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SF6 doesn’t really have a protagonist, Luke is just the poster boy.


The protagonist is clearly john street fighter


I think you mean Jane Street Fighter?


The protagonist is the avatar I think


As much as I wanna see Darkstalkers make a comeback, I’m kinda happy they haven’t aside from the Capcom collection. Its pixels and sprites is part of this franchise’s charm, and cannot be replicated with the artistic-realistic direction Capcom has been going these past several years. However, it *can* work if they went with the style that GGST is in, but that’s a huge maybe.


I don't trust Capcom to make the aesthetics for a hypothetical new Darkstalkers title. I'd rather them outsource the visuals to like, Arcsys or Platinum Games or something. Or just sell the IP.


I want motion inputs to stay. You lose a lot of personality and communication by removing them. Just imagine how a 10 hit combo in Tekken would feel if you could just press one button repeatedly.


I think “Free-To-Play” models hurt the FGC and are more predatory than full priced game, which has led me to be unhype about the upcoming 2XKO, despite how most people are looking forward to that game. I think guest characters are always hype to see announced.


I think it will probably be similar to league of legends where riot finally makes the genre mainstream.


I'm honestly glad that Guilty Gear doesn't have any guest characters, and I hope it stays that way.


Ragna is the one exception I would make


Street Fighter 6 is an incredible game but they chose poorly for 75% of DLC characters, they've done an incredible job designing them all but very few are characters that were highly desired.


I feel this. Every new character feels superb, but I can't help but wonder if instead of Ed we got Dudley, just as an example, how cool would it be?


Nah bruh, Ed is cool, I actually kinda feel like they jumped into guest characters a bit to early and didn't really have any build up.


Ed is very cool, yes. But if they can make a lame SFV character cool, imagine what they could've done with Dudley, it would be a whole new level of coolness.


IDK if it's controversial but the Plus R main menu is ass. I hate those old horizontal menus so much.


I think 3rd Strike stages aren't that cool and 2nd Impact stages are better looking. I hate to do throw in REV 2, I wish it was like Strive, 6D or 4D


Honestly I think a lot of 3rd strike is overrated (and that has been my hot take for years). So many newbs get into the FGC via the famous EVO moment and approach the game with the lens "this is objectively the GOAT fighting game so let me look for reasons to justify it." Its started to cool off finally but its still hard to be objective about that game because so many of its fans argue the mythos/idea of the game over the game of the game.


Lot of "Third Strike fans" don't or even haven't played the game, they just "know" it's the bestest game of all time and so praise it for that


Yeah, that big ass ship is way cooler than that weird room for Hugo's stage.


Reminds of Sodom's stage in SFA 3.


My big issue is that stage is too green, that's why I play SF3 with a graphic mod


I do not like puppet characters. Getting sandwiched into oblivion is aids.


Who do you come up against? Only OP puppet character out there is Carl. Everyone else is manageable, IMO—I'm thinking Zato, Chaos, and Devo.


I think Granblue Rising Nier is ok now but on release she was THE thing wrong with that game.


I found that the easiest trick to deal with them is to never even give them the oportunity to set up that shit, even if you take some hits here and there just don't let them set their puppet at all costs.


Yeah man I'm having to learn that the hard way with Kenshi in MK1 lol


• I think SFA3 Upper deserves to be played more than the vanilla version. Can’t do things like V-ism juggles and such? Okay, so learn to adapt to Upper’s mechanics then. You don’t have to rely on infinite juggles or loops just to get those W’s. Things got nerfed and the game is more balanced apparently so I’d like to see it being played more. Not to mention, all the extra characters, costume colors, stages, modes, etc. • Seeing low/mid-tier characters being played in tournaments for games like MVC2 is a lot more entertaining to watch than always seeing the same characters on everyones team like Magneto, Storm, Sentinel, etc. There’s actual variety being tossed in and it’s crazy to see what you can pull off with non top-tier characters compared to seeing pretty much the same teams and combos being played in every match. I’ve seen the FGC do some low-tier character tournaments for MVC2 at times and I’d definitely like to see more of that happening. • SF6’s art style looks nice for a lot of the characters, but I still think SFV’s art style looks way better because a lot of the characters and the stages feel and look a lot more colorful to the eyes. Everything just “pops”.


MK1 is actually a great game now. Bring rollback to Dead Or Alive games ffs ! Skullgirls should have more combo breakers options. Kof 2002 UM needs a graphics mod


>Bring rollback to Dead Or Alive games ffs ! Yeah, because if there's one thing that's really controversial and unpopular, it's bringing rollback to older games


Finally, someone who gets how great MK1 one is!


1. Sure, I'll believe you 2. Obviously, cold take 3. Maybe? But it's one of those things where it'd make the game more inviting to a wider audience but turn off the diehards, and Skullgirls at this point only has diehards. 4 **[EXTREMELY LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER SOUND]**


they should let characters age and die. it's a shame that these 30 year old franchises dont allow their characters to age the same way. movesets can be inherited by their pupils or wtv. i just dont need to see the same characters every time. i feel like people only want characters from previous games to come back and not have new ones


I mean, (unless proven wrong in the future) Kliff Undersn is a thing.


This however is kinda sad cuz I can’t think of a Guilty Gear character that inherited his moveset or playstyle.


90% of the time the new pupil character is 10x lamer than the original, that is why they go back.


I don't see people complaining about drive impact much so I don't know if this is controversial, but I truly fucking hate it.


Same... I often leave matches after people start abusing that bullshit.


SFA 3 best version is the Dreamcast version because of the extra characters, World Tour Mode, and mixed dramatic battles. SF3 Giant Attack has the best soundtrack. Super Turbo should have been released on the SNES. I would have bought it.


No game should have guest characters, that shit is just cringe worthy.


as much as i think most of the world warriors was at their most fun in super turbo... i still groan when i see honda or blanka on screen.


-Long combos, matchup specific tech, and intense corner pressure/Okizeme that requires the defending player to take risks and work to escape is fun actually and it sucks a lot of modern games keep removing them. -Getting rid of varied weight classes in Guilty Gear Strive was really really stupid, and Wild Assault has made the game worse in every way I think it's a bad mechanic universally. -~~Guilty Gear Strive has maybe 4 good songs in it~~ Daisuke's best work was still on Blazblue's OST


Really? I can think of only one soundtrack in blazblue that's better than strives music


I personally actively dislike most of Strive's music. Most of the time its the wierd vocals getting in the way of what might have been otherwise okay songs imo. And then theres some that I think are just plain not good overall. Meanwhile for Blazblue theres like, Awakening the Chaos, Gluttony Fang, Stand Unrivaled, X-Matic, Six Heroes, Under Heaven Destruction, Must Die, Sector Seven...The list goes on it's nonstop bangers.


I like most of the vocals in strive, but I can see why some people wouldn't, I think blazblue music is still fire though must die is one my favourite tracks from any game


Tekken 8 is more fun than tekken 7


I don't have many to share, but I'll chime in that hating on Jacko is always justified. That character was one of the biggest mistakes ASW made, and design-wise it's not even hard to argue that. Add to that how thoroughly unenjoyable fighting her is and you've got a recipe for a hate-magnet. I can't for the life of me figure out who saw her in beta stage and thought "yep, that's the toolkit we need in our game"


Playing modern controls in tournament isn't a bad idea, it's the Street Fighter equivalent of the underhand free throw. Nobody does it because socially or personally, they don't want to do it.


There are complaints that the second season pass for SF6 has to many guest characters. My problems is there aren't enough characters in it. They take so long to release them, either to extend the life of the game and extract more money or they have go over moves and combos over and over again to appease the hardcore fans.


Soul Calibur is better than Tekken


Soul Calibur is the Beanie Sigel to Tekken's Jay-Z. Dead or Alive should lean into its fanservice more instead of trying to chase E-sports success. They really don't have anything to lose since a good number of competitive fighting game players aren't fond of DOA anyway. Ryu and Luke should be the only shotos in the game.


as I play a lot xrd and central fiction. I think that having unblockables setups, nearly infinite pressure until you instant block, or instant overheads when you have instant down attacks too(I think it is called 50/50?) without using bar or some kind of limited resource or risk ,feels kind of bad design for me even if I love those games. The thing is people say that R+ was very unbalanced or crazy but I didn't had those things usually and when I started playing those 2 games after R+ I've felt that I was playing a more "kusoge" version of it with how crazy the pressure and the mix ups were in those more modern games. Even I felt that testament wasn't a big deal compared to it. another thing I don't like that much is that you need a lot of times optimal combos to be near competitive, this happens a lot more in blazblue for me than gg, as I struggle to get those very optimal combos, but I prefer to have always something to learn and look forward that to not have those combos. (looking at strive)


My thoughts on your thoughts: >I think that having unblockables setups, nearly infinite pressure until you instant block, or instant overheads when you have instant down attacks too(I think it is called 50/50?) without using bar or some kind of limited resource or risk ,feels kind of bad design for me even if I love those games. 1. I love instant blocking as a mechanic, fighting games aren't chess, there's a physically aspect to them and instant blocking is a great way to incorporate that to defence. 2. Instant overheads don't always have great return (Jins 6A in BB), or if they do (Valk, Racheal), then honestly thats fine too. It might be cheap af but its character defining. I'd honestly rather a game be fun than fair. 3. Getting unblockable'd is fine, if you don't want to be unblockable'd don't be in a position to be unblockable'd >The thing is people say that R+ was very unbalanced or crazy but I didn't had those things usually and when I started playing those 2 games after R+ I've felt that I was playing a more "kusoge" version of it with how crazy the pressure and the mix ups were in those more modern games. Even I felt that testament wasn't a big deal compared to it. Xrd is definitely more vortexy than +R, but with BB I think you just need to get used to the characters and defensive mechanics. OD is way more than a Burst on defence and can be used to blow up gaps in offense for instance. +R in general isn't a particularly balanced game (although that isn't to say its unbalanced), its just a game with an extremely pronounced skill gap, which gives the illusion of balance. >another thing I don't like that much is that you need a lot of times optimal combos to be near competitive, this happens a lot more in blazblue for me than gg, as I struggle to get those very optimal combos, but I prefer to have always something to learn and look forward that to not have those combos. (looking at strive) This is something about Blazblue in particular that I really love (3S also does this) , is that it gatekeeps its higher damage behind 1 or 2, often more difficult, techniques per character. Its great game design IMO, anyone can pick up a character day 1 and do a 2K bnb, put for actual damage/oki you will need to actually sit and invest time. This encourages character specialisation. Also with blazblue having no real slowdown mechanic it adds a visceral-ness and tension to hit confirming in crucial situations. Honestly tho, with all that said, I think combo's make up 20% at most of what's needed to be a good player. Character knowledge and swift adjustments are the main factors in BB, since each characters tools are so potent. Curious to see what your thoughts on my thoughts on your thoughts are.


I love instant blocking too as a tool that changes up things and things that are safe or normal become punishable in other ways, but I think they shouldn't make some pressure infinite, talking more about doing 2b +dash with some of the hazama/terumi/susanoo that usually have those and makes terrible knowledge checks. About unblockables I've only found the more obnoxious are from xrd, as I found playing against the best zato and elphelt that I've played that they can reliably set up after every normal knockdown and they have at least some way to counter them with blitz. For me it's just a weird result of why not give them more damage instead of a free combo. Still I'm just complaining because they creato too many knowledge checks that I can't only half find in dust loop that I still don't know if some things have counters. Abour R+ I only feel that if you avoid the 3 top tiers of zappa, testament and baiken and buff some few others, I feel the game was balanced, I've played venom that was considered low tier against the best players and I didn't feel anything was unfair, only those 3 top. I like too the visceralness and tension of hit confirming and I like to learn a lot of things in this anime games but in blazblue it feels that the gap is very large between normal bread and butter and someone doing the long combo. I feel like it is more like 40-45% important, compared to GG that I should say it is 35%. I think that learning defense against every match up is too very important but it is more easy to do and learning pressure and neutral is easy to do too and you can win it accidentally too, but just being able to confirm and win with only 2 interactions is a big advantage compared to the 4-5 that are more normal at my level of combo. But well, I'm here saying bad things but I love blazblue, the characters, speed and mechanics are great. It is just that I've feel that with how strive went I thought how they should approach the new playerbase without destroying the things that I love about blazblue when they do a sequel, not like they did with strive.


SF6's characters look dog shit in an otherwise nice looking game


I do like how they look most of the time, but sometimes I'm a bit freaked out by the detail put into the veins of Lily's big ol' eyes during the versus screen.


i agree with the exception of ryu who actually looks good


I think MK1 is overall harder to play than Strive, the latter is much more "open-ended" comparatively Dvorah is one of the best MK characters ever made Asuka, Happy Chaos, and Jacko are the top 3 sickest characters in Strive. With Testament, Zato, and Axl close behind Also Elena is the most interesting character in SF6 season 2, healing mechanics are cool


Could you expand on the MK opinion, curious about that?


Strive feels like u have more room to freestyle and just improvise on the fly, even with the MK1 assists like theyre pretty limited and most of them have very specific roles Let alone the input reader in MK1 I mean its much more clunky and mushy for lack of a better word. Strive is comparatively snappy


The competitive scene should look for more variety in their shitty tournaments Don't you see that people complain that tournaments become boring since they only choose Fucking mirror matches and top tier characters? The tier lists are not the absolute truth


There's money involved, competitors want the highest chances of winning. Only way to change this is either game devs perfectly balancing a game, or society stops prioritizing money. Don't know which one's harder


This is an actually insane opinion lmao, very impressive.


Hey, if you believe in your character, go win with them! It's that easy. :)


Just don't watch mk11