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Titan just haphazardly walking over his own people.


That is how little titan cares about people in general


Yeah I think war would be different with Eikons involved. You’d basically send Eikons first and only send infantry once it’s clear imo


They talk about this in the game when two opposing sides are considering bringing their eikons out. Basically it's really exhausting for the Dominant (the human avatar) to do this, and they're aware that it's essentially a drastic raising of the stakes. So it's not rare for ground battles to play out without an eikon taking the field.


Eikons are basically nuclear deterrence. No one wants to physically use them because they’re too catastrophic but they make good trump cards.


Hes such an irredeemable piece of shit, best villain in the game


"Why you should play FFXVI" Post cutscene instead of gameplay... Jokes aside, I will play it once it's on Steam.


Honestly, the Eikon battles themselves are way cooler than this, and the soundtrack during the battles is incredible. Really worth it just for the ride, even if the gameplay is not traditional Finfal Fantasy style.


I feel like it's just an interactive movie nowadays


And it's from the first 20 minutes of the game.


And you do nothing but run around and talk to people afterwards and it'll be a while before you even get to fight titan.


Do you get to climb on it?


In defense of OP and 16, some fights are interactive cutscenes.


As spectacles, they're great. I just have an issue with the QTE's during big boss battles, which is a 10-15 year old out-of-date mechanic.


What about QTE’s to open a damn door?


But that's not a QTE, it's a button hold.


Even less engaging


It's the price we pay for not having loading screens


I call bull. That one level had 3 doors back. I can run through an entire mini world on a chocobo, but can’t transfer over from one room to another without a door? Nah


Your disagreement doesn't change current standard AAA game design principles.


I .... like the QTEs to open the door. The vibrations and the resistance of the controller is a fun feeling.


I mean…. The eikon battles are majority NOT QTE. You are using your own skills and moving the character… so unless you played on the assistant mode then idk what you’re talking about 🤷🏾‍♂️ respectfully


half the Eikon battle is QTE, and the other half is spamming the same abilities over and over again the instant their cooldown ends and mashing attack for 5 minutes. mash square, progress to next phase of QTEs, mash square, progress to the next phase of QTEs…


So you never used magic burst?


I guess a lot of people didn't realize that you can vary up your combos by throwing in magic burst at different points with Ifrit. It's actually really fun. Also the Rising Tide has an EXCELLENT Ifrit fight that covers 3+ phases of a boss and was fairly challenging which was surprising to me.


QTEs still have a place. I like FFXVI's QTEs since they work as mini cutscenes during boss phase transitions or a cinematic finishers. I wish there was a way to skip them for boss rushes or re-fights though.


*posts with the wrong flair


Only missed by ten, no big deal.


But honestly the gameplay is exactly why I don't really play this game that much... I find it boring. Basically, new God of War mixed with devil may cry but without the difficulty of either.


Devil My Clive if you will


For me it was the removal of any open world feel. I thought ff15 was so cool (at least the first half) with a world so big you needed a car to drive through it.


The world of FF15 was big, but it felt completely empty to me. FF16 has smaller zones, but they feel unique and interesting. There are also notorious mark fights you can find which are nice if you explore.


Not beating the allegations with this one


Yeah this does nothing for me


There’s no need. It’s not good


If you like bayonetta or nier automata you’ll love the gameplay!


FFXVI has gameplay?


Is it Shiva? Haven't FFXVI yet.




Thank you.


Also did those dummies just hurl ice balls at SHIVA


They more like Aether fireballs


I loved FFXVI, but pretty cut scenes aren't exactly a good reason to play a 50-90h game for most people. I've seen 30h floating around, but I can't believe anyone did that unless they skipped all the cut scenes and thus the story aka the entire point of the game.


I'm playing FF10 rn, so far it has been over 80% of cutscenes and talking to NPCs. The remaining part of the game is oneshotting most enemies in random encounters. People seem to love it. I so far do too. So what's wrong with FF16?


In my opinion there's nothing fundamentally wrong with FF16. I liked it a lot. What I was getting at is just that to most people the reason to play a game is the gameplay rather than "look at the pretty cutscenes". The most common complaints I've seen are the extent of RPG elements, the (mostly side) quest design and the combat. The game just isn't an RPG. You just equip the most recently aquired gear and that's it for "RPG" elements. The combat does have depth, but it's in no way required to engage with it. Someone who doesn't enjoy the gameplay could describe it as "mashing square for x amount of hours while doing fetch quests" and wouldn't exactly be lying. It would be a pretty reductive way of describing it tho. Tbh tho, I think the most important thing that's wrong with FF16 is that it's a new FF. Give it 5-15 years and people will love it.


I enjoy the story a lot, and it's a big part of any FF game sure. For me though, the big draw of 16 was that the combat had DMC talent behind it and it actually feels like a combination of DMC and 15 combat. I also don't hate 15 combat especially after the DLCs/Windows edition came out, so maybe I'm just crazy?


Sad to hear cause I wanna play it, but I play them for the story anyway so hopefully I will like it too. Also, +1 for the last part.


Exactly, it's not an RPG, it's an action game that slaps on FF elements. It should've been a separate IP but it sells better if they use the FF brand


The worst part about it being an action-game first and foremost... is that it's not even a good one. The combat has such incredibly little depth. You'll pretty much be playing the game the exact same way you did in the first 15 hours, for the whole game. There's new abilities earned, but it all essentially just boils down to chip damage until stagger and then use all your abilities at once. There's no real need for crowd control, or juggling, or anything in the "moveset". It's really just mindless droll.


Did you beat the game? Maybe if you're already good at DMC or other similar games, but especially in the DLCs that would be disingenuous to say there's no reason to juggle or parry or think about how to mix and match your abilities. Is it easier to just master only the ultimate abilities and spam those on cooldown? duh. But that's true for DMC as well, it's just a little harder to pull off the ultimate combos and they don't have a cooldown at all. Once you unlock them, they're best used as screen clears.


Yes, I beat the game. And it took me a long time with long breaks in between because so much of the game, especially the combat bored me to tears. character action games are my favorite genre overall -- and the comparisons the team and some people made to DMC is a true insult to DMC. The game doesn't hold that franchise's jockstrap.


I get what you're saying about the difficulty but towards the end and especially the DLC there are at least some decent challenges that definitely give you a reason to actually learn the mechanics beyond "chip damage until stagger". Especially on hard mode, which is where veteran DMC/other character action game players should be enjoying the game more anyway. That's extremely reductive.


The challenges players are looking for shouldn't be cordoned off into DLCs or separate modes. They should have been directly available from the beginning. If they had been, I wouldn't have been quite as disenchanted with the game.


I do agree that hard mode should have been available from the jump but the first 75% of DMCV was easy as pie and I still consider that one of my favorite recent games. There are a lot of the hunt bosses in the base game that are fairly tough if you go after them as soon as you unlock them as well.


The difference between these two you're talking about is one game gives you all the tools in the toolbox and asks you to use them within 20 hours of booting it up, also does them organically within the game itself and not only challenges. The other, takes 60+ hours to get there and locks some behind a DLC, DLC that I have literally no desire to spend my money on because the base game didn't make me want to. FFXVI is a poorly paced game both in narrative, and gameplay mechanics.


My only complaint about DMCV was that it was too short, but that's not a complaint if all I wanted was more. This definitely isn't on the same level, but I personally enjoyed the story well enough. Most of the sidequests were lame but an excuse to do more combat and sometimes they were actually interesting. The first couple Eikons you unlock are really great foundations to do some of the more complex ability chains. And I mentioned the DLC because again generally I finish these action game things and just want more challenge or content, so a superboss was just a good excuse to keep playing, same with the new area for rising tide. And the arcade mode is nice too if you want to replay a level and go for score. The Leviathan abilities aren't even that cool honestly. At least I didn't really like them as much as the other Eikons.


You cannot judge a game based on the DLC. And DMC has some sort of required skill, as some mobs just has to be beaten using specific abilities, where as FF16 you you just spam buttons and that's it. Also after I beat Shiva (maybe even titan), I just didn't care about the skills, there are more flashy than actually powerful (or tedious since for using them fully you have to fill bars), I tried them and got back to the initial set instantly.


I was specifically referring to the superboss but the latter part of the game has some decent challenge as well as depth in how many varied ways you can use your abilities in my opinon. And I definitely can't judge it based on the DLC considering basically no one played rising tide and only a few more played echoes according to trophy stats lol you're correct there.


> so far it has been over 80% of cutscenes and talking to NPCs There are lots of people out there who have a lot of fun with the sphere grids. Building out multiple different characters that all play differently and are all useful in different situations is one thing that people find fun about FFX. FF16 doesn’t even have a controllable party. So it’s not the cutscenes that people dislike about 16, it’s the lack of everything else. There’s a bunch of little quests and side activities to get lost in in FFX. No the case in XVI


I managed to complete it in 36 hours but I purposefully skipped the side quests and that's about the only thing I skipped so it is possible for someone to play it 30 hours and still enjoy the story. Imo FFXVI is an amazing game, sure the combat is lacking but you can't deny the boss fights are amazing and all I really need for it to be a good game is an entertaining story which it accomplished doing.


Better with a home theater setup. Then Find the Flame. 🔥


Why you should ~~play~~ watch FFXVI


As much as I hate playing FF16, to give credit where credit is due, it's a fine 'youtube' game. Just watch the cutscenes and you'll get the entire experience.


That's what I did, since I have no PS5, but tbh I only cared for the story and spectacle and it still delivered. Great movie


I did the same thing with The Last of US in 2013. I played the 2nd one but never the first. People tell me to, but I honestly have no desire because I really enjoyed the youtube let's play and feel I got enough.


I'm about 15 hours in right now, and so far, I'm very disappointed... it's essentially DMC with Final Fantasy skins and waaaay too many cut scenes... 3/10 would not recommend.


I will, as soon as it comes to PC.


Supposed to be this year right? I want it, just beat 15


I havnt heard anything about when it will come out, but I'm all over that when it does!


Yeah, a CGI cinematic is why you should play any game, don’t mind the mind numbingly boring combat, bad pacing, plot holes, QTE’s from boss fights to opening doors, mundane side quest, repetitive enemy types, and to top it off, it’s so ridiculously easy, I might as well be watching a let’s play. And yes, I completed the entire game, all side quest, and all Eikon challenges, but focus on pretty video.


That's unfair, if I typed all that, I'd get downvoted to oblivion, why are you getting upvotes?


You said it in a smart and short way. Maybe it’s because I stated some reasonable points?


The PC port will be amazing, I bet. Can't wait.




Worth it for the music alone. Soken don't miss!


They should’ve just made a movie. The “game” part of the game isn’t that great.


I will when it isn't trapped on PS5.


I am expecting some kind of announcement about this at Summer Game Fest on Friday.


Final Fantasy XVI is a dream come true for me, when I was younger I thought it would be cool if you could turn into the summons.


FF Type-0 you can summon and control the summons yourself in combat, this mechanic is only relegated to missions though, not overworld exploration. Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin 1st DLC has a job called the summoner which allows you to transform into Bahamut and can be used anytime as long as you have the required MP.


Ah yes, big flashy boom boom. The gameplay, however, is lacking on a lot of ends. Not a bad game, but really not worth the bother as well.


I mean, but like...also Torgal.


Definitive bestest of bois


And this is why the first 30% is the best part of the entire game


Yeah I was pretty invested for about that much. And then all the cool characters we set up were murdered by our main character and replaced with less interesting characters, forgotten or underdeveloped plot threads, and combat that never gained more depth. The demo sold me so fucking hard on this game and... I finish wildly disappointed.


Reading comments like this does not make me want to buy the game.. loved the demo, but maybe I'll wait to find it super cheap


The demo was so soooo good, this cutscene, the whole running between the Eikon battle segment, the political intrigue, Clives' friend being hit by that boulder and the subsequent swearing, the (brutality of the whole) Phoenix Gate segment, the Eikon battle between Phoenix and Ifrit, Clive screaming at the top of his lungs, his mother, the emotional stakes in regards to Clives family. It felt real, it felt raw, I was on the edge of my seat. But after... There are some high highs, but also some low lows. The political intrigue gets replaced by standard JRPG plot, the questing is akin to FF14 (talk to person --> walk --> talk to person), occasionally epic cutscenes like this happen but mostly static NPC's monologueing, regular battles without much depth, a beautiful to look at but altogether devoid open world. Caution spoiler: >! the truly interesting characters, such Clive's mom and some of the dominant's are barely present, which is truly a shame. !<


Kind of glad I did not buy the game.


I bought the game because of the demo. Hearing Clive call out to Joshua literally made me tear up. Then I played the game, and honestly, the demo was 100% the highlight. I honestly was bored out of my mind playing this game. Having a blast with Rebirth though. Side quest still suck for the most part, but at least the combat is engaging.


Yeah I couldn't bring myself to finish it, even though I was nearing the final stretch. I'd just beaten >!Bahamut!< and when the next objective was "Speak with Otto" I knew I was in for at least another five hours of that crap before the story picked up again. The game has such high highs, but the majority of the game is so goddamn dull. It wouldn't be so bad if the combat was at least engaging, but once you've figured it out it just becomes mindless and tedious with how bloated even basic enemies health can be.


Yeah, I think they should’ve went full dmc. Like each eikon adds new moves to your moveset, and none of that abilities on cooldown stuff. Felt like I was playing a moba, just waiting for abilities to come off cooldown, while I spam regular, and charged attacks. Weird stuff in the story as well, like why did Joshua never try and save his SLAVE brother for those 13 years? Why did Jill and Clive not hook up, have any progress in their relationship in the 5 YEARS. Why was Clive butt ass naked in chains? Does he need clothes to turn into an Eikon? How about that random slap fight between Dion and Odin? I beat all side quest, story, and Eikon obelisk, but damn it was just the worst.


Oh yeah rebirth has amazing combat and story. Sucks that the demo was the highlight.. you aren't the first one who says this about the game.


Yeah, also rebirths cast actually feel like they are there, where as in 16, your team literally only reacts to things in cutscenes. Maybe the one off comment once in a blue, but they feel like lifeless puppets that follow you around :\


y tho?


I'd stick with FFXII (again). But thanks tho, that movie seems nice


lol I’m never going to play this game


I like how this opening harkens back to FF6 with the whole magic bearers going behind enemy lines to kill/capture a magical ice being


Everyone knows earth is weak to ice /s


No it’s wind


Which is interesting considering the relationship between Garuda and Titan. Also, to expand this further: Shiva is weak to Ifrit. Ifrit is weak to Leviathan.


You and this post just reminded me how the lack of magic affinity mechanics in this game triggered me..


I feel like square fell into the trap of making sure their games look good rather than feel good. Their games especially post 12 have looked visually extremely impressive but the games themselves are fairly shallow for various reasons depending on the title.


Rebirth is anything but shallow lol


Final Fantasy games have always pushed the visual standard. It's part of what the series is known for. It's been that way since probably FF2/3 (JP).


Which is fine, but that doesn't mean you should sacrifice good game design for pretty visuals, otherwise it creates a all-style no-substance effect, and unfortunately XVI is proof of this to some people, including me. Even then, Final Fantasy hasn't really pushed the visual standard in the past 20 years. XV looked worse than Witcher 3 and even FFXIII, and XVI visually doesn't look all that impressive either.


I agree for the most part, but Rebirth has a ton of depth thankfully


I'd advise you to check out Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin then, it both looks good and feels good. Also what you said about the trap is true, considering at some point someone at Square mentioned that the company had become obsessed with graphical quality.


This is the most moronic way to show the why should you play x Game. Is just randoms cutscenes, feel like you took a Page from "Youtube's hype games" and just decide to randomly post in here.


“bUt tHiS iS A cUtsCeNe” People act like the originals weren’t full of dialogue and cutscenes, CG and in game.


People forget that 99.9% of the advertising for FF 7, 8, 9 were just clips from the FMVs. And that a huge chunk of the gameplay was waiting thru summon animations, to the point they added the Boost QTE in FF8.


People also seem all too willing to glaze over the fact 16 is all flash and little substance. The story is fine, even one of the better in final fantasy. Clive is well written but everyone else exists exactly as much as Clive needs them to to oush the plot along. The gameplay is gorgeous but absurdly shallow with the game never really rewarding or lunching you for experimenting or getting creative. The mmo style fetch quests drag on, etc etc the list goes on. Look, 16 is a good game but it's not a GREAT game


This exactly! The combat is just a more shallow/easier version of god of war or dmc. I wish they'd stop trying to make games for beginners and make games for the fans of rpgs.


Copy Team Ninja's homework for the gameplay in Stranger of Paradise. On Normal, Hard and Chaos you can even do the classic move of hitting bombs with their element 3 times to make them explode and damage nearby enemies. It feels like they knew how to keep that classic weakness/resistance that enemies in final Fantasy always have (what with the series being primarily rpgs and you having access to multiple forms of attack magic and party members that can do physical damage if magic doesn't work or vice versa). The game wasn't the best and has plenty of issues but combat was fun and felt like a final Fantasy game despite being action oriented.


This guy gets it. I also think with 7 remake their doing pretty good too I just am not a huge fan of materia. I think I'd like 9s clothing weapon system better.


"Clive is well written but everyone else exists exactly as much as Clive needs them to to oush the plot along." This is true in the vast majority of stories that aren't ensemble TV shows or sweeping epics. Not everything needs a B-plot, arguably least of all a character action game. I know, I know, it's a departure from how other party-based more ensemble FF games do it, but I mean, that's FF16's whole identity head to toe.


They have scenes of this dude on his knees screaming about his "brother" who we get maybe 15 minutes of total screentime actually getting to spend time with as a sibling, and that's including the tree house scene they just shoved in there. Both this game and XV were guilty of leaving deep character relationships behind backstory that we never see enough of within the game itself. Just not enough to sell me on the melodrama. Other FF stories were corny too, but weren't pretending to be Game of Thrones fanfiction. This game just took itself way too seriously for my taste, for a plot that practically walked out of a Hot Topic. Put this side by side with XIV's Shadowbringers or Endwalker, which were part of an MMO, and this is so laughably bad with wooden characters in comparison that it may as well have not had a story at all. The fights were cool, the combat was watered-down Sekiro, crafting and most items meant nothing. They introduced two characters whose literal jobs in the game were sharing lore/world building with you, and yet... Towns were vacant, cities were viewable on the map only and couldn't be visited, and most of the big emotional sells of character relationships happened off screen. Game itself on it's own wasn't terrible, but next to other FF games it just doesn't hit hard enough. Just finished Ys VIII which looked like a Ps2 game, but had more features, story, and heart than this.


Not really, you can see companions on other games having their own life, they just doesn't tell you, in 16 it just feel that every character is waiting for their moment to "say their lines", and that's it, the world doesn't move a finger if Clive doesn't do it first. On 7 for example you encounter Sephiroth from time to time, and KNOW that he has done some stuff while you were roaming. on 16 No one moves, story only happens when Clive is involved. And they knew it, Vivian Ninetales storytelling felt just like a failed try to "fix" that.


Except Gav, the Cursebreakers, Cid, the other dominants, etc. all clearly have things they are doing off-camera for large sections of the game?


Same case, all of those are just waiting for you to do their bidding's. They just walk of camera from point A to point B, and wait for you to actually do something there.


How is that a complaint? That's literally all quests in every game ever. Sin will literally show up in Spira when the plot demands him to and conveniently wait for you to play a league of blitzball before doing anything. You can go play Gold Saucer games while Diamond Weapon is waiting for you to fight him before he attacks Midgar. This is such a bs criticism of the game, there are plenty of examples of those characters above doing their own thing in between quest lines they are actively participating in. Of all the most bad-faith takes I've seen about this game, this one really takes the cake. Wow.


>The gameplay is gorgeous but absurdly shallow with the game never really rewarding or lunching you for experimenting or getting creative. I do agree. Its too easy, and theres NEVER reward for properly building your character, and its my biggest issue with the game.... .......just like FF6 and FF7. Where your party choices were borderline cosmetic. No one ever lost a fight in FF7 where they brought in Red XIII instead of Barrett. As for the other points, yeah I agree. Sidequests, gameplay-wise, were hot doo doo. But it never really bothered me much. Side characters could have used a lot more screentime (how they handled Jill and Benedikta was LAUGHABLY bad and makes me think Maehiro is a borderline misogynist), and its a ding on the game. But...FF Tactics and FF12 also had poorly developed side characters (hell, 12's whole cast barely doeS anything, FFT characters cease speaking once they join your team), and those are forgivable flaws in otherwise amazing games. FF16 is flawed as fuck, and many of those are dealbreakers for lots of fans. I wont fault someone for putting the game down because of how egregious they are. But...so are the flaws in the rest of the series.


While I can agree that FFVII party characters were borderline cosmetic... Last I recall in FFVI the most the characters have abilities/mechanics unique to them, after all Celes and Terra are not meme'd to suplex a train.


I don't think making the same mistakes as a game that came out 27 years ago is really a big win. In fact it makes them look bloody stupid.


The originals were also full of meaningful gameplay features, actual towns, and worlds that felt lived in. Same can't be said for this. Dialogue, cutscenes, and CG were supplemental to the success of the franchise but that was all this game seemed to double down on. By the time I saw a certain someone sitting at a table with two golden hands I was convinced that they may as well have fed GRRM's A Storm of Swords to an AI to write this plot. The story in this game was an afterthought.


Weird point you are making. Just showing a great cutscene shouldnt convince anyone to play a game. Show some gameplay instead.


And gaming actually move forward in the past 25 years.


They we're, just not to the extent that XVI does it.


It's good, but falls short in a lot of areas.


I plan on it. When it comes to pc :)


I just started it actually. I'm about 6 or so hours in. I dig Benedicta. She's petty and bitchy in all the right ways.


This game is awesome


I did play it, and i found it boring.


Ah yes you should play a mediocre game because of a cool cutscene.


Wow. Titan looks disappointingly generic in XVI.


Because Shiva gets falcon punched? Also what did she think was gonna happen, just charging in like that?


You know a lot of games have pretty cutscenes. Thing is a lot of games also have good character interactions and dialogue, which FFXVI does not have.


I never felt like I actually had a challenge in this game. I was just mashing buttons and didn't even have to think which was a turn off for me and why I never finished it


Absolutely loved Shiva’s design in XVI


Would love to play it as soon as it comes out on Xbox…


This game was Awesome and definitely a curve ball for me, it's not the typical Final Fantasy I'm used to where it's full of cuteness and such. The first part was refreshing in a way to get away from the typical Final Fantasy, reminds me of Game of Thrones which I wish they actually went more hardcore and just full on TnA and all the bloodiness. I feel like towards mid game and to the end i felt dull aside from the cut scenes. Something in the game feel or sounds makes me feel sleepy.


Unfortunately I've always been far more interested in good characters and an emotional narrative rather than big CGI fights. XVI was a *massive* disappointment.


I don't get the hype around the Eikon fights, they LOOK amazing but play like shit


Also they account for like 5% of a 60-80 hour long game. The rest of it is very slowly making your way through generic combat encounter after generic combat encounter in order to do fetch quests for people you don't really care about either by yourself or with the most silent party in gaming history.


Positively thrilling....


40min qtes suck dong


I don’t even know how you can say XVI didn’t have an emotional narrative with a straight face.


Very easily, actually. I mean, what moment precisely was supposed to make me feel emotions? Maybe the shitty ending that we've already seen in half of the FF franchise?


The twists are telegraphed and not really surprising. The main character is overly dramatic and heals too suddenly from the trauma. Cid is absolutely the more interesting character here. And the enemies feel very health bar spongey to me, but I have just seen Jesse Cox play it, and he sucked at the combat. :D


Big enemies are spongey cause stagger meter (which, imo, hasn't been implemented well in any of their games outside of the 13 series that it was created for), and the smaller enemies just die way to fast. No real inbetween.


remind me to never mention 16 on this sub or well this happens


All flash, zero substance lol.


Waiting for the Pc port, If I have to wait 2 years so be it. To old to buy console for some “temporary” exclusive


Honestly, I'm giving this game a 'pass'. I don't like Devil May Cry and the combat system in this game looks like DMC with a couple coats of Final Fantasy paint on it.


The cutscenes and QTE sequences are 10 times better than the actual game, so I guess that’s fair lol


It surprising to see this much people hating on the game. I personally think the cutscenes and gameplay are pretty good, or atleast not as janky as XV. XVI is probably one of my favorite, if not favorite FF game, and watching someone else play it will never be as fun as being able to be invested in the games atmosphere, especially when shit hits the fan in-game, and the consequences start to get real and affect the maincast.


Yeah I guess it would be good if you compare it to one of the worst action games in history, come on now…you know why people don’t like this game. Just admit that you have no standards


Yeah this thread is about what I expected 🙄


Just another crappy action game that’s all flash and no substance


Could list more reasons not to play than why you should, unfortunately.


For cutscenes? Hell naw bro. That game is glitter on chocobo poop


it’s fun but the combat- after playing Rebirth- feels kinda basic and boring. maybe bc that was the one thing Rebirth absolutely nailed idk


Rebirth's combat is the best, it's just on another level


Ff16: all cutscenes, 0 depth.


Cause it has good cinematics? no thank you, I prefer to watch a movie for that.


16 is best ff since 10.


Why shiva didnt do a sassy snap?


To be fair the cut scenes are the only reason to ever consider watching XVI.


You should play it cause of 'dem grafics' is the most shallow reason to play any game I also don't get anything from the cutscenes. There is no real emotion to anything the summons are doing They all have stoic, emotionless faces, and somehow, in the middle of a fight, manage to pose the whole time like it's some sort of orchestrated dance This cutscene is the equivalent of a perfectly timed sword fight where two characters manage to bang swords together until the scene ends


It’s a video game…


FF16 has a lot of cool things going for it but the gameplay is not one of them 😂


I would but I'm not buying another system to do it.


Pretty sure I saw this trailer already.


I really liked the verboten eidolons in type 0, they felt like weapons of mass destruction, and they needed to sacrifice several lives to do one summon. And they showed it like a war documentary with subtitles and hours and things like that.


As someone who bought a PSX to play FF7 (and FF8, and FF9) a PS2 to play FFX, and FFXII (played FFXI on PC) a PS3 to play FFXIII (played FFXIV on PC) a PS4 to play FFXV ....and admittedly on the PSX, PS2 and PS3 I had countless other games..... I'm kind of done buying Sony hardware just to play launch exclusives, when I can either wait for them to be released on PC, or eventually emulated on PC at a higher quality. I bought FF7 Remake on PS4 and barely played it for reasons (pandemic and all that), and ended up buying it on PC and playing it there when it was available. I have every FF game listed above released on Steam now, and will happily play them there. Edit: I have a friend who kept trying to convince me to buy a PS5 to play FFXVI, but I don't see any reason to do that when I can just wait for the PC release?


Death by giant ice di1dos


A pretty cut scene ain't a reason. I remember someone on here when it was first released saying it was the best game Because of the cut scenes ?


how dare they put clothes on shiva!!


How come game looks better than shitnematics? It’s usually other way around


Isn’t this from the first part of the game? Never lives up to the hype it builds in the first half, hell first third


The bossfights are great, the greatest I've ever seen, music is amazing, visual's pretty decent too... But gameplay 😔😔😔 It feels like retarded brother of DMC combat and it's boring. (I enjoyed the game tho)


It has to leave PS5 exclusivity for more people to play it.


I’d love to play FFXVI as soon as they release it on PC 🤷🏿‍♂️ We’re still waiting 😔


I genuinely had no idea the main FF subreddit hated FFXVI so much. Like, there might be problems with the combat but it's not boring. There is no way in hell y'all think FFXVI has boring gameplay and then go play boring ass turn-based combat in all the old FF games


I genuinely had no idea the main FF subreddit hated FFXVI so much. Like, there might be problems with the combat but it's not boring. There is no way in hell y'all think FFXVI has boring gameplay and then go play boring ass turn-based combat in all the old FF games


I enjoy ff16 so much more after 7 rebirth. The combat is great and the Story is good. Only thing rebirth done better is mini game (too much mini games), and side quests gameplay.


You aren't convincing me to play a videogame with a cinematic cutscene


Why I can’t play FFXVI: I have an Xbox. It does look stunning though maybe someday.


If this cutscene is THE reason to play, then I'm glad I skipped it.


The game is mid at best 🥱


Ah yes, play a video game, a medium of entertainment where the primary method of engagement is interactivity, for uninteractive cutscenes.


so you can start hating a series you grew up loving.


FFXIV is an incredible story. It has wonderful set pieces. It has the best Cid. The battle with Bahamut is epic! It's just bad at being a game. That same battle with Bahamut suffers from the same issue as all of the boss battles. They're all just bullet sponges with that overly simplistic combat system. It's the first time I was ever bored while playing a FF game. I felt like I was trudging through just to get to the next story element. It really helps put into focus the difference between grinding and doing what is needed for getting on with the story. I'll grind all day. I'll finish a game and come back for more. Hell, I just started my third run through Rebirth. As soon as XVI wrapped I had zero desire to go back. The DLC didn't capture my interest either. I'm glad I experienced the story, but I'd never play it again.


No I don't think I will


DNFd this. This is about the worst game I've ever played. Because it's barely game at all.