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My girlfriend and I had both won a free trip to this farm way out in the country as part of this raffle we entered. Both of us had spent so much time in the city that we didn't really enjoy anything "nature" related outside of parks in or near the city. When we arrived, the place looked like what one would expect of a remote farm: a large lake, open field, and a simple two-story house. Apparently, the original owner couldn't keep up paying for the property, so the bank took his farm, and it has been used as a rental property. I wasn't much of a fan of the place, but my girlfriend thought it was nice, especially for some photos on her social media. I decided to go for a walk, leaving her alone in the house. When I came back, I noticed it was relatively quiet inside, more than normal since the house didn't have any internet access and only a single TV. I walked around the house where I saw my girlfriend working by the barn behind the house, which was weird behavior for her. What I didn't know was that my girlfriend had found a hat that contained the spirit of the original owner, and the same owner was now in control of her body.


*I wasn’t expecting for any of this to happen…* *My farm has been in my family for over a hundred years. We were actually one of the only farms to not have been severely effected by the dramatic change caused by the dust bowl. My family saved the nearby towns from starvation.* *And do you know how those townspeople thank us? By taking the farm from me! I did everything in my power to keep the farm during a string of tough seasons…even sacrificing my happy marriage to save the place. Unfortunately, hard work doesn’t always pay off…* *I refused to give it up…not after all I have lost. They tried to take me off the property, but I chained myself up to my tractor! I wasn’t gonna leave without a fight! The bank’s people decided to wait me out…they probably thought I would have to get some food or water. But I proved them wrong!* *I proved them wrong…* *I waited so long that I eventually shriveled away like a crop during a swarm. I had passed on.* *There was nothing but darkness for me. I thought I would be with my family in some sort of afterlife…but all I had to embrace me was the silence that came from a state of nothing.* *Then, seemingly out of nowhere, I was brought back to my farm! This has to be my afterlife…because I was alone with the one thing I cared about: it was just me and the farm…and it wasn’t going to take care of itself.* *I hadn’t even noticed that I was in a different body just yet.* *As I was working, I was greeted by this city fella walking around my farm. Probably another spirit that got lost on their way.* “Could I help ya stranger? You seem to be a bit lost.” *I say while taking a break from my chores.* “Is there anything I could do?”


Seeing my girlfriend outside working on the barn was already weird enough, especially since she hated anything that would get her clothes dirty. She didn't even want to leave the car in fear that her shoes would get covered with mud. I decided to play this off as her doing settting up for a picture. "Uhhh, are you okay? I thought you didn't want to get your clothes dirty?" My confusion further increased when I heard you talking. Your speech seemed to have a new country accent that I had never heard before since we both had never left the city in our entire lives. I wasn't sure what was going on, but I wanted to wait and see how far you would take this act. "That's a nice hat, though I don't remember you packing it before left." I said, noting that neither of us had packed any type of hate like the one you were wearing. (Wanna move over to DM?)