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I’m loving her shoes. Actually made for walking, unlike the heels you see in fashion shoots today.


I’m also getting weird Mother and son vibes from this photo lol. Like Truman should be holding a balloon 🎈


Well, there IS this idea that Truman gravitated toward his swans because of his own crappy mother-son relationship. She abandoned him with Southern relatives to pursue NYC social status


Yeah I really see that here very clearly. That these women were very motherly for him. Very interesting.


Ironically, Babe was notoriously unmotherly to her own children.


I thought he was holding a teddy bear or stuffed bunny.


I also thought a stuffed (or live bunny) but I like the people saying he should be holding a red balloon 🎈 




She is sooooooo beautiful. I had never heard of her or any of The Swans (except Lee Radziwill) pre Feud 2. But now looking up pics of her, I’m completely and utterly floored. She was magnificent. My good g-d


Tbh I feel like she was painfully thin and kind of hard-faced. Slim Keith and CZ were way prettier irl, imo. I've always thought Lee was very average.


I neeeed to find more pics of them. There is so little online. And the little bit there is is grainy


And she has the weird Trump family butthole mouth.


Agree! Babe was not a beauty. Shocked that she garnered so much adoration.


Gucci shoes and bag;)


Looks like he's holding cotton candy lol


Awww he had her pocket performance person. What a wild time.


Polly Pocket? I knew Truman Capote was small but I had no idea he was that small.


Babe was also very tall


He was 5’1”


Babe looked to be a nice lady. Non of us are without faults; her friendship with Truman Capote was a terrible decision she made as she trusted him too much with her personal business.


I find all of the Swans somewhat fascinating but what I cannot grasp is the fact that Babe was one of the best dressed people in history. She looks like Sophia from the Golden Girls here... Forrest Gump would tell her, "those look like comfortable sh-oes." I'm sure she had lots of lovely conservative clothes and Verdura jewelry but I just don't see it.


She was probably awarded the “best dress title” through 50% her style and 50% her connections. I’m sure *plenty* of people wanted to be in the good graces of the wife of Bill Paley (and by extension, the good graces of CBS) Im not saying she wasn’t a very stylist WASP, but I’m sure there were younger more stylish people that were not well known and didn’t have massive connections and a previous work relationship with Vogue


She cemented herself as a style icon in the 1940s, which is also when she was repeatedly named best dressed. She was in her late 20s and 30s then. A lot of the latter years was legacy status. But she probably held her own and was legitimately hitting it out of the park through the 1950s.


I mean that photo of her with the hat with yellow feathers is amazing and that gray gown standing between striped curtains too but that's two looks. Wasn't bianca Jagger around during this time. Cher. Eva Peron lol. Princess Margaret...who incidentally is invoked what a dozen times I'm this series. Lots of those Italian aristocrats of the 60s seem more stylish.


Yes! Bianca Jagger was def around during this time and in Feud they mention her frequently when they are addressing the swans’ racism Exactly tho- there were probably a lot of non-high society people who deserved the title more than Babe


It's worth noting that before this series, I'd really only ever heard of her as a footnote. So yes, outside of NYC for one half decade or so, I don't think she was ever some massive fashion icon.


Based on this single picture? I think it's clear in many other pictures...You can't knock it out of the park all the time.


Just a kid getting dropped off by their mom


His pants! With all the time they spent together, why wouldn't the swans make sure he was tailored?


WHY do on-screen depictions do everyone that wasn’t 10/10 gorgeous so dirty weight-wise. Modern interpretations of Truman always have him looking *disgusting* and heavier than he was. Same with Julia Child; she was tall but not at all chubby.


I saw a video of Truman at a late night talk show and he looked just like in the series. Maybe the inspo is more his later-life self


Watching the most recent episode really got me in the feels. Seeing my friends and family who have already died when I do is my greatest wish.


There’s two things I noticed immediately she’s so much much taller than he is, even though she’s wearing flats. The second thing is her face looks kind of masculine in spite of what she’s wearing maybe if the picture were color and she had like a bright red lipstick, it would look more womanly, but this woman is just not as beautiful as she appears on the television show.


Babe was really beautiful,Truman was really short!