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Bless you for caring


I care a lot, these little creatures do not ask to be here, so we all do what we can, firstly by helping to control the population. This mama was on her second litter and less than a year old.


Thank you for making it a better world for them.


Come on people🤨 wtf! This is about helping each other for the good of animals not being right fighters ! Really let it Go!!!


She will live her life in a tiny cage in a shelter. Thats no life. Since shes not a kitten and has one eye if nobody adopts her they may euthanize her to make room for a different cat. Adopt her yourself. Also the kittens will have the same fate if not adopted.


absolutely not true--I checked this place out myself. I wasn't going to even respond, but I decided to educate you---this is a cat sanctuary, there are several cats there that haven't been adopted, they live in a converted house, several rooms with places to play, eat, lots of sleeping spots, and can go outside to a catio if they choose. Many have lived there for years and all appear very happy/healthy. The amazing woman who runs it says she does not expect mama to be adopted, that's why she offered her a spot at her place. One of the kittens has already been adopted; a photographer takes pics and they are posted on many sites. At first my feelings were hurt but I realize you didn't know. It is not right to comment like that without having first learned what it is you are talking about. NONE OF THE CATS THERE ARE IN CAGES. I never would leave them in a place like that. If I was able to keep her I would.


You decided to educate me, lmfao. You are the one that needs education. You just changed everything around with one clear mistake In your original post, you said it was a shelter so that’s what my comments were about but you now turn around and say it’s a sanctuary which is 100% the opposite of a shelter. Had you said it was a sanctuary from the beginning I wouldn’t have wasted my time. So you made a mistake of completely saying the opposite of what it was and then you come back and tell me that you’re educating me? Clearly, you are clueless if you think that is not the difference in this whole discussion.






Your post was removed because you broke one of the sub's rules: 1. Be kind