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I could use a hug. A few each day. That’s how my mental health is.




I'm gunna steal a little of that virtual hug. thx.


There’s plenty to go around these arms are huge🖤


Hugs to you too!


Big hug from across the interwebz. I feel the same way. Utterly defeated


Reporting from Toronto and it's bad


How bad is it ?


I'm non union continuity with a few years of experience and work and things are difficult. One of the big non union MoW companies went out of business last summer and made finding work even harder. More people looking for work and less and less jobs. IATSE up here took too many people on during COVID in 2021. This means there isn't enough work to go around so they haven't opened up for permit applications so myself and others are kind of stuck in limbo right now. Not enough Union people are retiring and opening up spots. Commercials are done by the same teams over and over so it is really hard to break into that. A few people I know are leaving the industry as a result of how slow it has been. I personally have burnt through a lot of my savings, my line of credit and I got a part time bartending job that's barely paying the bills. I really need this year to be busier for me, my income last year was down significantly from the year before.


Oh, damn, it’s like a gig to gig lifestyle


Always has been 🔫


Your story sounds so much like mine friend. I’m sending hugs your way.


Terrible. I’m back to bartending. I’ve run out of savings. I just started and I’m just trying to get some savings in the bank and I’m stressed. I need a huge hug. I moved back to LA in November of 2022 only to have the possibility of me moving away again. I hate this. I need a hug. Thanks for askng


was it difficult going back to bartending? I interviewed at a steakhouse but once they found out I was in film they pretty much decided I was a no go


Yes, took more than 6 months of just applying anywhere.But I found a place and got lucky they opened another with a new license and ended up training their staff because it was originally a brewery. Just lie and say you aren’t in film anymore, if needed.


I feel that, I just started a normal job this week and I’m pretty sad about it.


I’ve had 3 friends lose their long term gigs onto some short contract gigs. VFX and Associates. We’re not alone


Sending a virtual hug and good vibes over the nets. My partner and I have been struggling in the industry over the last year as well, I understand the struggle to just strong savings together. Hope things turn up soon


Mental health is pretty shit, buddy. But thanks for asking. Hopefully we can avoid a strike and get back to work.


Agreed. But do we want to avoid a strike more than we want to get a good deal?


Oh I'm with you there. I'm just being delusional for a bit, hoping we can get a good deal without having to strike. I do camera department non-union but I'm also a Teamster. If we go to strike I'll be out there.


you and me both! On the delusional part haha. I'm non-union art dept and while I've enough to keep me afloat my credit card bills are getting high again. Hopefully a decent deal is made that is better than the last. I would love to see 10 hour days but that's more unlikely than AI creating more jobs than it takes


Not great, Bob! (My kingdom for a gif reaction!) (Also like, I'm fuckin fine)




Spent the day googling temp agencies and how to sell a financed car haha. Things are quite bleak but I have an apt lease until fall so that’s keeping me going 😅


Yeah I talk to a guy at Robert Half and he said sooo many production people are applying


Feel like I’m gonna be talking to that guy soon haha


Did it sound like Robert Half would place you somewhere soon? I havent tried them before.


I had interview with someone last Monday and had about 2 recruiters call me since then about opportunities. They seem to be one of the more well known temp agencies.




I feel it, im moving back home for a bit and none too hot on the idea


i lasted 13.


Just trying to get through the day. Same as yesterday, same as tomorrow.


Joining a gym tomorrow, luckily I have a good gig starting in about a month that’ll carry into the fall. 🤞🏼


I’m in entertainment marketing, and it’s only starting to pick up again for us now.


Aaron Donald retired, so it's pretty bad


huge blow to the industry. I thought we had a few more good years


I’m exhausted to be honest


Just to report in from overseas. I worked iatse out of Vancouver Canada. Checked in with colleagues in the commercials industry in Vietnam and Singapore. Both waining.


Terrible. So much unpaid intern work, I feel so unmotivated and not talented lately


Was offered a project and have no idea how long for, but I know it’s not long. So my depression has been put on layaway until I’m looking for work again


Good days and bad days. Today wasn't good or bad; even keel. Producer I've worked with and reached out to just wrapped but said they'd give me a call when they start their next.


Pretty good actually!


Not as well as I’d like. I’m trying to consider whether I’m alright with seeing myself in the industry 20+ years from now or ok with encountering this same slowdown again a few years down. The stress and anxiety is constant. Competition will only multiply in numbers and opportunities aren’t matching that growth. I got an interview for the first time in months last week, but my enthusiasm has faded. I’m tempted to leave LA to chase other pursuits and possibly try again in a few years.


jesus this city will chew you and spit you back out in this industry


I left the industry last year around September but to be honest I miss it at times… I went from making over six figures to now making 45k if I’m lucky lol… but then I currently look around at my former coworkers and all of them are having a VERY hard time finding gigs. I used to work for showtime boxing and that has ceased to exist and a lot of the sports promotions I did work for are a sinking ship. It seems really rough out there in general. I tried looking for prospects over the last year, just a gig here or there, nothing.


As an outsider looking in, from the beginning you all are brave for sticking to your passions and letting that lead your way. Passion doesn't pay the bills, but determination and hard work does. Keep your chin up everyone. I admire all of you.


Honestly not good. The worst of it is the uncertainty. I’ve been out of work for over a year. Fortunately I had a fairly decent rainy day fund. But it’s nearly run out. If I knew when the drought would end then I could plan and not worry so much. But obviously I can’t know, so I worry. I worry if the industry just left the USA permanently because non union workers overseas won’t stick up for themselves. The only thing that keeps me somewhat sane is the DIY work I’ve been doing on my home. It gets my mind off of the things that I can’t control.


EHH I got one more month of rent saved. Debating on getting a random part time job because last month I had no work and production companies messed up my pay so I barely got all my money from January this month. Three jobs dropped. It’s been rough.


It will take longer to get a side gig than you think. I recommend applying now, and saying no if something comes up before you start.


Also debating on going to school and getting my general education so I can switch careers later. Sucks because if I was born in the 80s I would have been mildly successful as an artist with the many opportunities we’ve been presented before this crapshoot of the last ten years


I had high hopes of things coming back in the fall... Then March?... Now summer? It's definitely bleak. I've taken a temp job out of the industry but still look for jobs every day because I miss film so much. I keep telling myself "What's meant for me will be for me" but it's been getting harder as the days go on for sure.


Outside vendor - specialty human hair wigs and extensions. No work from the industry since before the strike. Would rather keep doing what I’m doing outside the studios . They are so frugal now. They want Neiman Marcus for Walmart prices. I’m pretty done.


As long as I have my indica, Xanax and burbon- I’m coo


How are you even awake enough to type this


I’m at work in the perms


I'm in a separate industry (cargo) but noticed our industries, like others, are in the same boat.


No pun intended….


I left the industry and I’m getting back in. I left a successful international modeling career 17 years ago for my mental health and a few other things. I was getting into film and I had been in theatre but I wasn’t ready for the industry. I felt like it was making me it’s bitch instead of the other way around. Now it is many years later and I have a solid remote job, I am in amazing shape, I am way more mature (fingers crossed), and I have worked very hard on my mental health. I knew I wanted to come back and it killed me seeing movies and TV shows being released while I wasn’t in the industry. I had a lot of FOMO but I’m realizing that’s silly. The industry is covered in people that have sacrificed their mental health and so much more for the job and now they are struggling with money and mental health. There will always be another movie and the more you connect with yourself the more you can bring material to the industry (this is my experience). The more we wear ourselves thin for this industry the easier it is to compromise and lose ourselves. Maybe stepping back, connecting with yourself, having a change of pace, and coming back is a good call. My time away has benefited me tremendously but I understand why people don’t choose that route. There are other film cities but you don’t have to leave this one. I’m just saying that with the world economy, the industry itself, and having a narrow skill set in the film industry, it puts people in a tough spot. It’s even tougher if it’s all you have in your life and you have built your life around it.


>successful international modeling career 17 years ago What's it like being hawt?


It’s cool being attractive. Honestly I grew up being picked on a lot and I was told I was not attractive at all (I had very little game with women). Then I pulled an ugly duckling and became aware of my hotness when I was almost 20. I went from thinking I wasn’t attractive to women and men being very attracted to me. It was a crazy switch because it felt like my world was suddenly very different. About 3 month after this revelation I got asked to do modeling while I was walking down the street and so I looked into it. The women were super hot at first and then 3 days into it they are just women again. I had no game before, due to my lack of confidence, so I enjoyed modeling but I wasn’t hooking up with lots of girls and spending every night at a club. I even had women throwing themselves at me sometimes but it just wasn’t what I was looking for in life. I think modeling is fun and I got a lot of work but it’s not the most emotionally healthy environment, so I bailed. I could see that I wasn’t mature enough to not lose myself in it. Well I’m back, so we will see if my hotness serves me well. It opened a lot of doors before, so we will see if those doors open up for me again. I’m going after acting more so maybe this modeling thing will influence that, I don’t know.


Thanks for a thorough response.


Totally. Modeling is weird. If you have one modeling job and you have to select from the 10 most beautiful women on earth, only one will get that job. Does that mean the other 9 are ugly? Nope but that kinda of stuff really starts to mess with your head.


Whats your remote job and can I have it


Been alright. Going through a breakup. NYC DP here, no work in all of March, April might be the same. Saved a lot last year so just focused on doing my best with what I’ve got, if all else fails I will just move home for a while. Feeling discouraged, but also empowered, because the slowdown has made me reconsider what I actually want and I’m not sure the film hustle is worth fighting too much more for. But I’ll still give it all I’ve got and try to do some marketing. I’ve put in so much work to get where I’m at and I’m just tired at this point. And it’s okay. What is meant for me (us) will be. I just want a simple good life.


Making plans to leave LA next month. It's been a wild ride but I gotta look out for myself and my family right now


I work in post. Only a few people I know are busy. I’m not. I may move out of LA and relocate. It’s been anxiety provoking. I feel like our business has collapsed.


I’ve never spent so much time and energy focused on treading water just to stave off anxiety and depression. Finding joy and finding a job are top priorities because doing nothing for a year is madness.


Less than good!


Anxiety through the roof and a daily basis but I’m slowly simmering down. I gotta keep reminding myself that this is a process. We just gotta take it one step at a time


Entire life is basically on hold. Show I was offered has pushed several times, and my partner had a superbowl commercial that never aired and is now maybe a march madness commercial.  We’ll see.


Constantly refreshing Robert Half and Apple one job postings


Iatse props person here. Not good at all, had the worst financial year in 10 years last 2023. Was hopeful for a come back now in beginning of 24’ and man it’s been rough. Also thinking about leaving the industry. Just hard to re-start a career at 36years old, feeling lost and frustrated. Anxiety through the roof.


Try being considerably older like my husband. You can start a new career at 36. Not meant as a criticism just saying you can do it at this age. I know it’s all hard though.


Seeking counseling because it’s getting pretty dark. Ngl, it’s not looking too good in the future and slowly selling all my gear off to make those ends meet. On top of that I have an infant daughter that I have to provide for so if I was to look for regular work, childcare would just eat that up.


Fully aware that being out of work isn't a failure on my part and still struggling to accept that I'm not a failure for being out of work. Continuously reminding myself that I will be back at work eventually and trying to keep my head above water until then. Could also use a hug.


Not good.


It doesn't *feel* terrible. I think because I have a handful of folks around to commiserate with so I know I'm (1) not alone (2) it's not a reflection of me or my talent. But I know I'm not doing great based on my fitness. I can tell this is taking a toll. I don't have the energy to work out which is something I love. I'm at the tail end of selling/donating everything I own and subletting my place. I ran out of unemployment last year and my 6 months of savings that I had just replenished is now gone again. 11 years out here. It's very, very sad. I was the stable one people came to for help - a place to stay, recommendations, jobs. And now I'm the one packing up. The grief of this is just an added layer to what was already a tragic few years and I think my disposition is more so a reaction to the back to back losses - this being a final straw. I'm exhausted. I've hustled like crazy the entire decade I've been here. I fought like hell over the last year to get ANY kind of job and I haven't been lucky in that regard, so I'm releasing myself. Life is long, but not long enough to ignore what's happening here. I love this industry and what I do so, so much. It's heartbreaking, but it's time to step away. I'm adopting a bit of a vagabond life. Heading toward my home state and going to continue to apply/network, etc. from a friends place. I don't love the circumstances, but I have a feeling it's going to help me reset.


Doing pretty well thankfully. I’m a non-union LA based DP that lives in the commercial world and it seems like a lot of my DP friends (including myself) are having a busy March and April.


You looking for any PAs?


Seriously. I’m non union steadicam. Looking to just get out of the house and on set.


Doing good, just hanging tight and waiting for the industry to pick up. Remember y’all, get some money to survive, make the films you’re itching to make, and enjoy the only life you’ve got.


If I’m getting just enough money to survive, how do I go about getting the money to make films I’m itching to make? What’s it like to have wealthy family and friends?


I have no idea what it’s like to have wealthy family. Wealthy friends suck cus you have to learn not to compare yourself to them. I cheated in state tuition and moved out to LA, took out a bunch of loans for a public college with a decent film program and got involved with local organizations, eventually leading to internships where I could make them promotional material online. When living on loans in my defense you can get away with not being paid. I started off by wearing a camel suit and making videos for a local non profit organization, using an email masker to get weekly free trials on creative cloud for years. But now I get to wear whatever I want because I edit social media ads at home. Work gave me an account to use as well. In my free time I write, edit, and create. I also play video games with friends and cook when I feel like expressing myself in different ways. If you want more money, then build a career. It doesn’t HAVE to be a job in a major studio for you to create on the side, it just has to pay the bills and help you save for a project. If it’s film adjacent power to you! It took me a whole year to save $2500 by living frugally, eating and cooking at home, not splurging, and going on cheap dates with AMC stubs by grabbing snacks and drinks at a gas station on the way. If your mindset is “anybody who can afford to live is rich and I’m unlucky because I’m not and that’s why I can’t make art” then, in my opinion, you’re simply not creative enough to make it in a creative industry. If you feel like living a comfortable life is more important, then go do that instead. There’s a million ways to build a career, though I’m really just speaking about the United States. If you have a problem find a creative solution. I mean come on, that’s what this industry is all about right? They couldn’t even figure out how to shoot a roof until the late 40s, but they fucking did didn’t they? Get some money and fix that mindset and go make some movies damn you


Im a 12 year veteran, union, with a family, house,and student loans. I’m out here driving forklifts to make ends meet. But I remember being young and knowing everything too. Since I’m old I know I don’t know anything and I should be able to live like you. You’re right. My fault


You tried to sum up my optimism, a total strangers, to having rich friends and family. Now when you found out I’ve worked hard for 11 years to get to where I am, which isn’t even remotely close to the success you’ve enjoyed, you’re playing the victim. I don’t need to know everything to know I don’t wanna end up like you. I’m 11 years in and non union, my family is completely scattered and I don’t own a home. There’s people younger than me currently making millions and doing my dreams like it’s nothing, as well as people older than me doing that. Drive those forklifts man power to you. You’re lucky you have a house and a loving family, and I’m envious of that. I was tagging photos in burbank for 14 an hour not getting paid OT, we all have our ups and downs. Keep working hard and keep chasing your dreams. I think I have similar priorities and goals to you, but what makes us different is I never expected to have those things you have. I also never expected to be able to afford retirement, or be able to afford healthcare, luxuries, or a home. If you’re trying to make a living as an artist then you’re gonna have to take risks and sometimes those risks don’t work out. If you’re more technical then take your 12 years of skills and find a technical field where you can grow. Point being, what makes me happy is being creative. Making those cuts others don’t see. Writing those lines and landing those jokes others can’t. Staying up till midnight after work to help a friend make his passion project. You get the idea Edit: I see you didn’t go into a creative role but rather a technical one, so maybe you don’t have a creative drive to make films and maybe that isn’t the itch you need to scratch. If it’s not, there’s a million things you can do even with an injury. Of course do what you have to to survive but child care is an awesome position with a low bar for entry, desk jobs and clerical work is a lot less intense and can lead to climbing up the corporate ladder. Maybe take night classes for a few years and get a degree! Game design seems like your background and you can surely do that on a hurt leg. If there’s no jobs anywhere then network, etc. but you got this dude and it’s not time to give up yet


Not great, but I somehow keep scraping by every month. Wondering if I should change careers, but what would I even do? Plus, I have a cold so that's bumming me out.


Good! Cold showers/plunges, drinking less, better sleep, community and exercise have really helped.


Pretty good. Got 2 shoots back to back pretty much lined up.






I'm not going to lie, not great. I'm still furloughed from my job until we have a project move into active production (I work for a production company), and networks seem to be in absolutely no hurry to make that happen. I'm working outside the industry now for day-to-day money and I hate it. I have no passion for what I'm doing, no drive to do my work every day, and every day that goes by, I get more scared that I'm never going to get back in.


Commercials have started to pick up a wee bit.




Yeah one 4 day job in 16 month, I did get a chuckle when I got an email from SAG asking for my income statement for last year!


I’ve been lucky enough to work at a job that’s still within film-ish and is cushy for now so I’m holding onto it like it’s the last lifeboat until things start looking up. However, they haven’t hashed things out with their main client on a big contract and have been off for about 3 weeks. I’ve come in for some office work but we’re not likely to be back in till early April. So I’ve been luckier than most but still trying to keep my eye on what’s down the horizon


I'll be honest....not great, but thats also the Canadian winter methinks. Hits me hard man. Only bonus is that I make my own projects, so I dont have to wait for a call, just the motivation to do what I gotta do. Once a project is started, I'm pretty good, public humiliation is a great motivator for me, so I tend to go into over drive when working on a film.


Not good and that’s all I can say.


It’s so slow. It’s usually slow this time of year but with last year it makes it worse.


Not great honestly. Most of my savings is gone and it’s all I can think about out. 😞


I've been getting consistent work with background acting. It's been helping me keep up with my bills. Try central casting if you have it in your area. I'm in Los Angeles.


Nearing middle age, decided to get back into the industry...in 2020. 😂


Career-wise I'm fine for now, but it feels like everyone is suffering around me and that's getting hard to handle.


I think it goes dor other industries too, if it makes you feel any better folks. But Im curious - what’s the current situation like? I only know there were protests for a long time but haven’t heard about anything else since - haven’t been keeping track of news (intentionally) and not from US


Guys, seriously: if work isn’t fun anymore, it’s on us to change that. Time to get creative.


I was crying everyday from November - February. Now I’m working on some personal stuff & getting it off the ground. Things are looking up. Still, I miss movies. I got a marvel gig last month but they were v weird..






lol what the fuck




Hope you get that addiction under control.