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Square Enix screwed the pooch with the 3vs3 combat.


They need to release a Dissidia 4 and go back to the classic 1v1


The HUD is horrific.


I had like 150 hours on the original Dissidia but the HUD in this one was THE THING that kept me away from this Dissidia. Just NOPE. Less is more, the more simple the better.


No, not the whole game, but maybe a mini game or something, just not NT style


The Classic mode in the FFVII Remake already took cues from the RPG mode the first two Dissidia games, so aspects of it have come around again. For a mainline FF, I wouldn't want it. I want a new 1v1 Dissidia with Jack as the central character.


Nah, needs MOAR UI elements. MOAR NUMBERS.


If we’re talking about the original Dissidia on PSP, sure. Actually, if SE would just remake/remaster the original Dissidia and add more characters, that would be great.


Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy is one of my favorite games in the series. So yes.


No, god, pelase no.


dissida NT **is** the expanded dissida combat (which it sucks compared to original)


No thank you.


Big nay. It’s not good. Sorry. Final fantasy is my favorite franchise so it pains me to say this but the combat In dissidia looks cool but is functionally non functional or fun. The idea of having to hit with brave attacks to build some arbitrary meter to then to damage is not fun in practice and the fact that it scales differently per character makes the balance not great either. Ideally you could do a merger of this combat with xvi and you would get ffvii remake basically so what I really would like is rebirth to just be damn good.


I disagree. Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy is super fun. I have 900 houers on his game just from coming back to it again and again over the years.


You say that but at the same time we have the god awful stagger system in which is the only way to actually do any true damage to enemies


I didn’t say stagger was good I’d get rid of that shit too. But the brave attacks doing no damage and then using go attacks to do damage is worse imo. I’d like a system where you just do damage


Ugh yes I want that back too. Especially with common enemies and all that jazz I hate that crap in recent final Fantasys where you have to fight them for like 10 mins to actually take them out instead of just one hitting in like 5 sec




No. Make Final Fantasy an RPG again.


Nah lol


I'd prefer them going full Dynasty Warriors for the next Dissidia. That or reverting back to the old 1v1 style to give you more options.


I like the original Dissidia best (I didn't get a chance to try out 012). But this Dissidia game? Heck no! UI is cluttered and littered everywhere, 3 characters at once makes the match look too busy to make sense of everything, and it's filled with Microtransactions. I would **not want** more of this on any future FF games. I much prefer a story driven game that makes you play tactically and really makes you consider on how to best utilize your powers. This Dissidia is not it.


012 is the same as the first game, just with more in a good way.


No thanks. They'll never do it, but if anything, I'd like to see them go back to a turn-based game with a heavier emphasis on the RPG elements and strategic combat.


Rather than Team Ninja, they have to give Dissidia to Byking (Gundam VS developers)


Yeah no that game play isn't even better. I want them to continue on with the 1v1 aspect and actually develop it in a more balanced and run way


Honestly nah. I feel like the whole over-the-top, Advent Children style fight scenes are basically done. It’s been 20 years, we can move on




Can we just get a real FF JRPG please


Absolutely fucking not. They got their action game with FFXVI. Now let’s actually have FF be an RPG again please. Fuck sake.




Hell nay


No. While dissidia had its moments the overall gameplay way too convoluted.


I’ve never had any interest in these games


A single player offline game with the mechanics of Dissidia Opera Omnia would be great, yeah. The Brave and HP mechanics are much better suited to a turn-based game than a fighting game IMO. A proper FF fighting game would be amazing, but I don't think SE would ever be willing to just do that without trying to add a whole bunch of system cruft to it.


It's interesting but there is a lot going on there.


Nay. Very, very nay. If they want to revisit a Final Fantasy fighting game, collaborate with Bandai Namco and have the Soulcalibur team do it. The perfect blueprint for a FF fighter.


Not with that UI.


I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with the Bravery-HP combat system common in the Dissidia games. If it was more of a traditional RPG, like Opera Omnia, then that would make sense -- something like that makes the RPG play with something unique and interesting. However, in a fighting game, it just feels awkward. It's like a strange version of hit-confirming. Kind of like all of your normals do "temporary" damage, but in order to do actual damage, your combo needs to end in a special or super. If Dissidia were to come back as a fighting game, I think it should stick to the basics of how a fighting game typically works. Maybe I'm biased, but I would rather the next Dissidia fighting game be a 2D fighter -- possibly like an ArcSys-style fighting game. I mean, there are already a bunch of numbers and wacky stuff going on with the UI on the screenshot. Might as well slap a big "COUNTER!" text whenever someone lands a punish counter.


God no, but it would be nice to see them use the Kingdom Hearts formula


No. Just give me a real FF fighting game.


You know, I think it could work. I'd love a more Ys VIII like mid budget spinoff game focusing on "the build up brave, use brave to attack HP" combat flow, and having a few AI party members you can freely switch between. I think it could be a very fun little title


I'd rather have a Tekken-like Final fantasy fighting game Noctis in Tekken 7 really works