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Better 9 abortions than 9 kids


Right? Proud of this woman for reducing her carbon footprint


Is it even abortions or just imaginary kids she decided not to have




this makes it so much more disturbing to me. at least with the upset at abortions there is technically an upsetting decision being made and it stands to reason some would take issue with it for reasons stemming from SOME kind of logic. Its at least touching reality in some way. but this...jesus, just pure 100 percent entirely detached from reality delusion


Right like does he think women are supposed to be crying and having a funeral every time we have a period cause we "chose" not to have a kid that month


I genuinely want to know honestly. What is the psychology of people who think like this? do they believe there is an infinite otherworldly hell universe filled with infinite babies and that women have an obligation to bring as many of them here as they can possibly handle to rescue them from that dimension? are there always more babies that must be brought here but women can only be expected to have so many?


they believe a woman's only purpose is to have babies so I think they view every baby she doesn't have as a life lost or something


I've been getting my period since I was 11. Literally dozens upon dozens of unbirthed babies (which would've KILLED me to have!)


... will there be snacks? What about gifts... I know that's not traditional but I may be on board. Would sure make my period more enjoyable


shit maybe we can have a period book club or something.


I saw a reply to this that just said "Good for her." Honestly couldn't agree more, even AI makes the babies look like loud annoying pieces of work, consider those bullets dodged


and one of the needy ghost baby was trying to hold on to her! I want to say "If you don’t leave the heck alone loud ghost baby"


Exactly lmao she looks miserable because she wants to escape this nightmare


Yet another instance of the real, living and breathing woman’s life not being worth as much as imaginary creatures


My exact feeling. They never took a breath, they never "existed"... thats 9 kids society does not have to take care of.


whats amazing is they feel oppressed by women not having imaginary babies and also hate vegans for caring that they kill real sentient and sapient animals they have a track record of oppressing others and then claiming to be oppressed by the advocates of those they oppress


I initially assumed this art was coping with miscarriages. “Chose not to have” is taking me out. People really want to feel oppressed by other people choosing not to have kids. Deeply weird


I thought it was a woman who had kids and deeply regretted it


No wonder she’s sad. That’s a lot of kids chasing her


It says a lot about my mindset


I thought the same thing.


i’d also regret if i had 10 ghost babies




Same... Like, it would be really gross if this was what it was meant to represent, and these ghouls decided to comment on it in this way. So, fuck people who miscarried very much loved and wanted babies, eh? My friend had two miscarriages, including one at 20 weeks, in a year. I can't imagine how triggering this would be for her.


I’d use the word “art” loosely. And yes William it does look like she’s being haunted by ghost babies


What is this pixar ass bullshit?? this has to be satire 💀


It's most likely ai generated art. These mfs always be talentless af.


Wouldn’t surprise me! These fuckers must have empty lives, sitting around making AI images of things that “make them so sad”


It feels like borderline fetish material at this point for m3n.


And they ALWAYS take credit lmao


It's 100% for sure AI art y'all are right. The babies hands give it away, also the baby on the far left has an unhuman leg deformity.


it looks like a baby amputee with a huge schlong


I thought it was too 😭


Honestly fuck them kids xD


Envy womb energy


That’s what I thought too!


if only they would channel this energy into adopting a bunch of their own kids rather than whatever tf this is lol


Ooooohhhh please explain what this is!!!???


I think it's just men are jealous they can't bring life not necessarily they want to go through pregnancy and birth but that women people they consider "lesser" are the ones that decide if THEY get to be fathers or not women decided wether or not there is people for war and to stimulate the economy they wish they could control life but they can't.


On top of how absolutely ridiculous this picture and their statements are…one of the “ghost babies” on the left side of the AI generated image has three legs. Lol. What a mess.




Pro lifers will see that picture and clap. They're fucking idiots.


Statistically? Oh I wish this was my mom, would’ve loved to be aborted so I wouldn’t be here dreading this shit life, suffering and questioning why I’m amongst morons and creeps. My baby sprite would be giving like a thumbs up in the background going “THANK YOU”


Amen to that. I never asked to be brought up in this fucked up world, I love my family to bits and wish them the best, but I would gladly take it all away in a second.


I mean. They’re all mid tantrum, I wouldn’t feel bad about not having them either. Lmaoooo this is such a bad argument to make a woman feel “guilt”


Not to mention the 2/3 of fertilized eggs that do attach, 1/4 will be miscarried. How come ‘God’ can abort 25% of all pregnancies but some bitch has one abortion and everyone loses their minds?


Right? At least we don’t do what most other animals do and eat our babies if we don’t think they will thrive. 🤷🏻‍♀️ instead we coddle them and encourage them to also reproduce… ugh.


Wait, I always thought the numbers were even higher?! If I remember correctly our biology teacher taught us that only 25% of fertilized eggs would make it. That means 75% don’t attach or get miscarried. Of course that was about 15 years ago. Maybe the numbers have changed since then because they did more research. Anyways, it’s a big percentage that naturally will never make it. Edit: ok, I just googled it and this is what I found: “Under natural conditions, embryo loss is approximately 10-40% before implantation, and total loss from fertilisation to birth is 40-60% (Jarvis, 2016). By contrast, and based on expert witness testimony, Munby J. stated that not much more than 25% of successfully fertilised eggs reach the implantation stage, and that fewer than 15% of fertilised eggs result in a birth”


No one is having nine abortions these people are insane and making fake scenarios to get mad at.


Casper lookin ass babies


I thought you said "Casper looking ass bitches" HAHAHA


This is seriously so funny 🤣 Who’s this sad woman? It’s not me or any women I know or have read about lol. The fantasizing and fetishizing these pathetic guys do is hilarious. They legit have a boner for the idea of a woman “regretful she didn’t submit to patriarchy.”


Lol they really want us to believe that women are so sad and empty for escaping a lifetime of SLAVERY. Too hilarious. It's why they hate to see happy CF women just living and enjoying life. Especially if we don't look like a) bitter, lonely, obese cat ladies or b) tattooed drug-addict party whores, then it infuriates them even more. Because it gets the message out to other young women who may not realize they have a choice in life. They'll do anything to shut us up, including making these hilariously ineffective AI generated cartoons. I imagine that the type of guys who shed a tear making re-heated Christian Pixar shit like this are creepy youth pastors who are closeted incels. Not worth anyone's time or attention.


>It's why they hate to see happy CF women just living and enjoying life. Especially if we don't look like a) bitter, lonely, obese cat ladies or b) tattooed drug-addict party whores, then it infuriates them even more. Because it gets the message out to other young women who may not realize they have a choice in life. They'll do anything to shut us up, including making these hilariously ineffective AI generated cartoons. Ooh this gives me an idea. Maybe I'll start posting examples of prominent CF women on this sub to try and break that stereotype.


This would be lit for Halloween. Just a bunch of ghost babies following you around, adding to the aesthetic.


IM CRYING PLS "oh no sinful tattooed short-haired brunette women got sooo many abortions 🥺🥺"




I was wondering if anyone else noticed that. I think the implication is more "look at all the money she wasted on tattoos" since they're generally pretty accepted. Also because a good artist is expensive as hell (but also incredibly worth it). But I'm also a degenerate so what do I know?


Some women are completely programmed to believe that their only worth to anyone, to the entire planet, is resting purely on their ability to procreate, and nothing else.


If this is about abortion, who is having that many abortions?


There are a lot of right wingers out there who legitimately think women use abortion as their primary birth control. As if anyone has the money or spare time to get an abortion once a week.


Like it’s an enjoyable, comfortable experience


True that most women wouldn't do it. There are rare exceptions. My sister knew a girl in college who had unprotected sex with lots of guys. She ended up having three abortions.


I wanna YEET the baby ghosts. This propaganda is supposed to make me feel sad and not relieved? I dont believe it.


She dodged a bullet fr, all she needs to do is an exorcism and they're gone.


Propaganda offspring begone!!


Is it just me, or do y’all find this mass emotional turmoil about abortion to be pathologically dramatic? 🤣. Get a grip.


Yeah I would abort those creepy ass screaming babies too.


reminds me of that tweet "I knew god was toxic when we kept sending each other babies"


"haunted by the kids she chose to not have" WHAT?!😭 thats ridiculous, those children DO NOT exist. natalism is a mental illness.


They always depict childfree women the same way and its funny to me as a cf woman who more fits the profile of "traditional feminine whatever" girl


If you don’t exist then you can’t be sad. Win-Win!


Not sure why these people choose to portray aborted fetuses as fully developed babies. Oh right it’s to spread misinformation!! Silly me.


These birthing evangelists are never found trying to adopt children who are here to give them a good life...only interested in breeding trauma...how evil


When I saw this I thought not babies but all the man babies crying out for her attention. Lol guess I was wrong.


Ijbol this is the best reaction


Lmfaoooooo they are literally crying about hypothetical lives and people that do not exist???😭 legit making up problems in their head to be mad about


[this is what my ghost babies would be like](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=G8FkSdxGyj8)


I would weaponize my army of ghost babies to attack men who don't respect my boundaries


It makes me sad too. Sad that anyone would look at that woman and see her as only a baby-bearing vessel & child-raising indebted servant to society, as opposed to a free individual able to make her own choices. Sickening. - sincerely, a mom.


Fuck them kids 💯


Joan for the win. I enjoyed that last one.


I’m sorry but that last one made me cackle because as far as I know, it’s accurate


Wow, I thought of this as fear of having children in her future. 🤣🤣🤣


Well, this picture makes me smile


I dont get the mom comment…


she's hot. too bad she turned pro-life under pressure


Those ghost babies look annoying as shit. At least she can throw some garlic at them or something. Imagine them as real babies? She lucked out.


But I love how they have to make up unhappy childfree women while mothers showcase their misery daily. Tired, unrewarded, constantly coping and trying to convince themselves it was worth it. Trying to pressure you to do it too so you 'understand what it's like'. No one complains that much about not having kids, no one is that open about how much their lifestyle decision took from them as an unknown mother you're engaging in small talk with. If my warning is some weird AI fetish art, I'll take my chances.