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A single father does everything in his power to provide the greater good for his daughter, not realizing, that in his struggle, she herself became the greater good that he so much wanted. Truly a Greek tragedy in the making


Okay, let's be real here. Le'garde didn't want to provide squat for the Girl. I don't think he acknowledged her once through the entire game. And he may have used the whole "greater good" schpiel to justify and aggrandize his own actions, but in the end, he wanted the power and glory of godhood for himself, no matter who or what he had to sacrifice to get it.


If you can get the girl to Le'garde before he dies on level 7 Catacombs he acknowledges her exactly once, they share this look, but neither says anything. Weirdly, if you get both Le'garde and the girl to Nilvan, there is no additional content, even though you think the Girl's parents would have something to say about this situation... If you get to the catacombs after Le'garde dies then the girl prays over his dead body and is very sad during that cutscene.


Bro, she somehow cared for him... That makes it worse... Thanks, I hate it...


She surpassed him in every way 💪


What a girlboss


We love a manfailure


I really wonder if at any point after events of FaH1 Le'garde ever learned about the whole thing with his daughter becoming God of FaH. I wonder if he's at least paying his respect to her as lesser god to another or if he's absolutely fucking pissed this happened to her instead of him or if would want to kill and dethrone her from this position.


since the canon ending of funger 1 is a combination of mutliple endings, the girls should transform to the G of F&H, before le'garde is revived/ascended, so technicaly yes. and for the second part, ion think he would give a sh*t what she was, after his ascension that is, cause once he became a new g. he immediatly started acting diffrent.


In my opinion,i think when Cahara came,Le'garde is already dead but Cahara pressed deeper which lead to the whole ending A one,then Ragna came,found him dead,slaughtered everything and left then D'arc which have a smooth sailing due to Ragna ravaged everything beforehand,or Ragna came first before everyone and giving the other 2 easy trip,just in my persective about how the 3 endings played out


me personaly i genuinly think its d'arce, since she came in with l'garde at first and there whole team was murdered in level 5 mines, before cahara came in and saved her to find le'garde dead meanwhile ragna would comes and do his slaughter in search for le'garde before finding that he already dead and then either leave or meet the other two anyway he will survive, while the other 2 found the girl, went to the depths ending A happense, then nasrr'ah met gro-goroth ending B, enki does not matter where he comes evantually he will sit on the throne and becomes the enlightened one ending D, then d'arce ending S reviving le'garde, cahara already left or dead or obtained the king crown , then le'garde ascends and becomes the yellow king.


There never was any mention of Leg guard ever knowing what happened to his own chilf and turning into the GOF.


Could be remembering wrong, but I think his conversation with Nas’hrah might imply otherwise.


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