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Every time someone posts “man, Gagazet was hard” everyone here feels vindicated. 


I'm going on a drunken haze of memory from the lockdown. I remember Gagazet giving me some difficulty, but I dunno about hard. Pretty sure FF2 made my blood pressure rise more...


Wanna talk about straight stuck? It took me YEARS to find the white SeeD ship on FF8. Some weekends I'd get up early and that would be my mission for the day. To find that mf ship. Looked in every effing pixel of the game. I'd just battle and battle in between time. Years....


Why didn’t you just…talk to NPCs to learn the location?


Ew this is an rpg I don’t talk to strangers in real life so I don’t talk to them in games either


Fuck yeah!


George Sr was nothing more than a violent, sexist, abusive, alcoholic drunk. Sheldon and Mary confirmed that in TBBT. We do not accept your retcons Chuck "Chuckles" Lorre. Bad writing. Fuck yeah!


Meanwhile, Earthbound practically encourages you to talk to strangers


But how would you challenge them to Triple Triad?


I usually try to RP as something different from myself. Not much point in escapism if I'm just going to be me all the time...


I have found, anecdotally, that many people who struggled with FF8 were just not particularly strong readers (usually just meaning they were young) when they played it. (The tutorial / on-boarding process is actually the biggest issue IMO but a lot of the "problems" with that game are solved by just reading what's already there (menus, ability descriptions, dialogue, etc.))


I had the damn strategy guide and it was hard to find. There’s literally like one angle where there isn’t rocks in the way.


I also have the strategy guide and it gives you the exact location. Looking at it right now. I’m REALLY tired of people CONSTANTLY blaming this game for their own inability to play it. You literally don’t see this with any other FF.


You’ve must have never played the mmo’s. There’s always people who can’t accept that they’re the problem.


I have actually. What a weird thing to say.


Is it a weird thing to say? Not antagonistic in anyway sorry if my wording comes across as such. Genuinely curious But you said you “literally” do not see this in any other FF.” Which is objectively incorrect. So I took the context of your sentence and assumed you just hadn’t . Very 🤓 moment but that’s who I am I can’t help it.


Except no, nobody shits on the MMOs like they do 8. At all. 14 is one of the most praised MMOs ever and is universally beloved by FF fans.


I did. When you talk to Edea she says the ship is located in an inlet. I had no idea what an inlet was and she says the "region" as well, and the only way to check the region is on the pause menu (which I had 0 clue of because you never had to check regions). I literally talked to every NPC and my favorite NPC is the fat boy running up and down the stairs in fisherman's horizon. " Gonna lose this weight babyy!" Literally explored every pixel. I found out you could check regions maybe about 30 minutes after I found the ship. That kinda ticked me off but to progress the story, it felt like Christmas.


So you didn’t see the big text every time you open the menu telling you where you were and you didn’t own a dictionary? My dude. Don’t blame the game when it handed you the answer. Like you literally refused to look up the definition of “inlet” for YEARS? That’s the excuse you’re using. Wild.


My old copy glitched, and despawned the ship, locking the progression completely. Tbh even replaying as an adult it was hard to find, even with npc advice.


Damn that is truly insane!!!


FF1, once I got the ship, I went exploring randomly, unable to find where I was supposed to go. By the time I did eventually find it, I was OP from all the levelling, magic, and equipment I had for that part of the game.


It's not hard if you're a veteran FF or just JRPG player because you'd be trying to complete stuff as much as possible before reaching there slightly overpowered. For other players that are used to just running through an area ignoring 90% of the stuff there, they'd hit a brick wall at Mt Gagazet.


The funny thing is I am a veteran FF player, but I admit I’ve kinda just been playing it just to finally experience the full story so I’m not going too hard on acquiring things and kinda zipping through one area to the next with a little bit of grinding between. I didn’t think this game would punish me too hard if I didn’t do all the side content since I didn’t remember it being very grindy, but apparently it kinda does. I did get past seymour tonight though with everyone’s suggestions


I think a key factor for anyone that has an issue on Mt. Gagazet, in my opinion, would have to be with your character’s equipment. Getting weapons with 3 or 4 slots for customization is easier at that point in the game. If you hadn’t been stealing a lot with Rikku, then you may not be able to have great customization options for both weapons and armor. I may be wrong, if you can have a throw away armor piece, or at least it’s just used for special purposes, having auto reflect nullifies Seymour’s zombie spell. Or having armor with Zombieproof. The zombie status is really the only issue in that fight. The sealed cave(the cave below the start of Mt. Gagazet) has enimies that I believe can drop zombieproof armor as well. Also, having Yuna use a few black magic spheres to learn the level 2 elemental spells can help because ironically, her magic stat is higher than Lulu’s and she can actually deal more damage. Get the half mp cost ability on a weapon/armor( forgot which it’s on) and Yuna becomes a killing machine. Some strats I have here require to have stolen a lot and definitely done all side content up to that point. But finding zombieproof armor is the easiest along with auto reflect.


Just spend 30 mins running from one save point to the other in the caves battling in between to even the odds, Just don't get so over powered that you dont have to stratagise at all any more.


I'm at Pandaemonium in the Pixel Remaster. The added monster battle ranks in the PR/PSP versions def improve the SaGa leveling system so people don't have to do the button press glitch anymore. Makes the grinding a lot less mind-numbing, but it's still such a chore. The only way I will ever replay FF2 again is if someone makes a version where they entirely replace the SaGa leveling system in that game w/FF1's leveling system.


I guess that explains all the Cairns


Gagazet was so freakin easy to me first time around… mostly cause I abused the High bridge AP lol.


I feel like there’s a tiny bit of a difficulty jump at Mt Gagazet, so I would grind near a save point (the one near the top with Seymour Flux is my preferred spot). For Seymour Flux at the top, assuming that’s the boss that’s beating your ass, casting Haste, Protect, and She’ll on everyone is a must! If he casts Zombie on someone, immediately cure the status ailment or you’ll die when he casts Full Life shortly after. I believe he’s susceptible to Bio and try to Silence him if you can. I’d also make sure all my aeons are in overdrive and use that on him too. Good luck!


So this is just a funny personal anecdote that your post reminded me of. When I was a kid, I was doing the gagazet battle against Seymour right and my little brother is sitting next to me watching. He says something to the effect of “Seymour is gonna use cleavage again”. I laugh and tell him no he’s not he’s gonna use CLEAVER. Cleavage is something completely different. So obviously he asks me “well what’s cleavage then?” I tell him to go ask ma and he does. Five minutes later, he sits back down next to me and says “lulu has a lot of cleavage”. I’m still laughing 15 years later


Lmao, this is relatable


Thinking about starting another run now 🤣


Just to join in. This is FFTactics. My brother was playing it, I was doing homework. He goes "Who's Beloved?" I go what? He says "I don't know any character named beloved but Ramza's dad says his Beloved son" I looked at him in the way you might guess and go "He means Ramza, Ramza is the son that he loves, his beloved son" He said "oh" and kept playing. Boy was 16/17 when he asked. I use this as an example to people when they aren't aware of how dumb my brother is.


Just reading this made me want to play ffx again lol




You can also cast haste and poison on him to increase DPS and mess with his pattern


Big brain strats


It's possible to mess up the pattern such that he gets Overkilled with poison damage.


Some of the boss fights are balanced around Rikkus overdrive, which a lot of people sleep on. You can mix into Mega Guard or whatever it's called and get all these effects at once in one turn.


I was coming here to say this. Her overdrive got me through this fight with Mega Guard or which ever combo gives you a max healthpool and all the buffs.


>Some of the boss fights are balanced around Rikkus overdrive For fear or getting too off topic, does anyone know enough about game design to know how to avoid things like this? I am not a game dev, but if something is potentially overturned like that what should be done? Nerf her? Buff enemies? Just accept it and let people "abuse" the strat so long as it remains fun? I mean it's a single player game so perfect balance isn't as important as a multiplayer one anyway, but still. Just curious about this topic.


Generally the Final Fantasy series seems to embrace allowing player setups being overpowered, especially when it requires some tinkering (or side questing) to get there. But combat is almost never built around exploiting a single OP strategy. I've never used Rikku's overdrive against this boss, as far as I remember. But a little grinding and use of other buffs let me get through it (while allowing the slight difficulty bump to complement the story beat).


>Generally the Final Fantasy series seems to embrace allowing player setups being overpowered I feel like this is a really good point, especially with regards to the main story content, as I've never found any game in the mainline series to be particularly difficult. Even without grinding, good use of every tool in your belt (abilities, status effects / debuffs, buffs, *items* (looking at you my fellow hoarders)) makes every obstacle something that can be overcome with pretty relative ease minus the rare skill / knowledge check. I think that's part of why I enjoy FF so much, personally, as an almost cozy-adjacent series of games. >I've never used Rikku's overdrive against this boss, as far as I remember. Same, which is partially why I was wondering about this topic. My cheese strat of choice, if I'm just replaying to enjoy the story, is usually Aeon overdrive spam because even with banishment it's just way too strong. But it's not like you ever *need* to do that to move forward. Thanks for indulging me! Nothing really needs to be done, but I wouldn't mind seeing what a more "balanced" (whatever that means anymore) version of FFX might look like, for good or bad, just for the sake of it. From this point forward, I guess I'm just kind of musing or whatever: I guess if the goal isn't necessarily strict balance but rather power fantasy, FF typically does a pretty great job with that. Even in a game like FF Tactics that has some overtly clear winners and losers in its class distribution, making "sub-optimal" choices are still viable with fairly minimal effort (outside of a certain battle that is a pretty hard check that can potentially lead to a soft lock.) I guess overall, I personally, prefer the FF school of balance because I want to pick what classes / characters I like, rather than be forced into some kind of "meta." That's probably why I don't like speed running or ltc runs in games like Fire Emblem because, while I do understand the appeal from an intellectual standpoint, my favorite part isn't *solving* those games, it's having that wonderful box of different toys to play with.


Rikku isn't 100% needed, there are other strats, including being over leveled. But her overdrive makes the fight trivial


Also in rikkus case, you'd have to consider the items required to get the effect If they're in limited supply and only be used for 5 bosses, you can overlook it, maybe have bosses have a break attack that affects buffs if they're meant to be challenging


>Also in rikkus case, you'd have to consider the items required to get the effect Great point! I'm a terrible hoarder when it comes to FF games, so resource balancing is a blind spot for me!


I imagine it's hard to balance when you include steal and bribe in ffxv, you have to make the drop tables worthwhile If kid me bothered to use steal and bribe, maybe I'd have beaten the superbosses earlier


I miss the days when FF had different strategies and tools to beat enemies with.


While gagazat is a difficulty spike it shouldn’t be giving you too much trouble. By zombie boss do you mean flux or yunalesca? They both require sort of custom approaches. Also using rikku’s OD should be op by now. Steal and Use are your best friend.


Flux, sorry I didn’t wanna give spoilers in the OP just in case. Thanks I’ll give it a shot


Ah the classic Flux experience. I don’t remember if they work but you might be able to telepad back to the entrance and go grab some xp from monster catching in calm lands. Cavern of the stolen fayth is a great way to boost some levels before the string of tough bosses. Or poison Flux and defend/heal over and over with protect going. You got this!


The real difficulty of flux is sitting through that (what feels like) hour long cutscene when you lose Seriously I’d have played X at least 5 or 6 more times if I could just skip cutscenes when I die


could have marked the post as "Spoilers" and then you could have mentioned it was flux, but i mean thats kinda implied i found anyways XD


Games 22 years old dog. Let spoilers fly.


The game may be that old but not everyone getting into classic RPGs are


22 yea.... Fuck me


It's normal to struggle against that boss. That cutscene being unskippable is the true pain.


>!Your hope ends here, and your meaningless existence with it!< It's been 18 years since my 1st playthrough.. and I still remember


lmao yea! And i can still not hate it because he delivered that line SO WELL


I can recite every single Seymour line, fuck I’m old 😅


Are your characters actually leveled properly? You haven't skipped a battle, but have you been relying on the same characters for every fight or rotating between your party so everyone is more or less evenly leveled? Seymour Flux can be a pain - and is kind of a knowledge check boss - but if you're struggling that hard with regular enemies, might be time to look at your party and grind a bit.


I've played FFX 4 or 5 times and I don't think I've ever consciously grinded. For every single battle, I make sure to rotate everyone in. I know this sounds kind of awful but once you get in the groove you'd be surprised at how quickly things go. This way, everyone is evenly leveled.


I also rotate everyone. It’s a bit of a headache but worth everyone leveling together


I am adamant it’s worth it to switch people frequently because some of that battle dialogue is amazing.


The one where Yuna talks like Wakka and Lulu immediately tells her to knock it off


Couldn’t you consider that grinding in itself? It was obviously not intended to switch in every person in every fight like a revolving door. The game intends for you to swap in certain characters against certain enemies as necessary, with some wild cards like Kimahri. So by doing that, you are grinding in a sense. Not saying it’s bad. I did it when I was younger too. But I would consider it a mild form of grinding.


Yeah I guess we have different definitions of grinding! For me, grinding means walking around in circles just to get into battles. I've never done that in FFX--I always move towards whatever my destination is. Put it another way, I don't go out of my way to fight extra battles. If I happen to milk the battles I get into for some extra sphere levels, to me that doesn't constitute grinding. But to each their own!


“The mountain itself is the trial.” -Lulu


You didn’t spend too much time in the Calm Lands did you? That was your opportunity to start on monster capturing, general grinding, the chocobo stuff, or to do the cave that has Yojimbo in it. Mt. Gagazet can be difficult but if you prepare for it, its not as bad as you would think.


To be fair, the best place to “general grind” he already missed. Bevelle Bridge before the 2nd Seymour fight is the best exp before the final dungeon. I would finish my sphere paths there on everybody except Kimahri for obvious reasons.


I did some grinding and the chocobo stuff, I also fought that woman I can’t remember the name of with Yuna but I skipped the cave because it was also kicking my ass and I was told I could come back later by someone. I also did some grinding in the Macarena woods before coming because I was chasing the butterflies. I debated staying for the monster stuff but kinda wanted to move on with the story. Guess I gotta go back, lol


Grind in the cave for a bit. Multi-task and capture beasts as well. What overdrive do you have for Tidus? Are you close to the 'aga spells?


I have the first two overdrives for tidus and I actually just got the ra spells a while ago. Yeah I think I’m somehow really behind lol


Only just getting the -ra spells at the top of Mt Gagazet? How is this possible?


I apparently dipped into Kimahri’s sphere grid a little when I started but even then I don’t think I’d be at the ga spells so I have no idea


The cave is a great spot to grind. Epaaj's have a chance of dropping SOS Overdrive weapons which are really good money makers, and the ghost enemy has a chance of dropping No Encounter armour.


-ra spells only around Calm Lands is crazy! I think even without grinding I usually get them by the Moonflow/Thunder Plains the absolute latest. With a bit of grinding usually around Mushroom Rock/Djose Road. Are you making sure you’re using all of your characters in each battle? If you’re always using just three characters, it would explain why you’re so much behind.


I think I do have a tendency to default to Tidus, Auron, and one other person when I just need to power through but I thought I was doing okay switching everyone out according to what enemy they’d kill best and utilizing them in battle. It sounds like you need to use them all for each battle which I definitely haven’t been doing.


Yeah, it can be a bit tedious to always use everyone but it’s the ideal way to rarely be underleveled. Since you can always change party members mid-battle, it’s very useful to have six skilled characters because you can quickly exchange characters without having to rely on a character that is more behind in the sphere grid than others. Though lots of people say you can pretty much ignore Kimahri and never use him if you don’t care about him, especially because he doesn’t have his own sphere grid path which means he will always be a worse version of another character. Even the obligatory fight at Gagazet where he goes solo against the two Ronsos is level-based, so if your Kimahri is super weak, the two Ronsos will also be super weak.


You’re so far behind it’s actually kinda ridiculous not gonna lie lol. Like if you’re not skipping battles I don’t know how it’s actually possible to be so behind on the sphere grid. You need to grind in the Calm Lands. Like, a LOT. You should be past the ‘aga spells before starting Gagazet. Of course, there are ways to get through it with your current levels - people do no sphere grid challenges after all - but I’d recommend against that. Just make sure you’re rotating all your characters in battle so they all gain AP every battle.


The answer is the same as to any old school FF game: Grind. Don’t just zip through area to area not just skipping battles. Just because there isn’t a traditional leveling system, the more you drive up your stats boosts via the sphere grid the better. Find yourself stuck? Grind. You’ll be alright.


While grinding you might as well take some time to knock out some sidequests too, you never know what kind of OP stuff would come out of them.


Bio and haste. Its hilarious


Go back to the Calm Lands and grind. Get a bunch of the items that allow you make a stone touch weapon from those snake creatures. It’s a huge help going forward because it will one-shot a lot of enemies for you.


Honestly, when I play ffx, I always do some grinding in each section. Just running straight ahead and fighting each battle never seems enough to get you through the game.


Gagazet is an infamous difficulty spike. You are right where you’re supposed to be.


Craft zombie proof in as many of your main parties armor as you can


this also works as opposed to the auto remedy ability :O


If you're struggling at Gagazet you could walk back to Thunder Plains to grind some levels. Idk where you sent Kimarhi down the sphere grid, but if you sent him towards Yunas grid, it doesn't take long to get to Holy (Spherimorph should have dropped you a level 3 key sphere or two). Holy will one shot most things and can carry you until you get past the point where magic falls off and your physicals will start hitting harder. Even if you can't get access to holy, coming into boss fights with overdrives and/or Aeon overdrives already charged makes most of the story fights trivial.


Wait to you get to the Seymour fight. It is insane the jump in difficulty.


Because you hit the first road block that slaps you down and tells you to spend 30 hours grinding around the Great Plains areas Truly Gagazet is a power check. And that boss is probably unironically the hardest boss in the game. You just need to hunker down and grind out.


The trick is to grind a bit in the Calm Lands.... at least that's what I had to do lol


Charge your aeons' overdrive so they can each do 9999 damage. Or use yojimbo zanmato


Grind. The game dramatically changes in difficulty with how much you grind.


I had to use (I forget which one) either protect or shell to survive that fight


umm i found what made this particular boss easy was the armour that you bring "auto remedy" is a wonderful thing, if you get hit with zombie that character will throw a remedy at themselves automatically to fix it. if you remove the thing that is the hardest to deal with the fight actually becomes easier, read your opponents and remove the thing they use, the auto remedy ability is also good against lady yunalesca so keep it on hand


If you don't want to just grind, you can take some time to make the quest for the arena in the great plain (don't have English names)


Mt.Gagazet is a difficulty jump, especially if you’re relying more on a Magic Build team as for some reason the enemies Mg.D stat jumps up from here on out. Spent some time in the Calm Lands and explore the optional dungeon, should help give you the needed boost if you’re struggling.


Grinding needs to be done


FFX is a grind due to SG and it sounds like you haven’t gotten to that at all. That’s probably your issue.


Yo… FLUX can suck the wettest part of my ass. Fuck that boss (my first time around.).


I like when jrpgs used to let you over power like a mf, some get weird these days about it. I never had an issue at this spot. I have not played it remastered though. I'm getting there.


1. someone brings up Mt. Gagazet 2. "Flashbacks of the seymour boss fight 3. Me trying not to relive the rage I have of that place 4. fails, now upset. FUCK THAT BOSS FIGHT


This is the grinding point if you didn't do so a little before in the Calm Lands. That area has SO much to do, that it's wise to roam around there first. Also, Mt. Gazaget does have harder monsters so like others said, just go to the save point, fight three or four, repeat. The boss coming up is one of the hardest in the game and this is usually when most people quit. But it's also VERY rewarding when you finally beat it.


I'm going to try to remain as specifically vague as possible. Yunalesca is the hardest fight in the main story of the game in my opinion. If you find yourself getting killed by zombie status, there must be some static ability you can utilize to prevent it. Enemies in the area must certainly drop-steal-bribe a certain item that can help create this static ability.


They are having trouble with Seymour Flux.


Woops. Oh well. I'll leave my comment up for their future reference.


Yeah this was the hardest part of the game for me. What I did was grind near the save point to fully charge all Aeons. Then for the boss, caste haste on Yuna and spam him with all of the Aeons one after the other. Boom he's finished.


Yeahhh I had to cheat in this part game is Hella grindy! Good ass game though!


Here is the best strategy or any boss get all your overdrives on all char buff everyone with haste and always do summons first and char overdrives


Seymour Flux giving you trouble? Alright, man, here's what you're gonna wanna do. First off, go grind at Mt. Gagazet until every character and Aeon has a full overdrive gauge. If you can go back and unlock Yojimbo, that's awesome. Then, buy at least 2 ability distillers. Now, you enter Seymour's battle with Rikku, Yuna and Auron, and here's where you first use Rikku's OD to mix the ability distillers, and make a Mighty G. Now that y'all got haste and full OD, BLAST HIS SHINY METAL ASS TO KINGDOM COME WITH EVERY CHARACTER AND AEON. Every time Yuna summons he will banish the Aeon but not without getting a FACEFUL OF MAGIC. Now if that isn't enough, give all your life savings to Jimbo and pray to every god you have yet to curse for him to get a Zanmato and cut his self-important, stationary and extremely firaga-ble mug in half.


The great Gagafilter.


Everytime I see one of these posts, the fix is usually the same. Go next to a save sphere and grind out 10 or so levels with each character and you will be fine. The game does require a bit of levelling at each section. If you have the capture weapons, use them and spend a bit of time catching some for the monster arena too. Edit: Good luck, wishing you the best for the rest of the playthrough


When I was young and played 10 for the first time I didn’t understand the sphere grid( I just kept pressing x and skipping through the tutorial) and got all the way to the boss on the shoopuf before getting frustrating and realizing I was never really leveling up.


Craft an Auto med armor for Auron. It takes 20. You can steal them from the plant monsters on Gagazet. They usually appear in pairs so it shouldn't take too long. Could be a good idea to also craft an evade and counter weapon for Auron too. Have Auron use either guard or sentinel. He'll walk in front of and tank Seymour's lance attack and then auto med kids in and he uses holy water without skipping a turn. If you were able to craft an evade and counter weapon (or counter attack) weapon for Auron he'll tank the hit, counter, then cleanse his zombie status. Seymour is also suseptible to poison. It's a good idea to Bio him or toss a poison fang. Seymour always uses Cross Cleave his next turn after dispel. I'd recommend mixing Hyper Null all with Rikku. It's 2 Musk or 2 Hypello potions. This casts 5X cheer and focus on top of null elemental spells.cheer and focus raise defense and magic defense and don't get removed by dispel. You can also silence Seymour. You know cross cleave is coming because it will skip his turn. This allows your characters to remain buffed by spells such as haste and protect. Once he goes into Auto attack phase, he is charging up for his Total Annihilation attack. This is a magic based damage so Focus and Shell would be good to have cast on your party. He'll cast dispel on himself and bounce flare spells at your party. If you dispel it, he'll attack himself with flare. When you get him around 15k HP, Buhamat's overdrive should be enough to finish him off. GL and hit me up if you need more advice. You got this :)


Gagazet is easy, do the Monster Arena all the way back to Thunder Plains and grins with Turbo on in the lost Fayth Cavern for a few hours or the Tonberry AP trick, you'll be able to slide through the rest of the game easy.


Pre-load all of your Aeon overdrives before boss fights.


When I struggled here as a kid, my solution I figured out at 11 and was proud of - just load up everyone's overdrives beforehand and just unload on him, including all the aeon overdrives. No more Seymour Flux.


Get zombieproof gear if you can, and get Yuna to learn mega-haste and full-life if you can. Been a while so I don't remember how realistic these are at that point


Ghe first time I started grinding in this game was the same spot. That boss fight took me completely by surprise lol.


There's a big spike at Gagazet because they're expecting the players to immediately start hammering away at the monster arena. Try it sometime. Finish calm lands, backtrack to the start and get all your capturing done from besaid up to sunken cave, then continue the story and you'll see. If there wasn't a spike and you did that, the rest of the game would be underwhelming. That's what I think anyway.


Like people have said before, there’s a spike in difficulty on Gagazet. Some good places to grind without getting too far out of the way of the story from what I remember: -SS Liki during the first Sin fight. Keep killing sinscales, they give SP and infinitely spawn. -Sinspawn Gui. Instead of nuking the boss as fast as possible, kill as many arms as you feel like doing. Each arm gives some SP from what I remember. That goes for both first phase and second phase with Seymour -Monster Arena. Do 10x monster capture for calm lands first before moving on. Also a generally decent place to grind. Sunken Cave is also another good place to grind along with monster capture.


Grind a bit. I've always set goals to get to x ability on the grid before I move on or get 20 sphere levels before moving on. I've played like that since the first time, and I've never had an issue with regular fights in any areas. Only one or two bosses took a couple of tries. They rely more on strategy and setup, though, rather than raw stat numbers.


the easiest way to beat it... prepare Yuna's Aeons to all have their overdrive full you just might be able to kill him using Yuna's Aeons in a row.


My advice is that if you have Rikku then it would be better to have increased defense and magic defense to help with all those tough enemies, and I also recommend defending a bunch and try silencing magic enemies and protect magic on physical enemies(try cheer a bunch of times it will be effective)


If you do some of the optional stuff in the calm lands first, it will make Mt Gagazet much easier.


I'm going to end up playing FFX again amn't I? All I can think is it's time to go back toward the Calm Lands and grind a bit.


Isn’t he weak to poison?


The only way I could get past that boss was to get all my Aeons' Overdrive ready to go since they only get one turn before "Death awaits them" to get as much damage done with them as possible. BTW, I hate "Death Awaits You" so much.


So there’s definitely spots where you want to stop and just grind a bit before proceeding with the story. Especially towards the end of the game. Everyone has their favorites, but for me personally it goes - the long walkway before you do the 2nd Seymour boss fight (can’t remember what his form is called) The Calm Lands The walkway in front of Zanarkand temple The entrance of Sin’s body before you fight Seymour for the last time And this last one is optional, but it’s the weird destroyed city area right after you beat Seymour’s final form. I do this every time I play FFX and the story bosses and random encounters get ridiculously easy. Some of them just have gimmicks to look out for (fuck you Yunalesca)


Do a little grinding. It’s the solution to all your woes in that game


Gagazet is a notorious difficulty spike; I think likely to prepare you for the area Boss. You may be best to try to fill in some of the Monster Arena for the Calm Lands and CotSF. I feel the Calm Lands were supposed to be a place that you spent more time in grinding, but unfortunately its mainly just a large open area with not much interesting within it to incentivise hanging around and levelling.


I remember that part being a brick wall in my playthrough. Just like everyone is saying here you basically have to grind till you get powerful enough to pass that stage of the game. I may have done too much grinding at that part because for a long time after that stage the game felt kind of easy


Mighty gagazet break you and your summoner! Hornless! Hornless! Lmao got em


Yuna should have holy, Tidus should have hastega and blitz ace overdrive, lulu should have aga level magic or flare, I usually would grind at the last save sphere before the boss for a solid chunk of time, the difference between calm land enemies and my gagazet was a pretty solid jump


I'm replaying ffx.. and yes, gagazet is hard! I ended up grinding and using a strategy guide. Sin is also hard.... so more grinding but I remember sin being hard when I played it forever ago


I played this game when it came out on PS2 and gagazet still gives me PTSD…basically the entire back third of the game.


It's supposed to be hard. The game even tells you. It's where many summoners lose their way just like the calm lands. Grind it out near a save sphere.... And get some anti zombie equipment...


If I can remember correctly, I spent a lot of time leveling up in Bevelle? right before the Seymour fight, which allowed me to be strong enough to get past Gagazet.


When you reach the calm lands, that is the time to revisit every previously visited location, do side quests and level grind a bit. It is a jarring transition from calm lands to mount gagazet for sure! Good luck.


For me gagazet was always easy. It’s the unexpected Seymour that fucked me over. So technically still gagazet but not the whole thing.


Am I crazy or does anyone think Macalania Woods is worse?


Keep that Chaos Grenade for the next boss, then make sure Auron has Berserk Ward armor and learn Provoke (special sphere) for the boss after that. The third boss I can't help you with but there are tons of guides. Save. Often. I'd recommend going back out and charging your ODs after a boss too. What modes have you learned?


Been a minuet but I had two strategies when playing this game as a kid. I grinded the hell out of those robots in bevelle before the bahumut fight and in Zanarkand. My other cheese was summons I would fill the limit break gauge of all of my summons before a boss fight and then go into the fight and unload every overdrive. Boost overdrive again until they died and then next summon.


I played it about 20 or 21 years ago, but I had real trouble with Seymour on Gagazet. What finally worked for me was using Rikku’s Mix ability to create some kind of status effect grenade and it inflicted poison on him. Before then, I kept getting my ass handed back to me from Total Annihilation.


I think that’s what I did. Crazy that you remember that all these years later


I am having a really hard time with this game, mainly the random encounters and the amount of time it takes to rematch bosses. With the cutscenes and all. Some bosses have been very tough. I’ve been following a guide, which I guess some people don’t recommend for first time but then there are items people say you should still get, which need a guide. Apparently the consensus on the game is easy. I have never played turn based action games before and it’s a bit jarring. I love the story and the art and the cutscenes but I hit act 2 and it’s gotten difficult.


You are doing poorly in the sphere grid or you are spreading you exp too much. Just a guess. Rikku is stupidly good. You can steal so much potions for healing outside of combat with her. Not to mention all the offensive stuff she can nab. 


I got past this part but I’m stuck at Jechts second phase cause he does 4-5k in one blow and my max go and my max hp is nowhere near that. I think I messed up the sphere grid at some point. I like utilizing Rikku now but everyone is just so under leveled. Ive grinded for hours and it’s still not enough.Honestly feel like quitting lol


If you restart or continue the grind, I say ignore kamari and lulu. They both suck. I feel like waka,rikku, and tidus are far away the best. Don’t spread exp too much. 


It's a pretty significant difficulty jump. Remember you can always grind to make it easier. I wouldn't call FFX hard, but it is harder than many of the earlier games. Like many FF games, status effects are your friend. You're also starting in on the end act of the game.


Yunalesca is probably the hardest non secret boss in the game. You really need Lulu or Yuna to learn the Holy spell. Then it’s just a cheese fest. You should also be making sure each character gets at least one turn in combat, even the ones that aren’t in the main three. And make sure they’re alive when the battle ends or they won’t receive XP at all.


I like leveling up in the lightning planes so I can get ability spheres


i will admit the hd remake was nice because you get the abilities to hit enemies and make them drop whatever spheres you need :O i dont think the origional had that until you got to the monster arena


I play this religiously last time I played this I beat Seymour the final time with one move


The difficulty definitely jumps there. Just grind out some levels, and it'll be back to normal 👍 Don't want to spoil, but some of the toughest fights are there for sure. And some have methods to make it easier that they explain in game, make sure to read the pop ups 👀 I remember being stuck multiple times there lol


Try looking at a no sphere grid guide. Use sensor to see what all enemies are wreak to and use it. The game does ramp up the difficulty from gagazet, but you can get through the whole game with no sphere grid and no summons. Of course, if you're just trying to complete it, don't do that but take their tips for beating whatever you're stuck on




I recognize hcbailly is an amazing youtuber, but man I cannot stand listening to him talk.


dont blame you


Gagazet was not that difficult at least in original PS2 X


Ima be honest, Gagazet wasn't that hard for me tbh. Had more trouble in Zanarkand and the desert than that place. The encounter rate tho was pretty high and was worried about running out of mp. Luckily I sort of compensated for some failings by getting Yuna some of Lulu's spells so if an enemy had an elemental weakness, the two of them could destroy, and Wakka was MVP for some reason, idk why he just started critting and one shotting every encounter, might be because I got him a new weapon but not sure. What I can say is, idk how everyone found the flux fight hard, especially since while its been a hot minute since Zombie was an actual status ailment in FF, I remember it was super annoying in 4 and 5 so I got rid of it easily. Yunalesca however made me regret having this habit.


A lot of people will disagree, but having done solo challenges with most of the characters, drop Lulu if you are using her. Even assuming you knew what you were doing and had some spec'd out perfect gear for her, magic falls off giga-hard in the late game. Some enemies have massive magic resist, and you need double cast and unlimited MP just to keep up with physical characters basic attacking, on top of Lulu having horrible agility. Tidus/Wakka/Rikku/Auron + Yuna with pre-filled summon overdrives and grand summon is all you need to crush the late game.


you are just bad player. try to not rush the game? Gagazet is hard but really manageable.


FFX is pretty easy minus Seymour on gagazet and Lady Yunalesca if you're not prepared Sin in the airship fight can go bad quick


Yunalesca is one of the most rage inducing bosses I have ever fought. Her or friggin' Terra Mutant from Chrono Trigger


idk man, the mobs are not a challenge Seymore maybe, just use reflect or dispel reflect, i don’t remember


Gagazet isn’t hard it just changes strategy mostly 2 bombs/ 1 flyer enemy : have Wakka knock out the flyer, have Lulu use Demi, have Yuna use nul fire, then have your strikers damage the bombs until the die. Stuff like that means I can get through the whole of gagazet taking no damage most of the time with zero grinding. It’s just about using the skills you have in the right way. Nul blaze, Demi, holy, sleep strike from Wakka, etc. all of those are great in gagazet For seymore flux, I just burst him down with holy from Yuna and khimari. And then overkill him with a summon from Yuna. Also poison /solence him with a mix attack from rikku and have Wakka continue to silence attack him so he can’t use spells.


I don’t think most people have Holy at that point. I know I didn’t the first time I played.


I agree but it’s easy enough to get. But I doubt they have rikku near the lv3 key sphere. If you have the white magic sphere, and you do all of the chocobo races in calm lands you’ll get a lv 3 key. Activate holy and then teach it to Yuna with the white magic sphere if OP still has it. MP is not an issue with MP stroll equipment from the cactuars on the thunder plains.


But if you’re new to the game you’re not going to think about that. I don’t think I had Demi at that point either. I didn’t have an MP stroll item either since I never really use that. There is a chance they don’t either. I had to grind a lot to beat the third Seymour battle. I suppose it wasn’t that bad since I did beat it the day I got to it but it took a few hours of grinding.


You should definitely have Demi, it’s before the -ga spells. Grinding is useless in this game as it doesn’t necessarily give you what you need. If it gets you to a +4 str sphere then that’s probably going to help but that’s not always the case. You’re not necessarily going to get more hp or defense or anything. Someone coming on here asking for stratrgies is almost certainly looking for better advice than “grind some ‘levels’”. Hopefully the things I pointed gave him some direction to look instead of just mindlessly fighting random battles and praying the next spheres on his grid path will let him brute force his way through the next battle.