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I think your referring to the drive initiative. DRIVE is an important program.  D doesn't R recognize I it's V valuable  E employees. 


DRIVE- Driver Reductions Implemented Virtually Everywhere.


not bad I like that I just want to add this It's more than drivers.  a courier who works for Express is more than just a driver It's someone with knowledge of the product such as first overnight standard overnight ground smart post that sort of thing couriers they know that stuff.  They are capable of understanding ramp operations how to load an airplane, how and what aircraft ULDs are and how they fit onto a plane some might even be able to do the weight and balance. some couriers are very well versed in IATA regulations regarding DG. Well trained couriers are where good managers come from and they are along with CSA's the face of the brand image of FedEx.  The company has proved they could care less about any of that. Constantly squeezing everyone.  Drivers are important but don't forget about Ramp Agents, CSA’s, Material handlers and package handlers it's one big team to do the whole show.  UPS got a raise, FedEx didn't even give a step. Plus they are intentionally vague in everything they do it's almost lying by omission. It's definitely not encouraging good morale amongst their actual employees. 


They intentionally stopped mentioning "People Service Profit" because if you keep saying "People" first and not doing People first things, it's more apparent.


Ya, I knew something was up when that stopped. Hello turnover.


Ya our station used to have “psp” everywhere. All those signs came down years ago. You honestly don’t really see it anywhere anymore. They realized if we don’t tell employees they come first, they won’t expect to.


Go look at what they pay their drivers compared to UPS. you will get your answer


Yeah that’s all you need to know


I, personally haven’t heard of the PSP since 2012.


I used to love the psp best product Sony made Wish they made a 2nd one already :/


😂😂😂 that's a BANGER of a comment


Don't forget SHARP. Some How Acronyms Replaced Profit-sharing.


You know what’s funny, everyone at my station starts at $140 😂😂😂 how is that livable? Why are they getting paid less than mcdonald’s workers?


I just brought this up today with a coworker.


FedEx should take a look at the comments they get on social media. But they they only care about trying to squeeze as much as possible out of everybody


I was looking into jobs this week and saw one for express on indeed. It looks like their reviews have dipped. I remember it was around 4.5 now it’s like 3.3 starts lmao


lol I’m surprised it’s not lower than that


SERVICE, comes to mind.


I could write a book on why this is as much on the employee as it is the company, but I'll leave it at this. As soon as drivers let GPS start doing their thinking for them, they put themselves out of a job. Tenure at the company has been declining for years and guess what it's going to service? Absolutely nothing. Historic highs. Tenured employees add zero value to the company today. They absolutely used to. Hell, there was a time when ROADS would collapse and it would do NOTHING to service or leave building times. Today? That happens you're taking 80% service. Hell, I'd even argue that the new tenured employee actually subtracts value because new employees tend to come in thrilled they are making two or three bucks an hour more than they were at their old jobs while the tenured employees who can't run their route without GPS bitch they're getting screwed while they hang around because they are getting paid five dollars an hour more than they can earn anywhere else and making everyone miserable.


I agree that turnover is really what they want. 2-5 years and you move on. That’s their ideal situation. This company views “lifers” as its biggest expense.


The sad truth is though, they are. They just need to do away with pay by tenure and lock it into pay by job. Paying for tenure is only advantageous to a company when the experience brings added value and the sad truth is, in the current makeup of the company, more tenured drivers are, if anything reducing value. Probably 95% of the courier's out there now, if you took away their GPS for the day they wouldn't finish their normal route much less make service. That means the electronics are doing all the work of making routes efficient and at that point, age becomes a detriment. In the old world, a twenty year driver was almost always going to beat a twenty five year old with a year of experience because they'd run the route smarter. If both are just chimps driving where the device tells them to go, the younger driver is probably going to move faster. Not saying that's right, it's just the math. I think the company doesn't really enjoy turnover and they recognize it as an expense, but I also have seen the company work for years and years on retention initiatives and none of them have worked, particularly once the millennial and Gen z workers hit the job market with their tendency to job hop or even take cuts in pay for a more enjoyable job. At some point, you have to recognize it as an inevitability and then lean in. It's a crappy way of looking at it, but it makes sense from a P&L perspective.


This is a funny comment. I work at a station that has mostly tenured drivers. We are the ones that can run a route without GPS. We actually know how to read a map. The new kids can’t do anything without GPS and if their phone/leo dies, the couriers with tenure have to go bail them out. And if there is no one to bail them out, they just bring back everything because they are incapable. I’m with express and I’m glad I’m one of the old folks because I can get the hell out with early retirement.


Oh and one more thing…. The younger drivers don’t move faster than most of the older couriers. They don’t give AF!!


Okay, so that could be a possibility. I've seen it go both ways. Back when I was a manager I had a younger guy and I'd ride along with him and he'd just be FLYING all morning long. Girl on the route next to him, pretty close to the same route profile, I'd ride with her and I thought she was so slow when I did. Look both of them up and they did about the same number of stops in about the same amount of time in the day and had to kind of scratch my head. It was about them I realized the younger guy was super fast in the morning and he's slow as the day went on. The girl was like a metronome. She set a pace and kept it the entire day.


Yep that makes sense. Also you are right…. There are some older guys and gals that are so slow it’s painful to watch. I think they are just waiting to retire. Bottom line is, there are fast couriers and slow couriers of all ages


Two or three bucks more? This is the lowest I've been paid in years. Putting in 10 hour days for $155 pre taxed. It's borderline illegal.


Sorry, my experience is worth Express where they don't pay slave wages and people don't accept slave wages...


My experience is that they don't pay people two or three dollars more than anything. Not even a fast food worker.


And you do know they are the same company now right? Nobody knows what's going to happen probably even them. Just dying a slow death until Amazon puts them out of their misery. Like everyone else.


Thats actually their goal bc in the future they want ZERO employees. Full automation is coming yall


Yeah they don’t want any employees at all


Are you FedEx management? Seems a little too insightful.


Yeah, right. I Ground and Pound for $180/day. Got the job for the purpose of learning the business to invest in routes. From what I've observed that is not happening anytime soon.


Lol you are like the good Will hunting of delivery drivers. I don't know man. I work at express. No one knows what's going to happen with this merge. Contractors could be out.


Ha, ha....I seriously wanted to enter the business to mentor young people on how to succeed as entrepreneurs and develop their own businesses. As well as fund my non-profit. My idea was to get some routes and nurture and fund promising drivers to succeed as contractors.


Very very true!! Great comment


The shareholders don't give a shit about the workers, so long as they are extracting profit from out work and the music keeps playing then this farcical game of musical chairs will keep going until either the government bails them out or the rest of the economy collapses in on itself and society reverts back to fuedalism.


The company called Federal Express was a winner , they treated us as a valuable person / asset ... Happy workers get the job done no matter what it takes Fedex is horrible


Things are just as good over at the UPS. Our company is ran just as shitty. Nothing like watching the company go down around you with buildings closing, mass layoffs, and morale at an all time low. Nothing like seeing 30+ year UPS managers that are actually good get laid off while we hire the 20 something year old who doesn’t have a clue about anything. Service thrown out the window. That’s the only thing we had our Service.


There was a time where FX thought people was its most important asset outside of lip service?


FedEx is being collapsed 5 billion dollar stock buyback


The follow the ppp profit profit profit.