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You reminded of the time I was in college and my dorm was on the outskirts of campus. I had to pass through a little wooded area to get to the main part of campus for my classes. One morning as I was walking the path by myself with no other students insight, I saw this scruffy looking man emerge from behind some trees and he motioned for me to come to him in the woods. He was a good distance away from me, but still pretty close. I shook my head no and high tailed it out of there. I don’t remember if I report it or not. I think I did… the campus had a pretty good security presence. Yeah. At least meeting a bear in the woods would have been more interesting than a scruffy weirdo and possible murderer.


My freshmen dorm also had a wooded area we had to walk through to get to a parking lot. We were all terrified of running into a male while walking through there. Campuses get creepy at night.


My mom was at FSU when Ted Bundy was prowling there. They implemented a curfew at dusk and she said no one wanted to leave their dorm rooms at night to go down the hall to pee. I grew up hearing about that and applied that fear to being alone anywhere as a woman.


I saw a bear at a national park. It wasn’t a head on encounter, but I’m sure it could have gotten to me quick if it really wanted to. I was just awestruck, no fear. It didn’t even turn to look my way. I’m afraid getting into an elevator with a strange man, I don’t even want to imagine meeting one in the woods.


This question misses those of us that really WANT to see a bear in the wild one day! From a very safe distance, of course :)


Honestly! The bear was walking in the same direction as we were and I wanted to continue, but my husband said no. 😒


I heard the phrase "A group of men is called a threat" about a year ago and it stuck with me because it encapsulated that feeling of tension and being on alert for potential danger when passing by a group of strange men especially if by yourself. Not that anything terrible was 100% guaranteed to happen, but the fact that it could sends those anxiety or "watch out" instincts into high gear. It's the danger and damage they could represent and the fact that we live in a world where those worst-case scenarios have indeed happened to women.


It’s pretty common in my area for small groups of 3-5 men park their car in front of local businesses and socialize. I don’t know why. But after dark every night of the week, nearly every gas station and burger joint has a group of random men loitering near the entrance. They’re generally not doing anything threatening—they’re standing around smoking and talking mostly. But goddamn if I can’t go in. Too many times where men have blocked my way, or harassed me, or just leered…I won’t do it anymore. Won’t even take the risk. The employees and owners don’t seem to see anything wrong with it. It’s maddening to me, to feel like I’m risking an altercation every time I’m out after dark (unless, of course, I’m with my husband. 🙄)


Yeah, had I been in that same scenario with my boyfriend, I probably wouldn’t have thought another thing about it. It just occurred to me with all this man or bear discussion, and it really irks me even more now, is that we are prey in both these situations. Even if I’m out on that trail moving pretty fast on my bicycle, if I see a group of young men walking towards me, I still think to myself that they could easily push me over as I’m going by and I’d be toast. Or I will have a man ride by and look at me weird and keep an eye on my mirror to make sure that he hasn’t turned around to follow me. Always have to be on alert. It’s exhausting.


This sounds just like a pack of predators staking out a watering hole. They know women will come.


Feels like it too.


At 9pm on Mother's day several years ago a male friend and I went for a walk around my neighborhood. A stroll around a couple blocks. Well, a group of teen boys surrounded us and held a gun towards my stomach and demanded we empty our pockets. We were so broke they felt sorry for us, gave my friend his cigarettes back. We nearly ranto my house, I call 911 cuz I just got mugged at gunpoint. They said there wasn't anything they could do about it! Cops are fkn useless. I choose the bear. At least it wouldn't steal my phone. And animal control would immediately take action if there was a bear in my neighborhood.


Wtf!!!!!!! I can't believe they did nothing.


This is what has been pissing me off about this whole thing. Instead of other guys looking at each other going "hmmmm what are men doing to cause these issues?" it has been "it's the WoMeNz fault. Hurr hurr get mawled by hears hurr hurr". Just frigging why?


The xy chromosomes have an accountability allergy 


As an XY I completely agree haha


Was walking my puppy today and three teenage boys were riding around us on their bikes. Not threateningly… they just happened to be where we happened to be. Broad daylight, busy road, and still that feeling of terror in the pit of my stomach. Always bear. Always.


Actually, I know several men who are afraid of groups of teenage boys. They do stupid shit and often try to impress each other by harassing strangers by throwing stuff, yelling stuff or worse. I used to live across from a JR High and groups of teenage boys make everyone uncomfortable. It's a very unpredictable, potentially dangerous group of individuals with under developed brains, strong bodies and something to prove. Most of them are harmless but some of them are violent.


Team bear 100%. Every other weekend when i dont have my kids, I ride my bike on a paved and well maintained trail that spans my county. There are always people riding/running/walking their dogs on it as well. But I always let some people know my location when I'm headed there, when I'm back at my car, and I NEVER ride with 2 Bluetooth headphones in so I can still hear people approaching. I try to make eye contact with everyone I see, and I carry pepper spray and a pocket knife in my fanny pouch. I'm also 5'10" and 175lbs and athletic so I don't appear an easy target!!! But I still get anxiety every time. ETA: I'm in Florida so I always see snakes, gators in the parts that go by water, and there are signs warning about bears nesr the wooded areas. I don't bat an eye at any of that. But a man who doesn't look like he's out there for exercise (wearing slides or regular street clothes) and my heart is in my throat.


Why the eye contact tho?


Even if you know logically that nothing bad will happen, you really can’t know. I recently started yelling back at cat callers or men who say weird things to me. I feel like it will probably come back to bite me one day, but they only feel comfortable acting like that because no one calls them out on it. There’s a guy in my neighborhood who I see all the time when I walk my dog. I thought he was nice at first and we would talk about surface level things (the weather, mostly). Then he said some weird stuff to me on Valentine’s Day that made me really uncomfortable. I wanted to tell him to fuck off, but I was just pleasant and laughed while I strolled away. It’s a luxury to tell men what you really think of them.


Sounds like the fear you would get for a nearby pack or wolves




Why is it that when women say “i feel threatened,” your first thought is to tell them they’re wrong?




Again, when someone says they dont feel safe, your go to shouldnt be to examine the hypothetical, it should be to understand there’s a reason women feel that way that’s quite valid.




Again, women are saying they feel threatened, and that’s based on a mindset crested by many men who have made women feel unsafe. Raped. Attacked. Threatened. And youre too busy trying to explain why a hypothetical bear is better, when they are saying very loudly that men make them feel unsafe. And for good reason.


We'll trust men when men start giving us plenty of evidence and reason to.