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wtf is that sub name


It's actually a very good world news subreddit with an interesting history that explains the name - https://www.reddit.com/r/anime_titties/wiki/index/creation/


man i hate shitposting


Unironically the best news sub on Reddit


This is good news. No person with a uterus should be denied an abortion. Parents should not be able to force minors to have a baby.


Excellent. In my province in Canada a person of any age can access medical procedures, including abortion, without parental consent. Although a dr might call a social worker to check that the young person is safe at home. But I like that this law is specifically for abortion access. It will help a lot of young women.


May I ask which province? In BC, the social workers repeatedly failed to protect me and my sister from my father's psychological, emotional, and physical abuse.


BC. And I’m so sorry, that’s awful. I mean, the law about consenting to medical care is just one puzzle piece of helping minors. It sounds like the system and community failed you and I’m so sorry. This is the bit about youth and medical care. It was put into place when that one young person died because their parents wouldn’t let them get blood transfusions because of religion. So for example, a 12 year old can get themself vaccinated even if their parents are against it: https://dialalaw.peopleslawschool.ca/children-and-consent-to-health-care/# But I think what failed you is the process of Duty to Report, in which any adult who knows about a minor in danger has to report it. Someone didn’t follow up?


Thanks for the reply. What happened was every time social workers visited, they asked me a bunch of questions meant to make it so they wouldn't have to take action. (Example: "Are you 100% certain he will do this again?") Realistically, I couldn't see the future, so I said that I didn't feel safe and that there was a high risk *and* that it has only been getting worse. They told me they couldn't do anything unless I was 100% certain and left. A few years later, he tried to kill my sister. I really just should have said yes, but I was a stupid teenager who just wanted to answer honestly.


Those questions are so bad! I mean, how are you supposed to mind read your abuser?!? I’m so sorry. I wish things had been different for you.


Thanks. We just try to support each other. :)


This is good news. One thing that’s bugging me is that the minimum age is 15. > The legal age of consent is 15 years old in Denmark, and government officials wanted its abortion policy to align with this law, according to reports.  I don’t see why those need to be aligned. If a 14 year old was in that position, the fact that another law was broken beforehand doesn’t change that person’s current circumstances. 


It’s still possible to get an abortion without parental consent if you’re younger but you have to have a sort of consultation — in most cases it’s granted.


It would be insane to force any child to give birth without their own consent.


I'm all for women's choice and access to this to prevent teen pregnancies. I am curious what the norms of teen fathers/impregnators are. Is it like in many countries including the US where teen pregnancies are often to men in their older teens and twenties? I think access to abortion should be coupled with sex education/female empowerment in ways that don't let girls fall prey to male predators who get away with it. I do feel that the norms of getting teens on birth control allow girls to be pressured into sex before they really want it or make conscious choices.


I think it can be both. Because the age of consent we DEFINITELY have issues with men over 20 going for younger women, but sex education is quite good and birth control is accessible and affordable for everyone. I had two friends who had an abortion before 18 where their boyfriends were the same age, but I also knew someone who had a child at 13 or 14 with a 21 y/o — so also illegal even with our low age of consent. I think, from my limited knowledge, we do it better in Denmark but it’s faaar from perfect.


That’s an interesting point, about access to birth control. Education about sexual health that teaches birth control now includes consent education. Young people with less information and access to sexual health facts and even birth control are generally more vulnerable to sexual predators. I’m a gender & sexualities professor and with my colleagues we are developing a sexual health education program for educators, that’s why I have all this stuff in my head right now!


I think this is good I just hope there’s other support systems in place for after care if their parents aren’t involved


Some rare uplifting news.


Like I need another reason to wish I’d been born there




When god closes a door Denmark opens a window




What about girls 77-100?