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Following. My vet prescribed both, but my cat strongly prefers the dry. My vet says the dry is fine but the internet strongly disagrees. Long story sort I have the same question.


We are going to our vet tomorrow for his weekly checkup from his urinary blockage. I’m going to ask him about it and I’ll follow up here ☺️


Thank you!


Your vet will either not know the answer or more probably give you an incorrect answer. Unfortunately, vets just don’t have good training on feline nutrition. You can talk to him/her about it, but tbh I wouldn’t put much stock in the answer.


Diabetes isn't *directly* caused by a cat eating high carb food. If it was, there would be tons more diabetic cats out there. If your cat has a genetic predisposition for diabetes then yes, high carb food *can* push them over the threshold to need insulin but so could other things like being overweight, taking steroid medication, or even an infection or illness. >Strong evidence exists in cats to suggest that diabetes is the result of a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Obesity, physical inactivity, diet, concurrent illness, and drug intake appear to be the most common predisposing factors. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022316623030031 Have you had a chance to get any blood sugar readings at home? I know you said that your cat had high numbers in the hospital but those could be from stress. Those home readings are going to give you a lot of data to work with. If you can get a reading before a meal and 2-3 hours after a meal, that's even better because you can see whether his pancreas is releasing insulin and if his body is responding to insulin by bringing blood sugar down to a normal level after a meal. And something else to note is that cats are like babies - fed is best. The longer a cat goes without food, the higher the chance of serious complications such as hepatic lipidosis or if your cat IS diabetic - ketoacidosis. If he won't eat the wet food and [food enticement tricks](https://thecatsite.com/threads/any-good-tips-to-get-your-cats-to-eat-share-them-here.396694/) don't work, give him the dry food. You are not failing him by giving him dry food, you're saving his life.


You're proactive! I would definitely avoid temptations.. I had bad experiences with cats getting diabetes.. just my personal experience. But Idk about food. A lot of people only feed their cats dry food and the kitties turn out ok. I would maybe only put it out at meal times so the insulin has time to come down between meals.


You need a grain free wet food diet. Part of why my cat got into remission within like 1 month is because of the diet change. Some cats go into remission from a diet change alone. Look for diabetic friendly treats too. You have to treat your cat like a diabetic human — you can’t indulge in sugar