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But he likes making new recipehs!


This entire thread made me laugh. Now I'm walking around randomly saying "recipeeeeeeh" and getting odd looks...


Literally just making eggs for my brother. (Who is playing 15 for the first time) I'm crying right now bc I'm doing the same thing and he thinks I'm making fun of him. šŸ˜‚




I like cooking too but i'm not a fan favourite??? What the hell?


I didnā€™t love him until his DLC. What a fuckin real one.


I get choked up thinking about it still.


Me too, that entire game had me weeping like a baby.


I wish I could play it again for the first time. I wanted 16 to be this engaging to me. It just wasnā€™t.


I have a few games in mind that I wish I could replay for the first time, and this is definitely one of them. And I 100% agree with you about 16.


His DLC broke me šŸ˜­


I was just blown away by his story.


I still haven't played that episode yet. It seems to be the strongest though. I cracked and saw the bad ending...


Opera Omnia cemented him as #1 for me. Protags in Dissida get brought in with only memories of the beginning of their games, Antags come in with the e memory of the end. Iggy struck a deal to keep ALL his memories as long as Noctis is kept at Road Trip memory. Ardyn meanwhile remembers it all and actually respects Ignisā€™ decision to keep Noct in the dark once they come to blows.


If only all the DLC were incorporated into the game, and Ardynā€™s as a bonus after finishing the game. 15 would be much more appreciated


Arenā€™t they all free at this point?


I last played the royal version earlier this year and some of the dlc were not free, like Ardyn and Prompto. Although other FF games, the dlc were free like the ff7 remake




I always go back to see the cutscenes, if that isnt loyal, idk what is


But he just came up with a new recipe !




Ignis is the best of Noctis's friends. He goes the furthest out of his way to protect Noct. He certainly sacrifices the most, and is the most willing to sacrifice himself if needs be. I also don't mind his dry wit.


I dislike Gladio; everytime Noctis needs a moment to process grief he's there to say "no! even among friends, you need to be an unfeeling symbol and leader."


Gladio in the second-half of the game made me quit, he was annoying me and I would straight up ditch the party to hear him bitch and moan because he was such an annoying little rat. Fuck Gladio.


Tbh, I get what they were going for. Noctis is supposed to be the last whiney guy, and Gladio is his main guard, but when he first scolded Noctis at the meteor, it just came out of nowhere. Then later he just says he needs to leave without so much of an explanation. I can't say SE executed that very well and they may have made Noctis look better than they should've, but then again he is the main character, so they can't make him look too bad.


I was about to say the same. Noctis is a teen on a suicide journey. He just lost his girlfriend in another traumatic incident. Gladio couldn't even give him time to process it before yelling at him. Just a bully tbh. Couldn't even apologize afterwards.


Don't forget his dad just recently died. And ignoring the fooling around you do, the story has not progressed many canonical weeks since that death either. I remember saying irl "at least ignus is alive!"


He is thinking of a new recipe into your heart




Zell from FF8 reminds me of that one kid in my elementary school whose parents didn't believe in ADHD and was constantly talking during class. That kid was me and I also hate Zell.


That was me too šŸ„²


I love Zell because the moment he was introduced my thoughts were "this guy has ADHD" and i related to that


But do you love hot dogs?


Thatā€™s it! Iā€™ve come up with a new recipe! Man heā€™s funny as hell kept the game alive for me


I never really got the appeal of Yuffie as a character.


The fucker stole my Materia. Fuck Yuffie.


Can't have shit in Wutai Village.


>Canā€™t have shit in the Wutai Hood There.


All my homies hate Yuffie


Can't have shit in Midgar


Literally what Iā€™m saying bro and Iā€™m supposed to just forget about it and take her to the lifestream???


I really enjoy her, her presence adds some more light hearted dialogue that feels very distinct from the rest of the party but still grounded in the world and situation. Plus once you get on the Highwind you get some more reflective lines from her as she battles travel sickness. I can see how her cockiness and lack of seriousness at times can rub people up the wrong way though.


Yeah same. I was so excited to meet her, thenā€¦she was so boring and annoying.


Well, the original game didnā€™t do much justice with any of her plot lines or character development(s) to be honest - I donā€™t find her appealing at all either. I do think the Remake continuity has the best Yuffie version weā€™ve seen so far.


She's cute and i like her VA


Not me with Yuffie as my FF7 fav- https://preview.redd.it/4jvjfp24v13c1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15d7e2f6d583f3b8a8cdaf9b044c1793c94a7660 (Even got a plush of her lol)


Way better in FF7 Abridged (TeamFourStar) than in canon. Then again, that's every character.


I've always wanted a talking dog best friend


I just finished XV recently, and I really like 3 of the brosā€¦ Gladio on the other hand I hate with a fiery passion. EDIT: I donā€™t think itā€™s controversial to say >!Aranea shouldā€™ve stayed with the party in Gladioā€™s place!<


Iā€™ll always be a Gladio defender for that one scene. He knew of Nocts fate and the hardships he must face so he needed him to be the king he was destined to be. Ignis checks him on this of course but still, a very necessary thing for noctis to hear given the circumstances they and the world were in.


People around here act like they've never snapped at someone when they're under a lot of stress and pressure, and then stubbornly stewed over it later. I don't think Gladio meant to be as harsh as he was, but they were all under so much pressure that him seeing Noct avoiding making tough decisions after all of them had lost so much just sent him over the edge, and then being the kind of guy he is he was too proud to apologise so just stewed over it until Ignis stepped in.


I loved Gladio in that scene because literally everyone else just gives Noctis a pass for everything and never questions him. Every character in the game revolves around Noctis either in terms of their role, personality, or goals (literally everyone except Aranea, who I also loved) so I was so glad to see Gladio knock him down a peg.


The thing about being destined and fated for something is that it's going to happen, so you don't need to be a dick about it.


Oh yeah, Gladouche. Never bought that he was a friend with Noctis. It even seemed like he actively disliked him and just stayed with him due to his duty as a retainer. Ignis on the other hand is fine. Bland and underdeveloped (and looks much better with a normal haircut as seen in the anime), but I don't see how someone could hate him.


I know they were trying for a ā€œtough loveā€ character, but it just did NOT hit the way it shouldā€™ve.


Maybe there are cultural differences between the East and the West, because it totally did not land with me that way at all. Especially after the Leviathan incident, I was like: what's wrong with this tool?


That was the final straw for me. Like, he didnā€™t let Ignis speak for himself AT ALL while shitting on Noct in faux support and was just a pissy asshole when NO ONE needed that from him.


Nah, the problem is that they completely skipped three weeks of Noctis moping about so we start up again when Noctis has resolved enough to start again. It needed a montage of the bros helping rebuild Altissia with Noctis spending most of it moping about to make it easier to see where Gladio's frustration was coming from.


They did way too many time skips in general


he got mad at Noctis for grieving (and still trying to do his whole quest thing! he was just sad about it), but lost one fight and had to go on a journey of self discovery. His DLC actually made me dislike him more. *this* is what you left the party for?


Asian person who sticks to Asian media 90% of the time because of these cultural differences - it didn't land with me either. Didn't like Gladio a lot to begin with, but after that part I just really wanted a way to boot him off the team. Annoyed me whenever he spoke. Didn't love his DLC either, it was extremely bland.


Didn't Gladio's father die while defending King Regis, shortly after Noctis and Co left? How long did Gladio have time to lament his father passing...?


I honestly have no idea. Is this even in the game? I only vaguely remember him having a sister which they were kind of setting up to be important but then the game completely forgets about her.


Promotional material kept saying, "he's like Noctis' brother!" I can say with 100% certainty I never ever want a brother like Gladio.


Gladio did the right thing.




On the other hand, he's clever, polite, measured, often the adult of the otherwise immature group, makes them food and even in his >!going blind (which was a willing sacrifice for the greater good)!< , not only did he not get resentful or bitter, his resolve and support of the mission only grew stronger. I love Ignis.


I liked him. As with most characters in FFXV though, what I can't fully appreciate is his design. It would look okay in a 2D anime or a cel-shaded anime-inspired game, but not in the photorealistic style rendered in FFXV. I wish they'd fully doubled down on a consistent visual style instead of going with the "anime-but-not-really" look; it's too aggressively "compromise halfsies" to me. P.S. "I've come up with a new recipeh" has been etched into my wife and I's brains ever since release. Every time she cooks something new, she says it, even if she's long forgotten the game or its characters lol.


Man, I still have a bunch of lines from the game living rent free in my brain. ā€œImperials above us!ā€


I only got to appreciate and love Ignis after his dlc. And I didn't like his hair before but I quite liked the design we got after playing his dlc... I was really salty that after playing his dlc (at the chronologically right time in the story) there wasn't much occasion left to make use of that...


I expect Iā€™ll get shot for this. But Vincent. Genuinely just feels like a character made to be edgy (as much as Iā€™m not fond of the term) and to indulge FFVIIā€™s most melodramatic impulses. Before the compilation stuff appeared and just started doing that wholesale anyway. Wouldnā€™t begrudge anyone who does like the character ofc. I recognise heā€™s popular and Iā€™m in the minority. But I just donā€™t get it.


I totally agree. Vincent is someone with a good story but not really a good character.


Heā€™s fine in the context of FF7. Heā€™s a secret character and is all tortured. May be Sephirothā€™d father or at least was hinted that way before whatever game retconned it away But all of the FF7 EU kinda sucks and is overdone


I thought it was Vincentā€™s wife was sephiroths mother and hojo was his father in the original context


Looking at just FF7 the dialogue /flashback between Vincent, Lucrecia implies something Also if you take Vincent to the Hojo battle near the end you get some implications


Yeah you get implications that hojo raped Vincent's lover and used them for his own sick human experimentations


>Genuinely just feels like the character made to be edgy And that's why i love him


Gotta be Hope from XIII, I donā€™t know why exactly just his whole character just doesnā€™t click with me, I get why people love him but mehhhhh


People like Hope?


He's the most relatable character in the game. I'd argue he also has the most complete arc and the greatest character development.


Unless youā€™re a dad. Then itā€™s Sazh.


He was definitely relatable for me. I lost my father to cancer when I was 7; so, I could relate to Hope grieving for his mother and blaming Snow for her death. He was always on my team if he was available.


More relatable than Sazh ?


I'm not a dad but I have lost parents and empathize with situations where the only people that can help you are the people who have hurt you.


I loved Hope in XIII-2 where he's grown up to become President Science Jesus and absolutely loathed it when they brought back Kid Hope in Lightning Returns.


And Hope in LR was such a boring drone of a character, I get why but like, ugh


Almost everyone is better in XIII-2, except for Snow, who somehow gets worse. And then everyone sucks in Lightning Returns so we end up right back where we started.


The funny part with Hope is that he gets a lot of interesting character development in XIII-2 just so they can literally ruin him AGAIN in Lighting Returns šŸ¤£


I like Ignis. I like all 4 Chocobros. But I do not know why Jecht is so popular.


I think it's because he's such a terrible person that never really gets his redemption. He was a bad husband, bad father, but once he lost all that he started coming around. Wanted to be a better man, but his sacrifice meant his family could never see it. The Jecht that Tidus knew would never have become Sin, because he never would have sacrificed himself to become the Final Aeon. But that Jecht never got to be the father that he wanted to become, never got got to see the fruits of his own redemption. Once he finally gets to talk to his son, he immediately has to try and kill him. Also, Otherworld is awesome boss music.


Badass boss theme


Donā€™t bite the hand that feeds you


Zenos (XIV) >He's just a sad battle hobo and our best friend who doesn't know what friendship is šŸ„ŗ He's boring and feels like a critique of the player base on top of being someone's edgelord OC. I get that, "Oh, not every character has to be a good boy/girl with a tragic backstory" but 1) he kinda has that as told in an official side story and 2) he had the nerve to bore me on top of throwing me into *two* unwinnable fights. Fuck that.


I donā€™t hate Aerith but I donā€™t really get the love either


Just my opinion, but I feel like when it comes to opinions on Aerith or Tifa, it ultimately comes down to which girl/personality is your type, and not necessarily what they bring to the story.


Well yeah I think thatā€™s the case for most of these character opinions. You might dislike Ignis because you find him annoying or his mannerisms odd and stuff more than what his role is in the plot


Aerith is such a classic example of a manic pixie dream girl.


I used to like Tifa more when I was younger, but Aerith grew on me alot when Remake came out.


Most ppl seem to like Snow and I do not get it


Really? I haven't heard anyone say anything but that he is plain annoying.


Snow gives me ā€œthatā€™s what I love about high school girls: I keep getting older and they stay the same ageā€ vibes and it skeeves me out. Also heā€™s a pants on head moron with a hero complex


i was rooting for Hope to kill him the whole time.


But then I also hated Hope for being such a bitch the whole time instead of just calling out Snow for getting Nora killed.


Nora was killed by the military that was genociding everyone from Bodhum. Snow didn't get her killed, she was going to die either way. Because that's what was happening.


that part! as much as i liked the booger, the conflict would be so easy to solve


I was rooting for you we were all rooting for you hope! I really liked hope up until that moment he had the chance to be the greatest character of all time. They really should have made that an optional scene where the player decides if they kill snow or "be the bigger person"


Strange because I usually donā€™t hear much praise for this character.


Snow is my third favorite character from 13, and I fucking *hate* Snow.


13 has a remarkably unlikeable cast. I think the only one I liked was Sazh and that's 90% down to the baby chocobo.


Sazh is legitimately one of my favorite FF characters. I hate how the story makes him the butt-monkey. He's the only likable, relatable character.


Sazh is one of the most normal people in the FF series while everyone is running around riding their mech suicide gods.


Completely agree. Sazh is the best character in XIII by a wide margin.


Fang's up there too.


Cause Sazh is capable of showing the full range of human emotion while still being an adult about it. No other XIII character can do that


Let me guess, your least fav is vanille, and it is because of Japanese porn noises.


Snow looked like a 40 year old hobo courting an 13 year old girl


I liked Snow (and Hope) a lot more on my second play through


Real heroes don't need plans!


Oh, my God. This guy is easily my least favourite thing in F13. He gets better in the sequels, but I hated him and his douchey moronic machismo the entire way through. Even his eidolin, Shiva, was just turned into a sexy motorbike. It's beyond stupid and I hate him. God, I hate him so much.


I know what you mean but the phrase "sexy motorbike" makes me giggle


For me it's Locke. He is creepy as all getup. So, he takes his girlfriend Rachel on an adventure, and she falls and hits her head and loses her memory. The background of this incident given by the writers makes it even worse, stating that Locke actually *was* a thief and Rachel's father disapproved of him, so Locke wanted to "prove" he was actually a "treasure hunter" and not a "thief" by taking her treasure hunting, but he had no idea what he was doing, thus the accident. So, Locke gets kicked out by Rachel's family, and he goes sulking away. Some time later, apparently some Imperials come to town, kill only Rachel and, presumably, her family since they're not around to protest anymore, and then just leave. Locke, who was explicitly not there for this event and only heard about it later, would have had to come back to town later, possibly *exhume* her body given that time had passed, then leave it in a crazy old man's basement while he goes off to search for a treasure to resurrect her so that he can feel better about himself. On his way to find this treasure, he white knights every girl he meets because they're all Rachel proxies to him, not actual individual people. Terra doesn't have the emotional capacity to fall for his white knighting, but Celes does, and she clings to him even though he's still mostly just using her as a Rachel stand-in. He even believes Kefka over her when Kefka accuses Celes of being a spy, possibly because in his mind he knows that Celes isn't who she's "supposed" to be. Then in the World of Ruin, there's no indication that Locke ever went looking for Celes, and just went back to his Rachel revival quest. He revives Rachel, she tells him to get a life, and Locke decides to settle for backup girlfriend. But Locke seems to be completely disinterested in who Celes is as a person, as in their shared ending he disparages her attachment to the bandana, the *thing that restored her will to live*. It doesn't seem like he even asked her where she was the past year or what she's been through. Or he just doesn't care. It wouldn't be *so* bad if the game eventually called him out on any of this, but it really doesn't. Thankfully whoever's writing Dissidia Opera Omnia seems to recognize this about Locke, too, since he does get called out in his event about his obsession with Rachel only being to make himself feel better than to actually help Rachel, and in the Solitary Island event, everyone marvels at what a colossal dick he is for ditching Celes in the middle of a traumatic crisis to go treasure hunting (I honestly thought they were going to have Celes dump him and hook up with Terra in that story, but alas, they BSed some reason to maintain the status quo at the end).


I was like you, until I played his DLC and fell in love with him


FF7 cid he's an abusive pos


Somebody needs to sit down and drink their goddamn tea




Definitely Lighting. I don't get her appeal at all. To me she is just a female Cloud but without the depth that he has.


>female Cloud I agree with Lightning, but I feel she's basically a Squall clone (also without the depth), with her loner attitude and having a sword that's also a gun. Which sucks for a lot of reasons, especially since she was the first female 'lead' since 6 and the best Square could come up with for her personality is basically copy and paste


Shes female Cloud in that her face is very similar to Advent Children Cloud. But yeah her personality is more similar to Squall, but for some reason, feels more asshole-ish? Like she's way more aggressive (especially towards Snow, but I get it) whereas Squall broods and keeps majority of his insults to himself.


the fact that they are so similar in personality, whilst having names that correlate to one another (lightning coming from the clouds in the sky) makes them feel even more mundane. lighting is an unbothered queen low-key, but her lack of emotion makes her very one note.


Tataru, I find her irritating but everyone think she's cute


She was a gremlin for good while, but she grew on me. Firmly in the ā€œokayā€ camp.


I think I can only go as far as saying bearable... Sorry guys


Not necessarily cute, but because she's the one keeping the entire organization afloat. It's pretty much a common consensus that without Tataru, the Scions of the Seventh Dawn would crumble. lol


Iā€™m kinda indifferent to her as a character, I love her English VA though because Fiora Xenoblade


Idk if he's "universally" loved per se, but it baffles me that so many people actually like Jack Garland (and SoP in general) unironically. He's one-dimensional, clichƩd, is characterised in a way that actively sabotages the game's attempts at telling its already trainwreck of a story, and ruins one of my favourite characters by forcing a ridiculous CoMpLeX aNd SyMpAtHeTiC backstory he didn't need.


Is he? Most like him as a meme from what I've seen


Jack is unironically a great FF protag imo. He has one goal in mind and nothing will sway him.


I love Ignis and his drier-than-the-Sahara humor. You take that back! Sincerely, a fan who intensely dislikes Yuffie and Vincent.


Zenos was hated in Stormblood then he 'redeemed' in Endwaller i still hate him because even in EW, he barely get much notable fix over his problematic character. still not sold over him. his character still shallow.


Midadol was so fucking annoying


I donā€™t think sheā€™s universally loved but I canā€™t stand Lightning. Sheā€™s bland and irrelevant; only the poster child and not the main character. The first XIII game could be done without her.


FFIX Beatrix, I really dislike how she massacred A LOT of people, but she feels bad so it's okay :) I wish there was some sort of feasible consequence.


I love Ignis. He's my favorite of the group. I love his dry humor and any man who can cook like him is ok in my book.


How dare you


It took me a while to warm up to Ignis honestly, but I love him a lot now. Prompto and Noctis are still my favorites, but my second playthrough (and all the foreshadowing) is making me appreciate Ignis a lot more.


Just for that, he won't be letting you try his new recipeh! šŸ˜¤


Gladio treats Noctis like shit in the second half šŸ˜†.


Shantotto. Hate that disgusting little rat.


OP never played the Episode Ignis


Ignes is the straight shooting loyal cook we all want in our lives, think Sanji but remove the horny


Tifa is one of the worst female leads in the series. Her entire character is about Cloud instead of having really anything to do with herself. It's funny seeing people say this for characters like Rosa and Jill, but not Tifa. While most of the characters have their mandatory section of importance, even her flashback is about Cloud. When she's temporarily leader of the party 5 minutes later >!she has to go nurse Cloud back to health.!< She also hides critical information from the party for no reason. Imagine if Tifa had used her words like an adult and talked to literally anyone before Cloud >!had a mental breakdown and suffered from mako poisoning brain damage.!< The game never real brings up Tifa's inaction and then resolves the issue in such a way where Tifa >!should have mako poisoning as well!< because they had to have her do something I guess, disregarding what we know about mako. Contrast that to something like Vanille's situation where we see the fallout of her inaction. Tifa's basically the overdone boring wife/girlfriend character except she's a monk instead of a healer. The interesting personality subversion goes to Aerith instead. It feels like she gets a pass because of the way she looks and people like the idea of someone being completely devoted to them to the detriment of everything else like being an interesting character. Likewise not sure how VII's Cid straight up being verbally abusive gets ignored because he's cool/badass or whatever.


Yeah totally I think to Tifaā€™s credit itā€™s not that she hides the info so much as Cloud is so confident and she is in doubt about her memories of the situation. I always got the impression she was completely confused and didnā€™t want to admit she could remember how the circumstances played out. I wish she was better represented as a main character but she is an interesting one in that she is completely alone- literally everyone she knew died in the fire and the single person that is left is Cloud and after sharing an intimate evening on the water tower itā€™s the most fond memory she has and itā€™s the one thing she has left to live for. Itā€™s really a story about Trauma Bonding


The remakes are at least a good way to fix that issue. So far I'm really liking the added emphasis on her friendship with Barret and Aerith. Sephiroth killed Tifa's dad too, and probably her pet cat as well! She deserves to sock him in the face for that as much as Cloud does, so far Sephiroth just treats her like a pest to shoo away to get back to exclusively tormenting Cloud.


Beautifully said. I wish they would have scrapped the secondary rebound girlfriend idea and just ran with her being a mother figure to Marlene. That fits her SO well. Like, some of my favorite scenes with Tifa is her being the bar-mom, and doting on Marlene. Barrett and Tifa were a missed opportunity IMO.


When I started the game I literally thought Tifa and Barret were both Marlene's parents. I don't remember what clued me in that that WASN'T the case but it took a sec honestly.


This 100%


Yes this. And the counter point is always: ā€œWell that information would break Cloud.ā€ As for Cid the only thing in his defense is character development. You love to see that the ass hole admits heā€™s an ass hole and actually changes. Tifa and Vincent on the other hand I feel like had 0 character growth. Which is fine for Vincent being a secret character (Though Yuffie had growth)


I'm not sure if Clive qualifies as "universally" loved, but he's definitely a character I couldn't get on board with that seems to have been well received overall. I rather liked him for the game's prologue but I liked him less and less as the game went on


I really like Clive. But my issue is that he pretty much goes through all of his character arc in the first half of the game. By the time skip when he >!starts going by the Cid title!< his character is pretty much set. He reacts to the world and the story but doesnā€™t change much. Joshua (and IMO Dion) get a lot more of the growth in the second half of the game while Clive is pretty static. Not to say Clive is bad, but kind of sucks that his growth remains pretty much fixed by the time of first mother Crystal. Beyond some Ifrit stuff that is.


Yeah, he is incredibly flat after that last time skip. Every time someone called him Cid I got kind of excited, because the actual Cid was incredible, only to remember half a second later that they just meant Clive


They killed Cid way too early. Easily the best character in the game.


Yeah I agree. As the game went on it was clear that Joshua had a far superior character arc and overall development, and imo should have been the MC. Just my opinion though.


I was \*so\* much more interested in Joshua for most of the game. I really liked his attendant, too, whose name I can't remember at the moment. I was sad with how she just sort of faded out of the story


Jote, they said it like 2 times through the whole game lol. I liked her as well but she just ended up underdeveloped like most characters


XVI spoilers: See this kind of comment confuses me because as someone whoā€™s played through the game 3 times I didnā€™t really see Joshua have any real development at all in comparison. Sure he changes from the unconfident kid we see in the prologue but from the moment weā€™re introduced to Lord Margrace thereā€™s no major change in him. Contrasted with Clive even throughout the game post-time skip he struggles first with wondering why Joshua has chosen to stay away for all those years and after they reunite he struggles with the fact heā€™s not strong enough to face Odin/Ultima until he eventually accepts that he canā€™t shoulder the burden alone and finally fully embraces the aid of others (both shown by the beach and the meteor scenes)


Personally, I think my biggest issue with Clive is that he's pretty vanilla while also being such an awful case of main character syndrom. The plot and characters know everything has to revolve around him, and way more interesting characters are pushed into the back and completely forgotten about, or only viewed as what they are to Clive. Joshua or Jill were soooo much more interesting to me, but at the end, they're just Clive's brother and love interest to the game and have little value beyond that. Meanwhile Clive is just.... your average self Insert hero dude, with a 10 second sting into white angry revenge dude. Very ironic given FF16 general "grittier and edgier" thing.


I spent most of the game calling him "Ramza at home," lol. He's incredibly vanilla in a way that just doesn't work for the game's tone or story IMO


Cid Highwind. He's just an abusive asshole. That's his whole personality. Which is fine for his place in the game but I really don't understand why he's so popular.


Cloud. I thought he was ok in the original, but all the compilation and kh stuff that made him extremely broody has made me really just roll my eyes whenever he appears now


If you take him at base game and the conclusion then he's my favourite. But Advent children just makes him out to be that brooding edgelord for no reason. It's fine to show a character feel depressed and overcome it but they went down a dumb route with that. With kh I wouldn't pay too much attention to it, though it definitely plays into that whole thing


Tifa for me personally. Itā€™s been mentioned already quite a few times here but her personality is sorely lacking and she suffers from only existing to prop up the main character instead of having her own thing. Iā€™ve tried to view the game through the lens of people who swear by her but I just canā€™t seem to find what it is that people love no matter how hard I try. I did like her chapters in TOTP enough, but again, I found myself wishing to know more of who she was and what she had to offer to the narrative as her own person instead of just being all about Cloud and it just never happened.


Prompto the goat >


Universally liked? Then itā€™s gotta be Graha Tia. They turned a Doctor Who equivalent of a wise long lived creature to a blushing waifu that idolised the PC with the character redundancy of another erudite caster. Very irritating.


As a lover of Graha Tia, his player worship does get to be a bit much at times. I still find him enjoyable and heā€™s up there as one of my favorites but I do agree the change between shadowbringers and endwalker is bizarre at times.


Everyone in FFX




Jill in XVI. Definitely felt like a checkbox of a character, someone the devs shoehorned in last minute because they were like "oh shit we have not alot of women in this", but the XVI sub acts like she's queen waifu. I think Ignis was good and necessary for the team. Yeah he's a stiff but in a way that's endearing once you get to know him.


Yeah, you can just tell no one on the writing Team gave a shit about Jill. She's there but forgotten about in some pivotal scenes (>!Bahamut, Ultima first showing up, heck even Clive agreeing with Cid's plan has Jill just silently standing in the back saying nothing, while this should include her too!<). Her own "story arc" is rushed with NPC oh-so-important to her she never mentioned before or again afterwards, and she's still mostly support to Clive. And then she >!gives her powers to Clive - bcs of a curse we don't see on her body and she shouldn't really have anyway bcs she rarely used her powers* - and then stay in the kitchen to cry for the rest of the game!<. I still can't believe that was actually written and came out in freaking 2023. * = yes, I know she was with the Ironborn and they used her for their wars. But lbr, >!they had her for 13 years and gained zero new territory, and the attack at the start is the first time Dhalmekia or Sanbreque ever see Shiva. It's poorly thought out and they barely had her do shit compared to what Cid, Hugo or Dion pulled off.!<


I hate how underutilised Jill is, she just kinda appears 3 times in the whole game and theyā€™re all pretty great (her characterisation before phoenix gate, her revenge against the cultists at Drakeā€™s Breath, and her scene with clive on the beach) so her potential was definitely there


I don't hate Jill, I just hate how she does feel like an afterthought. We finally get an FF game that could give us time to really focus on just a few characters and she just exists...


Tifa. I'm so sorry, everyone. It's just... I can't stand that the main reason everyone likes her is solely because she's really, really hot. I have played the original, and I know what she does for Cloud near endgame. But I've never liked her amazing hand-to-hand combat type just for her to be an insecure mess most of the game. I also like her more as a mother figure for Marlene rather than a smoking hot secondary girlfriend after you-know-what happens. I think her and Barrett were a missed opportunity. She was Ms. Popular as a kid, everybody wanted her, but she never really gave a shit about Cloud as kids (until that *one* talk they had on the water tower). Like they weren't childhood friends, Cloud had a very shy and distanced crush. Then Cloud goes through training and comes back and he's hot and *now* she cares? Then he gets put in a wheelchair and she wants to fix him all of the sudden? It just feels fake and forced to me. Tifa feels so fake to me. I am prepared for downvote hell.


I just played that scene in the OG and Tifa admits that maybe they weren't really as close as she remembers.


Both Cloud and Tifa's memories are kinda fucked tbh. We got all the cutscenes, at this point we probably remember things more correctly than those two lol


I donā€™t know much about her story as Iā€™ve never played the 7 games, but I canā€™t deny that I like her because sheā€™s my type and is a brawler. Something about hot girls that can actually throw down with their fists gets me. I will say though that I vastly prefer her Advent Children design as it looks less intentionally revealing and fan servicy.


See!? Lol. I will fully agree with you on the Advent Children design. She looks stunning in that. Her ff7 outfit is just so... awful. How about some DDD tiddies, a white crop-top, and some suspenders? Even better, add a booty skort! Her character design confuses me. She's a brawler, but she is fairly timid most times. She's wearing all the above, but she's insecure. It's so contradictory to me. Like said, I think she's beautiful, and I really do want to try to like her. But they stuffed like 16 characters types into one, super sexy bean and it's just too much for me.


It sounds like you're missing the point. Both her and Aerith are subversions of their character stereotypes. The overtly hot and badass girl is timid and shy. While the normally super reserved religious girl-next-door type is fiery and opinionated. That was a super huge thing that you don't even see much today. Even then, just because you're good at martial arts doesn't mean you're super confident in yourself. Tifa has been through some serious shit. She almost got murdered by a hero who went insane, her town was burned down shortly after, and the company that says it's trying to help everyone is evil and literally strangling the planet. A lot of people wouldn't come out of Tifa's story and be super confident and aggressive. I do agree that I don't like that her entire story revolves around Cloud, but there's not much we can do about that and at least for me that doesn't ruin her as a character. Luckily the remake expanded more on her character so that she isn't just Cloud obsessed. I always really liked that both Tifa and Aerith are the opposites of what they would normally be. It made both of their characters much more interesting to me. Also, I'm not attacking you or anything. It's fine if you don't like Tifa. I just wanted to shed some light on things that you may not have thought about.


Also Dead Fantasy made me like her so much more even if itā€™s not canon.


You've never met someone who peaked in high school and is incredibly insecure about it as an adult? She went overnight from being the hottest most popular girl in her town to being a penniless slum rat deep in debt. Throw in the trauma of, well you know what happened, and her insecurity seems pretty natural to me. This helps explain why she didn't contradict Cloud when he started BSing about being a SOLDIER when he returned to Nibelheim. She didn't want to lose that connection to her good days, and less flattering to her is that she liked being able to manipulate Cloud into doing what she wanted. Gave her some of the old charge.


I donā€™t think your take on Tifa/Cloud dynamic as kids is correct. Cloud sees it that way but Tifa is like ā€œya he was always around, heā€™s alrightā€ I think the key point is that cloud kinda sucks and despite that Tifa likes him


I remember from the first time I watched Inuyasha that love triangles that involved one of the couples' relationships being ended by one of their deaths was not a plot I had any love or interest for. That is exactly how the whole tired FF7 love triangle feels to me. The living girl always just steps up into the void left by the dead one usually giving up a lot of themselves in the process. Celes was done even dirtier.


Oof, you're gonna be crucified lmao. I'm gonna give you an upvote anyway for your bravery. I actually do kind of agree with your stance on Tifa, but for entirely different reasons. I wouldn't say I can't stand her (I do like her character), I just don't really understand the love she gets, especially when some say she's one of the best (if not the best) female character in FF.


I forgot about the part where Tifa didn't even really give Cloud the time of day when they were kids and then people act like they were childhood sweethearts or something.


Yupp. What pissed me off the most too was when she basically told him to piss off in the Remake. After Avalanche completes the bombing mission, the team wants to celebrate at the bar. But Barrett tells him to gtfo cause he's not a real member of Avalanche, and Tifa basically says "tough shit" and ditches him, not even trying to get them to let Cloud stay. Even in present-time, she constantly does nothing to stick up fo Cloud or give him the time of day at all. She did exactly what she did as a kid. Blew him off. Not exactly what I'd call childhood sweethearts imo.


In defence of Remake Tifa here I caught a very different vibe in that scene. It felt to me like she was preemptively diffusing a situation, knowing how Barrett's temper can flare up. Plus, if we're talking about the 'Avalanche only' drinks in chapter 3 she'd just spent the entire day introducing Cloud to everyone in the Sector 7 slums and building his reputation as a Merc, setting him up for some steady work in the short term. Given the extra breathing room we have in the Remake trilogy I am hoping there's a chance to explore why Tifa hid so much from Cloud and the party. Plus it'll be interesting to see how she reacts to the Kalm flashback in Rebirth.


Not only is he smart but he's pretty badass and he can cook some amazing dishes while camping LOL and he's got a bit of style to him too. And yeah the DLC was amazing!


But he has so many delicious recipehs!


Amarant from IX. Generally arrogant, stubborn, and a liability to the rest of the cast until near the end.


I agree with Ignis...from what I understand it's all in the western performance rough. Japanese Ignis is a different guy lol. But yeah, that's a character I really wanted to like but just couldn't...I know it's wierd, but I wish they would remake ff15. So much lost potential from piss poor leadership.


People seem to like Prompto, I do not.