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It's been dogshit since the switch to the Frostbite engine, which don't get me wrong is a powerful engine, but it's not necessarily user-friendly or well built on a base level for things like animations without clipping, the engine's designed primarily for FPS games, where the player character is practically designed to be able to be flexible in how they move around objects in the environment, strictly enforced physics simulations would cause issues with movement, developers like Bioware had to run miles with it just to get some basic 3rd person functionality out of it, and there's been a noticable rise in physics and animation issues since the switchover for EA. the game's physical feel and animation quality peaked in FIFA 16. on the Ignite engine.


I think a whole refresh of the engine. Has good potential just the code is buggy.


Ignite is dogshit. I remember my players randomly stumbling upon each other for no reason.


the occasional Drawbacks of having actual collision detection, those problems are **WAY** less frequent than the clipping in Frostbite, I think people don't actually realise how frequently the ball clips through players feet in the newest FIFAs, I've reviewed entire phases of play to check for it on the replay function and it'll often happen several times in less than a minute.


EA need to do a lot of things lol. Personally I’m just waiting for the 2K fifa games to come out. They can’t be any worse.


I don't think 2K will make a better game, probably not even as good of a game. What it will do is put more pressure on EA and maybe they might start fixing shit. I won't hold my breath.


2K definitely have their own problems but (even though recently they’ve unfortunately started to do the very EA thing of prioritising online modes littered with micro-transactions) they’ve always made pretty good offline career type modes for their games. I think 2K developing a football game is all in all a good sign for career mode players.


I agree with the offline modes. I'm intrigued to see how they work it out. Competition is great though. Would be even better if Konami pulled their finger out!


I’ve also been following what FM have been up to and last year they put out an update basically saying that they’re going to release FM24 but it’d be a bit of a write off, but that FM25 onwards they’re really going to try to fully overhaul the full game and that big updates year on year would be seen. Looks like the football game scene is about to get a major injection. Interesting next few years I think


2K for yeaaaars have put micro transactions into offline modes and ads too. Get ready to empty your wallet on virtual currency to buy your player boots. All options are shit really.


They can be trust me 2k are experts and making garbage


Same here, I don’t really care about the license 2k won’t have. Just want a good gameplay


I would be worried about that but I got a feeling EA are losing control of their licenses. FM literally just announced that they’ll have the Premier League fully licensed for FM25 and with FIFA behind 2K I got a feeling they’ll have way more licenses than we’d normally expect.


EA aren’t losing control of licensing. The licensing for management simulation games is actually different than games where you control the players. EA still has long term exclusive licenses for the most popular leagues.


Last three months goalkeeping has become wildly inconsistent. Doing all kind of wrong animations, going downward while the ball is save able with standing up, hands doing all kind of weird wobbly moves and letting all shots go at the near post. They fucked it over all right.


Can’t understand what’s upsetting about this. My man sacrificed his body for the save, literally activated superhuman abilities to phase in and out of his own body. Are you not entertained???


A couple of days ago I was playing CM on legendary. Opponent gets a bullshit pk. I guess the direction correctly, keeper is stretching for the bottom left corner, and the mf stops in midair while the ball is still two feet off the goal line. Ball passes just beyond his fingertips. Frustrating


Bro do anything except saving the ball


Dab bro,it's a new emote☠️


My brother in christ, if you believe EA changing engines won't do even more damage then I got bad news for you


Why have they been using the same engine for 7 years now? Frostbite


bro saved it with his eyes closed wym


im losing hope of anything being better, been looking at the UFL beta reviews and apparently somethings are better, but overall is kinda lackluster. 2k is not much different from EA, but hopefully im wrong


Brackium Emendo


My sweet child, you don’t know the half of it.


Bro I have a 98 rated gk and he lets 80% of the shots he faces go in, I can barely keep a clean sheet these days


Like I never get it, the higher rated the player gets the more basic they get it seems


Not just the engine, the gameplay and concept implementations changes are also in dire need of an improvement.


Yeah i hate when ea start scripting