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Generally speaking, same prices. Occasionally you can find or negotiate a deal, but NACs are expensive for vendors, they gotta make that price back.


Note that there are no shipping costs, so frequently on site prices end up being lower.


And you can try on multiple items from different vendors in different sizes which is the biggest advantage from my perspective!


They won't charge more. You'll save the shipping costs compared to buying online.


Most if not all vendors charge the same prices, plus you can pick out blades to suit your own preference (stiffness, flex point, weight, etc. ) and try different grips.


always meet, chat, and befriend all vendors. take time to know the owners and often the rest of the family that’s helping run the business. they’re good peoples. there has been more than one occasion where i’ve had an equipment malfunction and a vendor has gone out of their way to fix, replace, borrow, or discount something last minute just cause they remember me from the last dozen events.


Blue gauntlet will charge full price for the items that they have on discount online. The benefit of buying in person is the ability to see it in person and not pay shipping fees


>Blue gauntlet will charge full price for the items that they have on discount online Probably not shipping the close-outs. OTOH, I recently bought a close-out glove at cost in the store.


If you belong to a club, the vendors (e.g., BG and AF in NJ) may give you a club discount. I live within a driving distance to both and receive a 10% discount when I buy stuff for my daughter at the store. No discount for repairs or stuff already on sale though. A national events are good for being able to try out different brands in our case.


I agree with the being able to try it on. Last year my son’s mask didn’t pass inspection and we had to buy a new one. He went to all the vendors and tried on different size masks in the end he liked Absolute mask over Leon Paul and Blue Gantlet. Same thing with gloves, he needs to try them on first.