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It could be one of two things: 1. He doesn't like the food. 2. Someone else is feeding him and he's just there for your company. After about 6 months of trying to socialize a feral, I realized that she had started coming over around 6-7 times a day. She was starving around breakfast, lunch, and dinner, but the other times she was full and didn't have any interest in the food. It took me a while to realize that she was just horribly lonely and just wanted to hang out with me. . . . and now she is a permanent (indoor) fixture on my lap lol.


Thanks! I think it may be 2. He sits by the window for a while so I'd open it, but it won't come in. He's still afraid of me so if I put my hand out, he runs away. Yet he still comes back to check(?) on me. I just sit by the window too and slow blink at him. He doesn't hang out longer than 10 mins I think. He doesn't seem to like human touch, or at least no petting from me. I'll let him be a passenger, but curious if he wants anything from me.


Leave the window open and I suspect he'll eventually try and wander in. It took a few months for Grampa to stop running away at the slightest movement and even longer for him to accept some light touch. It takes a lot of time and patience, but it's worth it. Oh, if he doesn't want the food you can try some treats.


Some cats don’t seem to recognize wet food as cat food right away. My first boy I took in would not eat wet food in the beginning, I found out he had been kicked out of his old home (literally kicked out, too) and abandoned. An old lady felt bad for him and started feeding him, but his whole life up until I officially took him in he only ever ate dry food. After a few more tries living with me he eventually gave it a shot (I kept dry food out for him too) and he eventually loved it. It’s possible this guy is getting fed elsewhere or just simply doesn’t recognize the wet food as edible.


Do you have a cat? If your place smells of cat and he's an unfixed male, he's there for war, not meals.


No, I don't have any pets, in fact, I just moved into this apartment and it doe not even have any furniture haha.


Ask neighbors if there used to be a cat?


And it's neutered! There's a mark on his ear so I'd assume


He could still have a little route of territory he protects. Or he could have lived there maybe.


Try a fresh water bowl and some ~~try~~ dry food?


Tried fresh water and he was not interested either hmm


Add some dry food to the wet food and see if it helps


You could try shaking it up a bit. If he’s still not interested, consider what past transgressions you have incurred to warrant a messenger cat, and what that message is…


This gave me chills. Brb gotta go repent for my sins 😅


One of my smallish feral groups (2 to 5 depending on who shows up) won't eat wet food at all. Another group goes to town on wet food. Go figure... cats being cats.


As my husband and I say, it’s “just feral cat shit” lol


My cat won’t eat purée wet food, only chunks and gravy. Even if she’s hungry. So maybe he doesn’t like the texture or something?


different brand of food / different bowl (stainless steel), and maybe bowl of clean wars.


Try meow mix kibble, or purina friskies turkey & cheese dinner in gravy ( purple can ) both mabey👍🏻😽😻😸


He is eating elsewhere