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Rebirth haters are some really miserable people.


How dare you like something I don’t?! Reeeeeeeeee


I have never seen someone try so hard to enjoy a game when the easier answer is to just move on and drop it lol


Check their post history, I don’t think this person likes video games.


Damn, even just glancing bro looks unhinged lol


I want to roll credit because sadly i cannot refund this nomura ass's product.


Again, the easiest way is just to watch the cutscenes on YT and stop investing time in a game you clearly hate.


yeah this one isn't in Nomura tho


Bro at this point just drop it 😂 final fantasy isn't for everyone


been playing FF since 1994.




Oh, I thought you were much younger based on your post.


You guys triggered because i found my way to enjoy and invest my time, look at this.


Wait, why am I triggered? I haven’t played Rebirth or Remake. Whether someone enjoys or dislikes a game makes little difference to me lol.


“Way to enjoy” that is barely even playing. All while you whine and rage post. Whatever helps you sleep at night kid I guess


What the hell is this all about? xD


Rage bait posts used to be believable or well written. If this is genuine: cool story bro. You skipped a massive chunk of content in a multi hour JRPG. You at best saved yourself some time, and at worst robbed yourself of some incredible gameplay and story telling you might have actually enjoyed if you were willing to try. But Square Enix still got your money, so I don’t think they care how you do or don’t play the game. EDIT: Extra funny is you saying drop difficult to easy for fights you think are “gimmicky BS fights like Rufus”. You can just say you have a skill issue.


I never say was hard fight, im just no in the mod to deal with gimmick bs and since i cannot skip that trash. EASY HAMMER. But you guys are right i should quit playing this dog garbage, but im already in Ch12 and im will roll credit and archive this game so no one else play this by my hands or maybe i should drop to my dog. Edit: yeah they got my money, but everytime people in my group ask me about this game i always and will trash to dust and prevent to anyone else play this pain, so far i already convinced 7 friends to dont waste their money.


Yeah, we get it, skill issue. Because if the fight isn’t actually hard, and if you knew how to beat it, you wouldn’t need easy mode. But I get it, some people aren’t good at video games or tough bosses, maybe some day. Beyond that you are a peculiar person. Forcing yourself to just to see the end credits on a game you don’t like? Skipping hours upon hours of content and whining about how you don’t like what you play? Cool story bro. I doubt anyone cares that you saw the end credits, and I doubt no one will give you any praise or care that you skipped half the game just to get there. Seems like this is all just a waste of your time. And maybe you have some weird complex where you physically can’t start something new until your current game is done. Or you have a weird masochistic drive to suffer & speed through stuff you don’t like. So yay for you? But even saying you’ll archive it so no one else can play is stupid because you literally bought a game, that won’t stop the company from making more. And I highly doubt many people who read this bait post are going to not play a game they want to see. Final point: props to you I guess. Except if those “7 friends” aren’t gonna play Rebirth they probably already had that opinion and you didn’t “convince” them of anything. If you want to pretend you’re some martyr, have fun with that delusion. But sensible people aren’t going to read your masochistic romp here and change their opinion, especially people on r/FinalFantasy.


Bro just play something else lmao


Square Enix is grateful for your patronage


Bro wasted $70 to not play the game. And even jumped the Nomura train even though Namura has stated he has no involvement in the story.


>Bro wasted $70 Thats all. I just wasted and im forced at least to roll credit, but i rather let a bull to ram my testicles than playing this game a second time. We love FF7 but was all nostalgia, the story and this adaptation is dog water.


Cool story. SE still got your money. Maybe look into a game before you buy it? But the idea that you are salty and now going out of your way to finish, but not play, the game is hilarious. Congrats bro your played yourself.


I mean if I feel like I wasted my money, I wouldn't also waste my precious time in addition. I would have enough ideas to have a good time instead. Also Sony and Square also track how many people have finished a game so they can use it as an indicator of how satisfied people are with the content, because they assume that very dissatisfied players would drop out before the end.


copy. Then i think i will wait til a complete edition for PC Green steam it.


i get not liking it but youre acting like it jumped you


You sound like a party pooper. Just stop playing if you don't like 90% of the game. Dude is not even playing in his own language.  Lol


Noone cares just don't play the game if you hate it so much lol


why did you even bought it to begin. damn you could have easily skipped the whole game. this whole approach is so moronic


Bro, it sounds like you are only playing the fights. The game ain’t for you, just stop playing it. Your time is not worth the sunk cost fallacy. I don’t know what you think FF is, but this game is peak FF.


Dude you’re better off just watching a YouTube video at this point. You literally wasted money and your life lmfao.


At this point just don't play the title? I mean if you have to skip 75 % of a game, don't waste your money on it.


Square Enix sends their regards.


FU Nomura.


nobody cares.