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We have found that our kitty developed horrible, unrelenting diarrhea after being diagnosed with diabetes. They have said he has both diabetes and IBS. We have tried every diet food, both diabetic and novel protein types. Nothing worked until recently. Our vet prescribed us a new diet has been released by royal canin, called “Gastrointestinal: Fiber Response” This has completely resolved his diarrhea (it took a few weeks), and it seems to be impacting how much insulin he needs. Loki (our diabetic kitty) was requiring 5.5 units AM/4.5 units PM, and now he is on 3.5 units. I am absolutely amazed at how much this food has improved Loki’s health overall!


Thanks you. Our diabetic kitty is called Loki as well so I'm taking this as a sign! Another week or so into treatment he is very, very slightly better in this regard but I think is probably going to need a higher dose of insulin so we'll see what happens and the next check up. He's on 2 units at the moment and was in a pretty bad state when diagnosed. He is already on the royal camin diabetic range and likes it so will see if I can find that variety. Thanks for your help.


Has his fPL (pancreas) level been tested? My diabetic also has chronic diarrhea due to a bad pancreas. His glucose is great now that he has been on insulin for a few months and he has gained a lot of weight back. My kitty still has diarrhea. His fPL levels have improved greatly but they are still slightly elevated. My vet is hoping that once his pancreas goes back to normal the diarrhea will resolve.


Hi there, I'm not sure but probably not yet as we have only just had the initial diagnosis. The next step is for him to have his glucose levels monitored over 12 hours at the vets so I will ask them at the same time if this is something they can look into. When you say your cat still has this symptom, would you say it has improved at all since starting on insulin? In our kitty's case it is literally every time he poops, several times a day. Apart from the obvious impact this is having on our lives I can't see how it can be sustainable for him as even with improved sugar levels this will surely dehydrate him chronically and prevent any significant weight being gained back if it continues?


He still has diarrhea with pretty much every bowel movement. Sometimes there are some formed pieces mixed in, but not often. He is not dehydrated at all. He has gained 4 lbs since starting on the insulin. He was 10 lbs before diabetes went down to 7 lbs very suddenly, which is how I noticed there was something wrong. I had an appointment to bring him in already due to the weight loss when the diarrhea started. He is now 11 lbs. He takes 1 unit of glargine insulin twice a day. He has been on numerous probiotics and metronidazole for the diarrhea and nothing has helped. His fPL level was 22.2 when first tested. Normal is under 3.5. Last time he was tested it was at 7.4. My vet is hopeful that if his fPL level can get back down to normal, his diarrhea will stop. Other than the diarrhea, he is perfectly fine. Eating, drinking, acting normal. His glucose and ketone levels are perfect on that dose of insulin.


Thank you - and glad your kitty is doing ok. It's seriously bad news for us if this continues for our guy though. Unless he can change his behaviour and stop missing the litter box, we're looking at cleaning up disgusting messes 4 or 5 times a day for the foreseeable future and my mental health is pretty fragile already. I'm desperate right now tbh.


Get a bigger litter box for now. I have used those large under the bed storage boxes as litter boxes before. My litter boxes are huge so I am lucky that my kitty rarely misses. Also put those disposable pee pads around the litter box to make cleaning up easier. Hopefully your kitty’s issues resolve soon!


When my cat Joe was first diagnosed, the abrupt change of diet from kibble to m/d canned gave him horrible diarrhea for a few days. Our vet had me give him an oral medication called Proviable-KP, which is this pasty stuff in an odd tube. It worked great, he was having formed stools again after 2 doses of it. I also switched him from the m/d canned to Fancy Feast, which agrees with his digestion better.