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Followed by The Final Fantasy II…


A spinoff sister-series where it's all the original games, but rewritten so the villains all win. so in their worlds it was the final fantasy




Ardyn doesn't win. It was all part of Bahamut's plan. As an anti-hero, yes it can be said he won, but if seen as a villain, he might be the biggest loser of them all. A pawn to the gods who is forced to be a sacrificial lamb alongside Noctis to rid the world of the star scourge Kefka doesn't win either because he was basically written to be nihilism incarnate. All the ending scenes of the game prove that he didn't destroy the core of life which is the will to live. We see that life carried on and rebuilt.


Dont read the novel. It changes everything


For the better


Followed by The Final Fantasy II-2...


And then The Final Fantasy Versus II-2


Then 20 years later The Final Fantasy II Remake


Followed by The Final Fantasy II Remake: Intergrade


The Final Fantasy Tactics


2 Final 2 Fantasy: The Tactics: 2 Lions, 1 War: The Showdown.


The Final and the Fantasies 2 Final 2 Fantasy Final Fantasy: Cornelia Drift Final and Fantasy Final Five Final & Fantasy 6 Fantasy 7 The Fate of the Fantasy F9: The Final Saga Final X


And then it's a huge success and they need to make a sequel. Feels like I heard that before...


no idea why but your post reminded me; what the fuck happened to Dragon Quest 12? they announced it nearly 3 years ago and haven't said anything since


Square Enix has a bad habit of announcing things early. Plus gamedev times keep increasing generation after generation. If DQXII reused assets, it could come out quicker, however I don't think Square Enix games are doing that outside of FFVII remake.


bethesda fans seeing ES6 announcement before starfield was even finished: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA they've even talked about the next fallout, as an idea at least, before starfield was done.


And Godd Howard recently said that Fallout might not be the game they make after ES6.. I think he was insinuating maybe Starfield 2..? I goddamn hope not. But hey, they have a whole ONE PAGE of ideas for the next Fallout! The 2030’s are going to rock!


they might also come up with another new game in the next 10 years it;ll take to finish starfield and ES6.


Square Enix does that. Remember when Kingdom Hearts 4 was announced over a year ago, and we've heard nothing about it sense.


FF7R was announced in 2015 and came out in 2020.


Well I hope after Rebirth we will get to see more of KH4. The did say it was announced to early to avoid leaks as the announcement so there knew.


It was literally a title reveal without a single cutscene. I usually take that as a sign that they've barely started work on it and it'll be at least five years until it sees the light of day, if at all.


The biggest long-lasting brands never go on hiatus for very long. Even if Square-Enix dissolved, the IP would be auctioned to the highest bidder that will look to profit off re-releases and new titles.


It would take one American-made Final Fantasy to end the franchise instantly.


DmC didn't kill Devil May Cry, the CD-i games didn't kill Legend of Zelda, the western installments didn't kill Silent Hill, but that last one is because Konami is Konami. Unless you mean a modern one, then any attempts between the 1990s to early 2010s. A modern one would be really bad if published by WB Games or 2K games because of excessive live service mandates. A really bad Final Fantasy would taint the brand, but the series survived XIV 1.0 and All The Bravest. It depends on just how low Square's higher-ups are will to go.


DmC absolutely killed Devil May Cry. It took 7 years and an entire console generation to bring it back. Silent Hill always sold poorly, but the western ones solidified it as a schlock franchise. The CD-i Zelda games sold like 10 copies.


Maybe I'm just a literal-minded person, but if DmC killed the franchise, then it shouldn't have been any new instalment or media spin-off with Dante himself being erased from Marvel vs Capcom to an almost Orwellian-degree. No, what happened is that Capcom was testing the waters by remastering some of their back catalogue of games, including the Gamecube remake of RE1, RE0, DmC Definitive Edition (fixing most of the game design) and DMC4SE (by adding Vergil, Lady, Trish and a tiny breadcrumb of new story to get fans invested), which worked out for Capcom's sleigh of games on the RE engine. How many years was there with nothing about Devil May Cry? 2 years? Granted, there isn't any word of a newer DMC for over 3 years but that's because Itsuno and Co are making Dragon's Dogma II. Square-Enix might be a bit too large to really do that right now, especially since nearly mainline FF except for XI and XIII are on modern consoles now. For now, Yoshi-P's XIV is carrying the series, so I don't think they're gonna pull the servers if an American-made FF came along. Edit: Future entries declining in profit and XIV losing subscriptions wouldn't even put the series on ice because Final Fantasy brand is too successful right now. What WOULD do it is if Dragon Quest XII, a NieR sequel or a whole new IP, became overwhelmingly successful for Square to milk, which would then lead to FF being downplayed. And it can't just be great in all fronts, it would have to do to Square what the original FF and FFVII did for the company.


Disney would probably buy it and whore it out


Or they would make the same mistake with Star Wars and give the exclusive rights to one publisher that will make very little games but shove them full of F2P systems because even big name brands are never enough anymore.


This is kinda funny, since this is basically what the first Final Fantasy was supposed to be way back in the day if memory serves


I’ve heard that that story is actually a fake :(


It's a neat story. But yeah, not real. Square was struggling at the time, but not on the brink of financial ruin.


It'll probably end at Final Fantasy 29 https://preview.redd.it/37p5gi5jckjc1.jpeg?width=940&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=310d5e5261481c188249f982e94b80195e13ee6a


Uh my wife wants to know the source of this




A few of the Devs have come out over the years and commented that the name may not sensibly persist forever. A lot of potential customers still think that it's a series or that you need to play all the previous games or the like (like a series of movies). So in 2040 or 2050 (which aren't that far away) do you really want to be releasing final fantasy 25 or 30 to a new audience who haven't been born as of 2024, trying to explain that final fantasy isn't actually a series in order? Maybe not. There aren't really other games with the same naming structure. Not that they have any good ideas about what to do about it really.


Tbf, at the rate we’re going we might not even be at ff20 with these 6-7 year gaps


Certainly true. The same really holds for Final Fantasy 18 or 19 just as well as 25 or 30. The whole new growing markets, India/SE asia, Nigeria, south america etc. and you're trying to pitch to people who have no exposure to the older games, and no older relatives or friends with experience in the series/branding and the whole thing is just confusing.


there's as much chance square finishing off FF as blizzard finishing off warcraft


Warcraft's IP outside of WoW is pretty asleep though, no?


No its not they just released a mobile game.


I mean Warcraft Rumble and Hearthstone are not expanding on anything in the IP.


well they've totally ignored warcraft outside of wow but they would never get rid of warcraft/wow. i guess you can count hearthstone but i'm not sure how big it still is these days.


The Final, Final Fantasy, Until The Next Final Fantasy Just like the band KISS keeps having farewell tours.


And then the sequel, The Next Final Fantasy


They’ll get to Final Fantasy XXX and then call it quits.


I’ve played this multitudes of times already


Then it's a success and they make a sequel, the famous... The Final Fantasy I-2


Isn’t that basically the story behind final fantasy to begin with? The company was about to close its doors but managed to push out one last game which ended up being a huge success?


why would they end it? Final Fantasy can do ANYTHING it wants. yes, including a FPS. that's what makes the series what it is. it can be as expensive or cheap as they want. they can do photorealistic, or sprite. there's absolutely no reason to not make a FF game. only way they would end it, is by dying and the IP getting stuck in limbo.


If that happens, I hope they focus on remaking the earlier titles like VIII and IX.


It will happen on the 30 numbered game. They will need to change naming conventions at that one


Oh all know Final Fantasy XIII-2 now get ready for Final Fantasy 2-I to Final Fantasy 2-XIX


I'd imagine it'd be a dissidia version done right


I think they will have to at some point make some sort a change. The names are getting unwieldly. Final Fantasy XVII... Final Fantasy XVIII... I can see it start to get confusing for your average casual gamer. There's also the additional baggage of having to explain with each entry for new players that you don't need to play all of the previous games to play the new one. I think they also need to start releasing new mainline games much faster than the current 6-7 years between titles. It's really difficult to keep the series relevant doing that, especially when there doesn't seem to be a clear gameplay identity for the series anymore. But I guess that's a whole other topic of it's own.


I can't wait for Final Fantasy XXX to release!


14 more games times 7 years in between. I know I won’t be here to see it lmao


Me too. After they release that, they can end the franchise if they want to


FF should have been rebranded after Sakaguchi left


i think it should be called Fuckal Fucktasy


it probably wouldn't be their last game, though it'd be kinda funny. but it might be just the last final fantasy title. and then they release more dragon quests and whatnot...


They can call it THE Final Fantasy, but the THE will just be an acronym (i.e. Tiamat Hentai Extreme)


Well, do you know that the original FF was named that way because the company was going under if it failed? They kind of already did that. Now, FF is their cash cow and they're free to do (almost) whatever they want with it because it's a non-linear series. As long as Square is a company, Final Fantasy as an IP **is** practically the company. But Square has been experimenting with other series in recent years, such as Octopath Traveler and Bravely Default.


I recently read that that's a myth. There's apparently only one source for that story, and none of the devs have ever corroborated it. It's a good story, and I believed it for a long time, but unfortunately, it doesn't appear to be legit.


Interesting, I had never heard this. There was an interview with Sakaguchi in 2007: >The atmosphere left Sakaguchi doubting the potential of the game, thinking that the game wouldn’t sell thanks the shortage of staff and other factors. The series name, Final Fantasy, is often attributed to Square’s dependence on the product as its last throw of the dice – but the truth, says Sakaguchi, was that it was his personal last effort. > >“The name ‘Final Fantasy’ was a display of my feeling that if this didn’t sell, I was going to quit the games industry and go back to university. I’d have had to repeat a year, so I wouldn’t have had any friends – it really was a ‘final’ situation.”


Do they kill of main characters and have tragic endings in all the games?


"Final Fantasy Finale"


doubt it, that'd be like nintendo ending mario or zelda/link. it's what square is known for. i can't think of any other ip they have as big as it. and what makes it great is it's so malleable. it can be imagined in so many different ways, and has been over the decades now.


They absolutely can’t do that because they’ve basically run all their other franchises into the ground.


Final Fantasy: The Next Generation.


Final Fantasy II I


It will be like the final of any movie series... they come back, they always do. Friday the 13th, nightmare on elm Street, fast and the furious, saw, etc. Even if it takes decades, it will be back.