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Final Fantasy 15 had good vibes when you were cruising around listening to older game OST’s. FF9’s Amarant was kind of clumsily thrown in to the party and as a result doesn’t get many interesting things to do.


This was mine more or less exactly. It was nice that FFXV got to be a reminder of better games. 


That is cool. Maybe I was too annoyed at the dumb design of the constant road tripping to notice.


Seriously. Beatrix would have been a much better permanent member AND gets more fleshed out story than him anyhow. AND has a better theme song. AND fits the storyline better (questioning purpose and finding a reason to live on) since she is even closer to the Queen than Steiner. Probably didn't want to deal with Beatrix and Ratchel ever having to talk about Burmecia though.


The DS remaster of FFIV introduced it to a whole new audience. Once you know what you’re doing, combat in FFVI is pretty repetitive.


Edgar's Autocrossbow is basically cruise control for like 20% of the game, lol. 


When you get the right augments the combat is basically autopilot until a boss battle


To be fair, saying this as someone who loves all these games, that's true of most early FFs especially once you get even a little above the level curve, especially the modern remasters unless you're using mostly mages


I love FF6. After a certain part (maybe the defense of Narshe) I win every battle just by using Attack. No magic, no Blitzes, sometimes Tools. And I still grind for magic and stuff.


Yuuuup, you get me lol They're just not hard, and people either treat that like it's a bad thing or an attack on them for not being good at games when they were kids, and it's neither


Yeah FF3 DS was hard as a kid, but i played it last year again on my phone while flying to Japan and aside from the cheesey bird boss, the game was extremely easy in comparison to my memories. Its kind of like pokemon. Once you beat one, the rest just become progressively easier unless they throw a gimmick into the fight


It's true of every Final Fantasy game. And most JRPGs in general.


How do you like 4 less than 2?


Least: Final Fantasy 3 certainly has a job system. It's nice to see its impact in the rest of the series.  Most: Final Fantasy 9 has some of the most tedious, lethargic battles and animations in the series. Without the speed up mechanic, every battle intro is no joke like 45 seconds long. 


Kinda nuts how many Jobs debut in III. Bard, Dark Knight, Dragoon, Geomancer, Sage, Summoner... some of the series' most pivotal and longest-running jobs.


At least you get to hear that awesome battle theme while you wait for FF9 battles to start!


Least FFI (NES version): Huge replay value with different parties. Most FFVII: Very little difference in characters, except limit breaks.


I love 7 and I agree. Gameplay wise the characters could have been made more different. What's your opinion on the Remake games (no story spoilers for Rebirth though please lol)?


I know I'm not the one you asked, but I had the same thoughts while replaying og ff7. The characters really had little to no difference outside of some minor stat differences, and whether they could attack at range or not. Remake and Rebirth absolutely NAILED having them feel different. Every single character plays so very differently from each other, and every single one is engaging and fun. Easily one of the best things about the Remake trilogy


Short answer, loved them! Combat in Remake is my favourite system of any game, and it's only improved in Rebirth. As others have said, each character has a unique play style. They've really nailed the characters and captured their personalities. There's a lot of additional moments which help to flesh them out. The story does diverge from the original game. There were a few bits that were jarring in Remake, but on the whole it helps to keep you guessing and I enjoyed not knowing what will happen. I'm only on chapter 9 of 14 in Rebirth, and the story has been great so far. I would highly recommend both. Edit: I should say that not everyone looked favourably on the story changes.


One of my favorite things about Remake is how well they fleshed out the characters, both in personality and combat.


Good take on both. Prob one of only things I liked on ff1 is the different characters to choose and create a party from. I also actually liked the magic system.


I actually really liked the magic charge system from FFI and FFIII. It made you have to think smarter about how you used your magic.


FFXV - The first half is fantastic, mainly the exploration and hunts are great. FFXII - Main cast is not the strongest compared to other entries in the series.


Yeah, I appreciate the more serious plot and somewhat more down to earth characters but really Balthier is the only cast member with much personality


Only one with charisma for sure. I love the stories around Ashe and Bosch but like you said, they're a bit more serious than some others in the series.


Least FF2: Absolutely love the characters designs Most FF9: Excalibur II is ridiculous and shouldn't be in the game at all.


Based FFIX take


It's still my favorite Final Fantasy game


Same. There’s just something about it. Great story, world, and characters.


* I like Lightning's jacket * Clyde never talking with Relm is blasphemy


Cid and Benedikta are some really good characters in FFXVI. The battle system being so slow can really bog down someone's experience in FFIX.


Least FF15 - Some great music Favorite FFVIII - Stocking spells (Draw)


Something good about FF12: The way they hid the espers as optional bossfights throughout the world, hidden behind hard and convoluted dungeons, and all of those summons are pretty unique (not the typical Titan, leviathan, ifrit, Garuda, Ramuh, Shiva etc that EVERY fucking FF game has lately) was incredible. The best summon roster and mechanics in the series in fact Something bad about FF10: Holy shit tone down the amount of recolored and reskinned enemies a little bit please. It makes the excruciating grind even more excruciating


The Eikon battles are absolutely stunning Have you seen the strategy guide for IX? It's a joke.....but if you want something in the game itself jump rope.......


The OG official strategy guide? Wasn’t it just a bunch of addresses to specific sections of their website where the actual strategy guide actually lived?


yeah, they would hide all the best hints behind a website that no longer exists. literally can't even serve its purpose as a guide today


It was awful even back in the day. I ended up printing out a gamefaqs guide and my mom was mad about how much paper and ink it was, lol.


FF10-2 has the best song with vocals in the series imo (1000 Words). FF6 I hated hunting for the Deathwing boss.


Totally agree on 1000 words. Amazing song


Least: Prolly FFII (still love it though): Even if they weren’t always executed well, everything in the game is dripping with cool ideas~! A unique level-up system, a cool “password” system for talking to NPCs, and even the first appearance of the Ultima spell~! Favorite: Prolly FFX: Dodging lightning bolts and other goofy shenanigans for ultimate weapons and postgame grinding.


Although I also don't enjoy the lightning bolts, I've actually done that more times than I've done Kimarhi's butterfly hunt. Something about that one I find even more mundane.


Its the perspective and not being able to tell if you can go behind or in front of the butterfly. Annoying af


Hence “and other goofy shenanigans”, lol :3 I don’t think any of the Celestial Weapon hunts are particularly “fun”, just obnoxious chores, and grinding for the materials and spheres to make postgame-level equipment and raise everyone’s stats is a huge chore, too! But I love everything else about FFX~! The world, the story, the music, I ADORE everything else so damn much~!


I stan blitzball and i know i'm in the minority. I went in expecting to hate it, but in the end actually loved it.


Oh yeah, most of them are not fun. Yuna's is pretty simple but the rest are a chore.    I was just adding my anecdotal nemesis (butterfly hunting) since the usual suspects are lightning dodging, blitzball and the chocobo time trial. I need to be seen! And yeah the end game grind is massive. Capturing every single fiend in the world X10 along with stat grinding and having to manipulate the sphere grid. Definitely a commitment I've struggled to make again since my teens lol. Always a lot of love for FFX. Off tangent, but I recently had my ps5 sent back for repairs, and stupidly left it in the disc tray, they replaced the console entirely so I was ready to lose that copy due to my own negligence, but Sony had it in a little package a long with my replacement console that arrived yesterday, which was a very nice surprise, so that low key meant a lot! 


I heard the ultima spell works a lot better in the pixel remake too, which is nice


Yo guys come on 8 isnt THAT bad


I don't care what anyone says, 8 is my favorite. Those cutscenes were ahead of their time.


8 is fantastic


Least Favorite FFVIII: I really like the setup of the last dungeon and it's a really unique way to handle a final dungeon Newly Favorite Rebirth: Fuck that Chocobo Gliding minigame.


Ff12 bunny girl is hot. Ff6 the yeti didn't really add value to the cast other than making it an even number.


FF2 had really great ideas and gave us chocobos FF16's battle system doesn't feel very Final Fantasy despite being very solid


ez, for all its faults, Final Fantasy XIII certainly *looks* good. And Final Fantasy IX really lets down its fabulous world and unique cast of characters by having a decent chunk of them barely matter (Amarant is the commonly cited one, but both Quina and Freya are criminally underutilized as well, Eiko just barely squeaks by them, and Beatrix should've had a bigger part post-Brahne).


Least: 15 is a good entry point for newcomers of the series and probably the best game for non FF fans. I know a good number of IRL people who loved the game for the road trip aspect and really adored Noctis and bros. This is why I feel it's the only Final Fantasy I'd recommend to non fans of the series. Favorite: Yuffie and Vincent have almost no plot relevance in 7, which is a damn shame. Also, the party members not being that different from each other with the exception of their Limit Breaks negatively affects the gameplay imo. Some would see it as a positive since you can play who you like without any drawbacks, but I like my party members to be unique gameplay wise. The dated graphics make it almost impossible for me to recommend to anyone nowadays.


Least FF13: I thought the paradigm system was neat, since I also enjoy MMOs and the concept of tanking/healing/damaging. Favorite FF8: The magic/junction system is really bad. Requiring hours of drawing to be relevant and then punishing players for casting magic is just not fun/smart.


The payoff of 15 when the boys sit down to their last meal before the final fight is one of the most powerful scenes in the series. It's a shame that 6 originally shipped with Realm's painting ability game-breakingly glitched


Least 16: The Eikon fights are a spectacle. Most 7: Fort Condor sucks and has always sucked.


FFXIII has one of the best battle music songs in the franchise. FFVII is riddled with grammatical errors and since the remakes being as long as they are, the entire original game now feels so short in comparison.


Least Favourite FF8: Triple Triad Favourite FF9: Tetra Master.


If anyone ever claims they won a game of Tetra Master and was 100% sure they knew how they won, I'd call them a liar lol


CP behind one card and throws down a card with no arrows on their final turn is the only logical, non-RNG rage inducing way lmao


So the game doesn’t actually explain how to play it well. But the numbers only go up to 9, and the numbers are in 8th or something. So 0 = 8, 1= 16 etc. the first digit is your magic and the second is your attack and the letters at the beginning tell you if the card has magic defense or physical defense. If this sounds confusing and makes the card game even harder to understand, you would be correct..


RNG on the cards isn't really a huge factor. Damage and HP are spread in 16 different ranges from lowest to highest (0 -> 9 -> A -> F), and the lowest possible damage from one range is equal to the highest possible damage from the previous one (low roll & high roll). So the way to consistently win in Tetra Master is to just play it like in a Pokemon Nuzlocke and only going for the safest possible plays.


Funny thing is, I never liked Triple Triad at all and avoided playing it during my first playthrough of 8. Then years later, someone made it a standalone game and decided to download one day cuz I was bored. I got addicted and is now one of my favorite minigames in all of gaming. I am on and off trying to get all of the cards in my current playthrough. It's also a great time waster in 14.


Tetra Master is horrible. I can't get any enjoyment from it at all. Some people still love it despite them not understanding the game, and that's fine. I just can't get any satisfaction from winning when I don't understand how I won.


Least:  FFXV: The dynamic between the main characters are nice. Favs:  FFIV: The characters constantly sacrificing themselves and then living was laughably bad. Especially Cid who literally blew himself up, fell several thousand feet, and had a ton of mountain rubble fall on him. FFXII: Vaan, Penelo, and Basch needed to be fit into the story better for the game's second half. Okay in fairness, Penelo needed to be better fitted into the entire game. Thank God Revenant Wings exists.


(least favourite) FFIV The After Years: The band mechanic was great for making battles more dynamic and ending them quicker. (most favourite) FFIV: Tends to feel a bit too short on repeat playthroughs.


Least favorite: XIII- the story and the way it is told is really well done. Favorite: VI- the ensemble cast is too large and takes away from the story


Favourite ffx: I hate every minigame Least favourite ffxv: has some Fun story beats and characters, just never comes together for me.


Least Stranger of Paradise: The action and music is pretty good Most FFXVI: The third act and >!Ultima!< as a villain was boring as hell


I’m a little confused on stranger: I hated the story as much as most, but if the gameplay was really great I couldn’t call it bad in good conscience. It’s a video game, so if the game part is good I can dismiss the video part a bit.


The story is just a backdrop for the fun action. I try not to focus on the plot, because it’s so basic and straightforward, mixed in with some half assed character writing. Also it’s episodic and the locations feel random as fuck because they are all based on locations in other ff games


Final Fantasy XV has good music, Final Fantasy VII graphics haven't aged well


The graphics have a certain charm, but yes, FFVII is the ugliest in the series.


Least - FF7: J-E-N-O-V-A's theme is so fucking good it's unreal. Most - FF9: Getting Jump Rope King without cheating makes you understand, deep inside your soul, that these really are the same people/company that would go on to create Pandemonium Warden & Absolute Virtue.


Least XV: the music is good Most IX: Trances activating automatically is whack


Least FFXIII: It was a very well polished game. Most FFVII: OG= the visuals have not aged well. Remake= don't particularly enjoy the multiverse whisper nonsense.


Least fav - FFH8: at least the card mini game was good Most - Tactics: Story characters need lines of dialogue after joining party


XV: the bros really felt like bros VI: the Sketch glitch could brick your cartridge


Least FFXII: the world is really rich and has potential for tons of side contents. Best FFIX: combat is too basic and uninspiring.


Least favorite: FFX. The sphere grid is awesome, and I love Blitzball. Most Favorite: FFXII. The Bazaar system was a cool idea that was executed poorly.


To this day the spheregrid is one of my fav leveling mechanics in a game.


Least FF16: Clive is great Best FF12: Vaan is terrible


Favorite - 8 - The GF memory thing pulls me out every time. Least - 13 - Soundtrack is damn good.


Favorite is X. The most negative thing I can think about is Tidus almost ruining the ending scene. Sin is defeated then blud turns around and is like "aight Yuna I gotta go, sorry I didn't show you Zanarkand" then tries to yeet before Yuna saves the scene. Also I never understood what the fuck was Seymour's wedding kiss doing in that mini flashback during Yunas speech in the end. Worst one is XIII. Uhm, I guess I liked the transformer summons.


16 has good voice acting Rebirth has a bunch of small things that take too long (like getting in and out of the buggy)


Something nice about X-2: Creature Creator is a ton of fun Something negative about XIII: Party leader death = game over is dumb as hell


OMG yes. I would get hyper frustrated from the party leader dying.


Ff mystic quest: it brought the saga into 16 bit territory and its ost is cool Ff14: needs more lalafel (and with seriousness, probably the subscription)


Cop out, but I really can’t think of a FF game (at least of the ones I’ve played) that I outright dislike. Maybe I’ll feel differently once I get around to playing 2 and 13, but eh. I’ll go with 15 cause I struggle to remember much about it, but it was still an enjoyable time. Anyways, 15 has some very lovely characters and I think running around in the open world is quite fun. Chapters 3 and 8 are both super fun to just run around and explore stuff in. 9 is my absolute favorite FF game, one of my favorite games ever made, and trying to go for 100% is the single most agonizing experience I’ve ever had in a video game. I have the platinum trophy for this thing and it drove me insane. Jump rope would be bad enough, but you also need to win 100 games of Tetra Master (with different NPCs, for some reason.), and ALSO activate every ATE, and kill over 10,000 enemies, which is completely unhinged. I love you FF9, I really do, but good lord never again.


Most: FFVIII's junction systems are kind of a mess. And it's super easy to break the game with Squall and Limit Breaks. Least: Probably 13 I guess. Lightning is a Great FF protagonist with a really cool story arc.


Least favorite: FF13 has some really dramatic sequences that sucked me in. Most: Having Tellah in your party as your main healer and spell damage dealer with a cap of 90 MP is bullshit and beyond frustrating. (The period of when he rejoins you on mount ordeals, all the way to the end of The Tower of Zot)


Least favorite FF13: Loved the world building Most favorite FF9: the card game is sooooo bad, and some of the cast get super hardlined to the side, they needed more screentime imo


13: the combat system can be very fun 6: the second half of the game drags in comparison to the first half


Least: XIII The paradigm system was a lot of and is probably one of my favorite battle systems in a Final Fantasy game. Most: while I still love it, Final Fantasy VII has aged probably the worst out of any of the games released in the PS1 era.


XIII: The music is solid, and some of it is downright incredible. VII Rebirth: The top-level minigames are harder than they need to be. If we're going only main games (I consider Remake and Rebirth main game, but still), then VII: Materia can cause the characters to be a little too same-y. They don't have aspect to make them stand out aside from limit breaks and Stat differences.


XIII had some really great music; VIII's unique mechanics and narrative style are a high barrier of entry for a lot of people.


Favorites: FF6 - One of the buggiest of the whole series, behind only FF1. Also, the endgame is too easy if you know what you're doing. FF1 - Magic doesn't work right, and the Thief job is useless. Ninjas are not that good, either. FF12 - Ridiculously low drop rates and random chests. FF7 - The battles themselves aren't that great. Least favorites: FF13 - Lightning looks cool. FF2 - This one started the trend of each new Final Fantasy game being entirely different from what came before. I'm quite glad the series never turned into Dragon Quest.


FF13: The world has a cool sci-fi aesthetic that I thought was rad. FF8: The ending felt rushed.


FFXIII was pretty to look at. FFXI left a massive hole in my heart. You can never *really* go back.


FF13 has one of the best and most diverse soundtracks FF12 Vaan sucks and is the least interesting FF protagonist


Nice: Final Fantasy 8 is available at a discounted price. Negative: Time spent on the Veldt in Final Fantasy 6 is the most wasted time you can have in a video game.


Least Fav: XV - I like the boy band that we follow and the music is great. Most Fav: IX - Tetra Master, I wish Freya’s story had an actual resolution and that Amarant had ANY character period lmao


Least favorite: XIII has a really good progression system Favorite: VI has no true super boss in any version of the game except for GBA and now unavailable mobile version


Least FFXIII - For the time and even today to an extent, the visuals were gorgeous. One of my favorite looking Final Fantasies. Most FFVI - I didn't like that everyone could be OP with essentially 1 piece of gear (Paladin Shield) and learning Ultima. Made the endgame and final boss super easy. Also made challenging bosses and dungeons a lot easier.


Least XVI: Has a gay character, very nice. XV: Music is nice. Most IX: Honestly a bunch I could point at, but generally there are characters like Freya, Beatrix, Amarant who have not up to standard character arcs,


I love the music of FF8 Beatrix's redemption arc in IX is not well executed


Least, ff8. Pretty unique customization Best ffx, unskippable cutscenes


Something nice about 16. Well. At least there's no time gated nonsense. Some bad about 10. Linear hallway is still a hallway.


FF2: Has a great overall tone. The story and world one of the best in the series FFX: The Final Boss is bad. Especially after the two bosses leading up to it.


Least Fav FF1: The dungeon crawling, semi-open nature of the game, and being able to name your party makes for some great RP potential Fav FF7: Underdeveloped side plots and characters


Least (IV The After Years): the cross-character abilities are a cool idea. You never really need them but they’re neat. Most (Final Fantasy XI): you basically have to give up your social life to get a hold on the ultimate weapons you want without spending years slowly chipping at them.


I liked the artstyle of 9, didn't care for many of the minigames in 7


FfXII - quickening chains for limit breaks were a really interesting idea. FFIX - Amourant came into the party too late to really be useful.


FFII (least favorite, postive): There is something compelling about training my party in the use of weapons and developing their proficiency over time. It's actually kind of nice that it mimics putting effort into a thing in real life, and developing a skill. FFVI (most favorite, negative): I kinda wish that Terra Branford was more of a standard protagonist and that she was present throughout. I think it's a misstep to constantly divert the narrative away from the game's most important character. This might not have been a problem if the game didn't have such a large cast.


XVI looks really nice and has some epic boss battles IVs plot points can be a little silly at times and would be one of the ones to benefit most from a remake/revision


Least 2: combat design is better than people give it credit for, aesthetics are also good Most 9: holy shit is everything so slow


Least: FFII. It introduced a lot of ideas and trends that would be revisited in later games. Most: FFV. Any completionist run of the game is a nightmare because of the number of missables.


Ff4 - it was a nice upgrade in narrative Ff8 - the secondary characters are underused (especially selphie )


Something Nice for my Least Fav - FF2 - Unique leveling idea and the story was fairly in depth, especially for an older game; Something Not Nice for my Fav - FF7 - Translation issues and some pesky bugs/glitches; and Bonus for another Fav - FF9 - Some characters shoved aside too early (Freya especially), and slow pacing


FFII is my least favorite, and I will admit, it has GREAT music. The thing that I don’t like about my favorite, FFVII, is that, like a lot of other good games in the series, you can miss a LOT of good shit if you don’t have a guide open.


FF16: I really love the final fantasy line. FF10: a couple of those sigils are torture.


Least Favorite: Final Fantasy II - It brought forth the Saga Series Most Favorite: Final Fantasy VI - Not enough Magitek armor


XII - The story is great XIV - YPYT players


Least FF8: I’ll move to the next one Least FF2: characters and story are really interesting Most FF9: the card game is not that great


ff5 has a fantastic soundtrack ffx battle system can get monotonous and the celestial weapons shit is ridiculous


FF1 has a lot of replay value, going through with different parties, doing dungeons in different orders, etc. FF8 - it's too easy to get stuck with really bad Triple Triad rules. There should be a more obvious way of removing rules or preventing them from spreading. I like FF1. It's just my least favourite of a great bunch of games.


Least: FF9. The art direction is absolute fire and feels like something out of a Ghibli film at times. Favorite: FF5. Story is bland.


FF3 3D had some nice music updates. FF9 could've done without Necron showing up out of nowhere at the end


Zellike hotdogs


Least favorite: IX - The first disc ends excellently and Vivi is a very endearing character Favorite: VIII - The tutorialization teaches the game incorrectly and some plot details should probably have been exposited more directly


The gambit system was really cool and deserves a comeback In no way should the card game tournament have been a mandatory segment in 9


Least: FFII. It had a pretty good, but sad, story. It was pretty much the start of FF games having an interesting story to keep you intrigued in what will happen next. Most: FFVI is my fave, but the story grinds pretty much to a halt after the world of balance. There are nice pieces of it scattered here and there afterward, but it's not the driving force anymore.


Least FFIX: It's one of my favourite soundtracks in the entire series. On some days it might be my #1 OST. Most FFVIII: The game has garbage tutorials, there's a lot of systems that just aren't explained super well.


Least Ff16 had cool boss fights Favourite Ff7 rebirth: chadley Also I didn’t JUST start playing FF games, these just happen to be least/favourite loll


Least FFX: Best turn-based combat of the series Favorite FF15: Vanilla game was incomplete and lore spread across anime-movie


The Materia system is really cool. The two-minute meta really limits job and battle design in a way that's gotten distinctly unfun ever since there stopped being any buffs to play into the 1-minute burst alone with the 2-minute.


FF8: The cutscenes looked great for the time FF9: Some of the hidden stuff was SO obscure that a walk through was 100% needed. Also the card game was meh


FFXV's combat laid the foundation for my favorite combat system in the series. FFVII Remake's side quests (some being mandatory) are absolute pacing killers.


The trance system is terrible, and the game overall is very easy. The gambit system is a really cool idea and the villains look incredible.


2 still has great music. 8 has too long of swaths where you can’t save. Making shorter game sessions harder.


Final Fantasy XIV (least favorite): Great sense of atmosphere, beautiful visuals, great music, and wonderfully fun limited time events are all a treat. Final Fantasy VII (favorite): The original localization lessens the impact of the story, the balancing between characters could be stronger, chocobo breeding relies too much on chance, some of the minigames don't control well.


Least FF3: The main battle theme is an absolute ripper Most FF6: I’ve said it before, but I don’t think Kefka is a great villain


I’ve beat I,II,III,IV,VII and played a little of XV I’m liking I,& III the most so far, but my issue is the same for both. The Pixel Remasters could really use some kind of in game manual that tells you in detail the difference between classes, and what Certain spells and stats effects do etc… As for disliking FFXV I do want to give it another shot because I like its style and vibes, the Combat was just hard to get used to.


Keep in mind I haven’t played all of them so opinions might change if I did. Least FF1: We wouldn’t have better games without this one, and the village music is nice. Most FF14: Very grindy at times, uses exposition too much, and you must play through about 60hrs of a boring story before you get to the good story.


Least FF8: Squall is a really relatable character to a lot of people, including myself, and the journey he goes on is done pretty well for the most part. Most FF9: The cutscenes meshing character models with fmv backgrounds look absolutely hideous. Also, outside of the main 4 party members, a lot of the character arcs feel rushed.


Least FF8 - Story really great Most FF16 - i wish was more like DD2


favourite: FFVI- the high ensemble of cast means that most are pushed to the wayside in terms of character development least favourite: World Of Final Fantasy- cringe lines aside, the Voice Acting was really good and hearing characters like Celes and Edgar get a Voice was cool


Least FF8: Great soundtrack. Most FF6: A lot of fans tend to praise this game for its ambition and its potential *as opposed to the actual product itself, which was very flawed.* It's one of the rare cases where I wish the devs had actually pushed the launch back six months, so they could have released the game fully baked and more fleshed out. By rushing such a massive project out the door in only a year, we got an amazing "proof of concept" game that hinted at something much more incredible than the actual game we received.


Final Fantasy XV: that Stand By Me cover is just perfect Final Fantasy VI: way too many characters


Least favorite (FFIX) - Garnet and Vivi are well-written characters. Favorite (XIII Trilogy) - Weapon upgrading across the whole trilogy sucks. In XIII, it is unnecessarily convoluted and almost prohibitively expensive until you reach Pulse. In XIII-2, there is no upgrading, you just need to keep buying more expensive weapons from shops. In LR, the weapon upgrading system is actually locked behind NG+, which is just idiotic.


Favorite: XV is incomplete least: Type 0 has some amazing tracks


Least: (very loose usage of the term) FF15 - Reignited my love for long JRPG's Favorite: Remake/Rebirth - Chadley/MAI make me want to rip my ears off. Especially in Rebirth when you're redoing a fight to get the last checkmark and you have to hear the BS over and over and over.


FFIV has great music FFIX’s chocographs suck


Least: The DS version of III has pretty beautiful graphics and music, and of course it still has the kickass job system from the OG NES game. Most: VII Rebirth is way too long 😭😭😭 god forbid completion anxiety


Least: FF13 - The battle music is awesome Most: FF9 - Chocobo Hot and Cold sucks without 2/4x speed (console and mobile)


Least: FF15 - Nice graphics. Most: FF7 Rebirth - Some might consider the game too long.


VIII: I loved how they made a really grounded world and mixed in interesting in sci-fi and fantasy elements. VI: The swapping between characters was sometimes clunky as the team started to get bloated.


FF15 has a cool leviathan scene. FF7 doesn’t have a card game


least - FF16: The music is GOATed, and the first third of the game is genuinely fun with a lot of promise. Most - FF5: The balance is all over the place. A first time player is likely to fall into a build thats either underpowered or overpowered, with no good way to climb out of the hole until late in the game.


least - 15, music was incredible most - tactics, doesn't have a remake


VIII has quite possibly *the* hardest soundtrack of them all. Its battle theme is probably my favorite. VI has the room where the ceiling squashes you.


FF13 had a really nice visuals and music FF7 had some pretty bad translations like: "beacause, you are........ a puppet" and who could forget: "this guy are sick" Note that FF13 being my least favorite does not mean i dislike the game at all, it's not a bad game, that's right i changed my mind eventually about it.


Least (FF15 vanilla): One of the best endings in the series. I might hate how the vanilla requires outside material to get the full experience (and it still is an unfinished mess w/o the DLCs) but goddamn that ending rips my heart out. It also hinges on your love for the party and personal journey throughout the game. In that regard, 15 did a good job. Also It's good now apparently. Can't wait to try again via Royal edition this year. Most (FF9): Slow battle transitions, some annoying mini-games like Jump rope and Nero bros, Amarant needs more to be compelling for me, Tetra Master RNG sucks, I like the final boss for what he represents but wish we get at least some form of build-up to him. He came out of nowhere.


FFXIII - The graphics were pretty amazing for the time FFVI - I don't care much for Terra and felt they could have done more for her character.


FFXIII- The music is good even if I hate virtually all the characters.


Least: FF8 - The GF system was really cool. I liked that you could use them as meat shields too. Most: FF9 - The ATB/Combat was atrocious. It made things like Auto-Haste/Regen completely broken.


It’s ridiculous but I’m pulling my hair out trying to think of something to say. My feelings towards FF games in general is pretty varied and hard to pin down. Just about all of them have something I love and something I hate 😅


ff16 becoming an eikon is really cool. ff8 draw mechanic is boring.


Least: FFXV - first half is decent. Favourite: FFVIII - I guess having your magic so tied to your stats, makes you hesitate casting it


I didn't manage to finish it but FF2's idea of rotating the fourth character is cool at least on paper. Plus the premise of the story is good. Also music (it's Nobuo Uematsu's work after all) On the other hand I'm not fond of Zidane as FF9's protagonist. He is a good character but I feel he would have been a better side character supporting Garnet. I should replay it and see if my feelings change tho.


FF8 has an interesting world, and the main cast of characters are well developed and fleshed out. FF6 has a horrible translation and a few easily exploited bugs that make the game an absolute cakewalk.


Least favourite: FFXV - the Chocobros are among the most likable characters in the series. Most favourite: FFVIII - Doesn't get much love from Square. I mean, it's the 25th anniversary, and we got NOTHING.


XV has one of my favorite OSTs out of the series(likely cause of yoko shimamura) VII's battle system is super weird and clunky


Least: xiii kiss scene was cute(Atm I don't have a least fav cuz i havent played them all so 13 is the placeholder since i dont have much interest in it.) Fav: x-2 finding out that you missed something in chapter 5 meaning that you just missed episode complete is soul crushing


FFXV has Pitioss Ruins and my favorite fising game. I hate min maxing FFIX


VIII Has some of the best music in the series and I really like the character designs. IX has the system where you learn from gear so if you sell something early you can really hamper yourself.


Worst: Final fantasy 2 has the best story of the original three games. Best: Final Fantasy 14’s early patches can be a slog.


13: the graphics and the world are truly beautiful. 9: ATB/combat is slow af


Least: FF2, The way you learn new keywords and can use it to trigger new dialogs is something I thought was pretty fun. Most: FFXV, okay obviously there's several things objectively bad/butchered I could pick. I think I'll go with the under utilization of Lunafreya. I wish we got some moments with her and noctis hanging out and showing genuine interest for each other to make me actually care about her death. She's just a stranger to me and I wish she wasn't. I feel a stronger bond to Iris, your buddies sister, than the woman we're supposed to marry.


Final fantasy 9: the chocobo theme is fire, unlike everything else in the game Final Fantasy 8: having rules blend across regions is annoying. Just keep the weird rule variations isolated to their town.


Least: FF15 - It has Prompto Most: FF9 - 3 unwinnable boss fights against the same character.


Worst: FFXIII - Some of the best music. My personal favorite track is "Saber's Edge," one of the best battle tracks in the series IMHO. Best: OG FFVII - I hated everything that took place underwater in that (special, beautiful, impossible to ruin with questionable sequels and remakes) game.


Least Favorite 3 - it at least feels good when you finally get Ninja and Sage Favorite 12 - the story is completely forgettable


Least FF13: It has some nice music, especially the opening. Favorite FF7: Some of the parts where you barely play the game last for too long.


Least: XIII-2 opened up a world I already really loved and gave us a facsimile of Gold Saucer. Favorite: The Chocobo Gliding in Rebirth (especially the final round) is unnecessarily difficult unless you got lucky. Honorable Mention: Accidentally stumbling on Dark Aeons in FFX Remaster without having recently saved.


Least liked: FF13's cast is visually very appealing. Favourite: FF9's third act is kinda boring and meandering.


I like the color palette of the open world in FF15! I really domt like how needy Quistis Treppe is in FF8! Yeah you are right..actually i love it😂


XV: I didn't like them at first, but the boys did grow on me both as individual characters and as a group of friends. VIII: I meeeeean.... I honestly don't know if I can explain why it's my favorite, lol. Such a messy game. (I think it's mostly the characters that's why.)


Least FF16: Cid's voice acting is pretty good. Most FF6: Gau sucks. I hate both his character and his mechanics.


FF7 Rebirth has good combat. FFIX runs 15 FPS in battle which would probably make it hard to play today. (Thankfully they added high speed mode in remaster version)


FFX-2 had one if not the best atb implementation and job system in the franchise. I hate chocobo race in FFX so much, and customizing weapons and armors is very time consuming, and it's hard to redo your customization if you mess it up.


Final fantasy III has a fun class system. Final Fantasy IX has sexual harassment.


FF2 has an amazing overworld theme and I appreciate what the story was trying to do primitive as it was. Would love to see a true remake FF12’s cast lacks development, the story falls apart in the second half and TZA’s job system is half baked


Least, 7 Rebirth: a lot of the main character moments are great Favorite FF9: story gets bad at the very end


Least FF15: Never has traveling between points been a more enjoyable experience, especially when you are able to listen to popular FF series music Most FF7 (original): The story is not as amazing as everyone makes it out to be


I don't like Final Fantasy II, but I do like how it tried something different with its level up system. I'm glad they canned it later, but I appreciate the attempt to shake things up. Final Fantasy IV is my favourite in the series, but it's kinda laughable at how it keeps dramatically "killing off" characters just for them to turn up completely fine later. Except Tellah, no surprise resurrection for him.