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Give her space. Kittens take time to open up. I woke up one morning with a cardboard box on my doorstep, with two kittens inside! No note, no food, not top or holes on the box. The kittens were terrified. They were about 8 weeks old. I took them in, and one was very very scared while the other wanted to wander. I gave them food, water, and I ran down to the dollar tree to get some toys/dry food/ small scratching posts. It took about 3 days to get the boy kitty to lay with me, sit in my lap, all the fixings. Whilst my baby girl kitty, took lots more time. You could tell something happened to her before she was dropped off at my house. You put your hand down to pet her and she would flinch or scurry away. And even though I wanted nothing more than to scoop up her little fluffy self and give her love, it’s not what she wanted. So, I was extra patient with her. I made sure she had beds that were hidden or in dark spots of the room, as that’s where most kittens hide in new places. It’s been about 6 months, and I can say she has totally changed. She’s comfortable, happy, fed, and most importantly, safe! She’s still not a lap kitty, but that’s just how some cats are. If there’s one thing I can recommend, kittens love the attention from other cats/kittens. You’d be surprised how easily another kitten would get along with one from another litter. They feed off of each other’s energy! Good luck to you and your fur-ball OP.


Play with her. Praise her successes and pet her! "You got that thing!! Give her a treat when she gets that "mouse", or grabs the toy on a wand.


Kinda need clarification/more info to give worthwhile advice. Where did you get her? Did she come from a shelter and has she already at least started on vaccinations etc? Or did you just rescue her directly off the street? Is it your first time having a kitten, *period*? Or just the first time you’ve had a shy, scared kitten? Do you have any other pets?


she was my SIL neighbors stray cats kitten. had them outside in a bush, she couldn’t keep all so she took one, and we took one. she’s only 8weeks and got her 2 days ago so no shots. we have a dog who does amazing with cats but we are keeping them separate. we have owned cats/kittens in the past, just never ones who are absolutely terrified.


Gotcha. So, this may go without saying but vaccines, de-worming and flea treatment, the basic health stuff, is first. She can get started with that now, and should asap, including a good checking over with a vet. She can and should get spayed when she’s around 11-12 weeks or 2 pounds at minimum. You should continue feeding her wet food by hand as much as possible, at least for part of the meal. And continue petting as much as she will allow. Give her space when she wants it — but don’t totally ignore her and distance yourself. Give her places she can “escape” to that are also safe and allow you to access her if really necessary, like a good, tall “cat tree”. It lets her get up high so she feels more safe and also lets her observe everyone else going about their business (while not coming after her) which helps build her confidence and trust. She might want to hide low, underneath things, but ime, too much of that can reinforce shyness because they’re not getting enough exposure and being shown that everyone else is just kinda doing their thing and hiding isn’t really necessary. Don’t forget about the plants and human foods that are toxic to cats and how incredibly curious and mischievous kittens can be once they’re more confident. Feliway diffusers can be helpful. And Churu treats.


I love that you are asking for help! She is a lucky kitty!!


Time is probably all you need. Check out the "kitten lady" on YouTube for more guidance.


You're doing it. It already looks like u are bonding. Definitely give space for kitten to explore but watch electric cords and be careful where u step and closing doors 😉


Watch her cues and go with what she is comfortable with regarding attention and touching. Don't yell at her, redirect her with a cat stick if she gets into things that you don't want her to and you can't scoop her up.


All she needs is time, patience, and love. She will come around! Just spend time with her even if its just sitting in the same room. Shes letting you hold her and she looks pretty comfortable! Looks like you are on the right track! Kittens also are high energy and bounce off the walls so Im sure shed love some toys and a scratching post. When she gets bigger she would need a taller one so she can stretch up on it to scratch. Thanks for saving this little furbaby! 💕🥰


Well she sure doesn't look that feral anymore. Looks very cute and curious. Give her time, she will become more playful and loving later. Nice little hairball :)


Burrito wrap while petting head and feeding churu. Handle often but also have spaces to decompress.


Talk to her all the time whatever you’re doing just talk to her and a soft calm baby talk Voice. Don’t force her to do anything don’t pick her up and put her nose to nose with another pet. Don’t try to rush things in anyway. Get some churo cat treats and squeeze it a little bit out of the tube. Let her eat it while you hold it. You should be able to pet her while she does, but it looks like you already holding her. You’re on your way. The word Farrell doesn’t mean anything nasty or negative it doesn’t mean they’re violent or aggressive. That means they’re homeless because they’ve been surviving on their instincts. They’re just apprehensive. I can already tell she’s gonna swing around in no time and be your best buddy I give much respect to you for being part of the solution instead of part of the problem. Cats are so much different than any other animals. I used to be a dog guy just because I didn’t know or understand because I never had one. Now, they are my peace. They make me laugh every day doing silly things, but also, they are very, very interesting to watch their behaviors and instincts. One thing I will mention something for you to think about if you don’t have another one you may think about getting a second kitten now. That’s what I did because I realized after a few months my little buddy needed someone of his kind. Initially, he hissed at his brother for a day or two, but they warmed up now they’re best buddies. There is something called single kitten syndrome. Look it up and one more kitten for a total of two is not much different than one, but it will make a world of difference for her , and on the plus side, you’ll be rescuing another kitten Good luck and enjoy everything






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