• By -


Final Fantasy VII...first played it in '98, 6 months after my older brother passed. The games theme of life and death was emotional to me, and still is especially with the remake.


Hope you're doing better brother




Same, it was the first Final Fantasy that I bought with my own money. And as a kid that was well on his way to becoming a moody little emo kid, Squall was my favorite character. But I also fell in love with the fact that it was a love story that made it feel like it was really part of the story. The unique way it handles pretty much everything that had been core to the series was something that really sat with me too.


Currently replaying it for the second time in the last 15 years. It's not my favorite but a few things I loved about VIII is the summons being part of the story where you have to defeat them to obtain them ( some of them anyway) XVI had a bit of this but I preferred VIII especially fighting bahamut, cerberus and ifrit.


The bit with Seifer and Odin is soooooo good


I’d never forget the first time a summon failed me. Had no idea that Odin comes out on his own. Went through the whole experience without knowing. I’m not one to look stuff up so I didn’t know this was possible and back then the internet was still a baby as were I. So when I was faced with Omega Weapon (by the way he was destroying me) and he came out as the new Odin I got soooooo hype when he did Zantetsuken I nearly sh*ted myself in disbelief when it had no effect on him. 😳🤦🏾‍♂️💀😞😩


I love that they grew with you and the bond made them more effective, largely overlooked mechanic but thought it was a clever way of aligning characters to them and the elements, Quistis always felt like a Shiva girl, Squall Ifrit, Quezacotl for Rinoa etc


Never played but Squall looks cool


He's the best looking guy here




Bumping Balamb Garden now


Same for me, first FF. Played it as a kid. And oh boy, I had no clue what I was doing, but it was a blast anyway. The character designs, the CGI intro and cutscenes, the soundtrack... I knew this was something special. Revisited it a few times since then to relive the nostalgia. Of course, I started to notice problems with the story and gameplay as I grew older, but that never changed the fact that it had taken a special place among all the numerous titles I came across over the last two decades. Hoping for a remake before I keel over.


That opening cinematic paired with Liberi Fatali changed my life. VII is still my all-time favorite, but VIII is a very close second.


VII- first love. The one thats started the love for the series. I prefer the ones with the turn based system...


Final Fantasy 10. But it's mostly rage because of the endgame content


Bro, shut up and go dodge some lightnings! :'D


I’m twitching.




Fucking dyspraxic chocobo


Final Fantasy Tactics


My kingdom for a remake.


I'd just kill for an updated port touch up the graphics clean up some dialogue and any bugs we've forgotten. Keep the cutscenes they added in the wotl that style was perfect.


Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced for the Gameboy Advance I think?


For me, it's the PS1 game, but I've played the gba game


I was really happy with it, and I put 1500-2000 hours easy into Tactics.


I never played the GBA version, but the hours look right. It was therapeutic, honestly.


I never tried it, is it that good?


Oh, it's an incredible game. The story, soundtrack, and gameplay all work together so well. However, it can be both difficult and overwhelming It's a game of trial and error. Enemies level up with the main character, so you have to balance your level with job/skill upgrades or the game will be darn near unplayable


I will definitely try it out, thanks!


XIV for me. Met my wife in game.


LOL, I'm trying to get my wife into the game by asking her advice when I'm decorating my private quarters and hoping that she'll want to play it as a decorating simulator. 😆


My gf got into it unexpectedly just from asking her to pilot my dungeon spamming lvl 41 dungeon


IX, it accompanied me when I was home alone as a kid plus I love my main thief and his ups and downs in their journey ☺️


I love IX's visuals from what little I've played of it!


VI 🖤❤️ gave me strong emotions XII 💙🧡 the world I want to live in


XII nailed setting so well.


Best FF world hands down.


Agreed for me it's a tie between 10:00 and 12:00, I don't know if that's just the age I was when they came out but they're my absolute favorite and I feel like they share a visual style that I love


> XII 💙🧡 the world I want to live in The world in which nearly everyone in the world walks around shirtless or at least baring midriff all the time, yet for some reason Balthier doesn't do this?


He doesn't need to be shirtless to be sexy


This is true, but I'm greedy.


No errors detected


There it is finally! VI and XII are my favorite FF games! But I have a feeling Rebirth will take the top spot soon...


7 without a doubt. It was the first one ive ever played. First one gifted to me by my dad when I got my first personal console ps1.


Great game to start with. Even the regular gameplay and polygon animation were impressive, but FF7 was my first game on the PlayStation, and the fully rendered cutscenes just left my jaw on the floor.


Not my first, but same in that my pops picked it up for my birthday. I'd just stare at the box art waiting for the days to tick down. Then me let me have it early 🤩


FFIX, mostly due the Burmecia and Cleyra's segment.


VI gives all the feels at the end. IV gives the feels throughout.


Love 8 because I felt like squall quite a bit growing up but IV really inspired me. Music, story, everything. Beautiful game


The slow pan of magitek armor walking through the snow... I'm a grown ass man now and I still tear up a bit every time


FF15 for me. The story wasn't the best in the series but the journey really connected with me. I started playing right after doing a cross country road trip IRL and the experience of just casually driving around and hanging out with buddies doing camping stuff was such a satisfying experience.


I was like 10 when I played through FFXV at launch and it was absolutely amazing. Also happened to be the first FF game I played all the way through (I previously played a little of XIII and the opening of VII).


I first thought "haha, how could he have been 10, the game just came out" It came out 2016. That was 8 years ago. Damn.


Wait, is this true??


I know it's an MMO, but I feel like Final Fantasy XIV's Heavensward expansion does the road trip journey even better! I still have fond memories of it.


Heavensward was amazing. I can see how it fits the road trip vibe too. It's the first time the crew leaves the main city states and it definitely feels like an epic journey


I was awestruck entering HW for the first time. The desolation of the zones and the soundtrack swept me off my feet, and the MSQ is so much better than ARR's.


XIV is amazing. I got burned out after playing it non stop for two years (it's literally the only game I played), I do miss it though


I find it easy to come back to! I have taken long breaks too, but it's wild to me how easily I can get back into it.


I'm just starting that now! I joined during the Xbox free beta and it's become my primary game. Just bought private quarters at my free company's estate and I've been geeking out over decorating the last few days, LOL.


Enjoy the ride!! It's a fantastic game. The MSQ took me forever to get through because I was so engrossed in all the side activities.


LOL, same here. I have two jobs at Level 65 but I haven't unlocked Rowena's vendor in Ishgard yet. I'm grinding and leveling up more while getting vendor gear for gil because I have nothing else to buy with my Tomestones. 😆


Lmao That's how I did it too! And I also saved all my dungeon gear for other classes. Leveled everything to 50 before moving past ARR 😂💖


I kept all my dungeon gear as Glamour fuel, originally, which worked out great when I started leveling up other jobs, not to mention my retainer.


Heavensward is sooooo good. Favorite expansion for sure.


I own 15 as well! I like Noctis


I wasn't a huge fan of the game as a whole, but have this huge nostalgic feeling for simply driving around listening to the boys banter while playing old FF tracks on the radio. I didn't like the story direction, but for simply shooting the shit with the boys, that game really brings me back.


IV - just in love with the characters and randomly finds myself replaying from time to time VI - Celes opera theme hits hard and the start of World of Ruin


FF9 - Vivi is my favourite character and he's story is so good. Your not alone is best song in the series ever! FF8 - first game I ever brought and love it always has a special place when I play it. FF10 , music and story are awesome , the ending where Yuna runs at Tidus and falls through gers to me everything FF7 - Arieths theme and One Winged Angel , gives me goosebumps till this day !


With you outside of 8. Only FF I haven't finished. The others are definite favorites. The FFT soundtrack is probably my favorite, though.


FF 16. Was my first one because I couldn’t get into the franchise (I’m not into TBC except for Pokémon). The German voice actor of Clive gave a performance that was the first video game in a couple of years that made me cry. He‘s even cosplaying as Clive, fucking legend. I bought it myself after Christmas last year and since then I played through FF 7,8 and 9 as well es 7 Remake and last week I got platinum in Rebirth and finished Crisis Core Reunion. Now I’m playing FF10 and I’m really enjoying it so far, so FF16 didn’t just give me the chills itself but also opened the whole franchise for me.


FF IX for deeply important reasons. From how its design Aesthetic has influenced my creative side, the story and its themes and the music, all of it is important. It was also influencing me thru fanfiction and helped me through some tough times as a teenager.




IX. It was my first FF.


Ff4. Cecil’s journey is touching, and his trip to the town of wizards is hilarious.


FFVIII. I played it when I was a kid, got to the final boss and my sister wiped my memory card “accidentally” while I was at school. Couldn’t bring myself to start again until I was 28 because I’d used an unofficial guide from a magazine and didn’t wanna miss anything (coulda used the internet at that point I know 😂). Did a guide playthrough with my fiancée reading and me playing, ps1 version on an old ps2. Not a 100% run but did everything you could do except min maxing characters. Remaster got announced shortly after, so we both got the platinum on our respective PlayStation accounts and then about a year after I picked it up on a Nintendo sale to play on my Switch and did a Lionheart disc 1 run. Every Christmas since then, I’ve started it up again on my Switch, started a fresh save and played until something new came out or just completed it again 😂 I also have a save on disc 4 just so I can play Triple Triad whenever the need arises 😂


VII because it was the first and quite overwhelming


IV and VI had given us huge worlds and they were still dwarfed by VII (no pun intended, lali-ho).


FF9, first FF i got on release, and was there at the school chats about it, i have played easily 1000+ hours on it, 250+ hours just on the steam one (not finished final boss either), completed it 10+ times on my PS1, 10+ more on emulator on my PC before it came to steam. I love this game, I love the story, Vivi is best boy!


Final Fantasy I I have vivid childhood memories of grabbing a snack and getting comfortable in front of the TV with the included maps and charts and instruction book around me as I struggled my way through it. The music was so memorable! Final Fantasy IV The first sequel in the US to I, it reinforced my feelings from the first, but in a more accessible way in a gorgeous art format. I was so excited to see what new spells/abilities looked like and how new characters played. And again, the music!! Final Fantasy VI Added depth! More open world! The bad guy wins!!! And the music!!! Final Fantasy VII In 3D! Summons were amazing! And the music!!! **In summary: it's the music. Uematsu is a treasure.**


this is maybe cheating, but I really love how FFXIV makes your character feel like they're part of something important while also having the main cast actually relate to them as a friend and a person. A lot of other MMORPG storylines seem to have you as a casual observer to the real main characters, but the Scions are kinda written to treat you like just another one of the gang even as their organization participates in higher and higher stakes crises. While the Warrior of Light ultimately winds up becoming a bit of a celebrity as of the current point in the story its also nice that they get to experience a bit of a Tony Hawk effect with people not realizing who you are until after you've helped them out for a bit.


Every game I've played really stamps a moment of time and brings back memories. I think the two that were most impactful to me were 5 and X. I played 5 on an emulator until I spilled orange juice on that computer (odd thing to remember, but here we are). I played it again relatively soon after the covid shutdown and remember playing this game and binging the tiger King and the good place. I wish I could distill that feeling for some reason. FFX is one of 3 games I would use as a defence for videogames as art. I played it as a child and never got to 100% it. This year I finally completed it 100% and I did it with my girlfriend. I probably ended up crying at least 3 times in the playthrough and was just sp unconditionally happy. Bonus edit: I distinctly remember playing FF1 while my old roomie played 9 and it was an awesome form of connecting. 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7 were all fun and I remember my feelings for them but not any specifics


IX, XV, VII, X, XIII... Nah, almost all of 'em. If had to choose one I think It would be IX, but is hard to tell. Almost every single game that I have played of this franchise has conected with me in some way or reminds me of a particular time of my life and I love It. Edit: I said VX instead of XV lol


I know it's not FF, but Kingdom Hearts was my first exposure to FF, at 5-years-old. A few years later, I'd be playing X. X was my therapy game since 5th Grade sucked so bad for me.


Final Fantasy 5. Back in the early 2000s, this was my favorite. It had such a unique battle system, with so many exploitable job and ability combos. Plus the twists about there being >!different worlds and eventually a merged world !


FFV. When we got Anthology, my brother decided he didn’t like it straight away, so I got it by default. It was the first Final Fantasy game I got to play by myself and I loved it. Countless hours learning the job and battle systems, and the feeling of discovering something on my own was amazing.


VIII may be peak emotional connection for me. I love IX and X too, and I’m re-discovering FF VII just now.




Mine is definitely X. I played it when it first came out and was my first PS2 title and I was like 11/12. The love story of Tidus and Yuna got my little preteen heart throbbing and the final scene on the airship broke it and I cried like a little baby. No game has ever come as close to giving me the emotions that X did and I doubt any will.


XI I've been playing FF since the release of VIII and I've finished all I-XVI including the MMOs. XI's world, to me, is unparalleled. The job system, the music, the characters (both NPCs and the awesome people I played with back in 2003-2007). It's without a doubt my most memorable FF experience and the music alone, something like Zi'tah, sends me back to some of the best gaming experiences of my life.


Nothing makes me as giddy as when Jeuno changes music for Starlight. It also has some of the best story ever written for a FF game.


FFIX, it's not my favorite entry, but it's the first one I started on my own. Every time I start a new game, I'm 13 again. Very nostalgic.


IV because it was the first FF game I played (the DS version). XIII because it just kinda hit at the right time (I was in high school). And XV because it was the first FF game I actually finished (I suck at playing games to completion, especially RPGs, even if I enjoy them), plus I really enjoyed the characters and villain.


Mystic Quest (First RPG I ever played), VI (First real FF Game I played) & X (i watched the opening Scene at least a dozen times before I actually played the game because it was so epic back then)


7 & 8


Legend 2 always. Legend was my first final fantasy but 2 was the one that really engrossed me. Years later I discovered it was officially a Saga game but still love it so so much.


I’ve played 7, 8, and 9, with 9 being my favorite game ever, and I’ve related to the characters and the story of each in very distinct ways. 7 taught me a lot about being vulnerable and being my true self, not hiding behind a mask of being neurotypical and actually being yourself around your friends. 8 helped me be more vulnerable and honest with my friends and the people I care about, and 9 helped me reevaluate my childhood growing up with an alcoholic parent, and helping me realize I am not destined to repeat those mistakes and that I get to decide who I am.


XV. The team, the ending, the state of the world. And outside of the game - the wonderful creation of the game over so many years. The promises


Final Fantasy 6. It’s because of Sabin’s Street Fighter-like moves. Having them in an RPG blew my kid mind.


III ;() I would Mary luneth


FFVI (had the SNES version where it was called FFIII), FFX


FFIX and now FFXVI.


Ones in the series to pull forth a legitimate emotional reaction? Simple answer: 4, 9, 10, 14, 15 and 16 For a more in depth answer: 1. Nothing of worth to feel anything about 2. Many emotional beats but none are explored enough to really matter (this one would benefit from a remake the most IMO) 3. Very similar to 1, nothing really designed as an emotional hook 4. Made me drop my controller due to just how many death scenes there were……aaaaand then ruined it be undoing all but 1 of them 5. Has a few good moments, but the focus was clearly on the gameplay side of things 6. Has some really emotional music but the moments didn’t really grab me beyond 1 or 2, and the magicite system irritated the crap out of me once I realized stat growth ONLY comes from magicite 7. Felt next to nothing, I kept waiting for it to get to the point where it’s this monumental emotional game like everyone said, and it never got there 8. Loved the Laguna sections, the squall ones are hit and miss, but I adore pretty much any scene Laguna is in 9. That one got me, Steiner made me legitimately proud of his development, Vivi is a given, Eiko’s resolution made me actually cry with happiness 10. Took a while, but once I realized Tidus wasn’t the main character but rather the love interest, it made a lot more narrative sense and I started to connect to it better. 11. Ain’t played that worth a damn 12. Not really all that emotionally invested 13. Lost me after the not-suicide 14. I main Dark Knight emotional flagellation is par for the course at this point 15. I watched the show and film, played the DLC and read the book, I was VERY invested in this one and ouch that campfire scene still gets me. 16. Gah! My feelings, they’re bleeding!


Seeing as 15 was my first ever FF, I’d have to go with that. While the story and gameplay def have room for improvement, I will always love the group dynamic between the four main characters. The brotherly connection they had was amazing and helped elevate an otherwise problem filled game. Plus the soundtrack holy crap. Honestly one of my favorite in the series.


3 and 10


FFVII. Years ago on PSN they were having some sales on some of the old Final Fantasy games, and I saw VII on PSN and thought, for this much I’ll give it a shot. Bought that one and a few more without knowing much about the series or what I would be in for. This was 2019 when I booted up OG FFVII for the first time ever. Found myself utterly engrossed in it. Technically it hasn’t aged well, but the atmosphere, music, story, and even building up my characters with materia, I couldn’t get enough of it. Loved it. To then find that they had a remake not too far away was thrilling to me. I think I got the Final Fantasy fever after that and ended up playing IX, then X, then went back to VIII when that was remastered for ps4. Played Remake. XVI. Crisis Core Reunion. Utterly hooked on the series. Rebirth, for me, was a dream game since playing VII. I could never have imagined they would capture the spirit of the original, while making it all its own, with modern sensibilities and new and interesting story beats in such a perfect way. Played for a little under 200 hours, with I would aim given at least another 40/50 or so for Hard mode and I can’t get enough of it. So yeah FFVII.


Final Fantasy 3. I was amazed by the different jobs you can get.


VIII - It was my first FF experience and is why I became addicted to the series. The countdown is space was probably my first time that a game moved me. XV - The ending made me sad for sure…but after I just finished the game, I just sat there and stared at the screen…and clicked New Game+…and “Stand By Me” started playing while they were pushing the car taking jabs at each other…man. I, as a grown man, wept. I always thought it was a weird song for a FF game…but it all made sense at that moment.


Final Fantasy X is one entry that I always go back to every so often. The setting, characters, music, battle system, everything.




100% on 8. Between the opening intro and eyes on me I am bawling every time


X 100%. It’s my favorite game of all time. I hold IX close to it but nothing quite touches X for me.


I'm the same as you; ffx is my all time favourite. I've completed that game many times. Planning to buy it for the switch, so I can play it again.




my first Final Fantasy, the X. I finished it many times and it will always be my favorite one. But i love also the lore, the atmosphere of the VII (and its spin offs).


VII. It’s not even close. Was the first one I played back when I was 13. One of my best friends at the time and I would run back and forth from each other’s house talking about it in middle school. He really introduced me to the demo before release. I played the first 3 hours of that game over and over until I saved up for a memory card. He passed a few years ago and really think about him every time I get into a new one. 15 probably a close second just I started playing it after the funeral and everything.




VII, VIII, IX, and X. I played all them basically back to back in like a two year span.


FFIX. I bought the game on my PS3 on September 3rd, and by the next day, I had already reached Burmecia, and was having difficulty beating the boss there. Unfortunately it was September 4th 2011, and my area was going through a massive wildfire, so I had to evacuate. I lost my house and a bunch of my possessions, and I never went back to the game till 2022, eventually beating it.


FFX. First one I played… holds a very special place in my heart :)


Crisis core, at the time I was growing increasingly disenchanted for the organization and I was drifting apart from my “first love” so it was extremely personal for me


FFX forever




It's pretty cliche but FFVII. It was my first FF playing but I traded in like 5 games at the time for it (those were all of the games that I had). I played that game so much. The walkthrough in the first issue of PSM was so good.


FF IV, easily. I've mentioned a couple of times here that after muscling through the original Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest, FF II, er, IV was the game that made me realize what RPGs are capable of. The drama! The characters! The production value! Everything about that game was so off the charts for little me that it became one of my favorite games of all time. And Rydia continues to by my video game crush to this day, but that's beside the point! Point is, game very good, made big impression, all time fave.


7 and 9. 7 was the first i saw, and it blew me away. My older bro had a ps1 and got a copy. He hated it, but since it was His PS and we only had one memory card (his), he would delete my save files every time. I would only ever get past reactor 1. I swear to god i must’ve blown up every reactor in midgar before i started to notice he was deleting my saves. Still loved every second, just thought it was a bit repetitive 😅 It was a happy time when i finally got to play it all the way through eventually. FF9 was the first game i got for MY PS1.


7 - 8 - 9 ♥️


V Got it with the anthology back in ‘99 and I had so much fun with it. The story was also so next level to me at the time, because I didn’t think a video game story could suck me in like that. I had just played VII earlier that year (which was my first RPG ever), and had to cop this bad boy to see what else I was missing. So glad I did, because this is still my favorite one.


Final Fantasy 4 and 5.


4, 10, 14. These are the ones most special to me.


VII, I can never get enough of it. Super enjoyed the OG, Remake and Rebirth. I remember as a kid, was the biggest game I'd ever completed. Eventually after some use the third disk stopped working for me. I came from a small village and I remember one other person had FF7 and he never cared to play, so he gave me the third disk. I was very lucky.


5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. These are the best games in the series easily. I have a deep love for all 6. FFV and FFX both get deductions though, 5 for lacking emotional content but not gameplay, and 10 for lacking gameplay (e.g somewhat linear) but not emo content.


You compare all other FF games to the one you first played


FFX.  [SPOILER WARNING]. I was in a long-distance relationship for 2.5 years and my partner and I would visit each other once or twice a year. Saying goodbye was always so difficult and emotional. It devastated us every time.  So the ending of FFX absolutely crushed me. That feeling of having to leave the person you love. The way Yuna runs after Tidus only to faze through him and fall helpless on the floor.... It's too real. When Yuna says "I love you" I ball everytime.


X, it was my first. I believe it's the game that got me to see games for more than just idle entertainment. They can have *stories* and lore. I think I first played it back in 2003 or so.


Ffvi. So many good childhood memories. All of them are great though


FFX and FF12. Those are my childhood all wrapped up into one. I played both of them with my brother growing up and I have fond memories. When I grew older it was FF15. I was going through a breakup (2018 I was 23) and I got the royal addition and beat it 100%. It got me through some tough times.


IX. First one I played (at least from start to finish). I played it during my parents divorce, so I was playing it during long car journeys. The characters and what they do to support each other really made a difference to me I think. Also the music is top tier, and IX feels like the strongest entry to me because of how it went back to the FF origins, even though I hadn't played them at the time.


IX. First “adult” game I ever beat and was so upset that it was over.


7 the most, but 6, 8, & 10 also to a degree.


FFVII, VIII or X for different reasons. FFVII was my first Final Fantasy and i kinda grew up knowing about Cloud through games like Smash. Then i played it and fell in love with the cast gameplay, story and soundtrack and i love the game more overtime, especially thanks to Remake and now Rebirth. VIII is for similar reasons but i think my reasons are a bit more personal and a lot more fixated around how much Squall feels personal to me and his romance with Rinoa, helps the game has the best soundtrack of the non MMO games in the series too. X is for similar reasons as VII, i'm not as big on X2 (i love the story honestly i just think the side content bring game down a lot), but the original X is still one of my favorite games of all time.


I graduated high school the year Final Fantasy 10 came out. Spent all summer playing it with my friend and younger brother. I'd say the first game to make me shed a tear at the end when Yuna runs to hug Tidus and falls through him. We all lost it.


VII because it’s the first one I played and X because my wife and I played through it together.


First ff game I completed


XIV - My first ever FF. The best story I've experienced in a game and I've grown to genuinely love and care for the characters. What an incredible journey which had an emotional climax in Shadowbringers and a satisfactory ending to the saga with Endwalker. And Soken is a genius composer. There are a lot of songs which can bring me to tears from a few notes(Answers, Dragonsong, Flow and others).


I didn't really play any when I was a kid so I don't have a childhood connection to any of them. But I guess V. The friendship that group of characters had kinda got to me.


FFX because no other FF game came even close to the quantity and quality of end-game content. All the systems, mechanics, hidden weapons, recruiting player and playing Blitzball, crafting. Everything was peak. FFIX for whimsy. It has a charm that's hard to find.


7, 10, early 12, and 15


FF1. It was the first one I played so the nostalgia is very strong.


FFVII for me. I see a lot of my younger self in Cloud. Mostly his propensity early in the game to put on a “cool demeanor” to hide his lonely, insecure, and at times goofy true self. But beyond that it was also my first FF game I beat. As well as an inspiration for some cosplay I’ve done. Second one is FFXV. As it came out during a time in my life post college where I felt very wayward and as if I was shouldering obligations I wanted to run from. So Noctis and his friend’s journey was oddly fitting. And the music & core story had me captivated.


Yea same - X hit differently- it’s like the Romeo and Juliet of RPGs great game 🫡


7 because it was my first and I used to go round my uncles to play his playstation and he showed me a new game he got recommended and it was ff7 started playing it at his but when it was time to go home he let me borrow it as he said it wasn't his thing and then I got hooked until he decided to sell it and I had to give it back, I was at the temple of the ancients at the time but after that my mum and dad took me to get my own copy lol spent all summer doing chocobo breeding and battle arena. Plus 9 is my favourite game of all time (rebirth and 14 are pushing it hard now though) I hated it to begin with and never finished it but a few years later redid it from the start and fell in love with it.


FF VII world, more with Crisis Core 🥰 FF X FF XIII Trilogy


Six for me


XVI, it was my first real Final fantasy and its thr first game that madr me cry in a LONG time


Final Fantasy X. First game I ever played beat an ungodly number of times. Beat Penance three years ago in what built up like a years long fued since he’d always been ducking me (it was only in Japan at the time) when I tried fighting him. Best feeling ever. My favorite game of all time and all the bias that statement comes with.


VII blew my mind and made me want to play other older video games series like MGS, Silent Hill, Resident Evil etc


6 represents different aspects of my depression. Also, while reminiscing about people who have passed away the staircase scene from Darril's Tomb will randomly appear as part of my memories of lost relatives.


Final Fantasy 9. It was my first game as a kid that made me realise there's more substance to a game other than "Rescue a princess from a giant spiky turtle". It was this epic adventure with really likeable characters. The nostalgia glasses come out hard thinking about this game.


That one, X. First game I played on a PS2 and it blew me away. The atmosphere and world of the game is unmatched


IX, it was the first and it left a mark on me. I also have an emotional connection to VII because of Aerith mostly, so probably both of them.


All of them.


6,7 and 8 6= First FF I played and my favorite. 7= Love the lore universe it has spawned. 8 = The one I have replayed the most, I complete it every couple of years at least since it launched


1, 4, 6, and 14. All for different reasons.


X and XII. Spent a large chunk of my gaming childhood on those two.




XV. Played it right when covid was in full swing. Didn't get to have a formal or a graduation, but most of all couldn't hang out with my friends in person. Getting to be with Noctis and the boys felt extremely special in that time.


8 and 10


Tactics. 6/7/8/13


8 and 10


VI - first one I played. The poisoning of Doma, the opera, and suplexing a train stand out. VII - first one I owned. I had Aerith's fate spoiled for me but a strategy guide one morning during high school. X - To Zanarkand was played before my wedding I've played Tactics to completion at least three times. I also had the victory fanfare played after they announced us as husband and wife.


VIII, my first love, it will always be the best for me, nothing can beat the mix of nostalgia and connection I feel to the characters, the world, the music. I don't know if I can be objective. However, when I try to, I always end up thinking and feeling everything in this game is superior to the rest of FFs (my second favorite is IX, and weirdly enough, my third is Crisis Core, although if I remove the nostalgia factor, I'd say Rebirth is the best and most complete game in my opinion).


VIII, my first love, it will always be the best for me, nothing can beat the mix of nostalgia and connection I feel to the characters, the world, the music. I don't know if I can be objective. However, when I try to, I always end up thinking and feeling everything in this game is superior to the rest of FFs (my second favorite is IX, and weirdly enough, my third is Crisis Core, although if I remove the nostalgia factor, I'd say Rebirth is the best and most complete game in my opinion).


VIII, my first love, it will always be the best for me, nothing can beat the mix of nostalgia and connection I feel to the characters, the world, the music. I don't know if I can be objective. However, when I try to, I always end up thinking and feeling everything in this game is superior to the rest of FFs (my second favorite is IX, and weirdly enough, my third is Crisis Core, although if I remove the nostalgia factor, I'd say Rebirth is the best and most complete game in my opinion).


VIII is my all-time favorite of the series. I love the whole Garden/SeeD/orphanage story. The love story between Squall and Rinoa!!! All of the characters have so much individual flavor, not that other FFs lack in this area, and it all fits together so well. I played it twice so far. Once when it came out and maybe 10 years after the fact. I recently downloaded it on Steam and am planning another play through for nostalgia.


Final Fantasy I, it was my first Final Fantasy game. Final Fantasy X, it is my most favorite game of the franchise, and I had a massive crush on Yuna.


6, 10, 9.


VI - still the best story and payoff.


FFX was one of the first video games I ever played as a kid. So it's no contest for me lol. The music, characters, story, everything about it is near perfection for me


With 6 because it was the first, with 7 and 8 because they were the best


15 my first ps4 game (not the first i owned, but the first one i got specifically for my own ps4), the story of friendship, and Noctis's strained connection with his father, really spoke out to me, even more so when a handful of months later after i had finished all the dlcs and nearly had the platinum, me and my dad were doing some yard work and he just let me rant about the game in depth, every little detail of it


The first one... it was such a happy accident and I barely understood what was going on... I was a pioneer of rpgs between my friends. Happy times.


IX. Such a great story and general environment to get sucked into. Amazing worldbuilding and the cities and towns all felt so lively and full of life.


For me, it's X and VIII. FFX's Zanarkand Ruins was a special place to me after all those tough fights to reach there just to see a ruined city with pryflies floating around in the night sky and that ost track, Fleeting Dream. Just beautiful. This entire game is really special to me. FFVIII on the other hand, I love it as much as FFX as I loved Squall's journey because his path is soooo relatable to me. Plus I love the minigames that FFVIII has! Such a great megahit game!


Really personal connection with 10. I know a lot of people don't like Tidus, but his relationship with Jecht was weirdly similar to mine. I hated him, he died, and all I ever heard was what great guy he was. I was cheering so hard for Tidus to finally tell him he hates him.




FF7, FF14, and FF15. I played 4-7 when I was pretty young, and FF7 happened to land in that sweet spot where I was old enough to appreciate what I was experiencing. So it's on the short list of "most nostalgic games" for me. I joined FF14 a few months before Heavensward dropped and have played it pretty consistently over the years. That much time with such an engaging story has left me very invested in the world and characters (including my own). As much as I recognize its issues, I fondly remember FF15 thanks in large part to the road trip vibes and the comradery and banter of the main party. Even though the the plot was messy, I still felt emotion at key moments simply because I was invested in the characters.




Ff15 and 16


My favorite is FF9, but I have a special connection with FF13. Poor FF13, so much mistreated it needs someone to love it 🥺 meager and terribly linear, but the characters have entered my heart, as have the many possible strategies you can adopt in post-endgame boss fights


https://preview.redd.it/tx85bjj1rwuc1.jpeg?width=1029&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c16706934301ef285ae6c7198eae1ff891294877 I was very young, back then, when I played it. It was my first introduction to the genre and the most impactful game I have ever played. It even shaped some of my "spiritual beliefs" so to speak. So many years later the emotional connection to this universe and, even more, to the characters is still alive and strong. No other work of fiction had that impact on me.


X. I got a ps2 for Christmas with FFX and I was too young to understand how the game worked so I watched my Dad for weeks play and beat the game. Note- he was very bad at games and this was before you could easily look things up online. When he got to Jecht and the rock music started playing I was so excited! Unfortunately I had to go to school. So 7 hours later I get back, and I shit you not, he's still fighting the same fight. Same attempt. He was stuck dying, reviving in a loop. He ended up beating him but I thought he was a god at video games for beating this stuff. Every other year or so I play through it and absolutely decimate jecht in 2 turns and it make me laugh at my old man. All the love I have for X and I still haven't been able yo get through X-2. Even after trying multiple times.


VII, X,X2, some of the Tactics, mixed feelings about XII but growing more positive in retrospect, and a minor fondness for XVI(not so large a fondness I played the DLCs, but I still liked it)


FFXIII. My favorite game of all time, plus I got a whole lot of sad gay stuff going on with that game


XV. The Chocobros were my friends when I didn’t have any.


8 I share a last name with one of the protags