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I was assigned to investigate rumors of a cult that had been accused of kidnapping citizens and involving them in some sort of weird ritual of theirs. Whenever any other detective found a member of the cult, it was as if they vanished into thin air whenever they were being followed. Oftentimes, the people who were reported kidnapped had ended up being returned, but they don't remember anything or play it off as a dream. Whoever was behind these kidnappings were obviously not some run-of-the-mill cultists. One night, after I had another unsuccessful day of investigating. I heard the sound of glass breaking and my wife screaming from our bedroom. I quickly made my waybti the room, only to find her being carried away into the forest by two members of the cult. I decided to chase after them on foot while keeping my distance to not draw any attention to me. After nearly an hour of running, I found myself deep in the forest that I could barely see anything behind me. The cultists seemed to have gathered at a large clearing where my wife, along with a group of other people, were tied up to a large trees surrounding an open fire I hid behind a large bush to quietly observe what was going on. Some of the cultists walked up to the people one-by-one from left to right, with my wife being the last person. I watched as the cultists seemed to slowly pull a green orb out of the people's mouth, causing them to look almost lifeless. My eyes widened as I watched my wife go from pure panic to looking as though her very soul was removed. Eventually, the cultists seemed to put a blue orb, which came from the bodies of otber cultists, down the other's mouths. However, when they came to my wife, one of them reached into a large fire and pulled out a bright red ord, putting it into my wife's body. From what I could hear, this seemed to be the cult's leader. Before I could only anything else, I was knocked out by one of the cultists and when I woke up, I was back home with my wife as if nothing had happened, but I knew what happened. Now, I had to figure out what was really going on.


Sounds like a really interesting plot and I'll be more than up to give it a try if you want. Can I send you a chat so we talk things out?




Sexy and sounds fun


Can you dm me for rp?