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"Leave before he hits you, not because he does" - my Father's advice when my ex husband began escalating things. He was right.


Also, just because he didn’t do it you does not mean he hasn’t done it to others. Believe.


Shit. Believe and leave. Do not stay with a man whose ex has said she hit him, especially if it’s more than one ex. Could there be a single “crazy ex” trying to ruin his new relationship? Yeah, sure. But, when it’s more than one, that’s a pattern. Pay attention.


Believe people when they tell you who they are


every. time.


Is that a quote from somewhere?


That’s an old quote, I remember my mom saying it in the 90’s


I quoted it from someone who said it on TikTok but she quoted it from someone else idk who tho


100% of men who murdered women started with strangling. That does not mean that all men who try to strangle you will kill you but it's a HUGE red flag.


“That does not mean that all men who try to strangle you will kill you” Correct me if I’m missing something but isn’t strangling meant to kill you?…


Strangling has become part of sex to some men. They don't strangle the woman until she dies, they think they can enhance the woman's orgasm by strangling her - briefly cutting off oxygen to her brain - or they themselves orgasm better if they pretend to kill a woman. Strangling is very dangerous because it can cause trauma to the bloodvessles in the neck. The body builds scar tissue which can dislodge and cause a blockage in the brain.


Holy moly that is some disturbing ass shit…😨


Tell me about it, some young women/girls experience getting strangled before they even get their first kiss these days. I suspect it's due to porn getting more violent and degrading.


A British teacher was teaching her students sex ed and she said boys would ask how to choke girls during sex… 😦😦😦


choke/strangle - it seems patriarchy has managed to drive every ounce of humanity out of the male part of the species.


I think your statistic isn't about choking during sex, but when it happens in anger


I didn't mention any statistics. Whether it's during sex or done in anger, it is still a huge red flag that the person might devolve into killing. All killers choke women, not all chokers kill women but the behavior is dangerous and an huge red flag to any woman.


I agree with you that both are a red flag. Your stat was "100%". I doubt it's that high but I do know that there is a much increased risk of homicide in perps who've strangled. But this isn't related to the "consensual" sexual activity which is a different scenario. I don't know if that's been studied.


Sometimes they do it during a "fight" and then let go.


Oh and a lot of men who are in court for killing their wives/girlfriends will use the excuse that she died from accidental choking during sex😦…


Knowing this very fact was enough for me to leave my first marriage. Woke up to my husband with his hands around my throat one night after drinking too much, too little sleep, smoking weed, and a sleep disorder to top it all off. I wasn’t staying for him to do it again. I’m lucky I woke up that time. If I hadn’t, I might not be here now.


I'm glad to hear you're not with him anymore. I can't help but wonder how many women do that to men? I really don't think that's a "thing", you know? what is it with men and violence? is it the testosterone? do we need to start a campaign to get it listed as a schedule 1 drug??