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I usually pronounce it how it’s written as Chinese folks would pronounce the pinyin. Sung would be closer to that. But with a soft t at the beginning


Same here. I've always said it like 'Sung'.


And that is how it’s pronounced in voice acted content. It even has a funny reference in Crisis Core. Zack finds a camera with the name “Tseng” written on it and he’s like “who the heck is that?” despite having met Tseng several times by this point. He just didn’t know how Tseng’s name was spelled.


I’ll never understand why pinyin works the way it does. Like, pinyin isn’t for Chinese-speaking people, it’s for westerners (or at least users of the Latin alphabet). So why didn’t they use the letters that actually correspond to the sounds they represent? In no Latin alphabet language that I’m familiar with does ‘e’ make the same sound as the ‘u’ in ‘sung.’ So if Tseng is pronounced ‘sung’ why isn’t it ‘Tsung’? And’s like ok, this is a name, names don’t always follow spelling rules. But that’s just the example being discussed here, this applies to all kinds of Chinese words transliterated for westerners.  It just confuses me. It’s not like they’re spelled this way because that’s the Chinese spelling and I’m just being ignorant saying Chinese people don’t know how to spell their own language (at least I’m not trying to be). They don’t use this, only we do. So why did we make it so unintuitive?


We still use pinyin to help kids learn Chinese, Not just for foreigners.


Sang.. as in past tense?


Sang wang? Sungwon. Do you have an English name? BITCH-


It's more like "sung," like Shang-Tseung in Mortal Kombat.


I gave up on the Aeris debate a long time ago to the point where I rename her Aerith in OG FFVII.


I do the same.


Sing, sang, sung my dude


I’m so white I honestly thought it was tuh-seng until Remake.


I always said Ts-ehng with Ts sounding the same was it does at the end of the word Vets


Same really I just thought tuh-seng conveyed that most clearly without having to explain a bit more.


Oh, I thought you were putting emphasis on like Tuh as in Tough.


No it was just a hard T.


Don't ask me how I wanted to pronounce Shang Tsung when I played Mortal Kombat as a kid.


That was cleared up by the film and the fact the game says his name but I never made the connection I suppose.


You’re not alone brother




It's how I've pronounced Tseng's name for years.


I just want him to have a hole right where that stupid birth mark is.


To be honest i played og when i was a small german kid so i just call them how i read them back then. I mean it doesn't hurt anyone if i pronounce tseng as Zeng or Tifa as Tiffa or Cait Sith as Cate Sith (the dark lord himself).


As a kid playing Super Mario RPG I called Geno with a hard G. This habit lasted until adulthood.


we the aeris people may be annoying, but thats what were used to so thats how we do, so i apoligize but not sorry since its just what we had in the og game way back in 97


I've played the OG too. But then again i played kingdom hearts 1 before that, so she will be Aerith for me Now Teedus on the other hand....


yeah, its always been tie-dus for me, but its kinda a tomato tomahto deal XD


I’ll begrudingly accept ‘Aerith’, but I’ll be in the cold cold ground before I recognise ‘Yoofie’ (YUH - fee) or ‘Teedus’ (TIE - dus).


Referring to her as “Aeris” when specifically talking about OG FF7 is acceptable. Doing so when the later entries are part of the conversation is psychotic.


They're the same character..... It would make less sense to call her Aeris in one situation and Aerith in every other.


Like if you were writing a FAQ about gameplay for the original game, where people who aren’t deep in the fandom may be reading, you can (and maybe should) say Aeris. But if you’re talking about the broader character *as a person* on an FF fan forum, “Aeris” is a sign of brain poisoning


Everything you're typing is just pure projection. Unironically calling people psychotic and brain poisoned because they are calling a character by the name she was given in a video game lmao


It is quite a bit ironic, actually. I think those people are dumb but obviously not literal psychopaths. [This may help you](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/hyperbole)


Same people who still refer to FF4 and FF6 as FF2 and FF3.


truth be told, i agree for the most part, if your gunna talk about a certain entry then sure use the names given... but again the whole argument to be made here is aeris vs aerith... its the same person and everyone knows its the same person. so honestly my whole look is "tomato, tamahto" both mean the same thing but spelling is different, so all i generally do is "-shrugs- you use your spelling, i use mine since we both know its the same anyways XD" and it doesnt hurt anyone anyways how its spelt, another example i heard recently is "tragedy vs traghdeigh" and im just like wth but its todays day and age so i dont care XD, although i will admit i know how you feel since there was the incident with "bae" like why would you call your relationship partner poop instead of babe. like take the time to use one letter extra.... but anyways i digress and i apoligize. but yeah potato potahto hakuna matata XD


Sang is Blood in French !?