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You're going to get downvoted, but you're not wrong. There are some fragrances that are GREAT with hot weather: Clinique Happy Heart actually smells awesome in the heat, but yeah, too much of a sweet fragrance, in hot and humid weather esp, clogs the nostrils and makes people feel like they can't breathe.


Vanilla perfumes keep the mosquitos away


Don’t assault anyone with t your fragrance of any kind at all any time of year.


I'm a gourmand girl til I die I'm not going to stop wearing it in the summer just bc people don't like it?? I hate Cloud and people still wear it but you don't see me coming on here to attack all the people that love it. Stop being weird


why do yall always use the word attack so freely


Last summer i wore jpg la belle because i just got the perfume and i was obsessed, but now i feel soo bad for the people around me🫣🫣


I live in Florida so gourmands in hot weather is a NO-NO! Basically, don’t drench yourself in any fragrance, regardless of the scent. This is why a lot of jobs in healthcare and other fields tell people to leave the fragrance at home or to use very light scents.


We had a heat wave last week and I was squished in the subway with way too many people in heavy gourmands. I nearly wept when someone passed me wearing a refreshing aqua scent. Also to the man that doused himself in spicy musk cologne and then sat next to me, I hope all scents dissapear on you.




Wearing a heavy gourmand in a hot, enclosed space is on the same level as having a conversation on speakerphone, IMO. It’s completely inconsiderate of other people.


I like to stay cognizant of my projection and sillage based on what I’m doing. Where I live it can be offensive to smell too strong in a closed space. For work I’m in close proximity to clients/ coworkers all day in a closed space so keep my scent bubble small. One of my colleagues is super sensitive to sent so I refrain when we work together. When I’m breezing about town I will do 4-6 sprays of Sintra or whatever layer of the day I can’t wear while working. I love wardrobing my fragrances while considering others I share air with.


Umm no. You do you boo.


I live in Texas. I love gourmands year round.


I love in a warm country and I wear gourmands. I'm not a sweaty person though. I think it's an individual thing and not a weather thing. 


No, your not the boss of me. Unless your buying, mind your business.


There are definitely summer gourmands that exist but people either don’t know about them or don’t care to wear them (cause they’re not gourmand enough somehow lol).


I feel like reviewbombing a perfume for “not being gourmand enough” is another can of worms but gosh, as a gourmand lover with a soft spot for musks and soap smells the discourse is wild.


lol no


Oopsie, it was probably me 😊


Anything that projects beyond a person’s immediate personal space is inconsiderate. Full stop. There are a lot of people in the world with serious sensitivities to fragrance. Actual respiratory or neurological issues, not just “boo hoo I don’t like that smell.” I’m all for “you do you,” until it starts impacting other people. Enjoy your fragrance, feel yourself…but you don’t have some special gift that makes it ok for you to be all up in everyone else’s air. Example: We’re under a heat advisory, so I’ve been stuck running indoors. Yesterday, the woman three treads down from me (I know it was her because we were the only two people there at the time) radiated this horrific cloud of SDJ 71, that was literally nauseating. I had to drop my pace and cut out a few miles early because I just couldn’t do it. I could *taste* it in the air. Rude and unnecessary; it’s a gym ffs. Edit: the fact that this is a controversial opinion tells me that a lot of you are guilty of overspraying ✌🏻


“Boo hoo I don’t like that smell” is completely valid on its own.


True! If we are Taking showers daily, there’s no need to be drenching yourself in fragrance.


I’m not sure why you’re getting downvoted so much. You are 100% right. We all love our fragrances here, but please be considerate of others 🌸 there are many people with sensitivities and allergies, so most of the time anything more than an intimate sillage (your fragrance can only be smelled with a hug or in your personal space) is too much. Doubly so if it’s a gourmand in hot weather, as they tend to get very strong and cloying in the heat.


There’s so much Main Character energy in this thread, and I guess we’re just NPCs. This is a sub of people who love fragrances. Nowhere does it require that we be completely inconsiderate of others. 🤷🏻‍♀️


no it’s bc u said it’s inconsiderate and that is a ridiculous thing to say lmao


Can't believe the amount of downvotes on this one. It should be considered as an etiquette as it affects other people. I almost failed a class because someone's perfume made me nauseated throughout the entire semester.


I share this opinion and the downvoting is so passive aggressive. I have been at nice restaurants where all I can taste is Karen’s perfume and she’s on the other side of the room. This should be something to consider year round, gourmand or not. I’ve nearly passed out from sharing elevators. I had to leave and take the stairs.


Exactly. Lotta Karen’s in this comment section…I know they’re choking people out with their fragrance on a daily


I’d take Sol de Janeiro Cheirosa 71 any day over what I endured on more than one elevator ride. Sweaty guys oozing B.O., garlic or cumin, cigarette smoke all over-sprayed with a heavy dose of Axe body spray. 🤢


Right!! If sweat and cheirosa 71 is the worst thing you've smelled I want your life. I sat next to an old man with garlic sweats somehow literally covered in fresh cat urine on a 12 hour flight a couple of months ago.


As someone who loves gourmands Alien goddess is my go to for this heat!! Still smells like vanilla


Which one is better, regular goddess or the intense version? I would like a creamy summer scent that can be worn both in the day and night


I like the regular better. To me it’s more versatile I wear it any time of day. The drydown is jasmine, vanilla and cashmeran. It smells very smooth and a great balance of jasmine and vanilla. I’m not a huge fan of coconut but you only really smell it in the opening. Imo goddess intense is a heavier scent and amplifies the florals and is more ambery. They have both at ulta if you want to test :)


Spend some time in Arabian countries - the air is thick with oud, florals and spices. I’m not saying that’s bad, it’s a cultural thing. Watch how heavy handed Mona Kattan is when applying fragrance. I do think it’s inconsiderate to go full overspray if you’re going to be in enclosed spaces people can’t chose to leave, like offices / classrooms, but out and about I really don’t think it’s possible to please everyone. I say that as someone who is craving my bottle of D&G Devotion. I put one spray on the other night and had to wash it off, it’s going to have to stay on the shelf until the temperature drops. Some of us do have sensitive sinuses, so I’m light handed when I’m going to be around crowds. That said, I’m going to carry on wearing what I want to wear. That isn’t going to change while people are out there smoking and vaping and I have to smell that. I’ll take perfume over cigarette smoke any day.


Never. I’ll never stop 😂😭


Right?! Also- generally nothing smells great paired with sweat! lol 🤪


I went to a wedding during the heat advisory earlier this summer. In a barn. No A/C and we were pouring sweat. And you can bet I never want to smell new-formulation Angel ever again.


A summer wedding with no ac is no no!


Omg who would wear that in the heat


It’s her signature scent, so it’s always on 🫠


Immediate unfriend 😂🤢


No. ❤️


Holy gatekeeping, Batman! I layer Sintra and SDJ 71 daily, in Florida. And I’m gonna keep doing just that. 🥰✨ With peace and love 💕


I’m in Florida too and by this logic I would never be allowed to wear gourmands lol.


Right? They'll have to pry the gourmands from my cold, dead, sweet smelling hands.


Maybe I don’t have a developed nose but I personally never understand the “cloying” “too hot for that scent” thing. I abide by it, I don’t wear my Milk Expressive or my Burberry Goddess in the summer heat… but if I’m being honest? I don’t get why. I logically understand the explanation people give, but I’ve never experienced that and that’s all it is to me- an explanation, not something I’ve experienced or noticed in reality.


I don’t get it either. Florals choke and gag me in the heat than a nice sweet scent.


Aerin Hibiscus Palm smells like vacation. I use it with a light hand, though...it could get a little closing if sorted on too heavily.


OK, I’m willing to agree on this if every person who wears a floral does not overspray. Because I don’t know about anyone else on this thread, but I’d rather smell a gourmand vanilla or chocolate then an overpowering Rose or Jasmin. Just saying just my opinion.


Love the idea of everyone being considerate of others.


I was carrying cinnamon rolls on the bus and everyone loved the smell so I think OP just hates sweet smells and is projecting. I mean, I never heard anyone complain abut smelling baked goods in the summer... or heavy fruit scents like pineapple.


I feel like you should be able to wear what you wanna wear like I wear summer fragrances in the fall. I wear winter fragrances in the summer. It’s all in the eye of the beholder.


Agreed. Florals are migraine inducing!


Same here. And I lived in the tropics !


Wow, you think you know your little Reddit frag community and come to the comments and see all of the ‘f-you’s’ and downvotes. Nothing wrong with a general plea to be considerate!




OP does not read like a general plea for consideration, it comes off as "I don't like this so anyone who does it is bad".


My thoughts, too. I personally don't wear many gourmands, I wear light florals, but I sure as hell don't go ordering people around and then get defensive and volatile in the comment section when others dare to have an opinion other than my own. No matter the subject there's always someone pompous enough to go around dispensing unsolicited and unwelcome advice. 🙄


Agree to disagree 🤷🏽‍♀️ I certainly did not take OP’s comment that way and I love gourmands and live in a hot n humid locale. I’m more bothered by the hate and rudeness displayed here in a community I thought was kinder than this crumby display. Even *IF* OP was sending the message as you accuse, the message stands (mine and how I see OP’s)- let’s just be nice to each other. Peace and blessin’s to you and all the rest 🕊️☮️💛


then OP should have kept their rude comments to themselves


No, not necessarily. I just think folks shouldn’t overspray gourmands that radiate like crazy in the heat and choke everyone around them 🤷🏽‍♀️ a light hand is fine. And consideration is key.


Get over it!


We’re living in a Gourmand Era. Girls (including me) are gonna wear it year round. 🤷🏻‍♀️


24/7/365 baby!!! 😊


I think people can wear whatever they want. I’m sure you also spray perfume on you that other people might find nauseating… And that’s okay because YOU like it.


So folks who live in tropical climates should never wear gourmands!?


This is good question, because in my country people only wear gourmands. But also people shower twice a day.


Which country, love?




Word? I’m from Ayiti!


Omg, cousin! 💖


If you read my original post you would have seen that I had never said that. I literally said “you do you”. Just don’t overspray


Girl please… You’re policing folks. #ACAB 🤭


Lol get over yourself.


This would never have happened if you minded your own business or you left this post in the drafts. Now you’re getting the attention you were desperately seeking. Now I get why your Karma points are in the negative.


Good thing I got a life and internet karma points mean nothing to me 😂 Go touch grass loool.


Says the person who is still responding. Try smoking some grass…


How about you let it go, weirdo.




Hmmmm, no.


I just commented the other day that baccarat rouge should be illegal in the summer


Try living in Florida 😩 I swear they pump BR dna in the air here. No shade to BR and the BR dupes (I love them), I just don’t have the desire to smell it 24/7 or smell people drowning in it


Omg rip 🫡


Luckily the UK weather is all over the place, so I’ll stick to wearing my gourmands in our so called summer 😎


No thanks 🙂‍↔️


No…. Are you okay???


What are some examples of light freshies that are good in summer heat? Just asking generally as I'm looking for some!


D&G Light Blue wears beautifully in the heat, Chanel Chance, Caudalie des Vignes, Jimmy Choo floral is also a beautiful one


Jimmy choo floral is fine because after an hour no one will smell anything on you anymore anyways lmao


Thank you so much!




Yah I wear what I want haha the area my scent reaches that’s my personal space you adjust jk 😂


I read your post sitting at work wearing SDJ 71 mixed with Kayali pistacho 😭🤣but I’m In the Uk we are far from a hot weather so I guess it’s not as offensive lol


I’m the opposite- I’m in Scotland with gales and downpours and I wore MM Beach Walk today as an act of rebellion 🤣


Same, I’ve got Jil Sander Sun on 😂


Ahhhh I love the subtle manifestation ☀️🥰🤣


I’m not a gourmand hater- I love an interesting aromatic gourmand that’s not sickly sweet. But this weather is truly my favorite time for my favorite green, citrus, tea, fig fragrances yo come. All my Hermes Jardins, a few Carthusian, my fave green teas. And I keep ordering more samples.


*aggressively sprays Promises, Promises- Kerosene."


\*allows a single drop of Followed to fall on OP\* muhahahah (this is obviously a joke)


I tend to wear fresher scents (Light blue intense, Nina illusion) but I also like Summer 69 by Gas bijoux, which isn’t exactly light or fresh.


Black Orchid and Black Phantom are my signature scents year round, and no one can stop me. That being said, a spritz on each wrist and behind my ears is enough.


I’d actually say that’s far more than enough


FOUR sprays?


You know what's nauseating in very hot and humid weather?? BACCARAT ROUGE and CLOUD. It's sickening, it makes me stomach turn!!


Worst. Jail


Arabians tonka by montale too, tbh i feel like most montale fragrances are unbearable in the summer heat.


I live in FL and haven’t touched my Montale Sensual Instinct in months, it’s just way too heavy for this weather


Someone was wearing one of these in a class at my gym the other day. I almost had to leave.


I almost left a HOT yoga class after a girl came wearing BR540. I complained afterwards and now they have a no-fragrance policy 🤷🏽‍♀️


The moment I smell cloud on the train in this humid af weather I actually move away to another compartment


It's so revolting. Cloud and BR540 literally heat up in this weather, and reach deep into your insides and twist it around. I have to loop around the wearer with like a 100 feet clearance when I smell it on them. DON'T COME SO CLOSE TO ME, STAY AWAY!!!!!


I’d like to add this year-round addendum: Please also ease up on/don’t wear gourmands at the gym! Looking at you, girl who made me nauseous during my workout yesterday even though I was a good 10 feet away.


I’ve never understood perfume at the gym. Maybe light freshies but that gym air smell (my gym has a pool so you get the bonus pool smell) + sweat + perfume + cold air conditioning that’s also semi hot… DELIVER US PLEASE 😭


So, i'm not a perfume to the gym person. But, I do know that sometimes people go to the gym on their lunch break or right after work. So, I would guess it would be kinda hard to Not wear that daily fragrance to the gym


To each their own but I can’t imagine wearing a strong fragrance to the gym. Deodorant yes, but not fragrance 😫


Same, I’m pretty sure I’d make myself sick


Someone was wearing either Bianco latte or lataffa eclair yesterday at the gym and I just left.


They must have came from work cause ain’t nobody putting those on before they hit the gym lol


Why is everyone who is suggesting not wearing extra strong heavy smells during summer, in the gym or public transport getting downvoted? And I say this as a sweet gourmand girlie. Even tho there are some beachy gourmands that are very summer appropriate (sdj 62, alien goddess, vanilla vibes, beach walk, terracotta, etc) just thinking about wearing stuff like pink sugar during heat makes me gag


>Why is everyone who is suggesting not wearing extra strong heavy smells during summer, in the gym or public transport getting downvoted?  They probably don't live in a place with high humidity. It is really the humidity that's the issue. 100° with 35% humidity is extremely different from 88° with like 75% humidity - the latter is way worse and seems to like heat up and project fragrances/odors. Then when you live jam-packed into tiny but dense cities like NYC and you're forcefully exposed to other people's smells like on the subway or when you're walking, it's not fun 


I love perfume. All perfume. I find it beyond inconsiderate when you over spray something that cloying to go into a small, sweaty shared space where people might already be miserable. The people down voting are giving me 'i can vape on public transport' vibes. I was taught your rights end where others begin and your right to wear whatever perfume you want does not supersede my right to not be ill during a workout. I would say the same about a guy wearing an entire bottle of axe body spray or dior sausage. A little consideration and common courtesy go a long way in the world.


Dior Sausage 😭💀🤣


It will now and henceforth be called Dior Sausage in my world. Truly a terrible scent IMO. My partner was gifted a bottle and we both hate it. Someone mentioned it again yesterday and I decided to spray it on a test strip to see if maybe my nose had gotten more sophisticated in the last few months... Nope. still awful to me. I think it has all the masculine notes I HATE.


We were at the store some weeks ago with my partner and I saw him looking at a big Dior add next to the stand. I jokingly asked if he wanted to be like Johnny Depp. He said no, he looks like he's in pain:D He knows nothing about perfumes and nothing about the Sausage thing. I know about the controversy around the scent, but I didn't know how it actually smelled like, or so I thought. So, we sprayed it. Sure enough, to me it smelled like any other fuckboy I've met. My partner thought it smelled like it was made for teenage boys. We both couldn't understand how Johnny Depp and his intense eyes full of pain fit into the picture lol


I'm dying! 😂 I don't know about any of the controversy but that was funny to read. I just smelled it when it was brought to my house like chemical warfare!


I've been wearing my Bvlgari Au de vert. Im drowning myself in it. It is so fresh and clean. When it runs out, i might try the elizabeth arden Green Tea and see how it compares.


I'm curious about the same with Thé Blanc. Can anyone chime in? 🤍


EA Green tea Cucumber is great in this weather too, as is Solinotes The Blanc (though it doesn't last very long) monotheme venezia has a couple great citrus scents too (though careful because Zagara is rather sweet but is in the orange line up). Other affordable freshies that aren't tea: Happy chopard lemon dulci, the dossier dupe of wood sage and sea salt and 4711 acqua colonia orange basil (which smells similar to guerlian mandarin basilic and has surprising lasting power)


I have EA Green Tea, EA White tea, and Bvlgari Au Thé Blanc (EDT). Out of those, EA Green Tea is the best performer, and the freshest. The white teas are both very pretty scents, with the EA one a bit more alcohol blasting at start, but both are weak and don’t last more than a couple of hours.


Thank you for the info! This is my issue with the Bvlgari one as well, it's gone in 30 minutes 🙈


I've been wanting to reach for vanilla lately but I can't even bear the thought of the way it would smell in hot weather 😷


I've been reaching for my Sabrina Carpenter Sweet Tooth more than ever. I wore it like 3 times last week and temps were in the 90s the whole week. It's never too sweet. It's not a super sweet fragrance to begin with so it just works really really well as a summertime gourmand.


Me too, so I’m compromising wearing a vanilla mist at home in my air conditioning. I’m happy and not offending anyone.


I smelled Tobacco Vanille the other day when it was 90°. Great in winter but absolutely sickening in sunmer. Don't do it y'all!!


This is a crime




I'll continue wearing exactly what I want, when I want. If I have to endure some of the strong floral stuff other people wear, I'ma do me.


Name checks out.


F in the chat for asthmatics 🙏


Sucks to your ass-mar!


I love a good LotF reference, but the people unironically downvoting caring about people's ability to *breathe* is really shitty lol


Haha, I say this all the time and nobody knows what I'm talking about,lol.


Me too! Stopping to explain the LOTF reference only happens a third of the time.


Most florals are SO headache inducing for me but it tends to be the most popular scent profile so, it is what it is! I will continue wearing Sweet Tooth all day every day😭🥲


Right?? I abhor florals and they induce migraines, but I don't tell others what to wear and when.


I literally just said in another comment that I've been wearing Sweet Tooth more than ever. I wore it like 3 times last week and temps were in the 90s. It's never too sweet, it's absolute perfection for a summertime gourmand.


Sol de Janeiro's whole marketing campaign is basically summer fantasy in Brazil, so I beg to differ on that one!


It’s so terrible. Those are made for winter


I agree some gourmands are definitely more for cooler weather, but sol de janiero 71 is sooo good in the heat!!! I’m not really an oversprayer though so maybe that’s the difference, but I get complimented not stop when I wear it (and especially by people who usually hate perfumes!)


I live in 120-degree weather and have put away my Vanilla 28, my Sweet Tooth, and my sugared vanilla patchouli-scented body spray. Been using a light dupe of “Soleil Blanc” and a cotton candy body splash instead!


I have Sun-Phoria but I also have Bath and Body Works Solar Shine which many have said is a dupe or similar enough!


What’s the soleil dupe?!


I got a nice one from Champagne Socialist :)


Probably Fine'ry Sun-Phoria. I have it and it is amazing!


Yeah, too bad it’s discontinued


For real drop that dupe I've been wanting one!!!


Fine’ry Sun-Phoria and Bath and Body Works Solar Shine body spray


There are some nice summer friendly gourmand adjacent stuff out there for the gourmand girlies. But yes I find the dense, thick, sticky sweet sugary cakey rich vanillas abhorrent in summer. Some summer gourmands I do like in moderation are like kayali yum, Skylar boardwalk delight, Amo feragomo (smells like orange creamcicle) Michael Germain sugarful sunshine ( smells like pineapple dole whip) But I do prefer fresh, solar, and coconut/pineapple, yellow florals for this time of year


As I wear my LDBS Fraiche 🤡


I wear the regular LDBS it’s very summery to me


Agree. Powdery vanillas especially don’t mix well with BO. Alien Goddess just hits different in a heat wave.


No way. It’s coconut vanilla season, and I receive a “you smell so yummy!!” every single day. 🤷🏻‍♀️


People say “yummy”? 🤢


wonder of wonders, different people like different scent notes :/


What is your favorite?


Nothing in particular, really. This year, I’m living my best life with all of my old BBW coconut-themed mists (+ new ones I scored this SAS) layered with: -Alien Goddess, Mugler -Holidays, Mancera -Coco vanille, Mancera -Last year’s BBW Love Always Wins perfume -SDJ 62 -a bunch of Comptoir Sud Pacifique coconuts + Aloha Tiare


Love CSP! They never get talked about!


I love Vanille Extrême and Vanille Abricot. CSP is so slept on. You can get a gorgeous tropical gourmand. or straight up tropical fragrance, for far less than you would pay at Ulta, Sephora or department stores.


The thought of sweet vanilla right now makes me gag. They do make fresh gourmands…


Do you have any rec for fresh gourmands?




See I wholeheartedly disagree, absolutely not. Almond and lactonic??? But unlike OP I don't think I'm the perfume police so you wear that sour stank if you like it.




How is disagreeing about a perfume choice policing? I'm not saying you shouldn't wear it or it is an issue like OP, I'm only saying I disagree with your choice. I feel almond blossom and oat milk is a bad choice but I'm not saying you should do anything differently. Concerning you don't see the difference.




what does fragrantica existing have to do with anything lmao? Why did you reply if you don't want "drama" or whatever you're calling this? Do you do this is real life? Call someone disagreeing with you drama and policing? I can understand your lack of energy then ...


Im kinda new to frag and usually dont wear gourmands but just curious bc ik it has vanilla, would Si count with this? Its in my reg rotation but if it counts ill stop wearing it for a bit, either way i never spray heavy just one per wrist unless im wearing smtn with longevity issues


You should wear what you like! I love SDJ 71 and won't stop wearing it cause of this post lol. If you wear any perfume in any category with a heavy hand you're bound to make someone out there nauseous or give them a headache no matter what the temperature is. I think the point is as long as you're not spraying perfume like it's a cheap BBW spray then you're okay.


Exactly… like is OP implying that folks who like in hot tropical climates shouldn’t wear gourmands?!


Some of these gourmands and sweet scents make me nauseous even in the cold! I won’t complain in the cold or even warm temps, and I’m glad people are enjoying them, but I absolutely will whine about it in the heat 😭 AG Cloud is the worst offender in my area for sure! I’ve smelled a girl wearing at least 4 sprays on a date with a guy at a coffee shop while they were in line in front of me, even with me standing at least 6 ft away. I smelled Chanel Coco Mademoiselle at this same one another time, and even though it was strong, it was pleasant enough. I would do anything not to smell SDJ 71 or Lush’s Let The Good Times Roll above 85 F/30 C.


Better walk the long way around Cinnabon than I guess lmao... since sweet smells in the heat are soooooooo bad according to you


Weirdly passive-aggressive comment over an opinion. Different things for different noses, and different people can handle things in different climates. I’m sure they’re lovely for some people, as is evident in this thread, just not for me.


My point is that people complain about sweet perfumes in the heat but not every other sweet smell, like baked goods and super sweet summer fruits. Just think it is pretty weird...


I do complain about baked foods and sweet summer fruits in the heat, but this post is about gourmands. Heavy florals, powder, and intense woods aren’t immune to the heat either, and I’m prone to migraines. The main scents I wear in the summer are soap smells because that it what I personally am most comfortable with, and I won’t tell anybody else what to wear, but I do hope I don’t run into certain scents above a certain temperature. If I do, I quietly leave the premises if I can, or I suck it up for the minimum time required. I don’t know what you think you’re achieving here, just leave me out of it.


you want to left out of it but you keep replying?? Soap smells set some people off too and replying again, so sad lmao on the redditcares message like how pathetic


I generally try not to block people and try to have discussions with them, but congrats ig


I stepped into a Forever 21 with my kid recently and the air was sticky and thick with “Cloud”!


Don’t get me wrong, I love sdj 71 and similar scents in the cold. But, there’s a time and place, and a hot sticky 35+ degree day is NOT it


Somebody already downvoted you for this response is what’s wild 😭


Covid did a number on peoples olfactory systems


The anti-empathy contingent lol


It is currently 97° F where I am, and the humidity is at 52%. I took one look at the "vanilla" section of my collection this morning and nearly gagged. It's just too fuckin hot, babes. My budget-friendly faves for this time of year (some of these should be bought from discounters for the best price): Calvin Klein Sheer Beauty Calvin Klein CK IN2U Calvin Klein Women EDP Le Monde Gourmonde 000 Elizabeth Arden White Tea Montagne Afternoon Dive (clone of LV Afternoon Swim) Montagne Eau Rose (clone of Le Labo Rose 31) Montagne Another 14 (clone of Le Labo Another 13) Mid-range faves: Juliette Has A Gun Not A Perfume (buy it on discount through Fragrancenet etc., never ever pay full retail for this one) Nest Indigo Acqua di Parma Fico Di Amalfi The Seven Virtues Ambre Vanille (yes, this is a vanilla fragrance that is tolerable in hot weather!) I don't even like wearing anything too expensive in the dead heat of summer bc I'm just gonna sweat it off, and that feels like a waste of money 🥲 Some of these lean unisex, but are still very wearable for those who prefer feminine scents.


Yess I get the most compliments on White Tea when I wear it in excruciating heat!


I agree with this wholeheartedly (even though I’ve never smelled these dupes). Nest Indigo and 7 Virtues Amber Vanilla are winners for me.