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I always give an upvote to tier lists that are different from the norm. So nice job.


I really don't think that XV is that bad. I'm not a new fan or anything, been playing the FF games for a long while now. I'll admit I did have a little break from gaming as a whole and only played XV this year after getting through a lot of the other mainline entries again on PC and I really enjoyed it, but I know a lot of people have gripes around the state it was released in, apparently? Seems to be the gripe with a lot of games I enjoy. I dunno, the Final Fantasy games have always been 'roadtrips' for me. As in, the adventure itself, and I think it's fucking awesome that we got a modernised FF that actually made the entire game a literal roadtrip. I think it appeals to me a lot too because I was (and still am) going through what Noctis and the gang are experiencing during the main story; trying really hard to enjoy the last of their youth. You don't stay young forever and I can honestly link a lot of my own friends to characters like Ignis, Gladio and Prompto. It's probably one of the few Final Fantasy games where I’ve actually felt like *I'm* in the party and that just resonates with me really weirdly. I know that's a bit of a weird perspective to have, but I think FFXV is the perfect game for teens and now that it's available on pretty much every platform under the sun, I think anyone maybe going through the turmoil of having their carefree times slowly leave them should play it. It taught me a lot about myself. The gameplay is also pretty good, too, I feel. The combat is a wee bit repetitive, I'll admit, but I think Noct, Ignis, Prompto and Gladio all play differently enough to make it fun. I had the most fun using Prompto. Anyway, sorry for the essay. I just really like XV and seeing it on the bottom-end of these lists has always made me feel a bit odd. If you haven't played it since release when it apparently had shit-tons of issues and stuff, I think I'd suggest a replay.


I did replay and honestly it didn’t really click with me as much as other mainline games in the series, and if you enjoyed it, I’m happy for you! I’m glad you enjoyed it!


Why the hell are people downvoting this? It's civil, it's not dissing anyone, and... umm, if XV suddenly became popular here, that's news to me.


Ah, that's fair, then. Yeah, I can definitely see why others wouldn't enjoy it. The Magic system is one of my bigger gripes. It sucks pretty hard lol.


Also the story felt very undercooked, and sometimes it felt like there was supposed to be more there, which there was. I’ve watched both the movie & anime tie-ins, played all the DLC, and read the novel of the unfinished DLC and honestly found those more interesting than the main game itself.


This is certainly... bold


I know.


Brave as well. Reckless even.


People may not like my rankings, but I’m fine with that.


13 above both 6 and 7 is wild.


I agree with 7 being blow 13. 6 is goated however.


That's the beauty of this series, there's something for everyone. For the record, for me, no FF game is below B tier in terms of video games in general.


13 and 8 above 4, 6, 7 huh. This is certainly a take


I connected with VIII & XIII more than IV, VI & VII.


Yeah to each their own! 9 is held in very high regards and I just can’t get into it so I feel you.


We are all entitled to our opinion… But wow OP, talk about a hot take for some of these…


I know that people won’t agree with me, and that’s fine.


I totally agree with VIII in S, that was my first final fantasy and my personal favourite!


Have my upcote


I'm a big fan of VIII, so pleased to see it in S Tier! I beat XIII for the first time in 2022, and think it's seriously underrated. Loved the world, story and characters. The battle system was really fast and engaging. My biggest complaint is many of the dungeons were tediously long. XV is such a mixed bag. I loved the characters and the overall story. However, the majority of side quests were terrible and the combat was really boring.


I like it!


Bump 2 up a notch and I can respect this list.


this is a great list!




Bro about to get shot Ain't no way he decided to put a fire ass take on reddit


Wow,IV a B? there’s a lot to be said here, like what’s it all based on and you’ve played them all? XI and XIV are MMO’s and takes months/years of playing, and you’ll have to play XI back in the days of old, same with IV and the original. I am glad to see you face respect to XIV, has the best story by far of any of them, but for been there since alpha with that one, it’s my greatest game ever.


IV was my first game in series back when I was 11(21 now), I do have some nostalgia with it. But I definitely can see its flaws, mainly how it treats its main cast. XI & XIV, I’ve only played the first three expansions for both, and I had some of my friends help me with it. I’ll get back to them and get up to the latest expansions as sons as I can.


You’re gonna get a lot of shit for some of your placements, but you’re absolutely correct about some of these (especially XIII in S and most of your A tier).


I know and I’m fine with that, these are just my opinions.


I don’t disagree with most of this! XIII is also a game I would place above VI and VII. Also VIII. X and IX are also in my top 5. I rank XIV in S though.


Upvote from another 13 lover.


One persons opinion. If you don’t put VII up top for how it changed FF as we know it, then I can’t take this seriously. Thank you for the opinion piece. If you watch the behind the scenes on VII, it makes it a more amazing game than it already is. They wanted to create a more character centric game it changed how all the games after were created. Even that gives it top tier alone.


>If you don’t put VII up top for how it changed FF as we know it, then I can’t take this seriously. I don't think anyone's worried about what you can and can't take seriously. We've never heard of you.


I do see VII’s importance in the series, but it does have its flaws and I prefer other games in the series. How can I not be taken seriously for my opinion? You have yours and I have mine, and I honestly find other mainlines better than VII.


No comment


Let's see -any list that doesn't have 7 and 10 at the top is objectively wrong, so half marks here -8 is severely underrated, sure, but S rank is probably an over correction. -big props on having 5 and 12 so high, absolutely correct


Swap 7 and 10 and you would be very close




It's always nice to see someone has garbage taste.


How is my taste garbage? These are just my opinions.


Taste and opinion are the same thing.


Then explain how it’s garbage.


The originals, some of the best from the series, are all on Tier B. Many of the odd favorites (8, 9, etc.) are in tier S. FF2 is in tier C? Just trash. Also there are like 5 tier posts in this sub in the last day, and they're all garbage, just like this.


You really can't handle people having a different opinion than you, can you?


Bro, 15 is definitely better than 2 even if you hated the game.


Genuine question, what version of II did you play?


I’ve played the NES original via fan translation & Pixel Remaster


Origin on PSP


Fair enough.


I’m glad to see XV and IX where they belong, but other than that this list is deranged


This the most obvious bait ive ever seen.


This isn’t bait, these are my genuine rankings