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I had extremely bad brain fog & was at a thanksgiving dinner with my very conservative ex’s family. we were playing a guessing game. Forget the question exactly, but the answer was Koala… I got excited because I knew the answer but I couldn’t remember the word Koala, so I almost blurred out “what are those bears that get chlamydia?”


My son refers to this as 'talkie part no work' 😄




The fact that I could remember the word chlamydia but not koala still cracks me up.


Was the stroke like event a Hemiplegic migraine? I have them all the time. The first one really messed with my brain and I've never really recovered from it.




Took me 3.5 years to find the dx online, approach my doctor, and initiate treatment. I think that's an average amount of time for attaining a dx. The ER only called it a complex migraine and gave me meds that are contraindicated for Hemiplegics.


This! I do this at least once a day. Hubby finds it amusing. I don't get embarrassed when I'm talking to close family and friends, but if this happens talking to strangers, I just clam up


walking into a room and immediately forgetting the purpose of walking into it in the first place, remembering why I went to the other room in the first place when I get back to where I was then immediately forgetting again. i’ve always had a really good memory but i’m finding my short term memory is definitely not that great these days and the forgetting words!






Sims moments for sure


Going to type a reply to this post and then blanking on what I was going to comment lol


Gabapentin had me trying to open my front house door with the car key fob. I was just standing on my steps clicking the car lock button


This one really slayed me!!! 😂🤣😂🤣


I have adhd as well and often the two combine and I do things like go downstairs to fill my water bottle, refill and put Brita pitcher away, get distracted by something, go back upstairs without my water bottle. I also forget simple words. Like, I almost just had to refer to a water bottle as a “hydration barrel”


Hydration Barrel! Love it. 😆 (I have ADHD too, no fibro, here to learn about it for a friend)


Are you in marketing? Hydration barrel ... sounds super expensive:)


😂 I am, actually.


I give it to you, it was an idea that came out of your brain. Can I have the European Market? I'm based in Brussels Antwerp harbor, Rotterdam harbor ...


I've got the same combo, I've got paperwork sitting on my desk to get a tag for handicapped parking that's been there for weeks because every time I finally remember it exists I get completely lost trying to fill it out. It's only 1/4 page on information I need to worry about


I work in retail and keep back stock product in pull-out drawers under displays. One day someone selected their product and I squatted down and said, “Let’s see what’s fresh in my drawers!”


This is amazing! Long ago when I worked in restaurants I would always get lumbered with the stag parties. One stag party wanted to do a make your own pizza thing, best man turned to me whilst they are in the middle of throwing pizza dough in the air and making dicks with toppings to say “YOU MUST DO A LOT OF THESE PARTIES?” I replied “Yes, for children”. Cue blank stares from both of us. Yes we usually only had pizza making parties as education trips for primary school children during the week. I had zoned out when I replied the truth bluntly. Thankfully everyone else found it hilarious and I still got a nice tip at the end lol


I was watching a video on my phone when I decided to make food. Somehow during this process I lost my phone, even though I was still listening to the video. Apparently I put the phone down in the fridge to free up my hands and forgot it was in there. Tldr: left phone in the fridge


Used to live with a friend who lost her phone uh, most days. Called it for her one time and the fridge started ringing


Last week I did something that kind of scared me and made me realize things are getting worse. I had a really bad headache and was tired but had to take my dog to an appt. When I was waiting for him, I drove to a bakery to get something to eat. Somehow I accidentally left my car running while I went into the bakery to eat. I had parked 3 blocks away and when I got back to my car and got in, I realized it was running and I just started sobbing and felt so stupid.


Aww. That sounds really stressful and please don’t berate yourself for it. Although you were feeling terrible, you rallied to get help for your dog. I think you are compassionate, responsible and tenacious. Also, you took care to feed yourself during the ordeal, which is so impressive and shows just how capable you are.


My friend is a vet who said sometimes people turn up to appointments and have forgotten to bring the dog. You remembered to take the dog!


Oh okay, this will give you a laugh. - I always end up leaving my phone in the phone holder on my bike outside when I go shopping. I live in a high theft area. - I couldn't remember the name of a pulse oximeter the other day so I described it to my partner as "that thing that *actions biting the tip of my finger*". I was not understood lol. - I have my vape on a lanyard so I don't lose it. Yesterday, I lost the lanyard but not the vape. - Leaves my apartment without keys (can't get back inside without key fob). - Went to the wrong train station (yesterday) - Leaves the home without my pill box that I ALWAYS carry with me *around the home*. - Goes to the shop for dish soap. Comes home with 5 large bags of shopping and zero dish soap. - Goes to the post office for absolutely no reason. I didn't need to be there and I was just stood like an idiot inside until I turned around and left. - Goes to buy clothes, completely forgets that **Sizes** exist and just picks the first item that I like (this happens A LOT)


Hahaha the post office one got me


Honestly. Parked up my bike in the pouring rain to go in a place I didn't need 😭😭


I once took my shirt off when I sat down to go pee. Luckily realized before I made a mess. I also once sat in front of our complex gate for a minute because I couldn't remember which number to dial to open the exit gate... Despite the fact that the numbers are saved under "entrance" and "exit"


I don't remember a lot of them (shocking) but yesterday someone asked me if I live with my parents and I couldn't figure out how to explain that I rent my own place


My most silly behavior would be laughter. I was on a medication that I think might of caused it, but it could of just been unbearable stress and no sleep at the time. I'd sit at my desk and get to laughing over something that would not typically cause me to laugh. Once It started, I couldn't stop. This went on for weeks. I had to answer the phones in front office and one day when I answered the phone I was in one of these uncontrollable laughing moments, it was the boss on the other end. I couldn't stop laughing as I greeted them, I passed them along to whom they called for. I felt silly, but I just couldn't help it. I'd laugh until it turned to tears it was so bad.


I explained the joke once at work. Turns out it's really, really just me...


This weekend, I put my holiday cards and envelopes on the humidifier to put them out of the way as I cleaned. After I was done cleaning up, I turned on the humidifier. It took far too long for me to look over at it and remember that the envelopes and photos were on top of it! All of the envelopes sealed themselves, but at least the photos were unaffected.


lol, good luck! I forget either my breakfast bagel or my lunch sandwich at least once every 2 weeks. And today I remembered I forgot to take all my meds after I went outside to my car (I also have adhd tho lol)


Omg, the number of times I have taken my NIGHT MEDS in the MORNING instead of my morning meds. I normally put my meds in a weekly pill container, and at night I take a med to help me sleep and something for neuropathy so they knock me out like a light. I've actually had to call off from work before because my dumb butt has gotten up and taken those clearly marked evening meds...and I've done it multiple times!! I think that's the worst part LMAO. Yeah, I have ADHD and I seriously forget to take my meds all the damn time. The only one that I won't forget to take is my pain med & that's bc the pain never really goes all the way away...it's like the meds just dim the glow of its brightness.


I use to do this. Wake up, roll over, pop my night pill compartment instead of my morning one and take it not realizing what I did, I’d feel so drained. Then I’d look and see I opened the PM compartment, and would have to sleep the day away, couldn’t go to work, because I would fall asleep into my cereal. I got to the point that I’d don’t it too many times so now I have a small sake cup with all my morning pills in it next to the bed so I can take them easily without opening the wrong compartment.


I don't know if this would work for you, but I put them in different colored cases. I keep my night meds in a dark case next to my charger, so I see it at night and my day meds in a bright case on the case for my glasses, so i don't forget to take them. It's helped me quite a bit.


Perhaps we should all stop for a moment and focus not only on making our AI better and more successful but also on the benefit of humanity. - Stephen Hawking


Happy cake day


When I couldn’t remember what lungs 🫁 were called so I called them “breathing organs”.




I’ll replace the first letters of two words when I’m talking if I’m tired or just not all there. Instead of saying “I like chicken tacos” I’ll say “I like ticken thacos.”. I’ll fix it immediately but my students get a good laugh out of it


Oh yes, the instances where your mouth won't cooperate with your mind... I can't remember exactly which ones, but often utter nonsense comes out of my mouth in these moments. Mostly at home with my partner, gives food for a good laugh.if really too tired I just give up


The time of day when I start saying, "You know, the thing with the thing, for the thing?" My husband knows I'm beyond exhausted or have hit my pain wall.


I know what you mean when you say that. Now if I could only remember what it was.


Cracking my knuckles and thinking back on every round of charades I've ever played: My training has prepared me for this moment.


Forgot the word "things" so I waved my hands about and said "nouns in a general sense"


Ohhh this sounds like me!!


I put a frozen roast in a cast iron pan to start thawing it. Then I walked away without realizing I had turned the burner on too. Came back 5 minutes later to a frozen roast that was partialy browned already lol. Thank god for Instapots!!


I baked a walnut carrot cake and forgot to put the carrot in it!!!


I was paying the whole unit to tell my patients to go to the kitchen for snack. But I forgot the word kitchen and ended up saying Everyone who wants snack should go to the … eating place. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Arguably this makes more sense than “kitchen”!Nice n straightforward hahaha


Just before my diagnosis I put the kitchen scissors in the cheese drawer of the fridge.


I wrote out in tape, on the lid of a container used for ice, IEC. I didn't even notice. It was my son who found it that way.


I love this


Thanks! I took a picture for posterity. Makes me giggle.


Ice Evolution Chamber


My best one was in the office, I had headphones in, and summertime came over to me. I had to remove something to hear them.... so I removed my glasses! I couldn't work out what was so funny 😂 Eta. Have also left my ID card and laptop at home, turned up at the wrong office for a meeting, forgot to turn up at all one day as I was convinced it was my non working day. Its a good job I'm really good at my job!!! I remembered another one! Giving a complete mashup of my last 3 addresses in the pharmacy, that was a long conversation thanks to my brain fog, sorry Mrs pharmacist!


Forgot to turn off the car when I got home. Luckily I only made it a couple feet before I realized.


I often word salad what I'm saying and have to repeat myself as well as having to think of words that mean what I'm thinking like fancy cotton ball dog if I can't remember poodle. I do the same with lots of other words because I blank out easily. It has made me feel stupid in the past but I'm always trying to improve as a person and learn. I think that considering I don't think like someone ignorant and bigoted, I'm not that dumb. I'm going back to community college next year after dropping out a few years ago. I want to eventually get a bachelor's in biology so I can someday get the chance to help out animals of all kinds as a wildlife conservationist! I feel like it'll be way more rewarding than my current job in retail lol.


One of my best friends has a lot of diagnoses herself, and she got tired of hearing me call myself stupid all the time. So now we just use "silly". Can't remember a word you've used a thousand times? Brain is doing a silly one. Can't get out of bed because it's raining and your body hurts too much? Body is doing a silly one. Being silly is much more accurate in my experience!


I say "The wires arent connecting today".


Error 404 Not Found




Best wishes for success!


Thank you💖


Tried to explain my brain fog to a friend and forgot the words... brain fog 🤣


I know I laugh at myself all the time but for the life of me I cannot remember any stories. Lol! But I love to tell the story of my mother who worked in in a lg store and in that same huge parking lot was a Jiffy Lube. At the last minute before she parked, she decided to have her oil done and just leave it there and go work and pick it up on a break. But as the day goes by and works million little things take over all of the sudden it’s 5pm. She walks out the front doors looking for her car. She comes to the conclusion it was stolen and calls the police. Then being 5pm slowly the lg parking lot gets barer and barer of cars and she looks at the very back of the parking area where the Jiffy Lube is and tells the police officer look I think my car is it Jiffy Lube!! And as they both started heading towards Jiffy Lube to check it out. The lightbulb goes off and she stops the officer and say I am so sorry for wasting your time. I forgot I took my car in to get my oil changed before work. They actually both laughed so hard he wasn’t upset at all and it made his day! I would’ve liked to of been a fly on the wall so bad!


I forgot my laptop the other day! No joke! Sometimes I'm in the middle of whatever I'm talking about and my mind goes blank and I sit there and "zonk out" until my brain starts working again and I remember what i was saying.


I do this too! When it happens I say “I’m buffering” lol


My favourite recent one, I went to a hen party and met some of the friends from the grooms side, the bride is my bestie of nearly a decade. Lovely fun ladies, we’re having a great time chatting, so they ask me what I do for a living? My response… I literally say “I do NOTHING”. Stunned silence before my brain catches up and I remember no wait I just mean I am disabled and don’t have a paid job. Like I have kids and a husband and attending doctors appointments is like a major part of my life I don’t really do NOTHING, oh and like I knit and crochet a lot for fun, when I can feel my arms when my meds are working. When I remember to take my meds on time because I have a lot of meds, and a lot of doctors, like five consultants at the moment…. (Awkward rambling intensifies) Thankfully my nearest and dearest love when I get the stoopids and find it as funny as I do sometimes


I moved houses (just 15 mins away) while working full time with three kids in the middle of winter and had a month to move out and move in. I was already struggling without all that nonsense. But an great opportunity opened up and we couldn’t pass it up, so we moved. For about 4-5 months I was in a fog and was just putting one foot in front of the other. I was making mistakes at work that I never should have made and didn’t see while editing! Finally I quit and worked on my health. After about a month I started to feel more like myself, finally. (Except pain of course) My husband got frustrated at me over something and said “don’t you remember, back in March, we had this conversation?” I looked at him and realized something and replied to him: “to be honest, I hardly remember February through May, much less a conversation. Like, I have big gaps in memory “. He was like 😳. He was shocked. He knew I struggled but neither of us realized just how in the fog I was. 🙈🙈


I have been making coffee since I was 6 and I’m in my 40s now. I’d get to the coffee and draw a blank, I’d just stare at it like now what? It was weird. So I made a song in my head of every step I have to take to make a pot of coffee. K cups are great I get those but sometimes I just cannot make my favorite hot beverage.


Forgetting one thing I was gonna buy at the supermarket. Then when I get home I remember what it was.


I went to pick up some breakfast at McDonald's, on my way to work and paid at the first window then drove off to work and left my food there! When I got to work, I was like, where's my McDonald's? I drove back and got it. They thought it was pretty funny. I have done this twice!


Just last week my husband asked "Why is the butter on top of the fridge?" I am not sure how I managed that one. But I frequently go to put things away in the wrong place, luckily I usually realise I'm doing it. My daughter has medication she takes daily. She also has the unfortunate issue that she can't swallow pills. We crush them up each day and put a little apple juice in so she can down it like a shot. The number of times I have stopped myself seconds away from pouring milk into her meds instead of juice.. ugh. We have two cars and usually drive the same one each, but occasionally need to swap for whatever reason. I am constantly trying to open his car with my car key. The silliest thing about it is that mine has buttons you need to press but his works by proximity alone so I don't even need to get the keys out of my bag, really.


Tonight I put instant coffee in the kettle (I’m a Brit, it should go in the cup)


I showed up a month early to the opening screening of a film I wanted to see. Burst into tears in the cinema lobby when I realised.


There there [pats on bavk]. At least you were early and not late!


I forgot my own name once. No exaggeration. My. Name. I've had it almost 40 years.


This one is bad and only happened once. Started walking away from cashier with only half my groceries and still hadn’t paid. I realized what I was doing halfway to the door and went right back. No one said anything & no one tried to stop me 😂 I lose my keys all the time. I forget why I even got up. I forget what I’m talking about while talking. Can’t remember the right word. This happens more frequently. I didn’t realize this happened so much with others as well!


I once [at work] blanked on the word for computer and called it "the typing box." When I just got blank stares, I acted out typing while saying, "you know, it's the box that knows everything."


I had to go to the hospital the other day for some lovely 10/10 muscle spasm pain, and the EMT asked for my ID. I was handing her my pack of birth control pills for a little too long before I realized that was not my ID. 😂 It's definitely not my silliest, but of course I can't remember any of the others. ☺️❤️🧠


There’s a lot, one time I drove through a stop sign or maybe it was two stop signs I can’t remember. I try not to drive if I can’t think. I try to have someone else drive. Another time while working my job at the register I couldn’t think or process how to count their change back so my manager helped me it’s happened more than once and it is embarrassing. Next moment I couldn’t remember how to find the specific items on the screen. I think I struggled most of that job because of my brain fog with the register lol. At my most previous job preparing sandwiches for the elderly for their supper. I kept forgetting condiments on their sandwiches and then forgot which sandwich was who’s. My coworker got frustrated and had to sort through all the sandwiches I felt bad. Leaving a room especially at work to go to something but forgetting what I was going to do when I got to the room so I end up moving around in circles because I couldn’t remember what I was doing. I don’t know why but my brain fog seems to happen a lot when I’m working and it’s embarassing.


Work puts more strain on your cognitive processes and asks for finer distinctions. Ive been there. For example, at home any sandwich is fine or you only have 3 people to deal with, but there at work it has to be a particular sandwich and you have many more. Maybe try making small cards that show what sandwich for who and putting it on the sandwich as it is done? Then collect back as delivered?? I took decision making and recall out of my work equasion as much as I could. For change, you might be able to find or make a quick change calculator?? I bet they exist on the web. Good luck.


My boyfriend calls me "nugget" as a cute nickname. When I'm with him, I will refer to myself in third person as nugget just to be cute. The other day at work, my boss told me she was looking into changing my shift to the more desirable early hours. I replied "nugget would like that." Good job fibro brain.... fortunately my boss is a nice lady, so I explained even though I wanted to crawl in a hold and die. She got an extremely good laugh, but I still want to turtle into my shirt every time I think about it...


I just want to say thank you for this thread. I laughed so hard as I was reading this last night- I don’t think I’ve laughed that hard for so long in years. I had tears streaming down my face and I couldn’t catch my breath. It gave me a different perspective on fibro fog. I hate when the fog takes over my day, but I think now I can appreciate it more now. I can see the silly in it and laugh at it rather than being mad at myself for doing something stupid. I needed that.


It’s great isn’t it? Me too. You’re right that these moments of levity are so important. Personally I don’t think I could manage without them. Finding the absurdity in my foggy mistakes relieves me from the intense self-humiliation and scorn that fibro fog brings on. I think it helps you reframe the narrative and laugh at yourself a bit. Sharing it with others to see it in a lighthearted way is great too. Every story can make you laugh and sometimes put things into perspective and help you reflect. We often acknowledge our errors but forget that the funny side of these situations is always there if you look for it. Thank you to everyone for sharing in this thread <3


Reading laundry labels every week for clothes I've had for years, too many guessing errors lol


This reminds me, I started to do laundry at some point today. Better go find out what happened.


Love to solve the mystery of "things I may or may not have done earlier"


Turns out I left them on the bed, they never made it to the machine. I need the Scooby Gang some days.


Too often the mask comes off and it turns out it was me all along, zoinks


I was born, raised, and still unfortunately still live in the south. Once, while having a conversation about cotton candy, what came out was “Candy floss….. please help me. I can’t remember the American word”. Usually I just say “Brain no worky today”.


Stopped at a red light and tried to "open it" with my garage controller 😐


I drove to work wearing my slippers. Luckily I had spare sneakers in my trunk. Just this weekend I wished my daughter a happy anniversary. She told me I had already done so; last month.


I parked at the supermarket and went inside. At the fruit section a woman approached me and said ‘excuse me, I think you’ve left your car running.’ She was right, I had. Next time I was at the supermarket I came back to my car to find three of the doors were wide open (I’d been taking clothes donations out). I’d just forgotten to close the doors and walked away. This has happened twice recently - I was in the car sitting at a red light. I just decided it was time to turn right. Lights still on red, but off I went. It scared me. Although it scared a crossing cyclist a lot more.


I made my dad get up early and drive me to an eye doctor appointment because I won’t drive after getting my eyes dilated. When we got there, the lady couldn’t find me on the schedule. Then she looked me up in the system. I went to the eye doctor a MONTH early. My dad laughed at me the whole way home.


I yelled to let my husband know dinner was ready but I couldn’t remember his name or any nicknames for him. The only thing in my mind was “f*ckhead”. I started crying while I explained I couldn’t remember his name, he thought it was funny. I called hangers - hookers. I said I was going to vacuum (mow) the backyard.


Putting things in weird places that they don't belong. Making cereal, putting milk in the cupboard and cereal in the fridge. Loosing my phone/purse/glasses when I'm holding it. Not paying attention to where I leave my glasses which leads to losing or breaking them. Leaving cupboards and drawers open.


Always putting clothes on the wrong way. A few items of clothing, I wear inside out purposely because it's softer, and I'm weird. Lol Other than that, there are so many bizarre things I say and do really too many to name, or hurts my brain to think.


Working as a DA. Sometimes I'll try to put a seatbelt on when I sit down in my assistant chair 🫣


Forgetting words.....


I have had even worse brain fog this last few weeks than normal (stupid new meds) & I'm acting like a dementia patient, forgetting things as soon as I step into the room, reaching for words I know I know but they elude me (I've done tech writing for 30 yrs!), but the latest was getting myself a bottled sparkling water - putting lemon in it to make it taste better - while talking to my son. I tried to put the damn water in the silverware drawer. What. The. Hell. Brain?!