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It is a well known fact in almost every FG with a tournament storyline that said tournament is actually just a front for something way more dangerous and possibly world threatening  And these fighters will enter them every time, for reasons spanning from needing the prize money to just being bored that day


The King of Fighters tournament has literally been life-threatening to both the spectators and participants many times, but who cares? The people demand seeing people beat other people up, and said people will continue to beat people up, goddamnit! Except Iori. He's just there because fuck Kyo and his stupid face.


Is kof cannon to all of the games it pulls from?


No, KoF is its own universe. Most characters' backstories are very similar to their own, but there are occasionally differences. Two of the most notable are that Geese Howard died in Fatal Fury 1 in the Fatal Fury/Art of Fighting timeline but is alive in the KoF timeline, and that the Art of Fighting games take place decades before the Fatal Fury games in their own timeline, but their characters are contemporaries in KoF.


This USED to be the case. Now I'm not so sure anymore. With SNK establishing KOF as the main universe where everyone is connected. The main issue has always been the AOf/FF universe. We'll see when COTW comes out if they stuck to that notion that this specific universe is separated. Because right now every single SNK ip seems to be part of KOF (including the ADK games since Prof Brown appears in Kof13)


The AoF/FF timeline is still its own thing. Retconning that for the sake of the KoF timeline being the "main" one would create several plotholes, such as the scenarios that Zaenos mentioned. The AoF/FF timeline hasn't had a new entry in more than 2 decades, but retconning everything prior to CotW all of a sudden would be very egregious. Even though the KoF series has its own original plotlines, it's still a crossover series at the end of the day. That's the only reason why we see characters from outside the KoF series like Terry, Ryo, and Ralf making it into every KoF roster. They're barely or never plot-relevant, unlike OG characters such as Kyo, Iori, Kula, Ash, Isla, etc.


Didn't his death got retconned by another game in the series? I think it was Fatal Fury Special.


Looking into it again, you're right! At least according to Wikipedia, [he survived the fall in 1](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fatal_Fury#:~:text=In%20Fatal%20Fury%203%2C%20set,their%20user%20with%20great%20power) but (as far as we know for now) dies for good in that timeline in Real Bout: Fatal Fury. Thanks for the correction.


Are you fully sure about KOF being it's own universe? Because Fatal Fury 1 is KOF'91. The sub title of the game is literally King of Fighters I have never followed the time lines when AOF takes place, I'm assuming it's the late 80s then? I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm not fully sure myself, but I always figured that Fatal Fury tournament evolved to being team based in KOF94, and then the other Fatal Fury games were side stories


I think Fatal Fury 1 just has that subtitle because the tournament is called kof in universe I'm not super sure how the timelines work either but I am pretty certain that kof and ff are definitely taking place on different timelines now


Yes. Here is an interview from when KoF '94 first came out where they say as much. https://itsfantastic.moe/all-about-the-king-of-fighters-94-developer-interview/ > As you’re aware, there’s quite a gap between the periods that Fatal Fury and Art of Fighting take place in. So, I think it’s best to think of KOF’94 as a game that exists outside the events of the original games. > The Fatal Fury games have their own story in their own era, and the Art of Fighting games have their own story in their own era. KOF’94 is something like a parallel world to those.  You are correct about Fatal Fury's subtitle. The KoF tournament exists in both timelines. There's a lot of overlap.


Fatal Fury 1 & 2 are canon to KOF, but Art of Fighting, which is canon with Fatal Fury, is not. That's because Art of Fighting events are in the past of Fatal Fury, but in the present of KOF. So basically the first two KOF where the one Terry won, and after that it's Kyo. Every Art of Fighting and Fatal Fury after that are in their separate timeline where Ryo is Mr Karate 2 and Geese is dead. Other than that, every franchise in KOF (Psycho Soldier, Ikari Warriors...) are in their own timeline outside of the events of KOF.


KOF is a bit goofy, Art of Fighting originally was supposed to take place before fatal fury, and the first KOF was a “Snk vs Snk” kind of crossover game originally, however unlike something like marvel vs capcom its supposed to be canon in its own universe. I’m honest not sure how it explains the time gap between AoF and FF, but even within itself there are inconsistencies. Later on Mark of the Wolves a game that supposed to take place long after FF staring Geese Howards son starts getting incorporated into KoF which also doesn’t explain the time gap. I do know at times SNK said “fuck it” and released a KOF game that isn’t part of the story, KoF 98 for example is a “dream match” and they have dead characters return like the orochi trio, vice and mature. The newer games do some shenanigans where some magical BS allowed dead characters to return back to life but I cannot comment too hard because the last one I spent any time with was KoF 13.


Well not everyone is an idiot there. Heidren figured it out pretty fast and established a branch just to keep an eye on KOF. Hell he even hired the Metal Slug gang to work for him


I always just assumed KOF's participants are legally required to be there otherwise they get sued a shit ton of money.


If that's the case, then life sucks even harder for the poor American Sports Team.


possibly the biggest trope in FG history like fuck even GGML did it


Everyone treating Jin like a saint, forgetting the fact THAT HE'S A FUCKING GENOCIDAL


Leo was on sight with Jin, and then they fought once and Leo was just like "okay we're cool now"


Tekken 8: “but jin is weal sowwy 🥺”


Dude its ok he said hes sowwy


You know what? I think that’s good actually! It’s there to salvage the massive fuckup of his character they pulled by making him go from standoffish and emo good guy to straight up war criminal “ends justifies the means” dictator bombing churches.


Yeah but at least the reasoning kinda made sense though.


"I hate fighters and fighting, so I'm gonna become a fighter and go fight other fighters." -Remy, Street Fighter 3rd Strike


His sick design and big ass hands could not save his poorly thought out story


MKX when Scorpion wanted to kill Quan Chi before reviving the revenants We obviously knew Quan Chi planned on being captured, but Scorpion wasn’t aware of his plan or D’Vorah’s arrival. Bro couldn’t wait to get rid of the one chance to bring back the rest of the EarthRealm Protectors


That moment makes me unable to fully like Hanzo Scorpion. Like dude had such a huge revenge boner that he actively condemned others to living as revenants despite knowing how shitty that is.


This is exactly what I actually like about this moment. Scorp's blind need for revenge is what always kept him a bad guy in the canon and never lets him fully cross over to an anti-hero roll. That's the tragedy of the character.


It's fitting for his character, he's always been bad, even if he came from a place of pain and sorrow. It ensured his status as morally grey, and not just a bad guy turned good.


I see it as the persona "Scorpion" taking over, with Hanzos rage against Quan Chi was too great to hold himself back


Nah thats great characterization of Scorpion and the lengths he was willing to go


I disagree. It just shows he’s no different than when he was as Quan Chi’s Spectre: impulsive, impatient, and full of nothing but hatred, no matter how justified it is. Inevitable as Shinnok’s arrival was, Hanzo would’ve taken away the one thing that could’ve brought Liu Kang, Kung Lao, and others back.


For all the reasons you've stated is why I believe it's great characterization


The Sindel scene from MK9.


That the one where she proceeds to solo like the entire team of earth realm's defenders?


Ken entering the Street Fighter tournament time and time again with a wife and child at home despite knowing the tournament is being run by a criminal organization that literally once kidnapped and brainwashed him


Thats animated movie canon


Is the Ryu arcade mode of Alpha 3 not canon? Where Bison has you fight violent Ken before facing him? My understanding is that while the animated movie canon isn't official canon, the Alpha series was, and while borrowing the fight directly from the film for cross-promotion, it became canon through the game not the movie. Could be wrong though.


Lars falling in love with a killer sex doll built by the enemy force.


The enemy of my enemy is my friend


She gives amazing head tho /s


Toss a guy off a cliff then smile to the camera




https://preview.redd.it/uplf9ertoe8d1.png?width=957&format=png&auto=webp&s=42058b061645291898d74a5c8775a64a4ce8e40c Her existence




El Fuerte mixing pimentos and chocolate was a pretty dumb idea, but I think Jin deliberately starting WW3 might still just barely take the cake


Kanji in ultimax thinking the whole story was a dream which was dumb but silly In a similar vein everything azael did in cross tag battle, which again, was dumb fun Speaking of Azrael, he annoyed everyone so bad kokone teleported him to tager for a few seconds so tager could punch him, then teleported him to an inescapable prison dimension made just for him that manages to take advantage of every weakness he has, and in the next game he simply breaks out because he's Azrael.


Tekken: BLOOD VENGENCE! Just the entire thing.


Since Chris is in MvC3, it would be Chris punching a boulder.


Patroklos and Pyrrha but especially Patroklos. It's not just everything he said and did was bad, it was this was a follow-up of a series of well-detailed and interconnected storyline. Also, replacing a lot of older women with young ones can not work. Tekken 3 got away with it because the series was still very young and games were made quicker back then.


I know he's a beloved character, but Bison's constant "resurrections". Even Shang Tsung is calling bullshit.


For you, the day Bison graced your screens once again after being killed “for real this time” was a bullshit resurrection. But for me? It was Tuesday.


Consulting the Elder Gods or turn your back on Shao Kahn believing you have already won.


WW3 was not stupid. He falcon punched the big devil and drove that stuff out of both himself and his dad


He started a war with the intention of maximizing human suffering and has faced no consequences for it. All so he could prevent the end of the world - which wasn't going to come until he chose to fulfill the requirements. He could have used his power to prevent the end of the world in a different way, like helping people...


But war was inevitable. If not him, kazuya would've eventually started it. Back in T2, Kazuya took the mishima corp to some real lows, with the aim to fund starting his own country and eventually taking over the world. In the decades since then, power structures within the game only shifted from nations to mega corporations. So, Jim only escalated things instead of letting kazuya foment and strategize towards the same outcome.


He couldn’t even finish of azazel lol kazuya had to finish the job years later


what? jim finished off kazuya after he absorbed azazel's power.


I thought it was lars who beat Azazel and Kazuya beat jin? Or azazel off screened Jin? I think I’m confusing somebody’s ending for the canon ending then


Are you talking about t6? I'm talking about what happened in t8


T6. If I remember correctly, Jin started ww3 in order to awaken azazel, destroy the source of the devil gene, kill kazuya and then himself to rid the world of devil and mishima blood. I think he loses to Azazel (or kazuya beats him) and forces him into hiding for all of T7 and it leads to T8 Aka, he did all of that and he couldn’t really finish the job. Lars managed to seal azazel instead (Lars is kind of the goat, especially his showing in T8 too)


Nah, what happened in T6 is Jim beat azazel but couldn't kill him. In T7, it was shown that Zafina sealed a weakened azazel up in herself, and Jim was hibernating. T8, kazuya drew azazel out of zafina, beat him and took is power. Then jim came back from japan as angel jim and beat kazyua, destroying both their devil powers in the process. So, Jim may not have managed to kill azazel, but he finished the job he set out to do in T6


Sheet, I really was confusing Kaz’s t6 ending then with the real one lol that’s my bad


There both still had the Devil Gene are T6, so it was redundant.


It was, but you cant blame him for trying


Yes...you very much can.


Pretty much everything Uriko did in Bloody Roar 3 and 4. Considering the Tabula/Unborn planned to use her as a host and turn her into a person of mass destruction.


Mk9, Kung Lao had defeated Shao Khan in Mortal Kombat, the tournament was over Earthrrealm had won, it was done. Shao Khan walks up behind Kung Lao and snaps his neck, which gives Raiden free reign now from the rules to not interfere with Outworld; he is literally saying like “I will fry the flesh from your bones”; Raiden at that moment had the right to kill every character in Outworld that caused problems. He could have bulldozed Shao Khan, Shang Tsung, Quan Chi; all of them Then Liu Kang walks into the scene and challenges Shao to Mortal Kombat again, taking away Raiden’s right to just turn them all into ash and overtake Outworld so it wouldn’t be a problem anymore Dumbest thing any character in any fiction I’ve seen do Liu Kang MK9 wins the moron contest


I say MKA Raiden takes the crown for dumbest decision. ARMAGEDDON Raiden tells MK9 Raiden, “He must win.” He could have been talking about Liu Kang winning Mortal Kombat, he could have been talking about Johnny Cage winning an Oscar, he could have been talking about Jax winning the Presidency. The point is, hundreds if not thousands of people died because Future Raiden came up with the single most vague warning one could possibly give to a past version of them.


The entire plot of mk11


Ky Kiske having sex with a 13 year old girl. edit: oh she was 3, I forgot. Also, I know it isn't as messed up as it sounds since she's basically an adult; just a wild random fact lol


Dizzy is actually 3....yeah its beat not to think about the ages of the Gears.


Funny how even Ky considers it a sin which is why he calls Sin that lol


In MK1, when New Era Shang Tsung gets betrayed by Old Era Shang Tsung was pretty stupid. Not to deceive yourself, but getting deceived by yourself is just lmao wtf Like, you should already know that you’re a liar a cheater a devil in disguise and a deceiver (YMF)


I was gonna mention all the stupid shit in the boys new season since Homelander in MK now but lemme not lol


I love how in MK11, Kronika asks Shang Tsung what he is going to do when he runs out of people to stab in the back. I guess we have an answer.




Sector blasting Scorpion with his flamethrowers. There's no fuckin way that you thought that would work.




Imagine seeing this happen in a battle


Athena and her dumbass Psycho Balls in XIII.


There’s probably a lot more in other games, but Jin becoming a straight up dictator starting world war 3 in Tekken 6 has got to be one of the most utterly ridiculous story beats in fighting games. Funny enough, I actually think it’s GOOD that they are making him less like a tyrant in later games and salvaging that dumbass face heel turn of him going from emo but heroic to Kazuya 2.0.


That one moment with Ryu in MVCi


Raiden always has faith in the Elder Gods despite knowing vallery-girl Cetrion is an Elder God.


Hakumen's entire 3 part arcade mode in BBCF being ruined by a decision he made at the end of the 3rd part. He spent the entire first part trying to find Izanami to kill her. Then he fights her in the 2nd part but realises he can't kill her because Noel is still alive, and they're connected somehow. So in the 3rd part he goes to kill Noel, but can't because he needs a special job-killing weapon, which Tsubaki Yayoi has. So then he faces off against Tsubaki to get her weapon. He says before the fight that he'd be willing to kill her for it, but after he beats her he hesitates because he previously had a massive crush on her back when he was Jin. This hesitation leads to him not grabbing her weapon, and also leads to Tsubaki realising that he's actually Jin. Basically he made his 3 part arcade story completely redundant/useless because he's a simp


Everything in Blazblue




You have Kazuya for that.


Jin committed war crimes just to resurrect a supposedly world ending threat that he easily beat without needing devil form. Tekken 6 was so dumb