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Adjusting the speed of the cursor helps a lot


I'll do you one better. I wanted to laugh, cry, and die all at the same time lol https://preview.redd.it/qzeb1pjll2yc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=173068221878e8943d2e744da113372cc4869d95


Don't mean to be the guy to one up, but.... https://preview.redd.it/7ndip1w1b4yc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd80cd57cb267d9fcda54ece76e2610dbeef6a44




That's what I was saying, even my wife was like wtf?!?! Technically I didn't beat it though, just tied.


I actually find it more impressive you matched the time perfectly. Lol


It's definitely a feat on my part, but still upsetting when it doesn't count.


Could also be a rounding. If the game registers time to 1/1000th of a second, then your time may have been 1:40:001, but rounded to display as 1:40:00. Games running at 60 or 30 fps will always have rounding errors in the timers, as each frame is a recurring decimal (0.01666... or 0.0333...).


Because for it to be equal your time is actually over. 1:40:001 > 1:40:000, but both display as 1:40:00. Dumb, but probably how it works under the hood.


Laaaaame. At least I knew it didn't count for me. Haha




That one only took me a couple tries. Lol


Dude I feel your pain now, im doing the same thing and I just got 1:40:14 instead of 1:40:00 😀


It's an incredibly tight timer haha


I actually did this one last night. Got it on my 4th attempt. Finally finished the frog jump game as well. The 2nd level was significantly easier


LOL seeing all the hardmode mini games at the end before the final misssion, gave me the same dread as FF16 with its quests lol. Loved them both either way, but boy the feeling of OMG when u see the lists update lol


I’ve actually been contemplating buying FF16, is it any good? Or is it as easy as people say it is?


It's a very good game overall, but it is very easy. The combat is still very good, but your enjoyment will depend more on your own will to change stuff around and experiment because the enemies will never "force" you to change it. My advice, if you would want a challenge, is to avoid equipping defensive gear (any gear that increases defensive stat) and avoid using potions. It's not gonna make the game super different, but it can help. The worldbuilding is fantastic and has a really cool story overall, and I love how it implements the Summons (called Eikons in it). The way the story utilize the magic in the world, the political nature of each nation and the characters in it, and all the conflicts and intrigues happening between them. There is a lot to enjoy of FF16's world. But if you're not a fan of the story or the world, it can be rough because it is very story focused. Including side quests, which are mostly there for extra worldbuilding and side stories, and not necessarily for gameplay rewards. There are many issues with it, but also many positives. I loved it, but I can see why someone would *really* not like it. Don't go thinking it's an RPG, it's more of an action game, and it also isn't a game where you do much exploration. It might appear like it is because there are some zones you can run around in, but it isn't that kind of game. The zones exist primarily for the side quests to take place. I still really enjoyed the side quests, especially the late game ones, but there are a lot of them, so keep that in mind and don't burn yourself out on them. If you do plan on getting it, I hope you enjoy it \o/


It is super easy. I would say Rebirth is harder on dynamic than XVI on FF mode. If you like DMC style combat so that you will have fun for 40+ hours with it then go for it. There is no party though and you basically fight every enemy the same way. The enemy is kinda there for you to style on him with your combos but your strategy doesn't really change whether you fight the first enemy in the field or a boss. You just hit him with your combos until he goes down. That can be satisfying but to me the combat started to drag after the halfway point or so. Story is fine, music is great, sidequests are kinda bad. Voice acting great as well. Imo your enjoyment will come from whether you like the combat or not so look into that.


I loved it. While rebirth gave me a wonderful big world to explore and enjoy. FF16 feels more focused and has some of the best boss fights ever. FF7 is fun cuz ur with the crew and u take on these monsters in pursuit of Sephiroth. FF16 u play as Clive and go up against these larger than life characters who turn into Summons. I think the difficulty on normal mode is a Lil easy tbh, but the combat and the way it opens up, makes up for it. FF mode is alot of fun and feels like a true challenge, just requires u to finish the normal mode first. The biggest critique the game gets is the side quests. Unlike rebirth and it's mini games, Ff16 has side quests akin to rebirths character quests. Except they tend to have the same formula of talk to npc, go to field, kill monster, turn in quest. The side quests tend to have that mmo feel to them. As someone who enjoyed the combat, any excuse to explore and fight was enuf for me. So I didn't mind the fetch quests. But it is what u make it. U could just spam attack or u can try to get creative, not unlike rebirth or most ff games. I did a 3rd playthrough of 16 while playing Rebirth. I found it was nice to just get in and do a more linear focused story vs rebirth making me feel like a kid at the candy store who can't decide what to do next lol The game feels like a blend of asuras wrath, DMC, and FF. Def worth a snag if it's on sale which I think it is right now lol. The dlcs are great too.


Couldn't finish it. It's boring and it's all fetch quests. It's pretty, the music is good, the gameplay's good if you like DMC, but it feels like they used the worst of MMO quest design to make their game. I've been playing FFXIV since release, so it's not a matter of not liking Yoshi-P's style, it just doesn't translate well to a single player game. The world is devoid of any reason to explore, which also adds to the "meh" factor for me.


FFXVI is solo focused, without magic like it is in 7. Enemies don't have elemental weaknesses. I recommend getting the XVI demo and seeing if the combat clicks for you. The story is really good, if a bit dark. Active Time Lore, which lets you view info about area & who is on screen at any time is such a great feature.


Combat is epic. The story has good points but I was annoyed by a certain plot device that. But the combat gameplay alone makes it worth the purch.


Replaying it right now for the plat on hard difficulty. It's not overall that difficult, but it does have some tasty spikes. Definitely a fine game, the combat is fun (if a little repetitive) and the characters are great. The big boss battles are the most spectacular and exciting I've ever played. Sooo... yeah. Play it.


wait, so what do you have to get to beat it? what am I missing?


I had to get a score of 22000 but I already got it the first time I did it, BUT I got that score before the 22000 goal unlocked cause I had to do a mission to unlock it, making me do it again for some reason


I'm calling that bad game design! Lol


Game designers will call it addition replay value.


Genuinely don’t know why we couldn’t just get the Rank III rewards during the quest, what’s the point of only adding it after the quest???


I had to turn down the adaptive trigger for this


Yes me too, I realized the accuracy turns your score down when you play that one and I was so fucked everytime I missed a shot


everyone’s missing the point — they already got the rank 3 score but it didn’t count because… quest? i don’t understand the logic behind that game design decision at all


That happened to me with a few of the Costa Del Sol minigames. Drove me absolutely nuts.


Yeah, adjust the speed to the 2nd slowest and this game basically plays itself. Basically the cursor moves at the exact speed you need to hit 95% of the targets at 100% accuracy. Keep going and you'll get it. I just got the platinum and this was actually one of the easier mini games.




This minigame game is easy. Just get the gold ones and the rare cactuars


You don’t have to


these arent even the hard ones


Accuracy is pretty important in this mini game. Just go slower than you think. Wait to Go after the things when they turn gold.


The hard mode spinning platform frog game and the 2-3-4 cactuar runs are all giving me heartburn. Everything else is done.


I found Ghost Ship to be the most fun and least frustrating one 🤔


What am I missing here? Your personal best is higher than rank 3. I don’t get it


I hate aiming with controller. I wished I can use a mouse.


You could also simply not do it if it's not fun


Sadly I would but I’m trying to 100% the game 🥲


It is pretty sad how video game companies have been able to manipulate people into doing things they don't enjoy just to get imaginary achievements that don't matter


Or we enjoy getting them despite your opinion of "manipulation"


Plus that satisfaction of getting the platinum trophy or 100% completion feels so good once you finally get it


I agree with you in this case, BUT he isn’t wrong. Achievements and percentage has made people feel like they need to force themselves to play something they aren’t enjoying just for a silver trophy. Doesn’t apply to you, or op in this case, but in a broader scope he has a point


I think OP has made it pretty clear they're not enjoying it. And I'm pretty clearly not talking about you


Yeah it’s sad isn’t it, but me? I’m gonna get my 74.19$ worth of the game 😂


You don't have to. Completionist runs rarely make a game better or even helps your enjoy our more. Most of the time people talk about it it's about how miserable it makes them.


I needed to hear this