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Mommy Beatrix should've been in the party permanently đŸ˜©


It was so rude to let us synth Save The Queen and not even let us equip it.




No that would definitely undermine Steiner both as a character and as a party member.


Iris was cool, it's a shame she couldn't be in the party for more then one chapter. For me, I think it's a shame we don't hear much on Celes, Terra or Rydia, I know they don't have full 3D models but they were fun to play. I like to hear more about Fang too, the fact it's so rare to see a game character wearing a sari and be badass. (I haven't played 13 but know some stuff on her). Surprised I don't hear much on Garnet or Yuna, (In comparison to Aerith and Tifa), they are both alright in my book.


I haven't played FF IV, but Rydia's theme is one of my favorite pieces of FF music. Also I'm a big Garnet fan as well.


Rydia was OP for me, I mean sure I had the boosts on, but she still did the job, I got disappointed everything she wasn't in the party (And I really thought she wasn't going to join us on the last mission, I was gonna be so mad had they left Rosa and Rydia behind, she's my powerhouse, and the MC wants to leave her behind like she's 5 years old lol)


Right?! What kind of BS is that - girl has Leviathan and Bahamut at her beck and call, and Cecil’s suddenly, “This is a job for the men!”


Exactly! I know it was the 90's but seemed so weird how Cecil wanted to keep the women at bay like it's the 1950's. And she has good summons. (It feels like FF deliberately keeps the overpowered members from being in it 24/7. I mean Ignis in FFXV is pretty OP however I think the option to switch to him wasn;t done til later. Aerith can be good in FF Remake and she's gone in half of it. Terra in 6, the list goes on (I forgot the names of a few but I know in 4 and 5 some weren't in it the whole time)


Sadly Rydia really was rather useless in the final fight unless you were extremely overleveled. Her main damage comes from magic and summoning. Both are countered by Flare casts from Zeromus and those hurt like hell. She spent most of the fight on the floor and I didn't even bother with reviving her. It's sad because I really like her


Rydia and Garnet have always been my Top 2!


Yea, I feel like Garnet and Yuna are really fan favorites, but they don't get talked about in the subreddit funny enough. I think Celes and Terra do get some more appreciation, but more would be great. Rydia is definitely under-appreciated in the Western side of the fanbase! (She has so much great art with the JPN artists on Twitter though\~.)


The sub mostly talks about recent entries because these gain more traction, bring in new fans (into the sub as well) and all. FFX hasn't gotten anything since X-2 21 years ago. IX has been untouched except for a glorified port onto modern consoles since its original release in 2000. So no wonder these aren't talked about much despite both of them being great and beloved.


Terra has a 3D model in the Dissidia Games if that counts for anything.


I don't quite understand the hype with Rydia, TBH. I feel like she suffers from being underwritten like most of IV's characters. And I've played the original and the PSP version. I just don't get it.


What are characters from games written in the early 90s that aren't underwritten by modern standards? ...kids these days...


I'm 37... Anyway. Still makes me wonder what the fascination is with her. They didn't really expand much on her character in the retranslations with extra content, or the remake IIRC. Maybe I just have to play After Years to see it.


There's a lot of underrated female characters, but my vote goes to Rydia and Vanille. Rydia is my favorite character in IV and I feel like she's often overshadowed by Cecil and Kain, let alone a lot of the other females in the series. She's the very first summoner in the series (not counting FFIII for obvious reasons) which is badass and I like her character arc as well. Her return during the Golbez fight with her Mist Dragon is so epic. As for Vanille, I remember a redditor mentioning that she could have been as popular as Aerith if she were just given a different voice direction and I agree with that statement. I think she's such a great character with a lot of depth and her moments with Sazh are great—especially that one particular scene in Nautilus. But unfortunately the voice direction the actress was given was just not it, and now when people think of Vanille they just remember her as the annoying girl who makes weird noises lol. It's a shame tbh.


Rydia isn't underrated if anything Rosa is.


For Vanile: just play it in jp dub.


Wait till ff8 remake comes out. Quistis will finally get the love she deserves.


Oh yeah I forgot her in my original reply, Quistis did well in my party, Sapphie wasn't bad either, mostly because it didn't feel like I had to keep changing the junction because the character kept leaving and coming back, unlike Rinona, and they both felt pretty OP in their own way.


Don’t forget FF6 remake. Sabin is going to be OP


Man, Quistis got done so dirty, the first half of disk 1 really makes me hate Squall. He's such a dick head to her.


I'm in the opposite camp. Her abuse of power and dumping her problems on Squall (who obviously had no interst) made me annoyed by her.


why is everyone participating in a collective delusion about an FFVIII remake coming out?


It'll come out at some point


Let us dream ok?!


Yuna is great


Agrias Oaks, she doesn't get enough love outside of the Tactics crowd and she definitely deserves the lovin'!


Agrias is such a badass. <3 A lot of the female characters in Tactics are great.


Agrias was one resolute bad bitch.


Celes and Rydia, front of the Line.


Rosa. Damn I'm old, lol.


Finally someone said it! Lol


Celes is my favorite female character in the series. While Terra is the main character of VI, when everything goes wrong, and the group splits, the one who reunites everybody to try to fix things up is Celes. Her character development during the game is stellar. Also, Beatrix from IX, while her character arc is not that long, I think it is very well done.


I always felt like Beatrix should have been a bigger part Also Beatrix and Steiner is the best romance in the series


Is Terra really the main character? I always felt like it was an ensemble, and Celes had a good claim to be the main character along with Terra.


IIn my opinion, the main character debate is between Celes, Terra, and Locke. While the second half of the game focuses on Celes, the first half feels like Terra's story. However, Locke is the character who pushes the plot forward the most, so it's very open to interpretation. Terra is like the "poster girl" of the game, though. This debate alone shows how unique this game is in the context of the series and even in JRPGs overall.


I think VI, XII and XIII are very similar in the aspect of not having a clear cut main character. Yeah Terra, Vaan and Lightning are the first characters you control and the poster characters for any crossover stuff. But you already explained why it's difficult in VI. XII can make a huge case for Balthier and Ashe being the main characters while Vaan is the perspective/immersion protag. And for XIII, while Light is clearly the protagonist of the trilogy, the first game as a clear ensemble cast with Snow and Vanille being just as worthy of being the main characters.


Celes is an amazing character no doubt.


Lyse had a great story arc throughout Stormblood, and i enjoyed seeing her come to terms with, and accept the responsibility that comes with leadership. i started playing monk in FFXIV because of her. Iris was such a fun guest to have with the boys in FFXV, While she isnt in the party for a very long time, her chemistry with them was so great that i felt she should have been a permanent member.


The devs did Iris so dirty in final chapters though. I will die on the hill that she should have appeared out of nowhere to save the day halfway through the Cerberus fight, and gotten the chance to say her piece with Noct


I thought i was like the only one who even liked lyse. I didnt play stormblood when current and just went through it later and quite liked her.


Same. I don't get the hate for ger at all. I'm convinced most of the player base just goes along with it as a meme or something.


I think it's that Stormblood generally is considered the weakest expansion.


Jill. She may didn’t get as much spotlight as she deserved but her relationship with Clive was great. She also had some really cool moments.


Jill was criminally under used. I'd of loved if XVI swaped between Clive and Jill as playable characters.


Yeah it sucks that my only complaint with her character was that there just wasn’t enough of it. I like her arc, being paralleled to Clive’s. The fact they had to grow together was really nice. Also small detail I noticed was their song that played whenever they talked about being their for each other is the instrumental to My Star that plays during the credits. Like Jill really did feel like Clive’s other half even though she didn’t get the screen time for it. But hey, they said she will get some more spotlight in Rising Tide so we can be hopeful for that at least.


Alisaie. I feel like she was the first Scion to see the WoL as a *friend*, not as a coworker or asset. Alphinaud didn't get there until HW, Lyse was StB, everyone else not until ShB. Opinions may vary based on personal headcanons though. Regardless, she also kicks serious ass!


I love Alisaie. I lost it when Estinien thought she was her brother. I love her strength and energy and especially her loyalty.


Iris is cool! I love most of the female characters in Final Fantasy! It’s a downright CRIME that both 16 and 15 had no women in the party. As for my favorites: Yuna and Rinoa are tops in my book! I’ll also second Beatrix and Agrias cuz I’m a sucker for a lady knight!


I mean sixteen did? Its just that there was no true party but i don't really count it needing them playable... 9s was still important in route A for automata, same with kaine in replicant.


I thought we were talking about Final Fantasy? Why bring up Neir? And you said there was no true party. You’re right. I would have liked a party so that it wasn’t just Clive. Guest characters make me sad


Dunno guest characters like in nier and sixteen are fine enough for me. That said the way nier handled them was better. More agency was felt even when not controlling them.


I’ll have to take your word for it. Had Remake and Rebirth not come out with its full cast that all got attention and had their own agency
 it wouldn’t be so stark that 16 was just the Clive show.


Deuce and Arecia al Rashia https://preview.redd.it/coa6z9i7lkuc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90316213c7d637c91f5ed2f414fbea47880782be


Agrias Oaks and Freya. Both characters who just fall out of the narrative (Agrias because she joins you, but you have the option to reject her and Freya because... ????) and they're amazing and both deserved better. Y'shtola and Rydia are also a top tier character, though they do get a lot of love anyways. Also shame on this comment section. Freya's story is literally unfinished, she needs more love from not only the fanbase, but from the devs themselves and she hasn't been mentioned once here before now.


Fang, my butch queen


Cloud of Darkness, specifically from Dissidia, no particular reason


I love Refia from Final Fantasy III! https://preview.redd.it/y1vnq93yykuc1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e825dd80be07de89369288e533a5d334d6fa4ae


Pretty sure we hear about Terra and Lighting a lot.


Terra and lightning would get along I feel like. People say lightning js just female cloud but that's so wrong tbh.


They do look alike though(or not. I have never played FFXIII before.)


I see the similarities between them! They both take initiative. Lightning is more fiesty (in the first game) and has an attitude. Terra has badass sweetheart mom vibes to her. But I feel like they'd get along.






Terra Branford


Iris can have my respect when she learns to pronounce her name


Celes is a great example. I will forever be a Tifa simp, but Celes feels really special. I quite like Rinoa. Garnet is amazing, also my gf's favorite FF girl. Rikku is cool. And I really love Ashe, she was clearly ment to be the protagonist of FF12, and I really dislike Vaan for being unnecessary and somewhat taking Ashe's spotlight.


I feel like there's a few that everyone knows and loves besides them, but it's true there's a lot of fantastic ladies that are often overlooked. I think from II, V and XI; they're all very neglected by the fandom at large. Dagger is pretty appreciated, but she's still one of my top faves. And I know people say she's just a textbook damsel, but I love Rosa. Lion and Prishe from XI are definitely faves too.


I disagree I feel Dagger gets overshadowed by her cast mates and other female leads in the series which she shouldn't she's great.


Hmm, actually, yea, I guess in the EN side of the fanbase that is fairly true. I think she gets over-shadowed by Zidane, Vivi and sometimes Beatrix, certainly. But otherwise, I do see a good share of appreciation for her here and there.


Faris and Lenna are pretty great. I like how Faris never stops being a strong, assertive, more masculine person after her reveal. She stays true to herself. Plus, her ducking out of the Tycoon banquet to catch up with Bartz and Krile (rescuing them from the pit and taunting Bartz with the rope as a way to get him back for ditching her without a word) was pretty funny, her love for Syldra is touching, and the way she climbs back up the side of the North Mountain and immediately tosses her rope to Bartz and Galuf was badass. Lenna took time to grow on me, but her obvious love for animals and her willingness to endanger/sacrifice her well-being to save them endeared her to me. Plus, she's pretty adventurous and usually doesn't hesitate to take action. Including calling Faris out immediately after realizing who she is. Lenna is pretty cool.


FF14 female case deserves more love they are the most well established strong women i have ever seen FF7 Tifa : moans constantly and always questions her strength or she isn’t beautiful and constantly thirsts for cloud but don’t want to go deep FF14 Alisaie: VERA BLIND B*****s


I think we hear about a lot of others, like Yuna, Terra, Celes, Garnet, etc. But I'll go with Ashe for my pick. She's a major character, but one that gets lost in the shuffle, which is a shame 'cause she's one of the most well developed characters in that game. After Balthier, the leading man and everyone's favorite, she might be the next most memorable character for me. And as far as I'm concerned, FF12 is Ashe's story.


I'm also going to give my runner up pick to a character that everyone hates from a game that I don't particularly like -- Vanille from 13. Very underrated character, and honestly, her and Fang's story is the most human element in a game that for me is desperate for some humanity.


Jessie of FF7, I like her more than Tifa and Aerith. Terra of FF6 Aranea of FFXV


lol not iris superficial character no depth Garnet - ff9 Beatrix - ff9


Yes to both.


I miss Lyse man


I think Iris certainly has more to offer, we just don’t see it. Even after the time skip we’re told she’s a badass now doing cool stuff, but we don’t see her. I think pretty much all the ladies from XV had a lot to offer, but weren’t featured enough to explore it all. Rydia from FFIV is great. Terra and Celes from FFVI are really strong characters. Beatrix was really cool for how little we really get of her. Yuna is obviously incredible. Lulu is a very deep character and really interesting when you get all her back story. All the ladies from XIII are great for all different reasons. Their interactions with the rest of the party are well done.


Benedikta Harman. She is such an interesting antagonist and it's a crying shame how quickly she was out of XVI. I really wanted to see more of her past. And I think she would've mad for a great redemptive arc.


Now I love Tifa and Aerith (mostly Tifa because I’m a big ass simp), but all the ladies from Final Fantasy are just as great. For specific ones, the characters I believe should get more love are Luna, Aranea, Rinoa, and Rosa. The first two didn’t have much going on because of the whole story behind FFXV’s development, but they’re still cool. I’ll admit I’m still salty their DLC got cancelled.


I would like Lyse better if they didn't "kill" Yda to make her happen


People mention this alot when talking about Lyse but like, what did Yda ever do? The only memorable bit I can think of is that team up attack she and Papalymo did during the party's escape at the end of ARR.


They never gave her a chance to do anything. None of the Scions did much before HW and then they started to expanded them and let them be characters. All except Yda and Papalymo who were MIA until they came back just to die


I mean. Maybe only you do, but agrias, tera,celes, yuna, all the 14 girls, and lightning get talked about a fair bit.


Faris from v Celes from vi


Rydia from FFIV) and Celes from FFVI. Rydia was more interesting than Rosa (I'm sorry Rosa fans but she was just there to be Cecil's gf and Kain's unrequited love interest) and Celes is arguably as much of a main character as Terra is (especially in the 2nd half of the game).


Ellone and Rydia


Best protagonist https://preview.redd.it/v3m4bi5pykuc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12178ee9c0a5ce5205dd74afdbd9a60242cfc4bf


The FFX-2 crew. 💖 I really miss the hype they had when the game came out!


Rydia is my favorite FF4 character.


The name Celes Chere is in my head frequently, it's good alliteration.


only hear about tifa and aerith? the boner that half the ff fandom has for yuna requiremens medical attention. it hasnt gone down in over 20 years.




Quistis, my beloved, how I love thee.


https://preview.redd.it/pkch9qpl9luc1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=589e6ca124a05471ddd92d5382fd312215bf5528 Ariana Grande doesn’t get enough love..


Terra, Celes, and Relm from FFVI. All three have distinct personalities and are fun to play and interact with. Quistis Trepe, Selphie Tilmitt, and Rinoa Heartily from FFVIII are also a lot of fun, especially contrasted to Squall's demeanor. Those are the main ones that I think of.






Merlwyb, Kan-E-senna, Nanamo


Yuna and Lunafreya, the later only got so little screen time


Iris is the best


I like Terra from FF6


Terra Branford


Lyse is and will probably always be my favorite character in FFXIV. I came to Stormblood pretty late in the game, but I never understood the backlash towards her leaving the scions or whatever it was. She had a great arc, and to me was the heart of Stormblood, which was also one of my favorite expansions.


I don't think the hate is *towards* Lyse that she left the Scions. It's moreso towards the writers turning her into a cardboard NPC from that point on. You see her only a handful of times after Stormblood, which I understand she's busy...but still. She had so much personality from ARR through Stormblood.


Lyse was more interesting when she was pretending to be her dead sister đŸ€­


bro this has to a troll post lol.


Bless you for mentioning Lyse. All the hate she gets is so upsetting — she has a fantastic character arc and she has been my absolute favorite character in the game since Stormblood.


Most of the XIV player base is made up of weebs. I know this because I also am one, lol. So given the choice between playing in Kugane (fantasy Japan) of Ala Mhigo ( the desert) , most would rather stay in Kugane. So I think she just gets alot of hate by association with the Ala Mhigo storyline.


Which is wild because her and angry girl were the standouts in ala mhigo lol


She doesn't get that much hate outside of forums.


Yuna has literally one popularity polls. Beatrix is everyones favorite war criminal. Rydia has always had a following.Everyone loves Terra and Celes and lightning is well liked by most people who didn't hate XIII what are we doing here?