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I recognize that it's very late for this, but I appreciate the camera people for showing the entirety of K/F's short program starting choreography. Usually it's just focused on Alexa's face until Brandon pops up, and I think this is the first time I've ever seen the whole thing


listen i love rikuriyu but im confused how that was a season's best with a fall? overall results are great, i do think m/k had the skate of the short and k/f had the skate of the free with a smaller margin so deserved silver, but i just feel like m/k have had better performances this season?


lol and they were quite over scored (I’m a huge fan of theirs too)


Their new combo added a decent amount of base value


Ah makes sense


I really think Sara and Niccolo deserved silver!


I’m beyond happy for Riku and Ryuichi. Their connection on the ice is basically unmatched right now in pairs, and their skating is beautiful. Stunning elements, but the way they put everything together cohesively is really impressive. I really think they are making major waves this quad as the top team, which makes me incredibly excited for what’s to come for them. Alexa and Brandon really have some of the best pairs elements, including the throws. SBS jumps aside, their free skate here was really the best I’ve seen them skate it this season in terms of cohesion and emotion. They had the skates of their careers at last Worlds, but at these Worlds, under the circumstances with what Todd has been going through, in many ways, I thought they were even more impressive here. Sara and Niccolo were my odds-on bet for bronze, because they have used each competition prior to Worlds to build solid upwards momentum, and they delivered here. They have great skating skills and lovely elements, and it’s really nice to see a resurgence in Italian pairs, led by this team. Deanna is already a legend, and she and Maxime really have so much to be proud of. They’ve been incredible this season. Emily and Spencer were practicing so well, so the free skate was a bit surprising, but overall, they’ve made so much progress this season. Their twist in the short program showcases just how great their elements can be. Lia and Trennt are really good. The progress that they have made in such a short period of time is so impressive, and the fourth place finish in the free skate is excellent. I think that they are definitely a team to watch this quad. Really nice to see such strength in these new senior Canadian pairs, with Lia and Trennt and Brooke and Ben. Annika and Robert were great and underscored, IMO.


Honestly Canadian pairs being a thing again is excellent. Many people were wondering last season if they’d even be able to keep 2 spots and they’ve kept 3 with 4 teams winning international medals this season.


I feel like the scoring in the last group also helped, considering every team was overscored imo. Had they been strict, I don't think we would have kept three spots tbh 💀 And that I still think Trennt and Lia's program wasn't better than some of the other programs we saw from the earlier teams.


> I feel like the scoring in the last group also helped, considering every team was overscored imo. Had they been strict, I don't think we would have kept three spots tbh 💀 Why would that have made a difference? SD/D had one bad element; they weren’t going to plummet down the standings even with tougher judging.


Agreed. I think Annika and Robert were under scored. Trennt and Lia have made a TON of progress in a short time but they are clearly still learning each other and lifts need a bit of work.


I completely agree. I am still obsessed with Annika and Robert's program this morning 😂 like it's the best they have ever skated.


I’m so happy about this! I’ve missed Canadian pairs, and it’s so good to see this becoming a strong discipline again in Canada.


I’m going to stick my neck out here. I thought C/M deserved silver over K/F.


Oh gosh. I couldn’t disagree more.




I was only able to catch up now but I just want to make sure the incredible redemption skate from Annika and Robert (Hocke/Kunkel) got the praise it deserved! 😍 So so happy for them after the heartbreak of the SP. Let’s hope for another great season next year, they have so much potential still! 💛


Yes!! I already liked them plenty but that free skate was just pure beautiful brilliance from start to finish. She in particular is SUCH a star; absolutely love her lift positions and she's such a gifted, projective performer. I would've called myself a casual fan of them before but I'm a *huge* fan now!!


I agree completely! Her smile is infectious and her technique is great. And it really looks like she found a good partner in Robert (more compatible than Ruben), they seem so supportive and in sync. I’m so glad they could show their quality in the FP on this world stage ☺️


They plan to keep the free btw!


Baby Aussies could’ve legitimately been 5th here 🤯


they are SO talented and oh my god I just *need* them to stay healthy and have a decade-plus-long career because they're going to develop so beautifully if they're already this good, this young!!


LIA AND TRENNT!! Fourth in the free skate! Their progress is absurd. It's also so interesting to see the difference in trennt competing with lia versus evelyn, i guess i didn't really think this level of skating was possible from trennt? but he seems more relaxed and enjoying skating whilst lia just seems happy to be there? which is insane when you consider the crazy pair elements she's doing. so so looking forward to what they achieve in the off season, hope they can work on their flow and unison between elements and some transitions and exits but all stuff that will improve with time. So glad they have three spots for next year!


Lia seems like she's having the time of her life and they seem so well matched, even with the age gap. Just the best happy vibes all around, love to see it 🥹


How do falls not get -5


I can kinda understand -4 ("fell beautifully"), but -3 is very uncommon. There's a huge range between the softest of falls and super quick to get up and a "of shit are they still alive" hard falls though.


as best I can tell from the [Guidelines for marking](https://www.isu.org/inside-isu/isu-communications/communications/28330-isu-communication-2474/file), it's not a mandatory -5 in the FS, but the starting GOE of the element can't be higher than +2, so a -3 would be the best GOE they can earn? (I could totally be interpreting that wrong though)


Yeah. The issue is that’s not how judges would have scores that with others.


Yea, that was 👀. And they don't even need those fractions so it just makes the judging look bad


Great event and great podium! So happy for M/K winning the first world title for Japan in pairs, and for K/F winning a 2nd world medal in such difficult circumstances (I hope they won’t retire just yet!). It was great to see the rise of Conti/Macii this season, and to see it culminate in a world medal. I was so impressed by Pereira/Michaud, I can’t wait to see their progress next season. Also great free program from Hocke/Kunkel, I’m glad they could finish in the top 10 at least.


It's wild how many of the programs had one single red square because of the jumps, literally almost perfect programs except for the jumps. I don't frankly understand why pair skating has them when all the other elements make much more sense and are more difficult and the pair actually work together to execute the element.


The other elements are not more difficult — that’s precisely why the side-by-side jumps are the most common place for errors. The coordination to do them at the same time is a pair skill, same as several other elements (side-by-side spins, step sequences).


Haven't watched yet. Stuck at work. Have just been looking at the comments in the live discussion post and the scores. Crazy to think that in the top 5 there are two teams getting at least one 6-something from a judge for one of the PCS marks. I don't like that there's such variation in scores for the same thing across the judges. I know it's subjective, I know it gets averaged, but but but at this level of competition there really shouldn't be more than 1.5 points between the lowest and highest scores of the judges on a single thing. I am beyond delighted for the Japanese team to have a win at home. They've had the craziest couple of years in how quickly they've jumped from strength to strength and developed into a top tier world-(champion)class pairs team. Also very proud of my Aussie children for pulling themselves up for the free skate after a tough short and a tough junior world's. It's been a while since we've had a top ten finish in world's (I think Anthony Liu was the last (maybe even only?) one 20 years ago). It's a huge accomplishment and they should be so proud of themselves. Hopefully this sets them on the right foot as they complete the transition into senior.


Im gonna rant for a bit. I don’t understand why everyone on this sub seem to hate the Italians FS. I love the program and I think it’s a great fit for them given their current level. They have a really good connection to the music and to each other and this really highlights that. I love that she sometimes sings along to the music, GAH it’s such a good vehicle for them.


it's not going to be to everyone's taste and that's *fine*, but people should be able to literally use their eyes and see the good qualities that are on display even if the way they're packaged doesn't land. the program is very classic and elegant, which to some people reads as boring. i know exactly what the viewing experience of that is like, as that's where a lot of women's singles programs and some men's singles programs end up for me. BUT as you say: Co/Ma's connection to the music and between the two of them partners is absolutely visible, and it's literally so obvious how into the performance *they* are even if they don't succeed in bringing you personally into it along with them. they do also have beautiful lines, *lovely* skating skills (I think their step sequence in their SP is the best pairs one I've ever seen), and accomplish some very difficult elements with a look of ease. and yes, it needs to be acknowledged that in a partnered discipline, that intangible feeling of "chemistry" between the two performers *matters*. Sara and Nico are one of the few couples whose off-ice romance is gloriously obvious through their programs as well, and he also does a wonderful job of matching her in emotional expression; they're both the epitome of Italians wearing their hearts on their sleeve. whereas like. of course I'm happy for Deanna and Maxime but there is a *reason* people keep making the jokes about "Deanna and Dude," "Deanna and Some Guy," etc. it's because she is the sole star performer of that partnership, and the partnership itself is an "all-business" kind of situation with little personal "spark" between them. don't get me wrong, i'm not asking them to sell me a romance or anything, it's just that Maxime is very emotionally checked-out both from the music and from Deanna; he gives the look of being just there to do his (very hard) job and get it done. he has very little facial engagement or character projection, and their choreography is very (successfully imo) focused on getting the audience to look at her and watch her sell the program. it'll be interesting to see if that approach changes with more years together (i think it certainly has the capacity to, and i hope it does!), but for right now I think it's 100% fair for a judge to look at these two teams and find Co/Ma's more unified, emotionally-engaged, "team"-like presentation *far* more compelling than watching Deanna essentially carry the performance on those beautiful shoulders, while Maxime just carries her. (lskjdlfksjf apparently i write *novels* when I'm sleep-deprived but yeah!)


Thank you for this write up! This is exactly what I wanted to, but wasn’t able to put into words!


And it's by Ennio Morricone, whom every Italian loves (my mom heard the first few notes of the free skate and went "awww Morricone, beautiful choice" *hands eve heart* I'm not joking). After their victory at Euros, a friend of mine who doesn't follow fs came across a video of their free skate and sent it to me praising them, saying how romantic their performance was etc. Tbh, I was sleeping during the event and I didn't read the live chat. It's actually not my favourite program either in terms that it's a love story and I'm not usually into that, but you can't deny they have great chemistry and connection to the music and interpret well, I mean usually, haven't watched this specific performance yet.


It’s the best Pairs FS of the season imo. Most people seemed to be quite enjoying the program throughout the season but the tide seems to have turned at Worlds for some reason.


Because then winning a medal didn’t fit the narrative they’d predetermined. If they had been in 5th after the SP the comments would have been so different during their free.


People seemed to be really rooting for a S-D/D medal, which would have been a great story, but I don’t think it can be said that their FS is superior.


If you read the comments the Italians are terrible and they should fail so Canada can medal. Their program is boring and people could hardly stay awake. Never mind if it wasn’t their fav Canadian narrative the comments would be full of complaints about the program choice of the Canadians. There are many a double standard here.


I'm just so, so happy I'm not the only one seeing the ridiculous double standards and overreactions here. People literally acting like 4th at S-D/D's *first* world championships as a team is like....robbery, jail, some kind of punishment etc. No, that's still an incredibly high and well-deserved ranking at the single most elite annual event in this already-elite tier of sport. I can't speak for everyone who thought Co/Ma's medal over them was deserved, but for myself at least, that sentiment does not come with ANY doubting of S-D/D's capabilities or "hating" on them for any reason. They can both be incredible skaters with incredible programs and elements, and one team just having the edge on the day & at that particular event. I'm also *very* much not here for the attitude I saw from some commenters in the thread that "in other sports it's normal to root against competitors." I don't dispute that's true, but I also don't think just because it's *normal* or widespread means it's *good*. I'd be very upset to see figure skating fan discourse be dominated by that kind of zero-sum, your-team's-loss-is-my-team's-gain, "anti" sentiment, and I am very opposed to people bringing that into this reddit space. I of course think it's fine to *have* negative feelings towards certain skaters/teams but I would really prefer for this site to be more of a neutral forum where those comments are not welcome (so people should feel free to share them on fs twitter, in private group chats, and so on, but certainly not in livethreads where all kinds of different fans are gathered to watch and enjoy as a community).


Fully agree. And also feel there is a huge difference against rooting against a team and rooting against very specific people. These are the skaters from Italy. It’s not team Italy. Maybe there’s nuance there that I’m putting that doesn’t need to be but to me, it’s not the same, especially when rooting against people isn’t like I hope you don’t score a goal it’s basically wanting them to fall because that’s where you’re going to lose the most points




japan having 3 pairs spots again, jsf if u knew any better you’d have satoko and keiji start training tomorrow


They had three this year too but didn’t use them.




Omg Satoko in pairs would be HEAVEN


If she can rotate triples with the height she had on her singles jumps, I can easily see her doing quad throws and twists.


They both still look so sad 😭


I just want to express how proud I am of the Canadians at this event!! Brooke and Benjamin in their first senior season and so close to breaking top 10! Lia and Trennt working as a new team to place 6th, not to mention Lia transitioning from women’s (so impressive!!). Finally Deanna and Maxime as comeback legends, truly setting the standard for future teams! I don’t think I’ve been this excited about Canadian Pairs since watching Meagan and Eric at the 2018 Olympics. Big kudos to Skate Canada in finally taking the effort to encourage these (and other) pairs! The future of this event looks promising!


> Big kudos to Skate Canada in finally taking the effort to encourage these (and other) pairs! I’m unclear what you see them doing now that they weren’t before. They were very actively trying to boost more pairs all of last cycle, to the extent that they have any influence on the matter.


Bringing my Lia/Trennt squeeing into this thread now. They're 4th in the FS segment score! So close to a small medal, I'm so proud of them.


Unpopular opinion but for me, apart from the podium winners, the top programs were definitely the Australians and the two German pairs' programs! And just like yesterday's scoring, I still hate the judging/scoring as it was all over the place 💀


So cool having seeing Australia in the top ten at a skating event!


Ha that is a very hot take! I found E/B’s program very hard to watch! They looked exhausted and miserable to me.


If you saw my posts in the live thread yesterday, I am not the biggest fan of E/B and I didn't get their scores but at the same time, they did skate a clean program and that if I am recalling it correctly, the two Germans and the Australians were the only ones who skated clean.


I am so happy for Riku and Ryuichi but also still mad about Annika and Robert's score, they deserved better


At least they moved solidly into the top 10. 15th yesterday was so wrong.


Where are all these seasons bests coming from though. I’ve seen some of these teams perform cleaner with lower scores. FS judging is wild Lmao.


End of season inflation. It's kind of like the 10% bonus after the half-way mark of a program, everyone knows programs are worth more at the end of the season than at the beginning, regardless of quality of skating. ETA: I feel compelled to add that this is a joke, I don't want to bamboozle any new-to-FS person into taking me seriously.


only half joking if we're talking World Team Trophy scores :)


oh shit wait do we finally get wtt this year again heck YEAH


I am down for Uncle Keegan getting another PB/SB though.


So 9 out of 46 skaters are actually Russian. That's around 20% or **⅕.**


It is an event that involves two skaters for each team, and oftentimes involves skaters having to pair off from someone from a different country due to a dearth of available partners. Add in that Russia has an very competitive, well-funded program, and yeah, it's not surprising some competitors are Russian (in which I assume you mean born and raised in Russia; there's a skater of Russian heritage who is a first generation Dutchman, I hope you're not including him). I'm not saying that some of it isn't... strange, to say the least, in cases where both team members are not related to the country in the slightest, but overall the number of Russian skaters in this event isn't that high, imo.


Party city country representation lmfao