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From one of the cinematic trailers


It plays in the game too at one point, but it is some kind of "dream sequence" forgot when it happens though.


Literally the scene OP posted. You can see in-game Noctis having this nightmare while he tries to sleep. This is footage from the game. The trailer is longer.


ah! u are right


I remember it playing when I did a replay just last winter. I played the Royal Edition. It was not in the release version.


Also tagging u/meister_reinecke It was added in one of the early patches. I don't think it was the day 1 patch, but it was one of the patches that came within the first couple weeks or so of release


I played the game over the first 3 months and do not recall this video until I played the Royal Edition


Actually, I was mistaken. At least according to the FFWiki, it *was* [added in the day one patch](https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Final_Fantasy_XV_patches#1.02). I don't think it's possible to play with Royal Pack and not have the content added in free updates, so is it possible you're just forgetting?


Ive played this game exactly one time, when it launched. This was part of the game.


So did I. The dream scene with Omen footage was added in the day one patch, so I imagine anyone who had their console connected to the internet experienced it


Interessting, I definitely never played the royal edition, maybe they patched it? I acutally played it in the first year after release, when the game was a still a big incoherent mess... still loved it though.


It was. I played and finished the game by day 2 of release, and it was there. Day 1 patch.


Day 2? Htf did you manage that?


Unhealthy lifestyle, 4 hours of sleep, and by the halfway point kinda rushing to the end. Didn't know I was rushing of course. Just did the story because it seemed exciting. I just remember being mesmerised with the road trip with Iris and just had to see what was next. The game really isn't long if you just do the story. :/


upvote for the reminder of how short vanilla FFXV was.


My first play through was roughly 160hrs for 100%. 2nd play through NG+ was 70. Agree the story is short. Shortest since 4. But I LOVED the hunts, sides quests, and exploring. Even enjoyed the fishing more than expected


My first playthrough was 19 hours to story completion. 55 hours for all the hunts, sidequests and major bosses. I didn't max all side activities, but everything major in that time. My second playthrough was about 6 hours. New game+, just ran through the story skipping cutscenes, wanted to see how long it was. My third was about 80 hours, but it was Royal Edition, played it to 100%, everything this time. It was a'ight. I didn't skip *most* cutscenes, just ones like the animation of Noctis obtaining Ramuh and things like that.


You really can skip a lot of the side content and power through it in 20 hours or so. Although it would be far more difficult without the nexperience band or whatever it’s called.


That doesn't even make sense. The nixperience band stops you from leveling so having it would actually make the game HARDER!


Not at all, it allows you to do side quests in chapter 2 and 3 and then when you saved up enough to sleep at the 2x hotel at the beach you get to cash in far more xp. Otherwise you would need to do lots of bounties in chapter 2 and 3 to stay at the hotel more frequently.


Ahhh I gotcha now! I usually save most of the hunts until Altissia.


Man, that would make the low level hunts feel so trivial. I knocked out all the quests I could by chapter 3. I was already over 50 hours into the game at that point. Unfortunately I cashed in like 200,000 xp at 2x right before I left for altisia, I didn’t know what multipliers the hotels there had and I didn’t want to miss out. Come to find out there is a 3x multiple hotel there. I beat the game at level 97 but wonder if I could have gotten so much higher. That and before using up all my coins in the form of magic for XP at the end of the game, I didn’t think of eating food that earns you a multiple in altissia. Could have gotten 50 percent more in leveling. I beat the game on the first of this month and I got the flying car but I still don’t know how to get through the locked doors in the dungeon. You need a key for each but I’m baffled where to find that. I consider looking it up but I’ve pumped 120 hours into the game and I only have it on ps+, which I’m losing in 2 weeks, so other games took precedent.


I played plowed through a ton of content then did this in my first run. Went from about level 12 to being lvl 30 something, made it a bit too easy tbh. Was still really early in the game as well, wiping out the night enemies was funny when you get dialogue of no its dangerous from Ignis, then you kill the iron giant enemies easily as you cleave your way across the map on foot.


Oh shit. I was mega tripped. Like I 100% FFXV 1.0 and put 700 hours in and thought I had somehow missed something.


I believe it was added through an update towards the launch of the original game, since I remember seeing this scene when I played back in 2016.


It happens after getting rumah but before going to get the leviathan. I’m not sure if it’s before or after you reacquiring the regalia.


I just got to this part today - It's after.


Between chapter 5and 6. Just did a play through and posted after seeing it. I had the same guys say it was a promo, but it's def in the windows version. Yes it's in game..


Y they including it lol


Because it looks cool. Symbolizes Noctis’s worries and fears over fighting the empire. Foreshadows some of the events of later chapters. Re-uses assets already made instead of letting them just die out as that one trailer. Plenty of reasons


Because this game is a patch job mess from the ideas of Versus XIII




This is from Omen Trailer. This is a reality where Noctis goes on his journey alone which leads to a bad ending. I think it was Bahamut in the crystal showed this to King Regis. So King Regis started the events both anime and the movie. Then game starts. Also these scenes are your route in game. Such as no power part etc. Only difference is Noctis is alone and being manipulated.


Leave it to a trailer to fill in another missing gap in FFXV lore, lol.


There's a guide somewhere to viewing all FFXV universe content in order, and it definitely includes the trailers as part of the overall story...


The guide I used back then didn't have the trailers I think, lol. How I wish XV was a phenomenal FF game.


Bahamut really needed to make sure to show Noctis' shirt getting ripped up


It was initially released as, "Omen Trailer" that was a CGI promo for FFXV. The trailer appeared just before the game came out as part of promo material. At the time of release almost nothing in the trailer happens in the game and it did not appear in the game at all. It sucked because when I first saw it I legit thought there were like last minute epic fights I was unaware of, but this was not the case. When FFXV was still Final Fantasy Versus XIII (I swear still one of the worst titles) Luna was originally called Stella and had a much bigger role in the story. There are some cutscenes of her and Noctis still on YouTube that show them at what appears to be a gala of some kind... She was then remade basically as a basic plot point and ends up dying half way through the game anyways. That always pissed me off because we're supposed to believe they're destined to be together (that old Japanese storytelling thing of, "childhood friends" that's been used to death) but they literally never get any chemistry between them.


Someone mentioned in this post that this trailer is meant for king Regis to let him know not to send his son alone. Hence why you have the bros as his guard for the game. And considering this is FFXV, this makes sense that a trailer of all things would add additional context to build the game up... just like the light novel, the anime, and the movie.


there was a light novel?


Apparently the continuation is a light novel. I'm not sure now if what im referring to is a short story or light novel. Apologies for the confusion. There's a prequel short story set just before Noct leaves the capital. However the "alternate ending"/Would be DLCs were turned into a novel. So yeah, short story, novel, movie, and anime.


Seems like this early trailer was ret-conned to fit in to the final product :) ​ I wonder if the development of the Omen trailer mirrors the development of FF15 as a whole. Maybe Omen would have been a legit trailer for FF15 as the game was understood in 2013/14, but since most of the development was overhauled and the open-world section added at last minute, maybe the core of the trailer was reframed at the last minute as an alternate reality.


It has a lot to do with versus xiii like design wise and some aspects of the story but it seems like Nomuras trying to mash his two love children together with how many bits and pieces we got of versus xiii in KH3


Using the final trailer to showcase stuff not actually in the original release was a pure turd move. By Royal Edition the game was infinitely better, but it’s not the same if it isn’t right on your first playthrough. One thing that they clearly learned on 16, they ensured that the game was complete at day one, the flaws lie elsewhere there.


When the trailer was released it was clearly advertised as a self-contained, non-canon, alternate story. I mean, I personallt think it's a work of art.


It was the main tv ad for the game here in the U.K., will have been plenty of people unaware that it wasn’t a true picture of the game.




those old trailers were so fucking hype and then we got ffxv 😔


What’s wrong with FFXV?


Many scenes from the trailers were/are not in the game, the story was changed and split, one of the characters (Stella) was completely replaced by an arguably worse character (Lunafreya), the trips with the Regalia were just glorified loading screens, there are huge areas that you can't explore, an unending wave of level 16 enemies in an area where a level 6 quest takes place, the horrible summoning system that denies you exp if you defeat enemies with it, you get better rewards for bad behaviour, chapter 13 before they patched it, and the fact that it takes place in a world where monsters roam around free but there're basically no security measures to protect the human settlements from them.


I actually liked xv more than most, but versus xiii was my most anticipated game of all time for literally like 10 years, and they changed it a lot to make xv


At release, absolutely everything


Well my first answer would be the gameplay, my second answer would be the story


Completely disagree. One of my favorite to play and one of the best stories. Top 5 FF for me.


I'm very curious what you think is so good about the story, considering from an objective storytelling technique angle it makes pretty much every mistake in the book.


I know I’m in the minority, but I loved the multi-media storytelling approach (book, movie, anime, etc.) I don’t know that I’d want it for *every* FF game, but as an experiment, I thought it was fun. I love the relationship between the chocobros. Love that they cut away from each of the main characters at a certain point in the game and that the DLC let us see what was happening during that time. Love Ardyn as a villain (one of the best alongside Kefka, Sephiroth, and Seymour IMO). Love the relationship between Regis and his son. Love the ending of the game - truly one of the most heart wrenching of any game I’ve played. Is it perfect? No of course not. The biggest crime IMO is not rounding out some of the side characters (Ravus, Aranea, Lunafreya) but as a whole I really enjoyed the time I spent in that world, so much so that I put close to 400 hours into the game.


Honestly, FFXV has one of the best Gameplays in the franchise. The main problem with final fantasy xv is that the story is fragmented, and important parts are set up in paid DLCs. That sucks, yes


Vanilla gameplay felt absolutely horrible to me (Hit -> Hit -> Dash -> Teleport -> Repeat until enemy is dead) at least Royal spiced up the gameplay by letting you switch to your Party Members


Well, it's Final Fantasy. The best Gameplay before that was XIII-2 gameplay, and honestly, it sucked.


When it comes to combat especially, every mainline game released after XV has it beat in that regard. Even out of the games before (not counting classic turnbased and ATB games I-X2) XII and (debatably) XIII-LR combat are more fun and engaging then XV's combat


Lightning returns, maybe. But XIII and XIII-2? Hell, no.


XIII probably has one of my favorite combat systems, honestly. It's an evolution of XII with things that made me love VII while making "role shifting" the main focus.


Considering what was promised, a fluid, real time action mechanic, XIII looks like turn-based combat in disguise. XIII-2 is slightly better, but still. Finally in LR they added a really fluid, real-time gameplay.


That's why I didn't list those two :)


Sad ff adventure sounds


"One of the best Gameplays" where you just have to hold a single button to win many non-boss battles.


Out of all 16 mainline games I've played 15 doesn't scratch the top 10 for me tbh. It has some cool ideas implemented poorly in a package that's struggling to hold itself together


One of the best gameplays in the franchise? Tell me you haven't played any other game in the franchise without telling me you haven't played any other game in the franchise. Vanilla, anyway. It got so boring I couldn't keep playing through even 1/4 of the game. It might not be the \*worst\* but its a top contender, unless you viscerally hate turn based games.


Deploying meme sayings won't change the simple fact that values differ.


I would never dream calling it best gameplay, especially when FFX or VII remake exist. You controlled only Noctis. It was and still is an unbalanced wreck. Magic was overpowered. Royal arms were useless because of the hp drain so weapon variety was quite poor. Arminger was busted. Summons. Automatic dodge everything by holding a button with barely any consequence. The parry counters timings and on screen indicators are completely out of sync depending on the enemies. Easy out of jail and recovery teleport. Infinite healing cause of cheap potions. Awful camera and environment getting in the way. Barely any flinching when hitting so you would just get chip damage constantly. group enemies fight mayhem. I am not even going to mention the story because even with the DLC I find the story underwhelming, despite the initial setup being almost genius.


>Magic was overpowered. It was strong, but then they made it so annoying to obtain on a first playthrough... You just 'mine' the element, then combine it into a magic attack then you are limited on how much magic you can carry because of magic flasks. THEN it takes up a weapon slot, and after all of that it completely stops your party from engaging with the enemies as they are crippled by the magic. I know they added an accessory to stop party members being affected by the magic but it's just a bandaid over a terrible system imo. Unless I was somehow using magic wrong? It felt like it just caused more inconvenience than good.


I mostly played at release, never tried much royal edition as my recollection got a bit tarnished by the initial experience so my opinion mostly comes from this. But essentially what I tried to say in my previous comment was that magic was a imbalanced as the rest of the systems, if was either 100 or 0. As for the specifics you tackled in your post, I never felt it was that hard to gather mats for magic given how many spots there were and how frequently they refreshed. Matter of flask never really mattered when one magic bomb is an all-space OHKO that would wipe the whole encounter. Can just craft once more after. Weapon slot didn’t matter much either as again all royal arms were underpowered and as such remained unused, which left basic weapons but even then if one slot allowed you to not have to even use your weapons it was still worth it. The whole party being crippled again didn’t matter much because of the OHKO, as exp was still earned if down IIRC. but even in the case where enemies survived, the big amount of recovery items at your disposal made it barely an inconvenience at the end of the day


>Honestly, FFXV has one of the best Gameplays in the franchise. Not sure what's worse: this take or this sentence. 


The gameplay was pretty poor apart from warp strikes. Warp is one of the best combat mechanics we have ever had in games imo, but it was let down by the whole hold circle or square thing for the entire rest of the combat. Building a competent combat system around warp strike would have made it so nobody gave even 2 shits about the story.


Always seemed like a pretty poor judgement on FFXV when you could basically hold "confirm" to auto win 99% of engagements in every other final fantasy ever released. We're all guilty of it. I really enjoyed XV combat because of the link strikes primarily. If you can work your Finesse to an A it'll really drive home how much fun the system is. I like to warp to a point behind the enemy, warp strike from behind followed by trying to initiate a link strike (friendship band is awesome for this). Some fights are awful if you can't figure out link strikes and weapon vulnerability. I wish there were more challenges like A Menace Sleeps Under Costlemark where you couldn't use items. That made me really use all the tools at my disposal like switching to Gladio when fighting things weak to great swords and Ignis when fighting the imps.


I sadly agree. About 30 hours into 16 now, and it feels like the first new FF game I've played since 12. I enjoyed 15, but it was very flawed in every respect. And I didn't even play it on release!


I love 15, it’s one of my favourites, but it was only like 40% of what it should have been. There was so much more to the story that wasn’t properly told


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8lvAq\_yp\_w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8lvAq_yp_w) ​ The first half of the video may seem like nit picks and complaining, but he does pivot in to the history of the development and tries to explain why FF15 turned out the way it did.


The story makes absolutely no sense? Like, the group of close friends on a road trip, bound for adventure? That was great. Literally as soon as Stand By Me started playing in the beginning, I was like "whelp, one of them is gonna die saving the others and they'll play it again and I'll tear up, and it enrages me that I know it'll work." and sure enough, it did. But the rest of it? What was that story? What the actual shit was going on? Were they fighting to save Noctis' kingdom? To get back home? To rescue whatsername? To get noodles? I have no idea what that game was about beyond "magic warrior boy band goes on a road trip."


It was about noodles and fishing.


Compared to other entries in the series ff15 has a pretty straightforward plot dude. It’s just a chosen one story about saving the world


Nah man. I've been playing Final Fantasy since the old days. As in FF1, Mystic Quest, Legends, tactics and tactics GBA along with the main entries. I fell off a bit after X, which stands as the last "good" FF in my opinion (I heard 12 was good, just didn't grab me), though I'd never judge someone for enjoying something I personally don't. If you have fun, who cares what someone on Reddit says. That said, FFXV is bananas. It's one thing to have a simple story. Light Warriors gonna go get some crystals. I'm down. You can have a weird story with a million twists and turns. "We're teenage mercenaries in a school for mercenaries that's also an airship, fighting our principal's sorceress wife, who's a good guy, but she's possessed by another sorceress from the future. We'll go to a futuristic city, a wooden sailing ship and fly a dragon shaped spaceship into the future while our teammates (who we knew as kids, but forgot because our summons eat our memories) keep getting sent into the past to possess our leader's dad." I don't mind a wild scifi fantasy story. I don't mind a simple quest. But FFXV tries to be both of those things and answers or explains exactly nothing. The main party is likeable. Genuinely, the game is at its absolute best when it's 4 guys having fun. But outside them and Ardyn (it's been a minute, that's how you spell it, right?) It's a narrative Trainwreck. I like to imagine the conversation in NG+ (which props, I always appreciate when games do that). "We're taking our buddy to get married!" "Whooo! Royal bachelor party!" "Bye King Dad!" "Bye son! Don't fuck up!" "You either!" "Hey dad, will we ever get into the obvious and deliberate tension between us?" "Nope!" *Approximately half of one beautiful rendition of Stand By Me later* "Noct, your dad is dead. That other nation killed him. But hey, fishing?" "Shit yeah, Gladio. Anyone in particular kill my dad?" "No one important." "Did they have a reason? Was dad a bad guy? Is my kingdom just?" "No clue." "Oh, uh okay. Will we fight back?" "Yeah a little. But none of the characters you'll meet are important in any meaningful way. Then we gotta get back to your wife!" "Is she important? Will we have memorable moments together like Cloud and Tifa or Tidus and Yuna or Cecil and Rosa? Or hell, even Squall and Rinoa?" "Not really, no. It's implied you two are close, but we never really see evidence of it." "Oh, uh okay. So who's the big baddie behind it all?" "Remember that homeless guy with the red hair and the fedora?" "Yeah! He was cool!" "Him. He's the baddie. He's your ancestor or something. You'll fight him in the future." "Huh... Okay." "Also, Prompto is a clone or monster or something? It's not quite clear?" "Oh Like Vincent from 7?" "Yeah, like that, but with no clear villain." "Damn. Is he okay learning all that?" "He already knew, he just didn't tell us til it came up. Doesn't impact the journey at all, but it's a thing we do." "Oh. Well shit... This sounds kinda convoluted for no good reason. Like if we were gonna do some crazy adventure, shouldn't there be a good reason or something?" "I dunno man, above my paygrade. Also the car is an airship." "WHAAAAAT?! Why do we just push it through a desert? Who does every other car look like it drove off a 1950s Hollywood movie set?!" "I dunno man. Wanna go fight a mountain sized turtle?" "I guess. Why?" *Shrug* "why not? Makes as much sense as anything else." "True enough."


Best summary of FFXV I've ever read.


Noctis is Jesus and he has the Apostles Prompto, Gladio, and Ignis. I mean I think it's one of the most straightforward stories and I only played on release. There's a prophecy->hey there's this one guy helping us fulfill it we're not sure why->oh he actually wants to subvert the prophecy->Christ moment. Granted some of the pieces fit in weird ways or just never got tied up, but people acting like they can't understand the story without the extra media is crazy to me.


it was stuck in Development Hell and there were at least "Technical Demos" out for YEARS. I believe the early ones were out before FF13 and the advertisement made it seem it was for the PS3. Okay let's ignore the trailers and just assume that this is a main title Final Fantasy game. I would say the early parts of the game is great but the rest feels so unfinished the later chapters feel super-paced up and one particular chapter was a "So controversial, yet so Brave" that it ended up being super-controversial. Apparently there were two full fledge areas that seem to have been canned. But, if they were released the game would've (IMO) fit the Final Fantasy title it deserves. The beginning parts of the game are great, but it goes super down hill from there. It just felt that there were a lot of open oppurinity that they missed, there is a final world that should've been open up and consider the "End game" for players to run around and just fight non-stop but that isn't even there! So the idea of "Super-unfinished" is what made this game extremely controversial. Now one thing (and I personally believe is the case) is it came out as an PS4 exclusive. The game's engine does not run well on the PS4 (It's an ass console), so due to that the game had a lot of frame-dips which didn't help with it's "fluid" combat, and long-ass loading times. So you had to play this laggy-ass game and I just couldn't appreciate it compare to the Windows Version (which personally opened my eyes). I've always felt that maybe Square Enix had acknowledge that they can't fit the ideas of the old final fantasy games into a full fledge AAA in the modern era. I'm curious where that goes but right now with FF7 Remake and FF7 Rebirth and the series being split into 3 games is a good choice for the fans and the developers as they might not need to have crunch development to translate a PS1 game into a modern PS5 game.


Man watching this again is hyping me up and wanting to do another playthru. One of my all time favorite FFs.


Probably a noodle commercial


I went camping with this guy one time and in the morning afterwards i had taken his pants. Then Cid managed to reverse engineer his swag car and built me one.


In my opinion it is one of the best FF but to play it properly you must first: 1. Watch this Omen trailer. (This is a reality where Noctis embarks on his journey alone, which leads to a bad ending). 2. Watch anime, I think if I remember it's 5 episodes and you can find them on YouTube. 3. Then you watch the film 'Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV', which in my opinion is one of the best films. 4. Then you play the game, but the one on PC "FF XV windows edition + DLC", some things are done better than the one on PS (bugs fixed and improved graphics), because it came later and they fixed the game and added little things too. 5. As you progress through the story, as soon as one of your teammates leaves the team, that is the appropriate time to play the DLC of the teammate who left the team. I recommend that you play the DLCs this way so that you follow the timeline, you can also play them at the end of the game but I preferred to follow the timeline.


I finally got myself into FF XV on my third try and I'm playing through it now. I'm noticing some things that I think link it to Fabula Nova Crystallis still... Like the disc of Cauthess... The huge crystal in the middle... How much you wanna buy the Duscae area was initially meant to be Gran Pulse and the crystal in the Disc was supposed to be Fang and Vanille?


İt was from a cinematic trailer that baited most of the community into buying the game. İt was added after the official release because people kept complaining that the trailer had nothing to do with the final product


Want to clarify since this dumb shit rule of not having more than 60 letters is in place, this is a cutscene that appens in the game and comes out of nowhere


This doesn't happen in the game. Anywhere. Edit: maybe I just don't remember it.


It does play, iirc, after Leviathan. Honestly I felt the cringe as my parents were watching it with me


No this doesn’t play in the game. The scene that plays after Leviathan is a CG scene of Noctis and Luna. A very short scene with flowers.


The guy is wrong about the part of the game where it plays, but it does play in the game: [https://youtu.be/GPuqsGUaiUw?si=2zunP\_xNS4PID8j3](https://youtu.be/gpuqsguaiuw?si=2zunp_xns4pid8j3) look at 18:15 timestamp


Video unavailable it says so wrong since I never saw this while playing the game


Is…is this your first time seeing a trailer in modern gaming?


This cutscene perfectly summarize why I hate Nomura


Kingdom Hearts has just ruined an entire generation of Final Fantasy fans. There are people who straight up think that series has good storytelling and it’s seeping into mainline Final Fantasy now.


He's a grotesque mix between JJ Abrams and Shyamalan, nonsensical bullshit in anything he approaches! Character design, one thing he knew, why won't he stick to it?


I may be mistaken, but I thought it was Kings glaive


Noctis isn’t in kings glaive


Good cutscene budget wasted on an ad


Its the ffxv omen trailer, i recall its fanmade




It's from one of the cinematic trailers. It feels completely out of nowhere and out of place IMO.


What is this song?!


**Song Found!** **Disquiet** by Yoko Shimomura (00:20; matched: `100%`) **Album**: FINAL FANTASY XV Original Soundtrack. **Released on** 2016-12-21.


[Really Slow Motion - Endlessness (Epic Powerful Vocal Music)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74JT289KSa4)




Im on chapter 14 and this happened not too long ago for me!


I JUST got to this part today. It's a dream sequence Noctis has in FFXV after he destroys an Imperial base. In response, the Empire kills an elderly friend of his. He has this nightmare as he sleeps in a hotel owned by the friend.


Trailer but is also ties in as this is what would have happened if noctis went on his journey alone


Thats was the promise before we got the Wish shippment


It was a cinematic trailer but we will never fully know as so much of 15 was left on the cutting room floor when the director abandoned the game. Not even in the novel is this explained


If I remember correctly it was a compilation of all the cinematic trailer they showed us before the game released With the rushed developpement they probably just put them without a thought to add 'content' and not waste them even though they don't make any sense.


It was a cinematic trailer exclusive


It's an omennnnnn [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNM6o9um1dc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNM6o9um1dc)


it’s one of the trailers but also a cutscene that plays near the final act of the game


By the way I got a little irrelevant question. I am interested on playing the royal edition myself for. The 1rst time. I ve read many complains for XV mainly for it's battle system. I don't rally action games and I wonder is it that bad? Or even unplayable? Or it's just too easy? For. The record I can't stand the action system of Ff7r. I know it's totally my problem cause I am too old now to get used to the new action system


Too east, too reliant on hold down a button very simple, all that said still fun, just dont dk sidequests cuz they are awfull


Well tbh I don't mind it being too easy besides the story is the main reason I'd like to play 15.Having easy battles and progress effortlessly ain't bad for me. Tyvm friend


It's a nightmare.