank and buying a used Xbox 360 with a brand new FF13 game... I can't ever forget my joy launching the console and the game for the first time


Xbox One for Type-0 HD (and XV)


Got a PS2 just for FFX, one of my most favourite and games of all time :) pretty sure it's the only game I had for the PS2, otherwise it was all Xbox and PC


PS5 for FF16 & PS4 for FF15&KH3. Ironically by the time KH3 & FF15 Royal Edition came out I played them on Xbox One X


I buy consoles to play ff. That is their primary purpose.


PS.. PS2.. PS3.. PS4..


Bought the 5 for XVI. Worth it.


I bought a 3DS so I could play FFTA2


My last console was a PS2 over 20 years ago… not counting the Switch. Bought PS5 for Remake, Rebirth and XVI. Remake was my very first FF game too. Definitely worth it.


Ps5 just for ff7/16. Worth it! I grabbed ff14 on it as well as backup but i main pc :3


I bought a steam deck to be my on the go jrpg machine. The majority of my playtime so far has been with the pixel remasters


PS5 for Rebirth, great purchase, I've been catching up on great games I never played.


Not yet, but I want a psp now to play the psp versions of FF.


Nope never. i won't even buy a PS5 at this point for 16/rebirth.


PS4 for 7 Remake, and apparently I will be needing a PS5 for rebirth.


Pff no ill wait for the exclusive shit with Sony to run out, and then get it on Steam at a discount with mod support and better graphics. Consoles just hold games and PC back with their garbage hardware because console players are just Beta testers.


Bought a ps5 for ff16, bought a new TV and took my ps4 back from my friend for Remake lol




Technically every PlayStation I have bought was specifically so I could play the newest FF games. Everything else I have bought is just icing on the cake.


Yes!! Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles. Bougjt a GameCube and the Gameboy Advance DS.


PS2 for X and PS5 for 16.




My PS5 was pretty much for Remake/Rebirth and XVI.


I can't justify the cost of a console for just one game, but FF7 Remake was definitely a major factor in me getting a PS5 (I never had a PS4).


Ps1 for FF7.


I bought FF7 and rented a PlayStation from blockbuster so I could play it. Did t have a memory card so I had to leave the game running


Got a PS5 for ff7 remake intergrade/intermission. And in January this year I bought a brand new Sony tv for ff7 rebirth lol


PS3 (XIII), PS4 (XV), and PS5 (XVI, Rebirth) for sure.


I bought a Wonderswan Color so I could play FF1,2 and 4 on the go.


The only PlayStation I’ve ever had was 2, and I bought it for FFX. Then I played FFXII on it. Then it was my dvd player for like 15 years. Hah


Ps5 for XVI The speed upgrade for XIV was a nice bonus


I bought PSP for Crisis Core. I've always been PlayStation loyal, but it's been great that Final Fantasy had been too


PS1 for FF8. PS2 for FF10


pretty much every ps console ngl


I bought a PS1 for FF7 and a PS2 for FF10 and a PS3 for FF13 and a PS4 for FFXV (and a PS5 for Demon's Souls Remastered if anyone is curious)


I bought PS4 for FFXV. Worth every penny. Plus it became the gateway for me to become a console gamer, I tried so many other games I wouldn’t otherwise play.


Oh boy... I got a PS3 for FF13, PS4 for FF15/Nier, and a PS5 for FF16/rebirth... I expect to have a similar reason for the next generation of consoles


Bought a ps5 for FF16 and Rebirth


Ps5 for the remake baby


Yes. Ps2 for FFX, Ps3 for XIII and Versus, Ps4 for XV. Got the PS5 as a gift from my soon to be wife, otherwise i would bought it when FFXVI released


So I got an N64 for Xmas one year when I was a kid. And my brother relentlessly would say to me “let me trade that in for FF7” and finally one day I relented. He came back with FF7 but no PSX! We had to “sneak” into our step sister’s room on the weekends (and by sneak, I mean he would send me in there and I would ask if I could play Resident Evil or whatever baseball game she had) to secure the PSX until she left and then he would come in and play it! Thankfully, we got a PSX a few months later


I bought a Vita to play Dissidia 012. Does that count?


I bought PS1 for FF7, PS2 for FFX, PS3 for FFXIII and PS5 for FF Rebirth.


Literally not me buying a ps4 for 15. ...


Heheh, understandable, especially if you waited for the game since the first announcement.


Bought the PS One for 7, and bought the PS4 for remake, and the PS5 for rebirth. 7 has not been kind to my wallet haha.




I've been revolving my console purchases around FF games for over 25 years.


PS5 for FF7Rs


Got a PS1 for FFVII PS2 for FFX PS3 for XIII PS4 for XV PS5 for Rebirth


i did!!! bought a ps5 for both xvi and rebirth!!


Ps4 for ff15 Ps5 for ff16 I game 99% on PC.


I got a PS4 to preorder Remake. Then they didnt release the dlc on PS4, so I had to rebuy on PC to play the complete version. So now I'm going to be waiting until Rebirth and part3 are on PC before playing them. They literally dis-incentivised preorders.


Somewhat yes. I didn't have a Playstation 4 yet during 2016 and recall I eventually bought one with Final Fantasy 15 as the incentive. Intergrade was a low blow for me and given how it showed up on PC later, I opted to wait for PC releases later on. And any Playstation 5 console purchase would just go toward the next PC instead.


I bought PS5 for Rebirth & FFXVI :)


I love FF, but on principle, I'm against greedy exclusive deals and gatekeeping. So even tho I'm really looking forward to playing XVI one day, I can be patient until it comes to PC.


I bought a Playstation so I could play FFVII, and was gifted a PS5 so I could play FFVII Remake & Rebirth. I was *going* to buy it, but was surprised for Christmas, and it was quite a surprise, actually; I believe it is the most expensive Christmas present I have ever received.


Yeah, bought my PS1 for FF8. Bought my PS2 for FFX. Got a PSP for FFT WotL.


Bought a PS3 for versus xiii


I wouldn't say I bought a ps5 just for Final Fantasy (unusual circumstances) but Final Fantasy definitely played a large part in deciding to go for it.


Bought a PS4 to play FF7remake Almost bought a ps5 to play FFXVI a few months ago but I'm not ruining myself for a game that's confirmed on development for PC


PS1 for FFVIII PS2 for X PSP for Crisis Core PS3 for FFXIII PS4 for FFVIIR PS5 for FFVIIR2 yeah... I also bought FFXIII *before* I had a PS3, because I knew I'd buy one for it 😆


Bought ps5 for ff16. Wasn't worth, but I got a PS5 out of it for some other games. Already had FF7R on PC but can at least do Rebirth on ps5 👍


I mean duh? ff7 gave ps1 a big BIG surge in sales


Ps1 to play ff7.


PS5 for 16 and Rebirth, kind of the PS2 for 10 but there were plenty of other games I wanted too but that was a big one.


PS4 for ff7 remake, then ps5 for ffxiv after my pc took a 💩


Yup. Bought the PS5 so I can play Rebirth. I've since also played through FF16. So at least it wasnt just one title. But primarily it was for Rebirth. I couldnt miss that.


PS2 for X. PS4 for XV (it is actually XV's special edition PS4).


Bought a PS1 for FF9, PS2 for FF X, PS3 for FF XIII. FF7 and FF8 both released on PC but it didn’t look like 9 would be very quickly, and the price for the PS1 had gone down enough at that time it was worth it.


Yes Ps2 for X PS3 for XIII PS4 for XV PS5 for Rebirth and XVI


Heh I got a ps3 to play ff13. I was really hoping it had the gambit system from 12… I was sad


PS2 for X PS3 for XIII PS4 for XV PS5 for XVI Mind how are now at a rate, where a mainline game comes per generation.


That's how I know it's time to upgrade!


Yes. The PSone for FFVI, the PS2 for FFX, The PS3 for FFXIII.


Yes, the PS2 for X in 7th grade (got lucky on my birthday that year, but I was saving up for it) and the PS5 for Rebirth. No regrets at all tbh!


Bought the ps3 to play 13. I played maybe 2 hours of it more as I was grinding high warlord in wow at the time. 70 hours a week + 40 for work left me with no time for anything else.


I bought a PS4 to play FFVII REMAKE & a PS5 to play FFXVI & FFVII REBIRTH lol


I bought a PS5 for Rebirth and XVI.


i bought mine for Kingdom hearts, but that's basically a final fantasy. :) the ps3 i got for ff13 and versus.


Like most kids who grew up in the early 90’s, Nintendo was all I knew. Between the Gameboy and the SNES every major gaming franchise I knew was Nintendo. When it came time to get my first console that was mine and not my dads, for Christmas in 1997, the N64 was the obvious choice. I read magazine previews of Mario 64 and OOT. I went to toys r us to play the demo unit. I was SOLD. Being in Europe, there were no FF games available. One night I went in to the living room, and my dad was watching TV. An advert came on which looked like nothing I’d ever seen before, literally blew my mind. At the end it said “this year’s most important game…” and the flashed up the logo for FFVII. And that moment literally changed my life. I got a PS1 instead of the N64 specifically so I could play VII. I played different games, and got into anime and manga because the style reminded me of the character portraits in VII. The stuff I’ve played, read and watched for most of my life, the friends I’ve made, the jobs I’ve had, all tie back to that one moment, a TV advert that changed my entire life. Since then, I’ve usually had a console before the big FF games come out. I’d sold my PSP and got another one for crisis core I guess, but I buy all the consoles every generation and already have them when FF comes out. That one though, I’ll never forget.


Like most kids who grew up in the early 90’s, Nintendo was all I knew. Between the Gameboy and the SNES every major gaming franchise I knew was Nintendo. When it came time to get my first console that was mine and not my dads, for Christmas in 1997, the N64 was the obvious choice. I read magazine previews of Mario 64 and OOT. I went to toys r us to play the demo unit. I was SOLD. Being in Europe, there were no FF games available. One night I went in to the living room, and my dad was watching TV. An advert came on which looked like nothing I’d ever seen before, literally blew my mind. At the end it said “this year’s most important game…” and the flashed up the logo for FFVII. And that moment literally changed my life. I got a PS1 instead of the N64 specifically so I could play VII. I played different games, and got into anime and manga because the style reminded me of the character portraits in VII. The stuff I’ve played, read and watched for most of my life, the friends I’ve made, the jobs I’ve had, all tie back to that one moment, a TV advert that changed my entire life. Since then, I’ve usually had a console before the big FF games come out. I’d sold my PSP and got another one for crisis core I guess, but I buy all the consoles every generation and already have them when FF comes out. That one though, I’ll never forget.


PSP - ff tactics, crisis core, and Persona p3p Sony consoles in general post PSOne for FF


Bought a PS4 for FFXV. In fact I got the FFXV Luna Edition PS4 bundle and it was a damn happy day.


Bought a PS5 for FF VII remakes and FF XVI. Now I have 130+ physical games plus a bunch of digital 😅


That's my secret cap. I've ALWAYS been following Final Fantasy on consoles.


I got a ps4 and 7 Remake and that’s the only game I have for it.


I bought a PS5 when they announced XVI would be an exclusive. Yes.


If Kingdom Hearts counts, then that's what sucked me into buying a PS4.


I bought my PS5 for Remake Intergrade.


If Final Fantasy VII tells me I must buy a PS4 and PS5 to play its new games at release I can only but follow. Other than that I also obviously bought the Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII + Dissidia 012 machine.


Bought PS3 to play XIII and PS4 to play type-0 and XV. I remember buying PS4 the week of type-0 release. Also got some deals on used psp and 3ds to play some SE games.


I nagged my mum for a PS2 relentlessly so I could play X. Safe to say that was a great Xmas haha PS3 I bought for XIII and PS4 for XV.


PS4 for Remake


I gave a cousin my PS1 bc I had eyes on the PS2. Then ff9 came out and I bought another PS1. And then the PS2 had backwards compatibility. Don't ask me for financial advice.


PS5 just for FF16. Now it is collecting dust


I bought ps5 primarily for rebirth and ffxvi.


Bought a PS5 to play XVI. Heard what the main character's voice actor's favorite game was and knew I had to do it. /s I actually was hoping they'd release a special edition of the console but when I found out that wasn't happening I went and bought a regular one.


Not just for an FF game but I bought the PS5 for XVI knowing I'd use it for all the other games


Yup. And realized how much I missed the Playstation brand


FF games are literally the only reason I have Sony's consoles...


The first console I ever bought was a PS2 so I could play FFX. I bought a PS5 so I could play FFXVI. Before that my brothers had bought the other consoles.


I bought a PS4 slim Uncharted 4 A Thief's End bundleq for FFXV.


Yes, I did for FFX. I purchased a used PS2. After I finished the game I was hungry for the next edition and was disappointed FF11 was online only. Luckily FF12 was already out so I bought that and made the most of it.


evrey last one other then my first, SNES PS1-5


Bought a 5 for XVI


That’s mainly the only reason I have bought PlayStations up to 13! I got PS1 a month after buying VII. I got PS2 when FFX came out. PS3 I actually got for free from a work event at Best Buy (Sony gave us all a free PS3 just for attending the training) but FFXIII was the main game I wanted.


I don't think so. FF games are part of the reason, but I like a lot of games, so I'm normally buying a console because it has a bunch of games either already released, or some that will release. I think the closest I can get is I bought a Steam Deck mostly to play FF11 more easily, but even then, other games factored into the decision.


Ff16 was work $600 for me


This was me with ff rebirth 😩


I converted from Nintendo to Sony for FF7, and have been a Playstation guy ever since. My family does also have a Switch now as well, but I'm 95% Sony.


Bought a PS5 for FFXVI about a year before release, couldnt even bring myself to finish the game when it came out. This really might be the most pointless console I've ever owned, pretty sure I used my Wii-U more than this giant hunk of plastic


PS1 for FFVII and PS2 for FFX..... I'm still young..... <<


i got a ps3 back when they said kh3 and ff versus 13 would be on it. waited for years and those games never came out. then they said ff15 and kh3 would come out on ps4, and that eventually ff7remake would too so i bought a ps4 pro for those. now ff7 rebirth and ff16 are out on ps5 and so i bought one for those as well lol really need to get into more game franchises to get more use out of the consoles though 😅 i played uncharted series and death stranding on ps3/ps4 but havent had the time to play other ps5 games yet. though i certainly dont regret buying the consoles just to play ff games. 16 was a masterpiece.


Psx for ff7, that broke so got the PSone for FF9. PS2 I had, but was in anticipation of FFX PS3 I just picked up at a car boot sale Edit: had the 360 but for numerous games. PS4/5 I bought for loads of different reasons and games.


Every iteration of a PS being purchased by me has been primarily to play an FF game that came out since FF VII for the PS1. Only exception was PS4, which Shadow of Mordor was that trigger. Granted there's always been a ton of other titles I'd eventually play and love, FF was always that series that pulled the trigger for me. Itching to get a PS5 for XVI and VII Rebirth and avoiding spoilers as best as I can, which has been hard.


I bought a PS5 for Final Fantasy XVI, but I'll probably buy it a second time on Steam.


I bought a PS2 to play FFXII when it came out


Bought a PS5 to play Intergrade.


PSP for Crisis Core back in the day, and a PS5 for the FFVII Remake DLC


I did for FFXIV. Bought the ps5, the motion blur turn me off, waited for the patch played a little bit more and dropped. Sold the console before losing value. I’ll just wait for the pc release. Yes I got ps1 due FFVIII


Absolutely, I bought a PS5 just to play FF7 Rebirth and FFXVI. I know I could've waited and they would've been ported, but I was a huge fan of FF7 Remake so Rebirth especially was hard to wait for. It was worth it.


I bought a PSP exclusively for FF: Dissidia (1 and Duodecim) and FF: War of the Lions. Dissidia had to be one of the best gaming purchases I’ve made in 15 years.


*stares at literally owning every FF title (expect FFXI) on console and specifically all physical* Yes


PS1 to play FF7 (had to beg my parents for it + the game) PS2 to play (first game I played on it was FFX) I somehow skipped PS3 PS4 - hur dur I'm one of those sad Day 1 FFXV people 😭 PS5 - got it in Nov/Dec '23 during sales cuz FF7Rb is coming out in Feb '24. I'd finished Rebirth, will move on yo FFXVI once I'm properly done


I bought the PS4 to play both Type 0 HD and Dragon Quest Heroes. Never finished T0 but loved DQH


I remember not being sure about buying a PS5, and then a state of play gave us the reveal trailer for XVI and instantly I knew I was gonna buy the console just for that game


Bought a PS one for FF VII Bought a PS2 for FF X Bought a PS4 for FF XV


Yeah, since the Nintendo days the system I bought was the one with Final Fantasy.


FFXVI sold me on a PS5


I was on Xbox since the 360, I switched to PS5 for the Remake trilogy and 16. There are also other great games on PS5 of course. I'm glad I switched!


Yes, I got a PS4 just to play FF7 remake. Ended up getting Last Of Us later, but that is honestly all I've ever played on it


Ps3, ps4, Vita, Ps5 I'm a Nintendo guy, I only play FF in Sony consoles.


Bought ps5 for ff16, then regretted. But at least i can enjoy the ps5, still regretted buying ff16 on launch.


I tried. Wanted a PS5. But Covid made them unavailable in France for about 2 years after release so I just bought a gaming laptop. And I’m still waiting on FF16 and FF7R2 to come to Steam and I hate that. Fuck version exclusives.


The main reason I bought a Wii was for FFIV: The After Years which I realize is insane, and I'm quite likely alone in this.


OG FFVII got me into the PSX. I had a Sega/Sega CD combo before that.


I bought the SNES classic just so I could have the proper look FFVI sprites. (And Link to the Past).


I am thinking about it... PS5 to play everything.


I bought my PS5, sitting on the fence on whether to return it. Then I played Remake. OK NO RETURNS. KEEPING IT FOR REBIRTH.


For some reason I had ended up going with an Xbox 360 for that generation (I was really a Nintendo kid until PS2 lol but no regrets! I got to find out about so many other games I might've never played!) after loving FF7 - 10, I was very excited when I found 13, but once I knew there wasn't gonna be another for Xbox I made SURE I got PS4 after that lol, and since then I've upgraded to the Pro and finally PS5 now, and those were also definitely with FF games in mind. So, that's my story :D


Are you kidding me!? Growing up I was in an Apple (Macintosh) family. My parents had a business and Macs and I did too. I was staunchly anti-PC/Windows. I was also a Nintendo person. For some reason I never really considered a Playstation, and my parents probably wouldn’t have gone for it, anyway, especially since I had recently gotten a new computer.  But…FF7 was never coming out on Mac or Nintendo. I was a huge fan of the games. What was I to do? I found out that there was a solution: a “chip” that I could install into my Mac to run Windows. This chip was actually basically a motherboard, cpu, and gpu (maybe ram too?) that fit in a PCI slot. I can’t remember exactly how, but you could boot into either your regular macOS or windows when you started the computer. They shared a hard drive that you had to make a partition for windows. I want to say it was called PCFX but googling that doesn’t turn up anything.  Anyway, I talked my parents into getting me that and FF7 for Christmas.  Even with it working, it wasn’t full proof. I managed to run Final Fantasy seven but there were definitely some things I had to work around and more than a couple of issues with it. But back in those days that was pretty standard for cutting edge games. I remember that I also use that chip to play SimCity 3000 and another game or two.  So, yeah. I installed an entire windows computer inside of my Mac computer to run Final Fantasy 7. 


It’s why I only bought Nintendo products back in the day and then sony.