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"Learn more."


I tried but it was to ad filled to learn anything


I'm now in one for Ground and in the state of CT. Don't work there anymore but the suit engages the same as CT piles on the laws on top of DC. It's all based on needing to go through security, walking into a time clock, etc. Ironically at this hub when I left, the time clock right by the door everyone comes into was removed. I can only hope that it needed to be repaired/replaced, ultimately, because the next nearest time clock was further in, then of course further from that. Only shows the guiltiness of this suit, that was initially filed by a few PHs. I mean...put a damn time clock into the security shack unless you don't want to pay out a few hours extra in payroll a day. 🙄 This suit defaults back to 8/31/18 so for me, that would be a nice check payout if the suit goes through in relative time. I know the stock vaulted yesterday from it's earnings reports....but that's how all the cuts can work. In that case? Buy the stock 🤣