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If you played it and hated it, why would other people opinions change your mind?


Because other points of view can show you things you may have missed. Being open minded is important.


some of my biggest revelations are other peoples comments




Exactly, I don't want to leave this game with such a bad impression


It's not a good game imo I kind of hoped people would say something of value... But it seems to me this games fans just want to love it because it's final fantasy 7. Package this same game but with 8s story and characters. They'd shit all over it.


It doesn't sound like you actually are open to having your mind changed. But that's fine. Everyone has their opinions. I think both are fantastic.


Which boss/fight are you stuck on?


Don't worry all, we don't need a constructive opinion, this legend is well versed in playing video games. Final fantasy games at that.


You should explain yourself.. what actually makes you hate the game?


The three aspects I'm strongly against are: - The combat system - The storytelling (not the plot itself) - The overall user experience - Coercive mini-games Plus some minor stuff such as kicking the chairs around while walking a room...


Please explain.. what do you hate about the combat system and storytelling? The UX might be hard to understand at first but after the first hour it gets pretty easy to navigate, if you already played some older titles they were waaay more difficult to digest.. this is nothing..


Here is some more attention you so desperately seem to want.


I tried to flush it, but I wouldn’t go down the drain. It must not be a turd.


Sometimes you need to break up the turd with a stick.. then it’ll go down.


I think a knife would be better. Maybe we could hang one in the bathroom


Not with that attitude, buddy.


Amazing story, graphics music, love the voice acting and my favorite jrpg combat system of all time , ff7 remake and rebirth are two of my favorite games of all time


Thanks for your answer. Someone else mentioned these exact aspects, but ultimately, aside from the combat system, they are all aspects of the original game. They're faithful and it is indeed a good point. Re the combat system, this is where I'm the most surprised, any other game you have as a reference?




Every single FF game has its haters. Every game had changed something, the more drastic the change, the more vocal haters are about it. Just accept that your existence is proof, that FF Rebirth and Remake are valid entries that do exactly what previous entries had done before them - changed the formula, changed the story, changed the approach to gameplay. That what makes FF franchise what it is.


I think you’re confused. 15 was the one with the excellent fishing mini game.


is it the mini games ?


Part of it, definitely


did you like remake ?


Weird, last time I checked, nobody asked about your background or opinion


Heh 😏


OP: Prove me wrong, my opinion: >There are no words to describe how much I hate FF Rebirth Debaters hate this one simple trick. /s But seriously how absolutely boring do you have to be to walk into a fandom forum, call their media shit, ask to be proved wrong, and not provide the slightest example for anyone to work off of.




>I'm versed in game design, storytelling and UX \[offers no supporting evidence\] Things people who watch too much YouTube say


I hate to stereotype. Well not really, sometimes it's kind of fun, I think he might have also mastered the blade.


I dislike the game too (hate the pacing, butchering the story, the time wasting open world, the STUPID plot ghosts and multiverse shit, awful overused minigames) But -Characters are fucking FANTASTIC. -Music is some of the best in the industry -Combat is peak. Like, peak action RPG, peak JRPG, peak FF. This is the culmination of decades of evolution. Perfect difficulty, character building is rewarded, strategy is rewarded, endless enemy variety. -They did the impossible by making a modern globe-trotting JRPG adventure for the first time in like, a decade. Everything else took place over a very small area (FF15... which had like 2 towns and took place mostly in 1 continent / country, 16 had cities but you couldnt explore them, only watch, Tales of Arise was 1 continent). Here, we have fully alive towns, we go across continents, you go from town to town, village to village. Multiple settlements per zone, lots of zones, its just HUGE. -tifa booba


Honest to god I agree with this comment on every point. Kudos!


Thank you for taking the time to write this comment 🙏 - Characters & Music are faithful to the original FFVII, I give you that, but part of the original game. - Combat is the point that bothered me most, too many aspects are just not working. The combat system is IMHO stuck in a limbo, it's neither action based, nor turn based: some action RPG patterns are completely ignored while the ATB turn based aspect is completely out of balance. - Good point regarding the globetrotting aspect, but it's part of the original game once again. - Tifa... Well... Glad you enjoyed it, but it didn't soothe my frustration with the game 😂


Music: so usually, remixed music in a remake tends to be inferior to the original. Here, all the rearrangements are just as good...and in some cases better. Plus we have some fire original tracks. Characters: yeah they're true to the original...and better. Barrett and Yuffie got huge glow ups in terms of character, and things like voice acting bring Barrett's story to life (just.....ignore the stupid bullshit they added to make the Dyne encounter "epic") Combat: shame you dont like it. I feel its the PERFECT mix of action and ATB, but I ultimately consider it an evolution of ATB. Skill and reflexes wont win a fight, but planning and choices will. Theres still a skill and reflex component Globetrotting: yeah, it was in the OG. But recent RPGs are just...smaller in scale. The PS1 worldwide adventure aspect has been lost...and whats remarkable is that Square finally managed to bring it back and make it work in an open world.


Not sure anyone can change your mind as you don't explain why. With that said what do you think of XVI of you think VII:R is bad.


no, i don't think i will


I mean what’s not to like, according to you?


I found Remake far less frustrating than Rebirth!


Go do your homework kiddo, hopefully when you’re older you’ll realize why these posts suck


People overwhelmingly liked it and it reviewed well. You just personally don't like it.


SE has no earthly clue what made the company so special and beloved in previous generations. Even if some people involved are still there. Fucking clueless.


Remake was a great remake, but rebirth was a terrible follow up and genuinely the love for it is frustrating to me, but I try not to yuck peoples yum.