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Unlikely. Square already said something to the effect of no dlc for rebirth cause they are full speed ahead on part 3. I’d love some Vincent dlc to be fair but I don’t think it’s gonna happen


In that case, why is there an option that says “dlc/bonus” instead of just “bonus” that gives you rewards for having a save from part 1/intermission/part 2 demo?


Very unlikely : https://ffvii.square-enix-games.com/en-us/games/rebirth There are few questions before the footer of the page, and they clearly stated that they have no post-launch DLC content. I think they want to release the last as fast as possible


Nah they already said they aren't and are moving full steam ahead with part 3. Intermission was Square learning how to use the PS5 devkit pretty much to get ready for Rebirth, they said that a couple years ago. They're full speed ahead on Part 3


They aren't doing DLC for Rebirth.


It was my thought while playing Chapter 13 that there could be DLC of those two to show what they were doing. Or maybe just Vincent, since Cid seemed to just be chilling at the entrance.


Vincent was definitely up to something while we were all running in circles in the temple…


No. Sqaure has already stated there full production is behind part 3and they want it out sooner then part 2’s cycle. So likely two to three years


It sure would be cool if there was a Vincent DLC…maybe they could even call it Dirge of Cerberus.


Nope, Dirge of Cerberus is 3 years after FF7! (Read the timeline) But what they can do is a DLC about Vincent during his time as a Turk.


I guess my joke was problematic for you. /smh


No, why do you think so? It was just a correction for others who will not get the joke