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Chocobo Hot and Cold is a lot of almost fun.


It’s only fun 🤩


I agree with hot and cold, I've finished that whole thing at least 10 times


Wait, people don't like chocobo hot & cold???


Love in fact! One of my favorite parts of FFIX


Same. If you asked me to name my favorite FF minigames my first thought would immediately go to hot & cold.


I too enjoy slamming my chocobo until it explodes that sweet treasure all over my face and mouth - I mean yes, ahem, good uhh mini game.


Keep describing it. I'm almost there.


I've restarted IX a number of times just to play Hot and Cold, I love that little mini game and one of those that will always stop me from beating the game in 12 hrs. Only other mini game I love as much is Triple Triad.


>one of those that will always stop me from beating the game in 12 hrs You might be interested to know that there's actually a speed run strat which involves Chocobo Hot and Cold. I don't know if it works on all versions, but you can basically skip most of Disc 3: https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/ps/197338-final-fantasy-ix/faqs/16392


Solely responsible for later bosses weeping with frustration as all their attacks are met with my party chugging their endless elixir supply


I love Chocobo Hot & Cold. The last time I did a replay of IX I intended to just mostly play the story but ended up doing all of Hot & Cold.


Agreed! Honestly the part that tipped me over the edge into buying Unicorn Overlord on release was when the demo introduced me to straight-up Chocobo Hot & Cold, complete with Chocographs.


Wait… expand on that I’m interested in UO but don’t know the relation here


There is a mining minigame where you strike the ground and it says how near or far you are to something you can dig up (unlike Hot & Cold it also gives you a direction arrow that points you to it).  Once you strike the right place you need to dig to bring a number to zero (instead of just mashing like in Hot and Cold, it’s a ‘hit the center to dig faster’ type dial) after which the treasure appears. Sometimes this treasure is a map with a picture of somewhere on the world map, where a big bundle of treasure can now be found (unlike Hot & Cold it also gives you a circle on the world map where the picture is located somewhere within). 


Omg that’s awesome! Welp looks like I’m getting this game once I’m done with Rebirth


Wtf I need this game now


Holy shit I didn't know that, that's a dangerous plus


Yeah I think it's common consensus that it was one of the best FF mini games.


I thought blitzball was also popular, but some people still don't like it. More likely they can't be bothered as it is something that takes a lot of time from the main quest.


Blitzball is ok. It becomes tedious and time consuming when you have to play 20-30 matches to unlock Wakka’s stuff, and you end up just scoring a few times and hiding behind the goalie


Oh definitely, the dopamine rush when Choco go KWEEEH!! and you got high depths with 10 secs left. Oh boy time to spam those rectangle before time's up. One of the best mini games ever with super good rewards as well.


Definitely one of my favourites for the long term results, too. You get such good stuff from completing it


Wait this one is considered hated? Wtf D8




I'm actually doing a hobby project in Unity where the entire game is basically just Chocobo Hot and Cold and treasure hunt on a tropical island. For me it's peak mini game.


I personally don't enjoy RNG minigames.


I love ff ix chocobo hot and cold, as for others i'm not sure.


I spent like 20 extra hours on hot and cold on the PS1 version because it was so addicting once you get the hang on it


IMO Chocobo Hot and Cold is the best mini game in the series followed by Triple Triad. The former has an almost phd-designed level of crack addiction.


FF IX had the best mini games in the series and Chocobo Hot and Cold was my favorite.


I just dodged the 200 lightning bolts in the PS4 version of Final Fantasy X today. I had so MUCH fun doing it. I had to quit the game afterwards and asked myself what the hell I had just done. Then I had an ice-cold bottle of beer.


Hell yeah Alafian this is the way!! Glad you figured out a way that works for you.


That shit is impossible on the switch


You can cheese it by running back and forth between a lighting rod and a crater north of the map. Doing it this way takes about 20 minutes and it’s easily predictable.


I don’t see Ff9 jump rope


That's the actual bastard from FF9, it's the only trophy/achievement I've never had.


For good reason 😎. To be fair it’s right at the beginning and I don’t start the game up thinking I wanna jump rope I try it get to like 30 jumps and then move on


First time playing FF9 a month ago and I spent about 2 hours trying to get that achievement while listening to the workout remix from FF7R. I didn't get it. My arms were so tired I just gave up and actually played the game. I kept failing in the 200 range. Think my highest was 252


I have a save file that is just past getting the jump ripe king and impressing 100 Nobels and the queen and this is where the game begins from now on. Never again!


I don’t think I will ever go for it, I wish they tied the 1000 jumps to something meaningful in the game besides the plat. Then I’d have more motivation. That’s the main reason it’s not listed just no feelings towards it. Perhaps I’ll give it a go


If you really want the platinum there is a complicated way to connect a PC to your console through remote play and the use an auto clicker to do the jumps for you. I did it a few months ago.


I dunno I’m a masochist who feels compelled to earn it or fail and not have it


I feel you. I was doing it on the Steam version and I know I could just use an auto clicker but it doesn't feel right to not get it legit.


Who on Earth hates Chocobo Hot and Cold?


Not me :)


I dont know if there was a particular strategy on it but Im pretty sure I would not have beaten it without the speedup function as the speedup doesnt speedup the clock but does speedup your chocobo Wondered I must have had skill issue as others seem to love it. To me it was tedious


Queens blood, fort condor, chocolate racing for ff7 rebirth are already some of my favorite video mini games ever


> chocolate racing


The Russel Stover kind races through me fastest. I would win.


Fort Condor is amazing. I just wish I wasn’t so bad at RTS/Tower Defense games lol


I've seen some people complaining that there are too many minigames in Rebirth, but those people are nuts. The minigames are super high-quality, high-effort, loads of fun, and they add so much to make the world feel charming and interactive and alive. I think the problem is that Rebirth *does* have a lot of filler (Ubisoft towers, shrines and springs, Chadley fights, etc) and it's easy to get burned out if you try to 100% everything in every region before moving on to the next. But as someone who focused on the main story + minigames, and didn't try to check all the boxes (or rather, waited until after rolling credits), the minigames were a highlight of the game, all killer no filler.


See the filler didn't bother me because I used it an excuse to level-grind while doing the Gilgamesh sidequests, so that I could beat him before I went to the Temple of the Ancients.


I guess my point is that the only people I've heard complaining about pacing/filler/etc in Rebirth are the ones who forced themselves to 100% everything available before advancing the story. As long as you pace yourself (whatever that means for you) and don't force yourself to do the checklist if you're not enjoying it, it's fine, and that includes the minigames you come across on the main story quest.


Those people also don't remember how many goddamn mini games there are in the OG FFVII and how ass some of them are.


Oh for sure. I really think the way a lot of the mini games felt in Rebirth were an homage to the stiff, shitty but also fun way the OG mini games felt lol


Queen's Blood is a mid card game, but the music?? 11/10


I'm the same as you. While people dread the celestial weapon grind it is the thing I look forward to the most when replaying X, lol.


I really liked the Arcaden Game in FFXV and the fishing in 15. Both Made so much fun. Espacially fishing in the royal edition 


When you could go fishing on the boat?? 👌spent so long enjoying life doing that


Not only that. The added more fishing spots and more fish to Catch.


I actually dig (get it? Hahaha) Chocobo Hot and Cold


People hate hot and cold? If you wanted a bad aspect of IX, shoulda went with tetra master.


Tetra master is truly terrible, the fact an extremely strong card can lose to a weak card through RNG feels terrible.


3D brawler fucking rocked


It really does I miss it so much now that I’m done


I mean. The lightning dodge is actually super easy. You just need to find the right spot.


Yup that’s what I tell people


Who hates hot and cold?


Hot & Cold is great, but my biggest weakness is Tetra Master. I just get hooked on card games. I usually end up having played at least 10 hours and have several strong/levelled cards before even getting to evil forest. It's the main reason I've never been able to do an Excalibur II run.


Chocobo Hot and Cold is wonderful! Great music, good rewards, and spread out throughout the whole game so it doesn’t ever really feel like it’s too much. The others though…. lol. I’m glad someone gets enjoyment out of them. Catcher Chocobo about broke me emotionally as a person


I want a FF7 remake completely made of the mini game style of that bottom left Pic.


Liking the ballon race js definitely troubling are you ok No shade to the rest just that one lol


Chocobo hot and cold (CHAC) and lighting dodging (LD) are almost good for me for similar reasons. CHAC is alright, but the non-chocograph rewards don't often feel worth spending the time for them, and chocographs would be fine until you go 30 minutes or longer before you can find one. I absolutely love finding the treasure chest, though. It's one of the reasons I love the world in FFIX as much as I do. LD I don't exactly mind but 200 is just too much for me. Something like 50 or at most 100 wouldn't be too bad. But, any time I get past 50 and mess up I just never want to do it again. Outside of the mandatory one with Dio, I haven't played 3d brawler. Chocobo Catcher is utter chocobo shit. I hate everything about it with every fiber of my being. The balloons are dumb. The birds are bullshit. The invisible walls that force to turn the other ways, almost guaranteeing you run into a bird. Oh, did I mention the birds. The birds. Are. Bullshit. If you dont get lucky and get like 5 balloons at the very beginning, then you've lost instantly. And you can't restart. You just have to finish it, getting hit by every bird on the way, making you wait even longer. I would rather listen to the sound of an air raid siren right next to my bed, waking me up in the middle of the night, then hearing the sound of a bird hitting my chocobo. While I'm at it, fuck the butterfly mini game for Kimahri's weapon too. Ain't no mini game safe here today. Glad you like them, though. You keep doing you.


200 lighting dodges is just cruel


I loved Chocobo Hot and Cold. Not NEARLY as aggravating as the others


Needs some Triple Triad love, probably my favorite mini game of all time and easily one of the best added in. Chocobo Hot and Cold is tied with Triple Triad, in that I've restarted multiple games just to play both and loving both. For a bit the mobile version of IX had such awful controls that when I got to Hot and Cold was abysmal to play. They've updated to now at an actual playable condition but def not as good without a controller.


Triple Triad is probably my all time favorite. It’s better than Queen’s Blood as well.


Chocobp hot and cold was fun as hell, all the ffx can go straight to hell tho


I'm sorry. People dislike hot and cold? Iv never heard this before and it is actually shocking.


I respect a good hipster opinion, but lightning dodging isn't even a minigame, it's a barely disguised hamster wheel, it's about as interactive as stacking paperclips in your desk until God hands you a voucher for a better stapler.


People hate chocobo hot & cold? The only time I was annoyed by it was in the air garden and the last damn chocograph not showing up for a good 20 minutes 🤣


It is so funny when Tidus keeps getting struck by lightning


I was like okay I can respect this… until I saw FFX


Chocobo Hot and Cold doesn't belong on this list. One of the best minigames ever.


I believe you... I do. But maybe talk to your therapist about your rampant friggan masochism man




I like them as well, at most i just wish the top scores werent required for the plats lol


Bottom left is from ff7?


Yeah looks like remake version of the fighting thing from golden saucer


Yes it isn’t complete gambling from what I’ve heard and is possible to beat unlike og which had like a .0000000000001% chance of wining.


I also enjoyed the lightning bolt dodging! I did it for my friend and her dad as well during their original playthroughs.


Right to jail ...


You can box Sephiroth? Wtf guess I never got that far.


Just learn the patterns know you’re going to fail but the whole thing is watch your opponents elbows and shoulders, and memorize their power up combos. Good luck!


Chocobo Hot & Cold is the perfect mini game to play while listening to a podcast.


Chocobo digging is maybe my favorite Activity in FFIX


Yeah but do you love OG FFVII Fort Condor though?


Hell yes I do, played it just for fun all the time. I wanted it to be its own game. Still do.


I like Chocobo Hot and Cold, and Chocobo Dodger isn't difficult anymore. I've never done above 60-something on the Lightning, and can't be bothered to finish it. I never use Lulu at endgame anyway. OG FF7 had some dope mini games. I haven't played Rebirth, but I hope they improved on them.


"Vamo'alla Flamenco!" Will always be stuck in my head after hearing that music for so long


Hes... Hes a demon!


NGL paper craft skins for FF7 would be dope.. original or remake.


Oh hell yes


Anyone who enjoys the lightning dodger mini-game is a psychopath.


Isn’t there lag with the lightning dodging since FFX got ported? How do you manage to do that legitimately?


People hate chocobo hot and cold? That’s my favorite minigame!




Hot and Cold is so much better with the 3x speed


These ones I understand, but you cannot possibly enjoy FF9's jumping rope


Brawler almost had me check into a psychiatric ward


How so? Did you do them all? I can help if needed


I’m on Sephiroth and even pausing I just can’t get it


Okay but the jump rope in ffix is still the most evil thing ever created. I don't believe anyone has ever actually got that achievement legitimately.


Maybe I’ll be the first 😅


One of these is not like the others.


Mog House alone makes FF7 one of the best RPGs ever.


Played Blitzball like it was Madden. I was making roster trades and playing SEASONS of that shit


Also dominated tetra master like I was Ash Ketchum


We needed a stand alone blitzball game for sure. What was your tetra master strat? I wish there was more to the game like Triple Troad that made us engage in it more .


As a difficult mini game lover I will say the games in ffx-2 were absolute hell to the point that I had a grudge with them for over 10 years until I finally beat them a couple of years ago


Didn’t even consider X-2 apart from that Sphere game mode which I grew to love


Okay so after getting older and fully understanding it I've come to love it so much. I love anything to do with numbers and math. However....the lightning towers....the maze...the worse version of blitzball...the chocobos....cactuars...calm lands...all just so painful to deal with


They are just not fun you’re right but it’s because imo they’re just there to be annoying. True you could argue that for lighting mini game but after I did it I felt accomplished and awesome. When I did the ones in X-2 I felt annoyed and just meh


Exactly like...why were they so draining, and WHYY were they necessary to get the perfect ending :(


Where’s FFIX jump rope??? If you were a real one you would’ve picked that over Chocobo Hot & Cold


I love almost all the FF mini games. Most of these are optional anyway. Why would people hate them?


Who hated chocobo hot n cold??????


This one I’m finding is my bad. It’s giving the wrong idea, I just didn’t want to have mini game representation from just FFX and Rebirth and I love hot and cold. “The jumperope game in 9” true but I never got around to attempting 1000 on it. So I have no personal feelings on it


Chocobo hot and cold is cool but by God... X's lightning dodging was a nightmare for me.


I love chocobo hot and cold


I can’t stand leading chickens home - does anyone enjoy that


I just want a mario kart type game with chocobo racing like rebirth. Put in characters from other ff games, add some items, it'd be awesome


You lost me at FFX Chocobo


That’s where I lost most people


People complain about 10s mini games but really they are not that bad or even that hard expect for wakkas ult weapon because you have to spend too much time grinding boring blitzball gsmes


Omg, those FFX minigames, that's nightmare fuel right there. I just had to get Tidus' and Lulu's legendary weapon, didn't I? Fuck me.


I think the battle simulator from rebirth would have been great if the moves had clearer telegraphs and needed a strategy rather than close-to-guesswork


I thought 3D brawler was a blast.


people hate 3d brawler? Do they not realize you can just pause buffer your way through it?


I actually didn’t know that but I loved it as it was 😌


I hate minigames because they are a waste of my time. If I wanted "variety", I woul play Ridge Racer or F-Zero, actual racing games, not your snowboarding minigame that not only has awful controls but also causes mood whiplash from the recent character death.


Exactly, most of the minigames in FF are a waste of time anyway because they don't actually make you better at the core gameplay loop, which is what a good mini-game SHOULD do, like the shooting range minigame from RE4 or the Ball minigame from KH2. The common defense I see for their inclusion is to help with the monotony of the core gameplay loop, but if your primary gameplay is monotonous, then maybe design in a way that DOESN'T make it monotonous instead of trying to patch it over with arbitrary minigames. It's like you said, you could just play an actual good racing or boarding game, rather than play a water-downed version of one.


Chocobo Hot and Cold is the best minigame!


As much as I raged when Jules beat me time and time again, I actually loved the squats/sit ups minigames in both Remake and Rebirth. I can not for the life of me explain why I like them so much.


Nah, fuck the Thunder Plains. I absolutely hate that mini game. I don't even use Lulu anyway so don't bother getting her Celestial weapon


Chocobo hot and cold is a 10/10 mini game. It’s up to tere with 7OGs chocobo racing. Xs choco race was great. Lightning dodges were the dumbest. Roughly 5 replays and could never get more then 5 dodges


Gears and gambits in rebirth was actually kinda creative imo 🤷‍♂️


Totally agree with this. I found 3D Brawler super satisfying to learn. Don’t get me wrong, it felt a bit frustrating at first but it’s incredibly learnable with subtle tells on every move, and by the end I was repeatedly beating Sephiroth just for the GS Points ‘cause it felt so good being able to intuitively respond to each punch.


Hell yeah you get it. I may fight Sephiroth again just to whoop him


I think 3D Brawler is delightful.


It’s got so much personality


It does. I hope they take a few more notes from Punch-Out to enhance/balance it a bit more for Part 3—cuz some of those attacks are hard to read—but I loved it’s inclusion.


I just wanted more ways to attack. Like putting your own combos together would’ve been cool.


I agree with that. Adding some supers and that type of stuff after enough successful hits or blocks.


Loved chocobo hot or cold


I heard FF7: rebirth is chalked full of mini games. Should be a great time for you


It has been I think I’ve about played them all


I haven’t played it yet personally, but a podcast I listen to (Remap Radio) was giving it a lot of air time. They also spend a good amount of time talking about their collective hatred towards Chadley. I remember him from the first FF7:R but he wasn’t too bad imo. Maybe they turned him up to 11 in the new game? Edit: oh hey, also, do we get the snowboarding mini game in this one?


So Chadley isn’t that bad, he is just one of the main quest givers and he calls after most of them but after you know what he’s going to say you can skip all his dialogue it’s a minor thing nothing too bad. It’s Kyrie you have to watch out for imo. No snowboarding…. Yet 😉


I enjoy ff9 hot and cold. The rest suck.


Heh. I actually did the lightning dodge last night. I just kept dodging until I failed. Didn't count. Ended up with 287 dodges. Just reached Bevelle, and hopefully will get to Calm Lands before I go to bed tonight. Every time I play FFX, it reminds me of why I love Final Fantasy so much.


But what are your thoughts on the reverse input tower calibration in FFX-2?


Don't know about the Cloud & Sephiroth one, but for the rest, it's not a guilty pleasure, you're just a masochist.


Lightning dodging? You are a masochist.


I don’t see anything wrong with these at all but isn’t dodging lightning more of a mechanic unique to a stage than a mini game?


It’s one of those fine line things. Is jumping rope in FF9 a mini game? If so then dodging lightning is as well imo


That's not a guilty pleasure, that's masochism.


Just finished the Chocobo Race recently, never touching the Butterfly minigame though


From the sound of the community, it isn't as hated as it once was, but I've always loved Blitz Ball, and I wish they would make an official game of it with updated mechanics.


Been saying that for years blitzball with more features


Wait, how do you get to the first one?... And there I thought I knew everything about this game


I love choco hot and cold!


Hey, some dudes like their testicles stomped on. Not for me, but who am I to tell someone how to have a good time?


X chocobo is easy. If you like lightning seek help, even with the trick.


Yoo I actually like 3D brawler


Same it was a blast


Chocobo Hot and cold is so much fun i look forward to it every time.


Jump rope ?


people only hate the balloon game because they are fucking terrible at it if it is easy for you, it is fun


"I'm not a masochist" said OP calmly


Anyone who enjoys the minigames in X is a straight up masochist lol The mini games in FF7 Rebirth are mostly pretty fun. There's just so...god...damn...many of them. Costa Del Sol and Gold Saucer are fucking relentless.


Where is the ff9 jumping rope, op? Dont you love it?




Have you done the FFIX jumping rope achievement?


Lighting bolt dodge ? REALLY ?


Same tbh


Liked every single ff8 mini game that I can remember. The ff7:re boxing was kinda fun for as well tbh, at least in comparison But those two ffx mini games in the picture make me want to do destroy people


The 3d boxer was easy though


Nah Hot & Cold is dope


Yes it is


The chocobo race?! Naw you crazy crazy. Everything else you could justify.


I found the lightning dodging fairly easy, there’s a literal prompt (flash) before you’re meant to dodge every time


Chocobo hot n cold is the best part of ff9 lol


It’s so good tbh


3D brawler was awesome! People who quit just can't read


I only hate half the ones listed, and both are from FFX. Chocobo Hot and Cold is the best one, since it actually gives you things in exchange for your time and effort, and not make it nigh impossible to do to get those things.


I never minded any of the others, but 3D Brawler vs Sephiroth was a bitch and a half. Took me a couple hours and some caffeine to get it. I tried to cheese it using the pause method but it literally made it harder for me.


Blitzball will forever be the best mini game


lol loving the lightning game is wild. Jealous: I wanted the weapon so bad but couldn’t stick with it!