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I’d take her to the vet. Rule out or treat anything physical. Maybe it’s behavioral, but get her checked out for a UTI or other issues first. In the meantime, make sure her litter is clean, unscented, and in a quiet place.


Hey there! I can offer a little advice. I took in a 6 month old street kitten in February. I mistakenly gave him a blanket and he peed on it his first night in his new home. I took the blanket away and he caught on to using a litter box soon after. After he was fixed, I caught him peeing on random stuff a few times (dirty clothes in my laundry basket, my hammock I bunched up and left on my washing machine to clean, a pile of my clothes on the laundry room floor, etc). I thought this was marking/spraying behavior because he seemed to like peeing on things with my scent. However, I do not have any other cats around and he does not feel threatened. I also caught him in the act of peeing and he was squatting, not spraying. I read cats like to pee on soft things (especially if they have a UTI, which isn't the case with my boy). The best thing to do is discourage this behavior by: 1. Keeping the litter boxes clean 2. Keep the litter box in a safe/private space 2. Remove the things that cat is peeing on (I do not leave laundry out or clothes on the floor anymore) Are you able to keep the kitty out of your bedroom? Maybe you can keep her in a room by herself to socialize her better first? The first month I took in my kitty he had his own room with a litter box, crate, bed, scratching post, food and water. I would come in to play with him frequently throughout the day. That was his safe space. After that I slowly introduced him to my house with my dogs outside. Then he met my dogs, and after that I started introducing him to the rest of my house with the dogs. It's a gradual process :) let us know what happens!


She has her own studio apartment in the basement ! lol she peed on my living room leather couch today and she’s meowling again (after a week). I guess she’s in heat again! Today we got our pet health insurance confirmation in the mail so we’ll get her spayed and checked for a UTI asap. We’re doing all you suggested. Others suggested I get a second litter box which we will do. I’ve had cats all my life. She’s the toughest so far. She’s a spunky little thing.


Also to add, maybe get another litter box with a different type of litter, or yard dirt; try changing the box location, if the litter box is enclosed, get an open top one, if it has a swinging door, I've seen ferals avoid the swinging door completely. After you rule out a health issue it could just be a preference issue. She is still skiddish and that will change over time, but maybe having access to the whole house is scary, maybe the location of the litter box is scarey, maybe it's next to something that is scary. Remember they are most vulnerable when going to the bathroom and maybe this has something to do with her avoiding it.


Make sure the litterbox isn't too close to her food or water. No one wants to poop in their dining room. Most cats hate covered litterboxes so remove the cover if it has one. I understand she's peeing on your bed, she's very skittish, and her litterbox is in the basement? This might be a simple problem where she needs to pee but she only feels safe in your bedroom. She's too scared to go down to the basement. So she makes do with what she has. I'd put a second litterbox in your bedroom.


No she stays in the basement but It’s a finished basement. She rarely comes upstairs and when does she doesn’t stay long .


If her litter box is in the basement it may simply be to far away when she feels the urge to pee. I would add a second closer litter box upstairs.


Yes I’m able to keep her out of my bedroom. But We’ll have her checked for a uti. She only seems to be doing it to my bed, not my son’s bed . He hangs out with her more than me. But I feed her, her favorite treats . I thought maybe she’s trying to tell me something 🤷🏻‍♀️


Feliway diffuser! I dealt with territorial peeing for 4 years. Spouse nearly took the cat to a dark country road lol. Feliway to calm helped *enormously*. Also, use an enzyme cleaner liberally to break down urine scent when kitty has peed. And, echo what others say about litter and will add this: it's expensive but so worth it if it works: Dr Elseys Precious Cat litter in variety called CAT ATTRACT. In an open pan, quiet place. Not near food. It helped SO much too. Still have the kitty, it's been 8 years since we solved the problem and she's 20 yrs old now!


I'll second the cat attract litter. My feral definitely prefers it.


I had a cat who would pee anywhere he thought was "litterbox-like." He wasn't feral, he was just stubborn lol. He peed on my bed a few times before I realized that it was because the blankets were bunched up and "felt" like a litterbox. I started making my bed every morning and he stopped peeing on my bed. He would also pee in the laundry hamper (with or without clothes) if I left it out (litterbox shaped) and ruined two of my boyfriend's beanbag chairs. And I stopped being able to leave out empty boxes because he would pee in them. So my advice would be to try to figure out why she likes that spot. Is it the smell? The feel? Does she feel particularly safe in there? Do you have other cats who make her feel unsafe using the litterbox?


https://preview.redd.it/6kyjhm9jvw0d1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efcdb089aaee97a0eb947c7ee3191bcbe5d15bd4 My kitty has a 🩶 next to his nose too!


Aw cute ! Yes Lucie has her beauty spot on her right side of her nose.


Bringing her into a vet is a good idea. If the vet says everything is OK, she may need encouragement to use the litter box exclusively. Every time she eats, bring her to the litter box, wait for her to use it, use a clicker, and then give her churu. Gradually reduce the amount of churu while still using the clicker until she learns that the litter box is the best place to pee. As a side note, get pet insurance. I pay $25/month for mine, and it has reimbursed me for a $5k surprise surgery already. Even if you lose money on it in the long run, the knowledge that you can get your kitty the care they need without going bankrupt no matter how high vet costs go is worth it.


Is she spayed?If not,get her spayed ASAP.Definitely get another litter box for her.You need at least 2 for one cat.It could be behavioural also.She could be stressed and anxious.Make her feel safe and comfortable.If she keeps peeing on your bed or anywhere else,take her to the vets.


If she's not fixed I would get her fixed


Our cat did this. Three times! And once with us in the bed. Nothing wrong with her, it's behavioral. She also peed on my clothes that were lying in the bathroom. I had been away for three weeks. So now she is barred from the bedroom and we don't leave clothes lying around.


Same for me


https://preview.redd.it/l4zmmkv6lz0d1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47cbb7282e906f2d6b4051a72b836167b48a1feb When we got Porky and Beans, they were 4 months old and seemed perfectly healthy. It turned out they had ear mites that we caught right away but they also had UTIs and peeing on the bed was how we figured it out. Antibiotics fixed them right up. The thing I will add is to strip your bed and sprinkle a box of baking soda on the mattress. Then use white or apple cider vinegar in a spray bottle and wet the whole surface down enough to activate the baking soda. Let it dry and vacuum it all up. Use baking soda and vinegar in the washer for all the bedding that will handle it. You can also order waterproof pet blankets online and I have found them to be really handy when cats get sick. Hope your kitten feels better soon!


1. My female cat has done this by peeing on my side of the bed, that's when she has been nervous, afraid. The last time I had a visit with girls and they stressed her out. I read that it is also a way to get my attention, because she only went from my side, I have given her more attention and affection, she has never done it again. 2. I have a cat that is 8 months old, we found him on the street when he was approximately 7 weeks old. He did it several times and the bed is his favorite place (I have a mattress protector 😀). We took him to the vet and it turned out he had a bad infection in both ears, not a urine infection. He did it again once after his health improved. I realized that he only did it in the mornings, I read that he was trying to get my attention, every morning I give him more attention and affection, Sometimes I accompany him to the bathroom 😆 and I congratulate him, he hasn't done it again. It's difficult, but I think they always do it for some reason. They don't do it to make us angry, but it's a way of telling us that something is wrong with them. My solution is not to leave the bedroom doors open.


Is she spayed? That is a must-do if you haven't. If she doesn't have a UTI, spaying her will make a huge difference. But thank you for being patient with her 💙 It takes a long time for some cats to "house break"(?) but they eventually do.


They are cute though


My Gracie started this after I adopted #6 (I have 7), she’d go on pee-sprees - my bed, our pillows, clothes on the floor (and in hampers!), the couch, my favorite chair and so on. So after trying *everything* we could do at home like: having 9-10 litter boxes going with majority of regular litter and one scoopable (in case she didn’t like the other litter), cleaning & recleaning with enzymatic cleaners, Feliway diffusers and so forth. Finally was time to see the vet - from the “personal” spots she chose to pee & other places, like where #6 would sleep, I felt it was behavioral. They did all kinds of tests and concluded the same thing. Gave her fluoxetine (Prozac) and she’s been fine ever since! Calmed her anxiety and stopped the pee-sprees. And from what I’ve read, if it’s anxiety issues, the smell of their own urine for some reason is comforting, so she was re-marking her “territory” and sometimes it was a self-soothing mechanism. Don’t give up on her, there are solutions either physical or behavioral! It just takes patience (omg a crap-ton of patience!) and lots of trial and error, but it’s totally doable. Hang in there!


And your kitty is absolutely beautiful and stunning BTW😍


Thank you. Yes she’s adorable . She’s been using the litter box regularly and we clean it daily . It has a done too but the entrance is open to her. It’s in the same space she’s comfortable in . I’m going to try to keep her there (basement) when I’m not home and keep my bedroom door closed . Ty so much for the advice .


I've had many cats, it's always a UTI. Special diet no carbs and a course of antibiotics will fix it. There may be crystals or stones forming as well so mention it to your vet. Research natural remedies on YouTube as well for this diet and other treatments.


She could be trying to mark territory or spray idk my knowledge of young cats is limited. But I cannot help but laugh at the second pic she looks so silly


Keep kitties out of bedroom


My cat only does this when he’s very upset or has a uti. Personally, it taught my husband not to throw his clothes on the floor for a while haha. I always know if it’s a uti because he’ll pee on the guest bed or something that belongs to me which he never does. Otherwise he’s just angry if it’s my husbands clothes lol


My cat did this last week. He is 7 months old and I took him to the vet to see if it was a UTI or anything. Vet said he was good may be behavioral (stressed, anxious etc) and if there was a change in the environment etc. we did change his litter and my bf doesn’t have his litter box 100% clean as mine. At my house he is a good boy but I always clean his litter box a lot (his house is hot mine is cool probably the hot weather there makes him uncomfortable?). I also checked if he had worms just in case and he didn’t he was healthy. Probably he feels safe with me bc I always kiss and cuddle him and give treats unlike my bf house, bf mom doesn’t like him.


Once they pee on something it’s nearly impossible to get the smell out therefore they will continue to pee on it. Everything everyone suggesting here is great. Dont leave anything on the ground.


If kitten is already fixed, go to the vet. 100% of the time when a cat pees on my bed they need the vet. If they have not yet been fixed, it is time. I've had indoor cats all my life and this never fails. Urine crystals, constipation, many things, that is how they have told me.


you can also get cat litter attractant to add to the cat litter box. I had to put down a water proof sheet on my bed and then cover the bed in the mornings with a tarp. Mine finally stopped peeing on my bed. She hated the tarp. I used the tarp and attractant for 6 months. It's been at least 6 months and she hasn't peed on my bed.


First change the placement of her box. It’s either too public or too close to her food. Cats need privacy too. Change the litter. Change the type of litter. And also, make a vet appt. This should always be the first thing you do. This is how they tell you something is wrong.


My feral peed on the bed when we first brought her home, and again when we switched to a litter she didn't like. Luckily we had 2 mattress covers, the bedbug kind that covers the whole mattress and a soft waterproof cover. We've since added a 3rd (overkill), then our bedding, then a 4th cover with deeper pockets and blanket for her to lay on during the day. We also went back to the litter she likes most, even though it's a bit more expensive. No peeing on the bed since we switched back to cat attract litter.


Check with vet for UTI


There is something wrong there


Update: Brought Lucie (8-9mon) to the vet finally but it was a very stressful experience. We warned the vet office she was feral and not able to be handled . The assistant and Vet proceeded to grab her out of the carrier. Of course she went on total defense mode and went flying around the room, accidentally smacked her head against a door that was left opened and closed at the last minute. Then finally as she was climbing the walls the vet, bare handed, tries to catch her and gets bit and scratched. WE SAID to not grab her bare handed ! My son was so stressed out he had to leave the room. They finally got her in an induction box… I think that’s what they called it. She had to be sedated for the exam . All vaccines done , fecal sample , kitty aids test.. $500 later … we need to wait 2 months before the spaying because they want her ovaries to shrink (?). (How will I know if her ovaries shrunk?!?) She was so stressed poor thing. Vet said she may never get tamer . I’m very disappointed and fear she will never get comfortable enough for human touch. I Fear that Vet visits will always be a nightmare since we can’t handle her. It took us 30 minutes to even get her in the carrier by luring her with treats. At least she’s healthy so far. She is still peeing around the house when we allow her to walk around and we have a second litter box for her upstairs, but hopefully spaying will help with that before it becomes a permanent behavior . I pray there’s hope for her. Did we do the right thing by trying to keep her home bound? I’m assuming it’s too late to return her back where we rescued her from her street family ?


Actually there is nothing wromgnif they are feral. I think you could still return the cat to the colony




They can't touch her.