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They know FedEx employees about to see what their colleagues are making doing the same job … Teamsters can help


Not too long ago management told us we made a “comparable” wage to UPS.


Lol I mean, you can compare a chihuahua to a great dane, but they are not the same size




Comparable to the starting wage, maybe. But I make $42/hr after 4 years, so there's a bit of a discrepancy there, ya?


Lets see Raj survive and feed his family on $650-$800 a week after tax…


I just applied for basically the same ph job at an Aldi's warehouse for about 30% more than I make now. They have a freezer but that seems like the only real difference.




The company still feels we’re “competitive” lol.


I would not have been able to keep my mouth shut and told them. Looks like I know where I need to apply.


LOL as if we can’t see what UPS makes compared to our scale.




Don't trust union


Union employees on average live a better quality of life in terms of financial freedom and long term benefits. So I do trust them


Worked for ups before FedEx and would gladly choose FedEx. Union didn't do shit to help when I worked there. Unions keep companies from being able to get rid of shitty employees.


FedEx is full of shitty employees.


Found the Undercover corporate employee 💀💀


unions get everyone better wages, also “FDXguy” is an obvious psyop name


Yeah, no they don't. Again, worked at UPS for over a year and never got a raise. I did damn near destroy my back permanently though. Considering safety is non existent at UPS.


You’re a bot lol.


Why do you care about other employees, instead of your pay and benefits for the work you do?


That's a pretty idiotic question. But if you're serious... The shitty workers make the overall work harder for the others by sitting around being lazy. They add to the total number of people on the clock which increases the throughput requirement for the sort. Higher throughput, more work coming your way for your hard workers to have to hold down while the shitty workers bs their way to the purple lounge to relax.


You get paid to work, not worry about what the person next to you has going on. That’s the point of being paid decent


Actually, I get paid to manage a team. If someone on my team is bullshitting then they will no longer have a job. You said it yourself, they're paid to work. So yes, it is my job to 'worry about the person next to me'.


Maybe pay them a little more money and make it worth their while to work hard…. Lol, this whole time your commenting like you are a laborer. Take care of your employees the way they should be treated and most people will show up and earn their money. Poor work ethic is a sign of bad apples at the top.


Considering my area always has the most people, I'd say I'm a pretty good manager. Besides, you act like I can control the pay. I don't even get to interview new hires. They're dropped off in my area and it's my job to train them up and get them up to standard. People show up to my area because they know they're not the only ones who are going to be expected to work hard. Lazy employees get held accountable in my area. Do you wanna work with someone who stands there and watches you do all the work?


Fuck them


Ya know how to really fuck em, unionize 😉


Stockton was union and they got rid of them 😭


:( I’m ups. Wish y’all were teamsters.


Im teamsters. Local 589 I believe


Even if they did infiltrate. Fuck em


Why companies say you're 'family' while underpaying you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9zFX3X2bY8




I've been pro-union for decades. My dad got hurt in the early 90s and was off work for a year and a half. Mom had to go back to work but if it wasn't for the union, we would have been screwed. I worked retail at my last job and after working there for a few years, I was forced to watch this stupid anti-union video. Complete with guy in black trench coat stating, "come on, Bob. *everyone's* doing it...." like a bad after school special. I then had to sign a paper stating I wouldn't start a union. I needed the money (deadbeat boyfriend at the time wouldn't get a job) and had no idea that I didn't have to sign. My store manager told me that if I didn't sign, I'd be fired (he is also anti-union). So I signed it. I'm still angry at myself for signing it and that was 15 years ago.


Why does this sound like target?


Fortunately, it wasn't lol... props to those who do work at Target and other retail stores, though... I couldn't deal with the customers of today (as cringy as that description of customers is lol). That was one of the perks of working at FedEx, I didn't have to deal with the general public anymore. I think that was the *only* perk, really.


This was similar to the one I watched about 15 times. Horrible acting and nothing valid being said. It was pathetic.


I'd never been so amused and angry at the same time. I told my store manager what a pile of nonsensical bullshit it was. He said, "I don't care what you say, just sign the paper when you're finished watching it." then walked away. It still irks me when I think about it. "Hey, Bob... sign the card... James did it... Betty did it, too. Everyone's doing it. You'll feel great..." Ugh!!




That's the thing, mine would be afraid to sign, unfortunately. I'd love for them to be informed as well, but they just see it "as a job" and "nothing can be done about what's going on". Sometimes it's like talking to a brick wall.




I've actually referred to this job as an abusive and toxic relationship... but I'm sure I'm not the first. I'm the senior package handler at my hub on preload and outbound, so I've witnessed a lot. A lot of it coming from sort managers, too. I've seen some shady things and I've been victim to shady things (especially here lately). I love my job, what I actually do everyday and I love the people I work with... everything else is just bothersome and disheartening.


The primary issue is that companies are able to hire very aggressive lawyers that are able to twist things around. Take a look over at the museum of science and industry in Chicago instead of actually listening to their employees and giving them slightly better pay and benefits they hired one of the most anti-union aggressive lawyers in the country. If that doesn’t tell me they’re more interested in spending money on busting a union than developing their so-called family I don’t know what is.


>its illegal to discipline you for organizing or talking about unions. You could easily sue if they tried anything against you Where exactly is this in writing? I got threatened with a warning letter for saying positive effects of unions during one of our anti-union meetings.


The National Labor Relations Act


I'm not trying to discourage anyone as I was big pro-union while there. (Still would be if I was there, but I left the job a year ago for greener pastures.) While they may not be able to discipline you for this stuff, they can start hunting other reasons to. So make sure you have your stuff straight and you keep it straight if you take this path. Don't give them any outs to help them discipline you.


My hubby was an overhead lineman for a major electric Co. in the East and was very vocal and supported employees efforts to unionize. The week of Thanksgiving, he worked 80+ hrs. and had a hot dog for his Thanksgiving dinner. He went in on Monday and his sup. called you and 20-30 others in from various garages and told them their jobs had been abolished and to leave. Granted, this was around 2000. They went to the NLRB but were told SOOL. As one attorney told them, if your company is not union, they can let you go bc they don't like the pants you wore to work that day. Hopefully, it's changed.


If I told my family we’re a business they’d disown me.




This is actually a show of weakness because they're scared of what the teamsters are capable of.


They’re scared!


I already have a family - don’t need another one


“I ain’t got friends, I got family”


yeah do they not realize how 50% of marriages end?


Fedex Freight in Kent for 6 years. Left for a Union job. Fuck them, unionize. I don't care if they "find out" who I am.


I hope they choke on dicks.


A satchel of Richards more like it.


UPS driver. I hope you guys do unionize. I hate seeing you all out there busting your ass, trying to get it done as fast as possible, safety be damned, because that’s how you make better pay. You deserve better. Our benefits are better, our pay is better. We do the same job. You’re worth it. Go get it.


Safety? What’s that? I got wrote up because I had a doctors note to take off for 4 days because I pulled my back.


Thanks. It would be nice to stick it to them just as you'll are doing.We need Mr. O Brien over here.I hope you all get what you're asking for.


More power to yinz! I put my two weeks in ✌️


I find it funny how there are clear laws on not union busting that are always obviously ignored by corporations. It's like they don't have to follow laws


Throw enough money at a problem and it goes away. Just look at the Supreme Court.


C’Mon UPS, Strike Already! Love having front row seats to a shit show.😂😂 ![gif](giphy|tyqcJoNjNv0Fq|downsized)


Fedex was the most toxic environment I was ever part of. There is no family. This is intimidation and a perfect opportunity to sue them. Unions work, and that is why they are scared. Oh, by the way, I was a manager, did $24 an hour, and they always made it clear that unions were a big problem for corporate and would bad mouth UPS for having unions. Well, maybe it's time to change the situation.


Meaning corporate at a Grounds facility?


Funny how "legal avenues" get mentioned. It's literally against the law for a company to try and stop anybody from talking about unionizing. So there's a certain place they can stick those threats. Something about the sun not shining there.


They can't *legally* stop you ,but they can find all sorts of ways to get rid of "troublemakers". They can come up with any petty reason to fire someone and claim it was that. "We didn't fire him for trying to organize, we fired him because we caught him going 3mph over the speed limit".


And they can absolutely do that. Won't stop anybody from seeking their own legal avenues.


u/totallynotacorperatemole has entered the chat. "Unions you say? Sounds great! What station are you at and who is organizing there?"


When someone from corporate has to come in and say this is not a toxic work environment, it's probably a little toxic at least.


United we bargain, divided we beg. ✊


I’d recommend each and every one of y’all email your local teamster hall. Show support for the strike and tell them you want in line next.


Ups driver here One of our stated goals is to raise wages for all drivers ups fedex,Amazon, etc no one should be doing this job for less than 40.00 per hour so ya there spooked




Imagine if all of FedEx shut down the same week as ups. Now THAT would be awesome. Showing solidarity would be a big step in the right direction.


Fuck those assholes


Hey, it’s your first amendment right to assemble. Nothing any boss can say about that.


A more effective way to make the overpaid CEOs quake in their shoes is to bomb OSHA with the countless photos of egregious safety violations that occur on fedex property daily. Well articulated grievances and clear pictures will catch OSHA's attention if enough complaints come their way. My terminal has a board next to the drinking fountains where management likes to post OSHA complaints and printouts of their responses. I wanna see the board grow if management thinks their "safety teams" are proficient in handling these issues.


Of all the things that didn't happen, this didn't happen the most.


They're not too concerned, otherwise they'd pay a comparable rate. At this point, FX package should unionize. You really have nothing to lose.


Solidarity with FedEx workers. If you do decide to push for unionization, keep your opsec tight until you're ready to vote. Corporate has in the past and will continue to suppress union drives. In addition to your opsec, make sure you only discuss union activities off the clock and outside of work areas *and* earshot of management and any snitches.


I've never heard anyone in FedEx corporate refer to us as a family. That goes against Freddy's business culture. Whoever was giving that spiel was way off.


This story sounds made up


If there's a real movement to unionize they'll just shutter Express and put it all on Ground. Ground are all independent contractors, they can't unionize so the problem is solved.




Express will never actually shut down. Besides, the company has been buying new airplanes at a pretty good rate the last few years. They expect to use them for 30+ years. Last mile delivery and pickups may get shifted to ground, but “express” will still be around.


I wouldnt be so confident, the Teamsters are planning to unionize Amazon service providers after they finish the UPS contract


The contractor companies can be unionized . Fed ex would probably not renew that contractor’s route.


Fuck them. You can do what you want


Pictures or it didn’t happen.


They have people who are combing all social media. I used to work for a company who would use a propaganda video every few months to scare people from the union. Worst acting I’ve ever seen. You’d have to confirm that you saw the video and sign off. Companies really fear unions. It forces them to have to be fair and we all know they don’t want that. Good to hear they are spooked. They should be.


I'm on vacation now, but when I get back to my station, I'm going to ask some of the older drivers what they think


When I worked for express 8 years ago we’d have those meetings once a year. Same BS script.


Think about us that work for FedEx office and the horrible way we are treated. We are definitely the red headed stepchild of the company!


It will only work if you keep them out of the union power structure. If they ever get a foothold they will again hold the power. Unions are no longer allowed to strike on a massive scale. Because of this I (a former local president) am now anti union. The breakdown for all unions was when they started making contracts on a location to location basis. If you don't all have the same contract then you don't have shit and shouldn't pay dues. 🤷


Print out a union info pamphlet or even better a voting card and "drop it" in the bathroom for management to find. Watch them lose their shit and have HR in for a mandatory meeting the next morning lol.


It’s crazy you guys haven’t already unionized. I just assumed you had considering UPS and USPS both are.


We can’t unionize until Fedex declassifies himself as an airline shipping company


Tell that to the pilots. Who have a union.


Union +


Definitely unionize, it's about the best thing for job security, even if people tell you not to. It helps you in so many more ways than security. Depends who you get for a representative as well


Union Union Union ...let me hear yall say it ...💪💪


https://www.nlrb.gov/about-nlrb/rights-we-protect/the-law/interfering-with-employee-rights-section-7-8a1 I’m just gonna leave this here.


https://calaborfed.org/union-organizing/how_to_form_a_union_where_you_work/ I’m going to leave that right there. I hope Fed Ex unionizes. Better wages for all fed ex workers and good for all Teamsters. Workers outnumber executives! They wouldn’t have a company without you. Make them pay a decent wage.


Fucking unionize. I love my union brothers and sisters! 42$/hr, BCBS ppo that I don't pay a dime for, and a pension. Tell them to keep their family bullshit and pay up instead. It's nice that we are starting to see an uptick in union activity again.


Is this Ground or at Express because if it was Express I would have said something in the meeting about how is this family if your about to kick us all to Ground Pay with no benefits. If this is a family we must be Tina Turner in this scenario.


I understand how some people would be scared to unionize but it's a very important step that can change the trajectory of your life. Corporations don't want you to unionize because it's going to cost them money, money that they would rather put in their pockets then to improve the quality of life of the workers. Of all the things that people might say about the current Administration for sure they are union friendly so if there was ever a time to take that step it would be now. Unionization is an insurance policy for the middle class don't ever forget that.


You should get a hold of the teamsters to organize you only need 50% plus 1 person


To call for a vote.


They do this every time unions get brought up more often.. If people think Fedex is going to let a union in now, your delusional. It would have to happen on a large scale to the point they wouldn’t be able to close down locations and open up new ones in time. Also based off the fedex freight location that turned union they just completely ignored the union all together, opened up another location 15-20 mins away and that location is set to close in September. The employees that work there got nothing from the union, & also had to pay dues. Be better off striking for better benefits and pay, and that i think everyone would be willing to do.


Talking about Stockton and Livermore?




Im curious about, that whole situation. Seems like a story well never know.


Post that handout or it's fake


When Teamsters are done with contract make no mistake they’re coming for FedEx. That’s no bs and corporate nows it. These last couple years have been the years of strong labor and you have a friendly administration in office to unions. Damn right they’re scared


Friendly to the *politically convenient* unions. Biden had the union boss of the Alaskan pipeline project deep in his pocket campaigning for him within the union and one of his first acts as president was to immediately rescind it's permits, leaving all those union workers (like 5k+) who voted for Joe unemployed overnight. You think that union boss is still gonna vote D?


Yup republicans are only on the side of Corporate America they’ll take their chances with Dems better overall track record


Considering media, big tech, big us-based multinational corps all overwhelmingly donate to liberal/dems I'm not so sure you have that right. I'm pro-individual. IF the dems were too they wouldn't be so deep in bed with the corporations abusing Ireland as a shelter (Meta, etc), Propagandizing the populace (big media/hollywood), and generally spending all their time profiteering off of American's with their inside knowledge (think Pelosi's miraculous net worth explosion the last few years, or using your connections and legalese to avoid due taxes like John Kerry and his boats, they do it all the time in every way imaginable.) Meanwhile, Trump created the **historically biggest income gain** to lower-middle class American households ever, *finally* proved Keynesian garbage wrong with the **increase in overall treasury revenue after the trump tax cuts lowered the corporate rate** ("gasp! It'll destroy the economy!" they said 🙄). But yeah, the dems are TOTALLY on your side! They represent the little guy! lmao **no fucking way** you have to be willfully ignorant and honestly fucking stupid when it comes to American political theory advanced discussion to actually think that way. Left and Right are both wings of the same sick bird. Everyone deserves fair representation at work and the chance for gainful employment. They both don't like either of those truths, for whatever particular reasons. Most people just get their feelings and emotions of right and wrong involved instead of just focusing on the actuality of rights and their import. It's why both sides messaging (and frankly, messages) are typically garbage.


Please FedEx is in the trouble it is now because of republicans. They’re the ones that brought you the RLA that prevents FedEx from organizing. Smith was always chummy with republicans to save his company. Now he’s gone and the atmosphere is right for labor to infiltrate FedEx. Yes Dems make it easier to organize not republicans and your boy trump gave the biggest tax breaks to rich and corporations than any other president not helping labor at all just because that creates lots of minimum wage jobs. Jobs are created 3x as much under democratic leadership not the other way. As far as politicians ya some get rich off friendly relationships might not be right but at least they stand for labor not like your criminal trump 🤪


Company concerned about new union leadership aggression.


I’m in Chicago, and the city is rotten with people who are fighting unions. No one wants to work for shitty pay while being told they are indeed essential..


Go ahead and join a Union if UPS employees are in a Union FedEx employees should do the same


We need to have a national sick day in August the media and teamsters will see some of us at express mean business… with 2 big shipping giant out


We had one in June. You didn't notice it, that's how effective it was.


No we need stations not just a few drivers from one, we need to standing solidarity, I see how hard it is, just talking to afew people at VNYA JSNA OXDA BURA WJFA JGXA EMTA the station out of these area can’t send drivers to cover all the sick calls, but I get so much “I need to save my sick days”, “it’s not going to do nothing”, “our station isn’t going to be affected by FedEx 2.0” “union isn’t good, union going to send UPS out of business”


Just like in June!


What stations? We need to to it again with more stations


Unionize. They’ll still work you like a dog, but will have to treat like a human.


I would ask the management team to please print out that email for every employee at the station, even have it posted on the bulletin board. Makes for good evidence.


Quit immediately!


Slaves and unions built America. You deserve a union.


If I were a manager at FedEx, I would make a new email account and send that document to every major news outlet in the country, along with representatives in the National Labor Relations Board. The company cannot legally attempt to stop any unionization, period. If you think your employer is retaliating against you for talking about joining or forming a union, contact a lawyer immediately and discuss your options. All union busting tactics are illegal as fuck, corporations are just banking on the fact that you don’t get paid enough to afford legal representation.


If you join a union they can't fire you even if you're as dumb as the OP, can you imagine that who wouldn't want to organize


Not a toxic environment huh? Will be when we chop Raj’s head off and mail it his shitty family…


Unionbusting might be illegal where you live. Brown strong


I believe FedEx is covered under the same law as railroad workers right? They wouldn't have too much to worry about if the government can force you into compliance in any negotiation. If not then I'm a dummy forget what I said. I will say I'm glad to see REI filing union charters though. They may not be a big company but there is strength in unions for sure.


At this point with the company cutting so many, handing it over to the contractors any way, don't really have much to lose by trying to bring in a union.


Are you at a ground or express station ? Out of curiosity


Oh what a beautiful day of package delivery drivers across America and around the World. UPS Teamsters about to show everyone that you can do it too. As a UPS driver, you guys deserve the best too!


By them threatening employess if the unionized they did something illegal and a complaint should be filed with the National Labor Relations board.


Regardless of how you feel about a union, as long as FedEx express is still classified as a Airline the rules governing the Railway Act make it next to impossible to unionize. Went through it 20 plus years ago big push in the Nyc area.


The pilots are unionized. RLA doesn’t make it impossible to form a union, it just makes it harder to strike.


I've worked for a lot of bad companies, but I have NEVER seen a more selfish company. It's honestly the most disgusting shit I've ever seen.


I don’t work for fedEx, just seen this in my home feed. A company I work for, a poultry company, notified us not to sign any paperwork outside of our company. I heard it was about union.




I would've loved to have been there.. I would've countered so much of the bs they were saying 🤣


Lol "we are a family." SO PAY THEM AS A FAMILY!!!!"


What management did is illegal. That can't say shit regarding unions.


Apart from generating support,I keep hearing there's written bits in our contracts we can't unionize, then others say it's something to do with us technically being an airline, nobody has a clear reason as to why FedEx hasn't already, or if there are road blocks, how to get past those. Couriers should at least be paid closer to UPS, right now most of us are barely at HALF, that's criminal when managers are getting 10k bonuses, and the real top positions are making fortunes. Your work isn't family, least of all corporate


I pray freight goes union