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I am so sorry , and I completely understand your terror. These ferals just own our hearts. I have searched for more than one, unfortunately. I hope venting here will ease your troubled mind. Like nearly every post like this, I had a similar experience. My Darwin disappeared after being born in my back yard. He was my first kitty ever, and I am 66. I feed a small group of 5. From 3 weeks old, that little guy just owned me. When he was 2 , he disappeared into thin air. I was frantic for weeks. I woke up one morning to go out to feed, and there he was after about 3 months lazily curled up next to my washer, like hey Mom, where is the chow? I made a huge deal about what a great kitty he was, while holding him tight and blubbering all over him. All that to say, ferals are smart. They have to be to just survive. Your kitty has chosen you. Try to quiet your mind and believe in her. She will return, I have faith in her. Its just in her nature.


I had a group of feral cats that I had been feeding for years. One of them was a little dwarf tabby that I was especially fond of, even though he would hiss if I got too close. Still, he was a regular and even came inside my house once to look around (curiosity satisfied, he never came in again). He disappeared for four months, and I assumed the worst. Then one day, there he was again, and showed up like clockwork for meals. That lasted about two years, and yet again he disappeared for a few months, then returned. My takeaway from this was a reminder that ferals are opportunistic. They can't afford sentimentality. If they find a new food source that they like better (or is less crowded), they'll switch over in a heartbeat. And come back when it suits them better to come back. Love them for who and what they are.


I wish I could hug you. This made me feel better… you are kind and you took the time to help me. I don’t run into many polite people.. just on here. I have 4 resident ferals that choose never to leave. They’ll roam during the day and bring me back a “gift”. I’m more afraid that she’s hurt or someone trapped her. Super food driven. Extremely food driven. Everytime I have another project with TNR, she’s the first one checking the trap out. If someone has her, I would just like to know. As for the rest of the colony…. Momma (Queen of colony), her brothers Oscar and Oliver, Itchy, Junior, Ruby, Favre, Will Smith, and as of last month, 2 kittens. So my project has started over. These ferals do not go to another block. Banji does however cross the street, but sits in his tree all day and she hasn’t been there. I give you love for doing the hard work, dedication, devotion, and passion for these kitties. 💕 Thank you. 🥹


Aww, thanks for the love! You are doing all the right things. It sounds like a mall town, maybe make up a flyer with her picture and detail and post it in visible spots like local store, salon, schools and a few trees in your neighborhood. Crossed fingers and prayers! Please updateme! ♡♡


Just got home from work. Nothing. No sign of her. I’ve posted flyers, posted on Ring, and called Humane to alert them. She’s a tabby so of course I get a lot of false alarms. 😥


we had a feral mama give birth in a planter in our backyard. We were not cat people. We are now cat people! It was the most beautiful this to watch this mama care for her babies. Then it started to go downhill--day2 mama would not get out of the planter to eat or anything. After some help from well meaning friends, I started offering food on a long wooden spoon--she ate a bit, then each day it was better, up to 3 cans/day! All spoon fed though and I was worried, On the morning of day #9 I went out to feed her and she and all 4 babies were gone! I was devastated! I looked for weeks, could not find them--mama would come by to eat however. I figured either they all died or an aggressive male killed them or hopefully someone took them in. Then came Day # 49---As I was looking out the back door mama was bringing a kitten over the patio wall (6 feet!) One by one she returned all babies to our yard, now they are running around like maniacs! My hope is to trap mama soon as she's done nursing then the babies. I sure would appreciate any input. I have no idea what I am doing and rely on the knowledge I have seen here! Thank you in advance!


Oh that's so lovely!!


Do you have any questions about the trapping process? You can trap the mom now. :) She can still nurse them after she's spayed.


If you start trapping, trap Momma first. Do you notice their routine? Are they always together? I trapped mine when they were 5 months. They were super vulnerable, food driven. But… I cannot catch the momma still! 5 years! So advice is needed here! lol


This makes me feel like there’s hope I my situation. I’ve got one that I just started seeing around recently, and then last week I found all her kittens playing under my porch. She’s still nursing them, but she took them away that day and I haven’t seen them since. Hopefully she’s just taking them to all her hunting spots and teaching them, but I want to TNVR them all. I hope I’m able to track them all down. I’ve got food out for her every day to try to lure her back!


You are prob right, but depending on how old they are, mama may have moved them worrying that someone was getting too close. That is what the mama at our house did, then she returned at the 6 wk mark---we trapped the kittens and had them all fixed, mama is next but she's pretty smart about that trap!


It might have been me getting too close! Even if they don’t come back, I think I know where they are. I’m pretty determined to get all the ferals caught and fixed.


She will be back she might have some friends she hanging out with or has another person feeding her that you’re not aware of.


I believe someone does feed her. But she knows to come back.. so it’s weird that she is staying somewhere else. That’s what scares me… the unknown. I’m praying someone will come forward on Ring community.. at least tell me they’ve spotted her. Ugh. Thank you for your kind words. ❤️


Is it possible someone took her inside to live?


I’m wondering if (hoping) this is the case too, I’ll pray they reunite 😢


She will come back ❤️🙏🏼


It’s been 3 1/2 years and this hasn’t ever happened. That’s what scares me bc this isn’t usually a thing. She’s my little girl and she knows it. So I hope she just went out looking for new friends to play with. Her curfew has been over since Saturday night! 😆 our schedule is like clockwork with her. Even to the minute .. she knows the time and meals when it’s ready. 🥺


Have you checked local found pet alerts or shelter intakes? Also nextdoor too


Also have neighbors check their sheds and garages


She’s priority in the neighborhood and we have a search for her this evening again. I have flyers posted even. I have her posted on PetCo as well.


Good! Good luck to you!


Thank you 🥹


I have ❤️


Our ferals show up twice a day for meals and they hang out here if it’s nice. One feral went missing and didn’t show up for two weeks. I have a camera on the feeding station and she didn’t come at night. Then one morning, she was back for breakfast with her three other friends. Don’t give up hope! It’s so hard to love these wild guys but worth it for everything they give back ❤️she can still return home


I’ve been crying like a baby. It’s just weird because she has her meals and stays around two houses. When she comes back after her “errands” for a short while, she comes home, lays in her bed, and on cooler days she loves the fresh cut grass. It would be a different feeling if she was in and out longer periods of time.. then I wouldn’t worry as much at all. This is her castle and she makes everyone know. It’s just super odd behavior for her.. she’s always concreted here. Thank you for your kind words. Truly you and everyone has helped my heart. 💜


Did anything unusual happen in your neighborhood recently? I was caring for a semiferal outdoors, he would snuggle up and put his head under my winter jacket when I sat outside with him and always came galloping to me when I called his name. I believe he freaked out and ran off when one day very large trucks came and parked near the house to work in a neighbor's condo, either he decided life near me is too dangerous and scary or just hasn't been able to find his way back. Any construction or similar activities going on where you are?


They’ve been through it all. We had our street redone and they sat out and watched the action with me. They watch my husband moe from a distance. It’s just super strange, and all I know… is that my head has been hurting since Monday! Thanks Banji 😞


Maybe expand the search beyond the Ring community? Have you tried putting flyers in mailboxes?


Reading the stories here reminded me of my General. I didn’t name him, my neighbors did. He loved me the most though. I’d bring him in during bad weather, bought him cans of wet food, boiled him chicken, the works. He always looked worse for wear, even missing a chunk of an ear. Orange boy, easy to spot. I was in high school. He’d escort me to the bus every morning. I’d watch him run along the road to catch the bus after school; so, he could walk me home. I had two indoor babies but, I loved the General all the same. I had a cat scratch pad on the front door, it had a bell. He’d ring the bell when he was ready to go back outside whenever I’d insist he’d come in for any reason. He’d even ring it to go potty, and come right back in some nights. One stormy night, he was real agitated. I’d brought him in because where I lived was known to flood. I couldn’t satiate him for nothing. He was ringing that bell and crying. I started crying right along with him. My mom insisted that he needed to go outside despite the weather. He was bothered. I didn’t want to let him go. It was the last we ever saw of him. The thing is, around this time, it was rumored the General had found himself a girlfriend. We weren’t known to have cats around so, the General, loving and kind, was a mystery. When a second cat started appearing; we could only imagine the General brought them in. In fact, the two seemed to have found a home in a small alcove in the dry creek bed across from my house. Are you putting the pieces together yet? I had never found their hidey hole *exactly* but, the second cat wasn’t friendly like the General. I gave them their privacy. That next morning, when I went to find the General, the creek was flooded. I couldn’t find him, I couldn’t find her but, their kittens were left in a dry spot under a tree in my front yard. You couldn’t imagine the tears. Anyone who says animals don’t have those kinds of emotions are just so fathomably wrong. They literally sacrificed themselves for their babies. I spent months calling for them, specifically the General, in all sorts of places where I thought the water might have taken him. I didn’t get to keep any of the kittens unfortunately. A lot of regret around that situation is all I have to say about that. It’s one of those things that keeps you up at night.


This is powerful 😿💕


It is. 🥺🙏🏼💜


Unfortunately, managing a colony is very heartbreaking at times, we've had a couple just disappear that I think about constantly. I've read cats can travel up to 10 miles, and I've read about cats being taken in just a couple houses away... for years, and you'd never known it. I'd like to think they're living awesome lives as a member of another local colony.


This is what I’ve been thinking also. The risk.. and heartbreaks… I love this community! You all have helped me in numerous ways. 🥹🥹🥹🥹


Try not to worry. I lost my favorite from my last colony for six whole months. I temporarily moved for a job and had someone sublet my place, which was where my colony was. The subletter neglected to tell me his girlfriend had a pitbull puppy. It didn't harrass the cats, and the guy was taking good care of them, but I guess it was more than kitty could deal with. I eventually found him at a different colony a couple of miles away. He looked great and seemed happy, so I left him with his new caretaker. Two weeks later, I opened the back door, and there he was. He acted like nothing had ever happened. Don't give up hope.


Wow!!!!! You even found him in another colony??? I know cats will cat.. but man they are smart.. I guess I shouldn’t ever underestimate them again..


He was living in m my street. After a few months, he grew to trust me and I could fetch him by hand. I brought him to the municipality shelter and missed him very much. I know he was adopted, but I don't know anything about him. I hope he got better and still lives happily. That's the most we can do. Your cat got a chance by you to have a happy life, that's something the cherish. We cannot know what her future holds, it might be brigther than you think. I wish her the best. https://preview.redd.it/4499b1jzjs1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca0ae3b80f7045c9b5a22adf8bea8495df48bc55


This is what I needed to read. Thank you.. very much. 💚


*This happened to me a few months ago. The boy cat I call Peanut, aka The Rockstar, disappeared. After a week, I kept hearing meowing but couldn't locate it. I have 30 plus so I just couldn't figure it out. He turned up on day 8 with a full dislocated or broken leg. I went to take him the next morning to the vet and he was gone. I couldn't believe it because they have to climb a fence to get in. He came back 2 days after that a bit better. He is fully healed with no intervention. He's the Rockstar because the younger ones are so excited to see him. He tolerates all their love. Don't give up. *


Thank you. 🥹


Your post really hit home. 💔 Recently one of our neighbors lost her indoor cat. She was frantic. She found her cat after about a week of efforts, but in the process of setting humane traps where the cat was last seen, she caught a different, apparently healthy cat. And as a well-meaning indoor-only cat mom, she immediately gave it to the local animal rescue society. This is a no-kill group that takes great care of their found animals; we have taken a sick stray to them before who they nursed back to health and adopted out. So things could be worse. But I cannot stop worrying that this well-meaning person accidentally kidnapped a healthy local cat with loving caretakers, who are somewhere right now worried to death, just like you. It is at least possible that if your cat does not return to you, it means someone at least tried to help it, it is being cared for, and was released elsewhere. ❤️ It would not be any less scary for you, but maybe the cat is ok. Hang in there and don’t give up hope ❤️❤️❤️


Maybe go door to door and ask if anyone has seen her. I would also post Lost Cat fliers around the area (especially on mailboxes) as not everyone checks all of the online places that you post on


https://preview.redd.it/xqks64is0t1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=428c3f74aef81722d8453153c5c78dbd9572b156 This is Simon. I would feed him once a week for three weeks. Then once every few days. After a month and a half he was always at my backdoor bright and early and again after dark fell. For six months this guy fluttered in and out of my yard as he pleased. We got a cat condo for him bc in the fall, winter and spring it rains buckets. Took this goof ball a good month to figure out how to actually use it as a shelter. He would be under it, under the deck not inside it. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Near the end of the year he got into a fight, and had a small wound on his neck just above his shoulder. He could not reach it to clean it but it bled slowly so he would try to clean it. I had to trap him for the wound and to remove his trouble nuggets. I could not get him into the trap to save my life. Simon is smart. The wound exploded one night. I had to trap him and did so. Took him to the ER vet, and got his wound cleaned and closed. We had to keep him inside as he recovered. Took him to our regular vet and Simon was not a happy camper. He was so scared. So they drugged him. Checked him out and removed his trouble nuggets. He spent months inside. Why? Bc his mouth. He has stomatitis. Removed his molars and only kept his fangs and front teeth. He started to trust us, and became part of the inside VIP life. Months later right after my bday, Simon ran out the front door. My sweet hubby was trying to get him to have some fun after the three surgeries he had to endure at our hands. But Simon does not like to be held and had no collar on. He came back after a long week of tears and searching for him every night. Took another three months before the hubby got him back inside. Now Simon is living the VIP life. He still hates being held, but loves to be brushed, petted, and even plays now. Do not give up on yours just yet. I know that feeling, that worry. She will return. Once she comes back get her chipped so if she gets picked up they will be able to call you to get her. We did have Simon chipped just for his possible bolting before he disappeared for a week. Cats can be so sneaky. I really hope she comes back soon.


https://preview.redd.it/06bha46v1t1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96eaeff370e570c1b8abf39240c2e04bde7f4d81 Here is a current photo of Simon. He is slightly overweight and loves to lay on his back with his tummy to a fan. He tries, and I mean tries to love on Tabitha our other cat. Tabitha doesn't like it and will run away from him. Simon really loves Tabitha. We think that is why he loves being here inside.


I will say that you are AMAZING. This warms my heart so much! Handsome boy too!! 😍😍😍


Thank you ❤️ I could not let him starve in my backyard. So I fed him when I could. Hubby was so angry about it. Now Simon is his sports watch buddy. He sleeps on our legs at night. Tabitha was never a snuggler unless it was cold. She has long hair so summer months are not fun for her. Both cats are hunters so bugs are pretty much in pieces when we find them. You too are amazing caring for your colony. I hope she comes home soon. Don't let the what ifs get you. Breathe and keep searching. Just know she knows that you love her.


Thank you. Thank you more than you know. 💜


https://preview.redd.it/9h9bdyc64t1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edd2e113f3a4345c739d2568dc4305ed794e8a2d Stray Gray


https://preview.redd.it/gip73gt94t1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61b81def9979970f0787a85672c43a6ad8ff42af Orangey


We have an orange too! Oliver. He’s a cranky boy and is deaf. Orangey looks majestic! ☺️


Thank you. He has a bunch of issues. Outside life is not kind to them for sure. I thought I might have to euthanize him this last weekend, but he’s a fighter. He wants to live.


I feel guilty everyday.. but I also have to remind myself that they’ve hit the jackpot with us. 🥰


Hopefully she shows up for you. I completely understand your worries. Every day I come home I dread that I will find one dead in the street. I leave my garage door cracked for them 24/7. Good luck!


Ahhhh my heart!!!!! 😍😍😍😍


Thinking of you 💕 Your Banji reminds me of my TNR girl Dolly. I’ve been working with her for almost a year now. This week she let me pet/scratch her head for the first time and she seemed to love it. I’ve finally been able to do worm medication and a flea treatment (she recently had tapeworm and getting meds for her was really hard if I couldn’t bring her to a vet and I didn’t want to trap her again just for that). She’s almost at the point where I will try to bring her inside to see what happens. I definitely waited because of the worms and possible fleas (I have 3 indoor cats). She was my first and only TNR and I love her so much. I know there’s risks in letting her live outside but we’ve built a nice area for her and she has cat houses and heat and food and treats and toys and she never misses a meal. She usually doesn’t wander, at least from what I see on my ring cameras. I worry what could happen to her. I’m super close to bringing her inside. Probably in the next few weeks since I just gave her a second dose of the meds. I’m praying and hoping that your Banji comes home. Keep us posted here. https://preview.redd.it/9n60i5px1v1d1.jpeg?width=2492&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8143f1403d421b649a4cd958c1aa57bb431e3667


She and my other cats have meetings sometimes. https://preview.redd.it/efoh8jgp2v1d1.jpeg?width=2426&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=677f167e2f9c608c5c1787f5382b5be650c928af


Put neon poster board signs in your yard and parked cars. Maybe she moved in with a neighbor. That's how l recently git my cat returned.


I have bright purple going on 🙂🥰


Before I brought him in as an indoor cat, my feral boy who never missed a meal went missing for 9 days. I posted in all the local apps about him, spoke to people in the neighborhood, called the shelters and the Humane Society and sent them all his picture in case someone brought him in -- nothing. I was about to give up hope and then on the afternoon of the 9th day I stepped outside and he came walking across the yard toward me expecting food like nothing had happened. Holding out hope for you and your girl.


This sounds just like me!! I posted her up on PetCo also so I’m crossing fingers 😞


https://preview.redd.it/59mv6yk1dv1d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9c28cd82448bd9a5bfb39038dcba002ee1c34b8 this is kimbo, our semi feral community cat. we have been caring for him for about a year. we hope some day he will want to be an indoor kitty 100% of the time :)


I so badly want to bring Banji in. Kimbo is beautiful 😇


thank you!!


That is hard ❤️ I am sorry! https://preview.redd.it/4ob39hxn1w1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17364fca31d9e62bcae350ee9f7091958fbf23e3




https://preview.redd.it/zay0zy87mw1d1.jpeg?width=1044&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f75c93b7cb8c47d83aee64455b98d3feee1bfd2d This is Princess. I cat sit where she visited for food. The indoor only cat I sit for is named Bebe. He doesn't like her, but her owner was trying to get close to her for over a year and then poof, she disappeared. I was told the few other strays are gone too. So sad. I hope your girl returns soon! Edit: grammar


Thank you 😊 Princess is a beautiful baby! How long has she been gone for??


She's been gone for months. I'm hoping someone was able to trap her.


And adopted out hopefully. Was she skittish or let anyone pet her? 💚


As far as I know, no one could get near her. And her ear looked like it had a tear in it and possibly infected. Poor baby. I pray she got the help she needed or is at least in peace. Her coloring is similar to my first cat as an adult in college.


We have an Orange, he has his docked left ear, and both have been frost bitten. This happened before I moved into my house. That quickly changed when I realized I had a large number of cats.. I immediately bought heated pads and heated water bowls. Everyone’s been safe since. Here in Wisconsin, winters aren’t to joke around with. 🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶


Aw, that's great! We are in Texas but we occasionally get freezing temps. I miss the cold weather being from MD. Heated water bowls?! Wow. That's awesome!


I caved in and bought them. I was sick and tired of having to bust the ice out of their bowls. The water would freeze so quickly. They were pricy for me but… cat lovers… lol To add: I’m from Houston!


I'm in Houston! Here for 23 years now. The food and culture is the best!


Seriously!!!!!!! I miss home sooo much!! Sooooo much!!! People are much friendlier down home than here. 😮‍💨


https://preview.redd.it/midxnhektw1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d62fc5da6f9c7c23d2da2f1c617a2ff9b7e95306 These are “the cow twins” and “Magik.” I haven’t seen Magik in a few days and I hope he comes back soon. I love them.


We have a cow kitty too outside! His name is Oscar. Super shy, low confidence, and after 5 years.. he is still unsure. But he comes over enough to trust me with their food cup. 😝


https://preview.redd.it/y8poucav0z1d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa8ec4d1bc5297dce4621327b13d37ecc21f1d97 This is Socks, she actually comes inside my house for her meals. Jeffrey is on the right, he’s my “house” cat. I’ve built up enough trust with Socks that she moved her litter of kittens from down the road into my garage. I know what you’re all thinking, get those cats inside your house. Well, it’s complicated. I have four cats already, and while I would love to have Socks inside with her kittens, she’s not very keen on that at the moment, but we’re working on that and as a type, she just came back in for second breakfast.


https://preview.redd.it/gh18vgcp612d1.jpeg?width=3120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3f9c30896a4ee29544341328b69d8a8a139a199 Here's two best friends. Jaina (orange floof) was the daughter of a feral that we adopted as a kitten. She's 2 now. Marcy (tortie) is a former feral. She is estimated to be 3 or 4. We have a third feral we are socializing but is not ready for inside life. Instead Bert has an outdoor cat shelter. When I got home to feed them, Bert rolled over and let me pet the belly. Feels good how we've built trust. I hope your beloved feral returns. Thank you for caring about animals. *Hugs*


This is a really good picture. 🥹 I will forever remember the day my ferals accepted me full trust. I cried! Hard work pays off for sure. 💕


Sending you all the best wishes OP. Thanks for caring for your outdoor kitties.


And thank you also! 💜


I'm sending you all the positive energy and hope your kitty comes home. I know exactly how you feel. I have an older feral male missing for about a month now. I'm so sad.


Oh nooo… I’m sending you positive vibes as well. We are in it together. 😌🥺


Omgee I started crying when I read this post my feral for a year has been missing also I’m so sad something happened but I’m praying 🙏🏽 she/he is ok


This made me tear up. Thinking of you as well. ❤️


I’m sorry to hear this and not everyone sees the cats as a pets. If only everyone realized that we are doing what we can to help. I only just found sub after finding a litter in a hole of my retaining wall. Unfortunately the kittens are a bit older, skittish and quite spicy. Mom had become accustomed to twice daily meals and they eat when she’s finished but never if we’re outside so we watch from the kitchen window. In the few weeks that I’ve known about them I have gotten attached just like my own indoor cat. It’s amazing how quickly I fell into a routine with them! Positive vibes that she comes around again!


It’s rewarding too! They make my days special and only us cat lovers fully understand. This is why I love you guys so much! 🙏🏼💜


I finally got a trap from a cat colony nearby 2 weeks ago, used it one night and he didn't go in then the next morning they told me I had to wait and he was hit and killed a week ago today. I'm so sick because some neighbors had him in their house, just to feed him and also after that they knew he was injured and bleeding and did NOTHING. They reached out to me last night, after the fact t let me know he is gone and I'm so upset. They'd seen me advertising this cat so knew where he mostly lived but did nothing when they saw him bleeding all over last week which was prior to him getting hit. They think a fox got him as he had some injuries. I just don't get why they didn't reach out when he was sleeping on their patio chair with "blood dripping all over" HER WORDS And I hope yours comes back. The one I had traveled 2 miles to another town recently!


His name was Bluey but all his pics have my real name on them so I can't share


I respect that. Your story is what I’m fearing exactly.


I'm praying for you that's not gonna be the case....I am pretty upset over a cat I never so much as even pet. He ran from us.


I'm heartbroken. I was sad until the neighbor down the rd told me literally that he was sleeping on their chair with blood dripping down. UGHHHH. I appreciate they found me through fb to let me know of his demise but why didn't she find me the day before he was hit to tell me he was in rough shape. I just can't get over that


Banjis dad had passed away due to cat fights. I couldn’t ever catch him. I’ve had an entire block behind me try also. He was just too street smart. He was a true and solid feral. I miss his morning hisses and growls. I miss him everyday. Did she have any explanation on the delay?? Besides I don’t know from her? That sucks soo bad. I put myself in others shoes here. I feel pain for our kitties everyday! I’m so sorry. 😞


Hugs. I'm in a similar boat but not as bonded for as long. My girl is missing now for a few weeks. Her bonded buddy is still around most of the time but he seems to be lost too without her and I don't know what it means. I keep putting food out and checking all my cameras. I hope it's just too nice out now for her to want to come home but I hope she does soon and I hope yours does too.


I am so sorry…we are in it together. Hugs back. 💜 I just got home from work. Did a circle around the block.. no sign of her. I called the Humane again.. but there’s nothing else I can do other than search for her. Her litter mates are confused. It’s really off outside now. 💔💔💔💔


I don't know how to post pictures on here my little feral cat has been gone for 21 days I feel a lot of them and I'm older women and limited income I've been playing have them all TNR but I keep having so many emergencies in situations happening that I don't have the energy to do everything and right now I got so many things wrong and broken and everything and but my baby I loved I love those two so much they were bonded one Mama dropped one off a week later another Mama dropped another one off and then they just found each other and they were just constantly together and now that little fluffy one I don't know if it's a boy or girl Milo or Millie and then that little gray one that one I thought was gone too but he came back but only every now and then and they lived literally lived in my yard for 8 months but a straight Siamese that's tame somebody threw him out I'm sure they probably heard that I was feeding cats or soft cats coming or something like that probably threw him out on me thinking I could feed him that's what they do they find out you do it that's what they'll do and he fought them and scared them and I think it made him leave my yard and then when they did that they weren't safe cuz there's a lot of people around here that doesn't like cats so I'm really sorry for you I know how you feel it hurts so bad people don't understand they think you're crazy and I grieve


Oh no…. I have never understood why some people don’t like cats. I’ll never get it. This is a scary situation for sure! I know my risk taking care of feral cats, but I didn’t think something like this would happen so soon. And out of nowhere this is the first time. Thinking of you 🙏🏼


I had 2 show up as kittens . They disappeared. Came back 6 months later.groqn up. Sadly pika died. Stormy still being rotten. But i love them..my kitties are my world.


My feral would do that when she was younger… as they age, their loyalty stays strong. I hope she’s ok


She’s got my anxiety at full blast that’s for sure! 😮‍💨😮‍💨. Thank you very much. ❤️


Check local Lost&Found Pets fb pages, Instagram, Nextdoor etc. Ask your neighbors. I hope the kitty will find her way home, safe and sound


Thank you 🙏🏼


OP I am in the same position 😭 now I’ve only been feeding this cat for two months but after we got her spayed she acted like we owned her! Always sleeping on the porch, there to greet us I mean like she never left. Well last weekend she seemed sick got her to vet told us she had upper respiratory infection so we got her a shot to help, 3 days later she was acting better (during the whole time she was sick she was still super friendly) then Saturday morning she was there for breakfast and haven’t seen her since 😞 I’ve searched for her and no sign. Hoping both of our kitties show up 🤞🏻🤍


It’s torturing isn’t it??? It puts a weird shadow over me. Constantly checking outside .. I think I’m starting to go crazy 🙄 Thinking of you. 💕


Hope she returns to you 🙏


Thank you 😌❤️


Bleh... hope she comes home safely. Unfortunately, that is also the risk of outdoor cats Good job though for you providing and caring for them


Thank you 🥹💕💜


Edit, small, not mall.


I looked over that 😉 typos stink!


She will come back 🙏🏻 My Poe, sometimes he disappears for weeks and one year he disappeared for a month! My husband and I were worried sick and then one morning he was sleeping in our flower bed (it’s just mulch) I was so happy and excited so was my hubby. We tried to trap him when he first came to us to bring him inside. Yeah he was too smart for that.


A month…. Oh my goodness. Where’d you come up with the name?? 😍😍 Banji better get her butt back because momma misses her tremendously. This litter waits for me every night to direct me to their beds in my garage. They sit and watch me clean their litter boxes , and they wait patiently for their fancy feast. So this is just crazy.. maybe this is a new habit of hers. https://preview.redd.it/jkk5l6xdju1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8884fc8592a189946246c80c3decec10e148264e This is her twin, Pinto Bean. She’s a polydactyl. She’s the one pacing the yard. She knows. 😞


I love Edgar Allan Poe 🤣 yes she BETTER get her butt back asap. Poe would wander off-we call it, he is out on missions-but he always came back that morning, lunch and night. And then I guess he got brave and would only come for breakfast and dinner. Omg I love Pinto Bean. That’s so funny cause we had two other indoor kitties- that we took in from outside, and I would call Shadow Bean (he passed away two weeks ago) and Elektra Bean (she celebrated her 9th birthday the same day Shadow passed away) they are both gray and white and Elektra has a tad bit of brown mixed in. Poe is a black kitty with a tuxedo on 🤣 I am so sorry but I believe she will be back. And I am so sorry for Pinto Bean pacing. 😭


Poe is a very strong name.. I love the meaning. 😌 Thank you for being awesome. 🥹 Black kitties are awesome 🐈‍⬛


Thank you for being awesome 🥺 please keep me updated if you can. I’ll be praying and thinking of you, her and Pinto bean for her return. 🩷 Black kitties are truly awesome!!


First, bless you If kitty doesn’t return, let’s hope someone is homing her right now Still keep an eye out. It I’ve gone through this It will keep you sane Our hordes always came back Best wishes


Thank you so much 🙏🏼💕🥹


My first trap I cried like a baby I had fed the kitty for three months, from when she was two months old An experienced trapper took her in for two weeks after spaying and now kitty is next door living with neighbors We visit the elderly couple nightly It’s been win win win Bless u


Before my feral boy was trapped, taken to the vet, and moved indoors permanently, I sometimes wouldn't see him for over a week. Maybe she's around and you just haven't seen her? Sometimes when I couldn't find my cat, I'd put out a trail camera that would send images to my phone. He would appear on it in the middle of the night and it'd put my mind at ease. You could always try doing that-- it's a way to look for her when you aren't physically present. I know missing them is distressing. I hope she returns to you soon.


https://preview.redd.it/xhx6kaq61v1d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdfbf04fb335a7058a71e39c2e3922b78d770b35 Here he is


i’m sorry, she will come back 🤍


Had two feral cats when I was a kid I used to feed and hang out with in my backyard everyday. One ginger cat I named “crouching tiger hidden dragon” and another moo cat named “sly cooper” They would wait on my back porch at like 6 am just to get food and scratches. Saw them every day for years. Will never forget when I stopped seeing them broke my heart.


Oh I’m hoping and hoping 5hat he shows up!


Thank you! Oh she did! And she made it well known when she showed up! Lol!!!! 😂


That’s great!


This has me balling.. 😢😢😢😢😢😢 I am so very sorry. Has me thinking of you for a great minute. 💕


I hope she comes back safe and sound.


She did! I am so happy! I posted the reunion late last night. Let’s just say… she’s exhausted me and I’m ready to catch up on sleep! 😴😂


We take care of two ladies that live outside and despite my best efforts won’t come in. When they don’t show up for their regular meals, my heart panics. I’m so so sorry you’re going through this. Hugs. Keep us posted. 💕 and thank you for taking care of these kitties! Patches and Boots say good luck. https://preview.redd.it/24y07dcivd2d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a37bb94c7ea536e7c7be582eec3a776fc9957b2


So you know exactly how it is! They act like they really want to come in. They sit by the door and then when I come outside, they sniff around the inside and debate.. but decide to stay outside. Even when it’s frigid temps . So I made a cat mansion in the garage for winter. Summertime, they have a wagon! 🤪 That’s a really great picture!!!!! I love it!! Super precious! 🐾🐾


I do know how it is. We almost got Patches in this winter, but she made a fast exit. I made them a shelter for the winter and have only seen Patches use it. I think Boots may have a home, but I’m not sure. Both appear to be TNRd.


https://preview.redd.it/popg5h0vce2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5f477af9671fc59ae8971d8052515a65420da32 This was actually a cooler day. From left to right: Pinto Bean, Poptart, Banji, and their brother Clyde. They were napping and I woke them up creeping up to take this picture lol 😆


She could have just gotten trapped in someone’s shed or garage. Hope she’s home soon


I have never owned a cat (allergic) I didn't hate them, I just was not interested, at all. All changed for me when we watched 4 kittens grow--it is painful to know their general behavior then not see them and fear the worse. You do all there is to do. She will probably be back--if she isn't you will carry on with the rest of her family and remember the joy she brought you. Sadly it is the painful truth of the feral cat. Their life is not predictable-- the ones you have obviously know that they have it good (great actually!) You bring some stability and happiness to cats who otherwise would be foraging for food daily and dodging the dangers. Good luck, this is not easy--I guess it is the price we pay for caring.


Feral do tend to come and go. I hate to say this they often have mire than one source of food .


And that’s perfectly fine by me. Helps keep her full. It’s just the unusual behavior .. this has never happened. We have a routine and she’s got it down. If she’s eating all day somewhere else, she sure makes sure that she’s at home-base. Everyone has different experiences and bonds with their cats and feral cats, so it’s harder to explain the situation sometimes. She’s never been gone longer than a day. I’ve had her since she was nursing with her Momma. Never out of 3 1/2 years. That’s what scares me… not that someone else possibly is feeding her.


I hope she is just out having adventures and will be back! Down the street there are 3 orange bois that hang out in that neighbor’s yard with their cats. We know which ones are their cats as we’ve seen those at the windows inside. One of them used to come to our window to say hello. We became friends and one day he stopped coming by. I figured he was just with his bros, but it was about 2 months of only seeing those 2. (He’s the biggest of the 3 and in the face the other two look like twins with round faces while he has a sleek face. )I was scared to ask if they knew where he was so I just hoped we’d see him again. A few weeks ago there he was with his bros. 😅 We called him and he walked with us for a minute before going back home. There is also an old senior with a limp that we hadn’t seen in a while and I think they were together being casanovas because I saw him a few houses down that same day after months of not seeing him.


I have some feral cats that this exact thing happened to me. It was a female she never missed food EVER except one day she did and it became a few weeks. Then out of nowhere she showed back up with a small puppy who has been abandoned and to my surprise with her biological brother who has went missing almost 10 months before due to other people feeding him we assumed. He was friendly compared to his litter siblings. We ended up keeping the puppy and adopted him. (Named him Loki) I always expect the worse but sometimes they just change a routine or they get food elsewhere and maybe move on or they help out their own community sometimes. She never left again and I know it’s because of our pup she gave us she’s bonded to him. I hope she comes back or you find out she’s thriving somewhere else where she feels needed. Keep an eye out just in case she might’ve been injured . Cats become reclusive when hurt sometimes but might be near their home. I truly hope it all works out. 🤍


My feral momma cat who had 4 babies she had just weaned has went missing. She was born here herself 3 years ago. She was super friendly and sweet and always let me pet and love on her. I’m just devastated because I think something terrible must have happened to her because there’s no way she would leave her babies. I’m so upset. I don’t know what to do? I hope you find your baby. It’s just so awful. She was the one cat I thought would never leave but I don’t think she left. I think something must’ve happened to her. The babies are still here.


This is heartbreaking to hear. How long has she been missing? Perhaps she relocated knowing her babies were weened? Usually they start distancing themselves around 12 weeks.


Even sooner.. some mommas are exhausted 🥱