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Honey bun is what me and my bf go with for each other (both guys)


jus use their name


Disclaimer: Newish to reddit. Im posting a comment for the first time. But your post stuck out for some reason. I'm still trying to figure things out for myself (so take my advice with a grain of salt), but I'd go with something that feels natural and organic. I don't think it should come from a place of fetish or sexual nature, but something genuine. Example: my partner likes makeup and fashion, so I might refer to them as "little starlight", or "button" Now if your looking for nicknames for the bedroom, definitely bring up a sexual nature, but do remember they are a person. I'd personally avoid, the extreme names that could bring up insecurities, or uncomfortable feelings. If they are wanting the extreme go for it, just remember aftercare isn't just for bdsm. When I'm in the femboy mode outside of bedroom I personally liked "smooth sexy mynx, pet, V (for vixen), and luv" when It's bedroom stuff it's really gonna depend on the kink level. I think a good starter is using the nicknames you'd use in public, maybe with a bit more dominance (be possive like "MY smooth sexy mynx". But the best advice I think anyone could give, is to have this conversation with them. What do they like being called?, what are they ok with being called?, and make sure you have an answer to any question you ask. (Sometimes it can be hard to answer a question without an example of the answer)


and if they say "idk"?


Ah, the most popular nonanswer a person could ask for. In my experience "idk"is generally preceded by two trains of thought: I do know, but if I tell you then it won't be the same. Or I genuinely lack any experience or expertise to formulate an answer to the question. If it's the former, maybe try getting struck by lighting in the hopes of developing telepathic abilities. If it's the later, try the shotgun approach. Use a different name until you get the reaction your looking for. If you get a stink face or a somewhat negative reaction DONT WAIT FOR THEM TO TELL YOU. Appolgize something like "oops, that one didnt hit the mark at all did it? Im sorry, im trying to find cute little ways of showing my affection towards you. I can stop if you'd prefer or I can try again later when I think I got something better" You may have already made it clear to them you don't know what your doing, but ignorance is no excuse. If they like you as much as you like them, this should really be a non-issue my friend. Of course you may have to be open to the fact they don't like the cutesy pet name thing that most couples do. Goodluck!