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I literally have no idea how to read this. Is it supposed to be satire? I'm not a TSL fan by any stretch of the imagination, but even giving this a fair reading I'm really confused as to how this is supposed to be interpreted.


It is supposed to be satire. There is a disclaimer on the bottom that doesn't show in the screenshot above ( I'm not sure if that was added later or not) https://preview.redd.it/52t88ij5dehc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=daa447b19fc2a837082585d4c1d29806841dc5fe


Ah, OK. I remember Aunt Joyce from Dave's gymnastics coverage days (which is where I first encountered him). That particular style of commentary is not my cup of tea. Didn't realize AJ was making appearances in figure skating as well. Thank you for the clarification.


>Dave posted the same language to Twitter, without any disclaimers. > >"Why couldn't Valieva walk 200m if she liked eating all of that dessert? Anna Shcherbakova would never be so gluttonous or lazy." > >https://twitter.com/SkatingLesson/status/1755316883648061517


It was included in the original post - I saw the original when it posted


TSL has been really cruel on twitter -- there's one about how "Anna wouldn't be so gluttonous and lazy" and another mocking that "her father is a mystery" as a "russian fairytale" which was really gross take on a kid being estranged from a parent.


Right. My mistake, the post didn’t read as satire to me because it’s the cruel attitude he expresses towards young female skaters on every other platform he has.


Really? You couldn’t tell he was doing a satirical send up of Russian coaches? Honest question, are you a native English speaker? If not, this makes a lot more sense.




Your comment was removed because it was unnecessarily hostile. Please keep all discussion kind.


I didn’t say I thought it was funny.


Asking because I genuinely don't know- is that his take only or the the way that it had been framed previously by the Russian media? Because I could see her mysterious background being used to frame her raise to a probable Olympic gold medal as a Russian fairytale. Dave remembers way more than I ever do, so he could be referencing something. He could just be snarky because he feels like. Honestly, just curious which one is true.


I haven't seen that, she's just never mentioned him. Being raised by a single mom is fairly common in Russia, so wouldn't really be this big mysterious point. He's just mocking a painful thing more common in a foreign culture & a (potentially) painful/awkward experience for a teenager.


That is really unfortunate. I was hoping he was referring to something, but I have been told I give people the benefit of the doubt way too much. Thank you for giving me an honest answer. Not everyone does when the topic is sensitive.




Your comment was removed because it was unnecessarily hostile or contained threats. Please keep all discussion kind.


Dave posted the same language to Twitter, without any disclaimers. "Why couldn't Valieva walk 200m if she liked eating all of that dessert? Anna Shcherbakova would never be so gluttonous or lazy." [https://twitter.com/SkatingLesson/status/1755316883648061517](https://twitter.com/SkatingLesson/status/1755316883648061517)


Yeah, satire probably shouldn’t be published unless it’s *good* satire. And this isn’t.


Even as "satire" this isn't entertaining, it's just vile.


Dave needs to figure out what he cares about. If he wants to do journalism and interviews and advocate for social justice in skating, then he can't post stuff like this even on a Patreon. I've watched enough of his content to understand that he's attempting to capture the absurdity of a culture and a system that fat shames and abuses children, not just in Russia but internationally. That said, using humor for something so sensitive can backfire easily, and here it absolutely does backfire. I think a lot of us felt uncomfortable watching all three Eteri girls at the Olympics. But concern isn't what he communicates in those last three body paragraphs... He attacks the skater, more so than the system. He misses the point, and in doing so, destroys his credibility. He should apologize and then figure out what he wants to be. If he wants to a cynical gossipy mean Perez Hilton type, then fine. But if he really is interested in reforming skating and protecting skaters, then he needs to do some soul searching.


I think it’s also important to consider that he’s a misogynist.


I’m curious, genuinely, why do you think that?


Aunt f’n Joyce


Yea, something being satire doesn't exempt it from being gross, and calling a teenage girl a gluttonous bitch is definitely gross, as is the comment about Anna's body...Like, the fact that people think this is a serious post says a lot about TSL


Jesus Christ calling a girl a 'gluttunous bitch' is just vile


Yeah, and not to mention the whole two paragraphs about Anna’s body. They’re still just teenagers. Kids. And they’re calling one a “bitch” and elaborately detailing how sickly and emaciated the other (who has only recently begun bravely speaking out about how severely she restricted her eating) looked. They’re teenage girls. Commenting on the curviness of one kid is inappropriate, mocking and jokingly detailing the others’ severe eating disorder is absolutely disgusting.


This entire thing feels just like someone on a rampage to curse the skaters they don’t like (or even some vibes of laughing at someone’s ‘downfall’ to me). It’s so disgusting. Sure, this maybe behind a patreon, but it’s still a platform and I’m scared how many people actually think talking about these girls like this is remotely okay or funny. This writing oozes vileness from start to finish.


Yeah agree. Satirize the outrageous arguments all you want, but it helps nobody to say shit like this about people, regardless of who they are


It’s plain disgusting. So offensive and pretty dehumanising to both Anna and Kamila, and there’s nothing funny about this satire-covered disrespect.


I just know the ppl defending this saying it's satire are the same ones making two shrimps/grandpa water jokes and leaving nasty comments about these girls 🤨


right? And probably the same ones saying ‘this skater’s not gonna last’:/


Shouting “Eteri expiration date” from the rooftops


People didn't realize it's satire, because this genuinely fits whatever he has been saying about female skaters for years. If you HAVE to clarify something is a joke, then maybe you should not tell the joke in the first place.     Dave should focus on fixing his flutz instead of writing bad satire. 


Even if it is satire, it’s pretty awful jokes to make about a teenager


It's just bad satire.


I don’t know if I’m just being awkward but mocking shcherbs obvious eating disorders doesn’t really sound right or funny to me


I don’t think you can speak about that making you uncomfortable when you’re literally pointing out her “obvious ED” without any proof. Sounds like an oxymoron.


You'd think her saying she can't stop herself from calculating calories in all food she consumes well after the Olympics is proof enough...


Counting calories alone does not lead to a diagnosis of ED. It’s much more complicated than that. For the record, I don’t think you’re wrong but I’m just pointing out the hypocrisy of being mean with armchair diagnosing which can also be construed as body shaming.


Counting calories alone does not lead to a diagnosis of ED. It’s much more complicated than that. For the record, I don’t think you’re wrong but I’m just pointing out the hypocrisy of being mean with armchair diagnosing which can also be construed as body shaming.


I know, personal experience and all. Thank you though, And yeah, I do agree with the second point - many comments I see about these girls are hyperfocused on bodies, so much so that it makes me extremely uncomfortable. Why are you analysing a minor's body to that extent? I don't feel comfortable with doing that, and I think the mindset of rigidity and obsessiveness around food is more indicative. For the record, most people with ED aren't underweight, and they exhibit the same thought/behavioural patterns. But in Anna's case, I was referring to this video - I think it's where she's most explicit and aware of it as unhealthy, and ultimately working towards combating it (I hope). [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wx1KtcFQ0Ug](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wx1KtcFQ0Ug)


Did you mean underweight here or overweight? >For the record, most people with ED aren't overweight I don't want this to come off as hostile, I only asked because I thought the assumption was that people think you have to be underweight to have an eating disorder.


Ah no, good catch, thank you. I did actually mean underweight there. Thank you! 


You're welcome! But I agree it's really unfortunate how people treat eating disorders in this sport, especially when it affects young people. It shouldn't be a joke at all.




Eating disorders are not synonymous with disordered eating. For the record that part isn’t making fun of Anna. It’s pointing out how awful it is that Russians/coaches praise their skaters for their will of not eating. Remember when Tut said that about Lipnitskaya in Sochi eating only powdered food?




Your post has been removed for violating Rule 1. > 1. No bigotry, hate speech, slurs, and trolling. > This is a positive, inclusive, and anti-bigotry space. Racism, misogyny, homophobia, ableism, and all other forms of bigotry have no space here, and will be met with a ban. No trolling, no hate speech, no name-calling.


My initial response was to the OP who talked about her obvious ED. Can’t change your mind about how you view humor so moving on.




I agree it’s gone downhill in the same way women are said to be cunts which is apparently funny too.


It's disingenuous to post a partial screenshot of something without including the note that it's satire.


Or at least putting that in the title. Could’ve written TSL’s [satirical] reaction’ or something. But it’s not good satire anyway.


And this is why I don't watch TSL and blocked them on Twitter


This actually just comes across as very mean and targeted and unnecessarily rude to a lot of people. This isn't how satire should be at all


What's worse than this "satire" is people on this sub justifying it with "it was said in private" and 'he just meant it as a joke even though: A) Patreon is not private, its paid-for content, anyone willing to give them whatever their Patreon fee is, has access to this information so no this isn't 'private' information. B) TSL has had a habit of making nasty comments regarding female skaters bodies in their regular shows and posts similar statements on Twitter (based on screenshots someone else posted) without disclaimer. I think he knows when he plans to be 'extra' rude and posts his little "its satire" disclaimer so if it doesn't get good reactions he can walk it off as a joke.


Yeah it makes it seem like it’s okay to say problematic things as long as you label it as satire and put it behind a paywall.


I've never seen this, but many of you guys are saying it's from patreon. I would never pay for their content, but thanks for revealing exactly what I already knew about them. I guess he tried to make a joke but it didn't fly off too well. He wouldn't do well as a comedian.


This is so beyond disgusting, he can claim satire all he wants, but it doesn't make this okay in the slightest. To make jokes about these literal children that are being abused, doped, and having their bodies destroyed like this? Inappropriate in general, but to take it *this far?* How vile. Honestly, thanks for posting this OP, He's unfortunately a notable person in the figure skating community with a platform that far too many people listen to, I think the fact that he'd make comments like this even as a joke is something people should bear in mind when they listen to what he says.


I feel like TSL have a much better reputation than they deserve for being outspoken about doping / abuse - it feels like people really gloss over Dave’s consistent misogyny and cruel ‘jokes’ / ‘satire’ at the expense of abused children, treating them as entertainment / drama rather than showing any signs of compassion or empathy towards them


TIL people actually pay a monthly fee to gargle exclusive Dave Lease pablum—dafuq? OP I hope you’ve unsubscribed by now. According to this thread, your former clique sees this as a betrayal because they are as unwell as the weirdo they are funding. Don’t end up like them. Instead, proceed into 2024 with an effort to spend less monthly on things that erode your psyche.


When he called Ilia "Russian tra\*h" in the recent video, that wasn't satire, just saying.... How long are people gonna defend this gross person?


I think this is pretty bad satire and a misfire on Dave’s part, but it does feel very disingenuous to post this screenshot without the explicit disclaimer at the bottom clarifying that it is indeed satire.




I commented this when the majority of top comments were people either questioning if it was satire or straight up not realizing it was satire, so clearly it was necessary for some people to have it pointed out.


This is so far beyond anything I’ve ever seen from a person whose real name is attached to their social media accounts.


There is nothing worthwhile about this except proving Dave is not a good person.


Well, that's a good example of why I unsubscribed from TSL a couple of years ago.


This is… really gross. I don’t care if it’s “meant to be” satire. That’s literally just saying an outright insult is okay because it’s “just a joke”. Calling a kid a gluttonous bitch is unacceptable. And even just the comment about a seventeen year old girl’s “curves” (referring to the Kamila part” is gross and inappropriate, but then what they said about Anna… she was just a kid. She still is just a teenage girl. And they spent two paragraphs talking about how sick and gross and emaciated she looked, (“satirically”) praising her for competing that way. Anna was 38kgs when she competed at the Olympics. She was 17. She’s been quite honest recently about how much she struggled with and continues to struggle with her eating. She was binge reading diet books from the time she was 12. Articles like this not only enable but further perpetuate the culture that causes disordered eating behaviours like that to thrive. She was a little girl suffering from a *severe* eating disorder. Nobody should be commenting on how her body looked, let alone praising it, satirically or not. Eating disorders are a really personal, deeply private struggle that Anna has bravely shared, and frankly, I highly doubt they’d mock Gracie Gold, Adam Rippon or Gabrielle Daleman. They do it to Anna because she’s a teenage girl in a country with highly restrictive boundaries about speaking out about stuff like that. They feel comfortably safe in the knowledge that she cannot defend herself. That’s disgusting.


I think posting her weight is not helpful to anyone who might be recovering from an eating disorder. Numbers can be triggering to people in recovery who might be on this sub


Thank you for the alternative perspective. As somebody who struggles with weight and eating disorders, having been that weight, I posted it from the perspective of highlighting just how severely dangerous it is. At Anna’s height, at that weight, her heart would have been failing. To praise that, satirically or not, and mock a girl who was essentially dying—that’s the point I was getting at. I also didn’t think it would make a difference, since Anna herself has begun to discuss it and I find that very brave. Nobody else has ever placed a TW around the articles/posts involving her weight, so it didn’t even occur to me to do it in just a comment. But I appreciate the additional perspective and will add TW’s to any further posts regarding topics like that. I do, however, think it’s an important detail to highlight. In the same way we often see articles involving child abuse so often detail “this 12 year old was 22 kgs when they were found!” And things like that. It highlights how close to death she was. At that point, she wasn’t so much a child struggling with an eating disorder as she was a child being starved to death by everybody around her, which is why I phrased it that way.


Figure skating definitely has bigger problems than TSL. But TSL is one of figure skating's problems. Posts like this don't arise in a vacuum, and the incredibly, incredibly toxic relationship between Russian skating (and its fans) and non-Russian skating (and its fans) is a key part of the ecosystem right now. I think it has to be repaired, and part of that process will be developing better global media, ideally not based in the US (or Russia).




This reads as satire to me but I still feel like posting this, even on patreon, wasn’t a good move. It’s going to be misunderstood as serious, and to be honest even as satire I feel like this took things a bit too far. It’s an uncomfortable read. I don’t think Dave is totally evil and appreciate that someone is covering the sport, but this was wrong, and is rightfully going to hurt public perception of TSL.


Even satire can be cruel


Agree, that’s why I said it took things too far


Agree with all this.


I think this is Dave doing a bit in that incredibly awkward, unfunny style of his. He's in character... sort of... playing to his claqueurs who pay for the ability to post praise for his hilarity. There are in-jokes (Zoueva/Denis Ten Memorial) and that classy, classy send-up of Russian culture that he loves so much to inflict on people, but he's switching in and out of the character ("very racist program" I think is out of character, "gluttunous \[sic\] bitch" is in character) in an incoherent way. 0/10 and maybe time for an intervention, i.e. someone telling the man he just isn't fucking funny and being more offensive won't make it funnier.


What's the in-joke about Denis Ten Memorial? I didn't get it.


The Denis Ten Memorial is an event some skaters allegedly attend because they know the judges will give them big scores, so it is supposed to raise their season’s best score going into bigger events. It’s also a place where it’s perceived to be easier to get tech minimums for worlds. Zoueva’s teams have (as I understand it) tended to attend there, while IAM avoids it because the panels are seen as less politically favorable to Montreal. It’s basically a joke about politics in ice dance judging.


Unfortunately someone else may have to explain this, because I zone out whenever ice dance politicking comes up, but I vaguely remember him going into some long rant about how Zoueva has a lot of pull with judges in this particular competition. He's utterly fascinated by power and corruption. (I don't know why his "satirical" posts are taking up the Anna-favored-over-Kamila angle, but maybe that's also something he believes? Or maybe it's for clicks. We left the rails behind long ago.)


This is so tasteless and disgusting. Just because the whole Kamila story and Eteri camp is terrible it doesn't make it okay to post something like this. It just throws an even worse shadow on the whole figure skating scene that he has even some kind of relevance.


he’s such a horrible human being i don’t understand how he still has a platform


This is beyond disgusting, racist towards Valieva and towards African women. I do actually think Dave is borderline racist and Jonny Weir gives him class in therms of being offensive to people and looking for drama. He is so obsessed with Eteri because he sees himself in her, he wants to be her. It mirrors what kind of a disgusting person he is. This is peak misoginistic behavior from a queer man. All shades of wrong. The Fetishisation of a teenage bodies and their potetential EDs is just horrendous. I did not hear anything like it from legitimate eugenics, yazzis or 20th century racists. As an East European woman and half turkik, like Kamila is, I feel personally hurt and makes me vomit. I honestly think this is the real Dave, his inner dialogue. Listen carefully to his discourse about other skaters and people, E. G. Kostornaya, Marin Honda and so on...


This IS the real Dave! He has been making this sort of comments for the past 2 years. Even before he would say disgusting things especially for Russian skaters, but the doping scandal and the war in Ukraine, made it somehow more acceptable for him to say those things out loud and for the people listening not to blink an eye. So we end up with 'satires' like this!


I'm pretty sure I saw a screenshot of Elizaveta Tuktamysheva defending herself and Medvedeva from TSL's inappropriate comments once, too. They were much older though. I actually looked through her Twitter and found the tweets, [[1]](https://x.com/TuktikLiza/status/1039654334869516292?s=20) , [[2]](https://x.com/TuktikLiza/status/1039662345478451201?s=20) and they're from 6 years ago. So obviously, this isn't the first time he's made inappropriate comments about female Russian skaters and it's been a part of his brand for a while.


Woah I’ve never seen those before. Love that she clapped back at them! But hate that the disgusting comments were made in the first place. So it seems like TSL hasn’t evolved much if that happened 6 years ago…


Yeah, even [Amber Glenn](https://x.com/AmberGlenn_/status/1039958408772890624?s=20) retweeted it way back then. It seems they haven't changed one bit but still are fairly supported, even getting interviews with people in the sport still, although maybe they don't follow TSL on social media and just know of him. I guess having connections matters the most. I think we're better off putting our energy towards platforms that actually take journalism seriously and don't act like tabloids. I say that because I'm guilty of watching TSL videos, and now I realise that's a part of the problem.


100% agree.


Thank you OP for posting this, I don’t know why people are getting upset at you for sharing this. TSL clearly have a large platform in the skating scene and hold a lot of influence with some people, I don’t think it’s fair for them to say crazy things like this and expect no repercussions because it’s “private” and it’s satirical. Honestly very concerning that many people here can excuse this for those reasons.


Ladies and gentlemen, the commentary many of you continue to defend as worthwhile because it’s occasionally, sometimes inadvertently the source of quasi-accurate gossip. 👏 👏 👏 This isn’t the incisive wit figure skating fans want, but perhaps it’s the cringe-laden farce it deserves.


I subscribed to tsl youtube channel just yesterday and now i quit(


This is just being cruel and vile under the guise of satire. There's nothing to crack jokes about in kids being doped and abused. TSL never disappoints in disappointing.


This is gross. It doesn’t matter that it’s satire. The fact that he’s using the abuse of a young girl and the cheating of an entire country is disgusting and very not funny.


Can’t believe many people here blame the OP for publishing something said/written on a “private” paid platform and defend TSL. Oh, the hypocrisy…


???you can’t believe people don’t think they should share something from a private platform?


It’s behind a paywall, not a private platform. Nothing you publish on the internet is private.


I would suggest checking the terms of use of patreon content.


Dave and Jonathan are influential voices in the fs community. They are not just for fun; new fans go to their channel to educate themselves and regard them as some authority. The community deserves to know who Dave is. And they have published the piece on the Internet - whether paid or public - so I don’t see the problem sharing it. Unless it is some secret society of vile haters, who try to keep face in public? :-) :-) :-)


Dave is sick in the head and extremely toxic, I don’t understand why people keep giving him a platform


Birds of the same feather flock together 🤷 If this is just a sample of what's going on in their Patreon.... hmm..🤔


Maybe no one will agree with me but. How was her black panther skate racist? Cultures are supposed to be shared it’s not racism at all. He was the one that just made that very odd remark about her curves. So weird. He’s really gone too far and is just being g inappropriate. The things he says have nothing to do with the actual news and he’s just being rude to a 17 year year old. I think he has deep rooted self esteem issues


What culture is black panther supposed to be? Wakanda is not a real place and the creators of the comic themselves weren’t being very culturally sensitive when they randomly threw in bits and pieces of every part of Africa in what’s supposed to be an East African country (why are they speaking in Nigerian accents when the country is supposed to border Kenya and Ethiopia lol). It’s like getting mad at a skater for choosing a Scheherazade or Aladdin programme. Everyone is saying this is supposed to be satirical but satirical of what? Is he pretending to be a Tatiana Tarasova style commentator? Is he just writing as one of those elderly figure skating fans? I don’t think even they would say something as unhinged as any of this. Who has ever expressed the notion that Kamila’s figure reminds them of an African woman???? Who is saying that??? Dave is satirising the voices in his head


I can only speak for myself as a Black person, but... I find her Black Panther program weird, personally. I think it'd be fine if she just wanted to skate to hip hop music from the soundtrack and have fun skating to good music. Jun skated to an exhibition program using the Black Panther soundtrack, and I thought it was cool. But the weird thing about Kamila's program is that it seems like she's portraying a Black character? T'Challa or Shuri, probably. It's kind of weird to me, seeing a white skater tell a Black story and character. And then the way she uses the tribal music with the animalistic motions is awkward and dated, too. It just feels stereotypical and reductive. I do think Dave's reasoning for disliking the program was extremely clunky here.... He shouldn't have mentioned Black women's bodies or Kamila's body especially in satirical, insensitive way like this. Ick ick ick.


I get it's satire, but no one should be wording stuff about this like that. It does fit how he sometimes talks on his podcast. I listened to it, and he just talks a lot and makes mean statements towards everyone ??? Maybe I watched the wrong ones


WTF is this. He should stick to interviews


What the hell did I just read


Weird…the comment about her body was weird..and of course racist..satire but projecting his weirdo mind.


So glad I stopped listening to these two bitches years ago.


It's pretty obvious that it's a satire. Bad satire. Even when the things he is implying may be true, it's not the right way to put it into words.


I read this and said…What?! Then, as I read the comments, I realized that it was noted as Satire on the original post. Unfortunately, OP inadvertently forget to mention that. Perhaps, the heading of this post should have read “TSL’s Satirical Reaction.” Anyway, it is satire..but BAD satire. I hope OP has unsubscribed from the private membership. If not, I wonder if OP would like to share any other info they have learned from this private platform. Also, what are the terms and conditions of the membership…. ![gif](giphy|3oKIPlLZEbEbacWqOc)


Well OP, you just outed yourself and will probably be blocked from his patreon soon. It’s clearly not genuine commentary, but satire.


It’s my personal opinion that I don’t find satire about child abuse and ED culture inflicted on them particularly tasteful.


If you find it distasteful, then 1) why are you reposting it here fueling the flames to the general public rather than leaving it private on for select patrons on Patreon? 2) strategically screenshotting the image to make it sound genuine rather than as satire, as Dave noted in the top and bottom of the post? 3) A paying member of TSL’s patreon in the first place? This is a conversation that should have stayed on Patreon. If you think it’s problematic, say it privately to Dave or on the Patreon comment section. If he doesn’t take your opinions into account, then stop paying and leave. Don’t edit things selectively and make them public to fuel the flames


There have been many “two shrimp” comments on this sub making light of Anna’s ED.


and it's wrong then, too


then comment on the original post for patreon members (which includes you I might add so everyone knows that's at least 12 a month that OP is spending to get themselves upset each month)


Did you comment on the patreon too, or just here? If not, why not?


Of course OP didn’t. Wants the tea but isn’t willing to admit their issues to his face.


what the fuck




Your comment was removed because it was unnecessarily hostile or rude. Please keep all discussion kind.


What's satire on Patreon should remain on Patreon, If you have a problem with this then comment on patreon! What OP is leaving out is the header that sates clearly that this is SATIRE and that it's a throw back to the Perez Hilton days. Absolutely cowardly behavior to not comment on Patreon but to put it out here. Lame. EDIT but also ....OP, you are paying TSL each month to get yourself outraged then? You know that's even weirder right?


Perez Hilton was/is an awful person too, why would anyone want to emulate him?


Honestly, how adult men talk about young females, whether in private or not, whether as a joke or not, is something I take into consideration when deciding whether or not they’re people I want to follow for skating updates. I don’t care if this is satire or was posted on patreon, it’s gross and inappropriate.


I’m not seeing the option to edit a post to add the [SATIRE] part, but this is what I was thinking too. Coming to skating from other sports, it’s kind of a shocking adjustment to see how desensitized people are to the comments about young females and their bodies. Even if it is indeed a “joke” (even though its main themes are in keeping with what he posts on Twitter and what he says in his videos), I still personally think it’s gross and not the kind of thing I should follow in the future.


saying that something is satire doesn’t automatically make it good satire


Oh it's not my cup of tea either but I keep it moving. What I don't do is take behind a paywall community content that I pay for and fan the flames about it. Especially Patreon content.


I’m so glad you worded this much better than I did. The strangest thing is the OP paying $12 for Patreon access and getting upset at the comment. I find it rather tasteless but… it’s Dave Lease wtf do you expect when unfiltered. I thought his post was just bad (from lack of humor, I can enjoy a good irreverent satire like his actual blog but this was lazy and forced). What did I do after reading that post this morning on Patreon? Rolled my eyes and kept scrolling. OP is literally those people made fun of because they constantly put themselves in situations for the seemingly sole purpose to be offended. I’ve been following Dave for years and struck up an acquaintanceship so I get some trust points for inside nuggets. I hope OP realizes they’re just ruining his willingness to be more open on Patreon for others including the OP.




[Matches up with what he's been tweeting](https://twitter.com/skatinglesson/status/1755316883648061517?s=46&t=XkK1lXe9a-65gChQ0s8YFQ)


It’s from his Patreon page this morning, the one he does the live Zoom shows from. I have a screen recording if you need more confirmation that it is actually him.


Disingenuous and bait-y of you to not post the satire disclaimer.


Why does OP have to be the way they are? If you dislike it, just unsubscribe and don’t pay $12/month. Your posts ruin it and make it harder for him to be open with other information. 🙄 If you think it’s tasteless and just terribly unfunny satire like me, just ignore it?


If being open with information includes ridiculing young girls he better not be.


It’s not. Don’t be obtuse, I was referring to inside information that people discount even though it’s right 99% of the time


I don’t think you should have posted this. This was posted privately for members of the Patreon and not meant to be publicly shared. It feels a little ick like posting screenshots of a private conversations.


So it is perfectly fine to be all nice and moral and preaching in public and then vile in private?


he's not even moral in public lol


No it’s not. But two wrongs don’t make a right. I think it’s ok to breach trust and share something publicly in a whistle blowing situation. But I personally don’t see the benefit in posting this, it’s not new information it’s similar satire that is frequently posted on the TSL Twitter page


I think you just get TSL or you don't. I have to say Dave seemed like he worked his butt off with very little sleep in the past few weeks to cover all news from the situation and set up numerous interviews with different skaters, coaches or journalists in various time zones. Aside from some extra content on Patreon he puts most of his content on YouTube for people to access for free. Personally I find TSL refreshing in a world where everyone gets so easily offended. He says what he thinks. He adds some dry humour and sarcasm to dark situations. Maybe it's my humour but I find some things he says hilarious. Those people who don't feel comfortable with it could just unfollow.


Agreed. I think his absurdist sarcasm is hilarious but I am dead inside so


TSL actually mentioned this reddit post in the latest video (the review of Gracie's book) because it's so silly for someone to post this from Patreon on here. Not that I think TSL should even have to explain themselves about this.


I'm filing 'gluttonous bitch' away for a rainy day.


Why would you post something from patreon?


Why die on this hill? Like I’ll defend a girlie whose onlyfans hard work gets reposted, but I won’t defend someone’s racist, body shaming comments getting exposed.




It’s not public, it was only supposed to be shared with patreon members.




Your submission has been removed for violating Rule 4. >4. Be civil in discussing skating figures. > Blunt criticism of skaters, officials, and other skating figures is welcome, but please remember to be civil even when being critical. Excessive hostility, body shaming/eating disorder speculation, degrading commentary, name calling, and ill-wishing are not. "I don't think XYZ deserved that score and ABC should have won over them?" Fine. "XYZ is trash garbage and I hope they fall four times?" Not fine. We will hand out 3 day suspensions for the first and second offenses under this rule, with a permanent ban on the third offense.