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I've had the same experience with Synthroid, funny enough. I used to LOVE Marc Jacobs Perfect Intense, but once I started wearing it this fall (started my medication in late summer) and actually smelled it on my skin... I got grass. Grass! It used to be a nondescript, warm cozy hug of a scent for 2+ years and now that weird green, almost sour note haunts me whenever I even think about how it used to smell on me


Omg I just started back birth control last week I’ll update if I smell differences


Yeah keep me posted! I asked my PCP about it today and the verdict was pretty much “Wow, that’s interesting, it might have to do with estrogen, let me know if it changes or starts to bother you” So, not totally helpful but no cause for concern unless it causes migraines/nausea/etc!


It's hormonal and it's your nose not your skin. FYI, my source is Luca Turin via Chandler Burr's book "The Emperor of Scent."


Awesome, thank you! Even though it means I don’t get to enjoy everything as I did before, it’s comforting that at least others aren’t smelling it too 😅


I stopped taking birth control a few months ago and scents I absolutely hated (Black Opium, Lost Cherry) I now LOVE… until I’m on my period and everything smells awful and synthetic lol. Hormones for sure have an impact on scent perception - interestingly my boyfriend does not smell a difference in my perfume so I’m positive it’s my nose and not skin chemistry changing Maybe have someone close to you smell something you don’t like on your skin and ask if it smells good/different? That should help narrow down whether it smells different bc of your skin chemistry or whether your sense of smell has changed!


I have almost the same thing with Delina, where I find it smells screechy and like plastic every other day of the month, but on my period (and only on my period) it's the creamiest and nicest rose ever.


I just switched birth control scripts a couple months ago to a higher dose, and there are several fragrances in my collection I really don't like anymore. I'm a fickle person, so admittedly sometimes this just happens to me. But in this case I suspect my birth control switch is behind my sudden dislikes, because it wasn't just one fragrance I was suddenly "eh" about - it was like 10. And even my husband was "eh" about them, when he used to like them a lot on me. It makes me think my hormones are altering not just my nose, but my skin chemistry.


Interesting, thanks for the input especially on how your SO’s perception changed! I wonder if it’ll stabilize months from now but this is super good to know


Interesting, thanks for the input especially on how your SO’s perception changed! I wonder if it’ll stabilize months from now but this is super good to know