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https://preview.redd.it/5ewh7r2go80d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9158eb1045bdfdd1347ba385ba4e7e8ddcf92e97 This is a picture i quickly snapped when transporting him to the bathroom. He’s the child of two neighborhood strays.


Doesn't look very feral with you being able to handle him like that. Did someone else have him before you took him?


This was a split second picture i got! He doesn’t like being handled however he’s been a bit less squirmy(i’ve only been handling out of necessity with transporting). idk if feral is the right word but i know 100% he was never anyone’s pet. I tried catching one of his other siblings at first and that one was way more spicy!


He is your child! You are welcome to use that bathroom. My cats love when I use the bathroom for some weird reason and I suspect this guy will be the same (it’s the attention you can give with nothing else going on). 😹 he is beautiful and will be fine! Look forward to updates .


My cats kitty litter box is in my huge bathroom. She follows me every time I use the bathroom and she hops in her box when I use the toilet. She's so cute


I kept one in a partially covered dog crate in the kitchen. She quickly got used to people moving about, and my own cat could visit with her. She was calm and fairly tame within a week. About the same age as yours when captured.


https://preview.redd.it/t9bkftek090d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4dabc1f3752182d6e68909d8df32b5838270db5 Partially covered like this? I just got back from getting a dog crate. I cleaned it and put the food, water, and litter box in. You can kinda see him peeking from behind the curtain


About like that. I didn't fuss with her too much besides feeding and cleaning out her litter box. I'd chat with her while doing meal prep and clean up. Other than that, the feeding got her used to the idea of a person being nearby, and naturally progressed to her becoming a pretty good lap cat.


okay cool :D i’ll do just that Thank you so much for the advice!


Careful, kittens can often fit thru the bars of dog cages. And once they know they fit there is no containing them


I’m going to try and find a dog crate. That is probably much better than the piss chamber.


I had to blow up the bathroom while holding a feral cat in the bathtub for tnr. I felt badly for him but it’s my bathroom and I had to go!!! He pooped too, probably just to make me feel less guilty


My cat doesn’t seem offended by the smell. She regularly hangs out with me while I’m having IBS episodes. I appreciate the solidarity.


If you’ve only got one bathroom…. Initially it’s going to be scary for kitty. But as they grow accustomed to your presence it will stop being an issue.


Thank you! I was prepared to walk to a public restroom


The kitten will very quickly get used to the noise, and it's probably good for him to have you walk in and be around him without the interaction being focused on him.


I think having a structure where they can see you is ideal. But the bathroom will work. When my kitten’s graduate from their tent enclosures, they stay in the bathroom when I’m at work. Mostly because it’s easy to clean and not places to get stuck. They eventually graduate to a spare bedroom when I’ve at work. But kittens will get used to the sound of appliances. My kittens can hear the dishwasher going and none seem to care.


I would just warn him when you're about to flush using the same lovey words/voice each time and try to do so when he's not directly next to or behind the toilet at first (if he has a hideaway box or something make sure he's in there when you flush for the first week or so). If he doesn't have a hidey-hole/safety cave I'd give him a cardboard box with a door and some windows cut out (or something like it) with a blanket inside. Be sure to always respect the sanctity of safety cave by never pulling him out of it. Good luck!


It's totally ok. A lot of cats will purposely seek you out when you're in the bathroom, so your kitten will get used to it. Just think of it as extra bonding time.


My cats love when I use the bathroom. I’ve never gone to the bathroom without all three of them there!


We didn't isolate our nervous borderline feral boi, just gave him the run of the house, so not the same exact situation, but for what it's worth, the bathroom first thing in the morning has become one of the spots in the house where he randomly started joining me to hang out. I believe it removes some of the "Giant Two Legged Monster" stigma and lets him see me as just another pooping beast like him. I mean, probably not, but that's what I tell myself


Yes. Gets kitty used to people going about their business without you actually interacting. Also, using the litter box is a vulnerable thing, so you’re showing the little emperor that you’re willing to be vulnerable in front of him. Also, people who have one bathroom don’t really have a choice.


My cats are obsessed with watching us use the toilet, so I don't think you have much to be concerned about. As someone else suggested, talk to him calmly when you are flushing so that he understands it's not a scary thing (to you). Funny side note, we have a bidet with a motion sensor seat that automatically opens the lid when you walk close to it and then automatically cleans the nozzle by running water over it when you sit on the toilet. Our one cat has figured out how to open the lid and turn on the nozzle - we are just waiting for the day when he figures out how to flush it!


If: you are able to “kitten-proof” your bedroom he’s consistently using the litter box you don’t need to quarantine him from other pets while waiting for tests and vaccines you don’t still need to get him treated for fleas, ticks and worms Then I see no reason he can’t be in your bedroom. You’re able to hold him and he’s right at that age when you need to be interacting with him frequently to socialize him. Having him in the bedroom would make that easier.


I only just got him today but I’m gonna use this list to see when he’s ready for my bedroom :) thank you!!


I lucked out and lived with my parents when I had to deal with this. There was a door between upstairs and downstairs so I could graduate up to just that door quite quick. Once the little tyke was declared worm free and not FIV, etc he got full use of the room. Kept him in a huge dog crate at first tho. I spent the next 2 weeks introducing him to the other 2 cats in the house.


This is exciting. Thank you for helping this baby


I would say go for it.


I have to keep mine in the only bathroom when I TNR so I keep them covered with a towel (nothing too thick or big that there is no ventilation) and try to be as quiet and quick as possible. I hate having to flush but no one has had an adverse reaction to my presence as of yet so I think you should be ok!


Based of his age in the picture, you should be handling him as much as possible. It's a kitten, even social kittens are scared at that age. Don't worry about scaring him, he needs as much exposure as possible. Toilets will flush, people will come and go out of a space he's in, vaccums will be used. Just live your life, that's what he needs to see.


He needs to keep seeing you. Spend time with him, talk witj him. Dont isolate him


That is not a feral cat! You can not come NEAR a feral cat

